blob: 86fd8534f3016526daec17460c9f784ebde1a879 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict'
var request = require('request'),
helpers = require('../helpers'),
UsergridResponse = require('../lib/response'),
UsergridQuery = require('../lib/query'),
util = require('util'),
ok = require('objectkit'),
_ = require('lodash')
var UsergridRequest = function(options) {
if (!_.isString(options.type)) {
throw new Error('"type" (collection name) parameter is required when making a request')
var headers = helpers.userAgent
var UsergridAuth = require('../lib/auth')
if (ok(options).getIfExists('auth.isValid')) {
// Checks if an auth param was passed to the request and uses the token if applicable
_.assign(headers, {
authorization: util.format("Bearer %s", options.auth.token)
} else if (options.client.authFallback === UsergridAuth.AuthFallback.APP && ok(options).getIfExists('client.appAuth.isValid')) {
// If auth-fallback is set to APP, this request will make a call using the application token
_.assign(headers, {
authorization: util.format("Bearer %s", options.client.appAuth.token)
request(, options), {
headers: headers,
body: options.body,
json: true,
method: options.method,
qs: (options.query instanceof UsergridQuery) ? {
ql: options.query._ql || undefined,
limit: options.query._limit,
cursor: options.query._cursor
} : undefined
}, function(error, response) {
var usergridResponse = new UsergridResponse(response)
options.callback(error || usergridResponse.error, usergridResponse, usergridResponse.entities)
module.exports = UsergridRequest