blob: 33e21a07ca963eeb3b11f0f86a9e1723122ccfca [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tomcat.test.watchdog;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
* An object which represents an HTTP cookie. Can be constructed by
* parsing a string from the set-cookie: header.
* Syntax: Set-Cookie: NAME=VALUE; expires=DATE;
* path=PATH; domain=DOMAIN_NAME; secure
* All but the first field are optional.
* @author Ramesh.Mandava
public class HttpCookie {
private Date expirationDate = null;
private String nameAndValue;
private String path;
private String domain;
private boolean isSecure = false;
private static boolean defaultSet = true;
private static long defExprTime = 100;
public HttpCookie(String cookieString) {
System.out.println("Calling default expiration :");
// Constructor for use by the bean
public HttpCookie(Date expirationDate,
String nameAndValue,
String path,
String domain,
boolean isSecure) {
this.expirationDate = expirationDate;
this.nameAndValue = nameAndValue;
this.path = path;
this.domain = domain;
this.isSecure = isSecure;
public HttpCookie(URL url, String cookieString) {
* Fills in default values for domain, path, etc. from the URL
* after creation of the cookie.
private void applyDefaults(URL url) {
if (domain == null) {
domain = url.getHost()+":"+((url.getPort() == -1) ? 80 : url.getPort());
if (path == null) {
path = url.getFile();
// larrylf: The documentation for cookies say that the path is
// by default, the path of the document, not the filename of the
// document. This could be read as not including that document
// name itself, just its path (this is how NetScape intrprets it)
// so amputate the document name!
int last = path.lastIndexOf("/");
if( last > -1 ) {
path = path.substring(0, last);
* Parse the given string into its individual components, recording them
* in the member variables of this object.
private void parseCookieString(String cookieString) {
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(cookieString, ";");
if (!tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
// REMIND: make this robust against parse errors
nameAndValue = tokens.nextToken().trim();
while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = tokens.nextToken().trim();
if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("secure")) {
isSecure = true;
} else {
int equIndex = token.indexOf("=");
if (equIndex < 0) {
// REMIND: malformed cookie
String attr = token.substring(0, equIndex);
String val = token.substring(equIndex+1);
if (attr.equalsIgnoreCase("path")) {
path = val;
} else if (attr.equalsIgnoreCase("domain")) {
if( val.indexOf(".") == 0 ) {
// spec seems to allow for setting the domain in
// the form ''. We want to
// trim off the leading '.' so we can allow for
// both leading dot and non leading dot forms
// without duplicate storage.
domain = val.substring(1);
} else {
domain = val;
} else if (attr.equalsIgnoreCase("expires")) {
expirationDate = parseExpireDate(val);
} else {
// unknown attribute -- do nothing
// commented the following out, b/c ok to have no expirationDate
// that means that the cookie should last only for that particular
// session.
// if (expirationDate == null) {
// expirationDate = getDefaultExpiration();
// }
/* Returns the default expiration, which is the current time + default
expiration as specified in the properties file.
This uses reflection to get at the properties file, since Globals is
not in the utils/ directory
private Date getDefaultExpiration() {
if (defaultSet == false) {
Properties props = new Properties();
try {
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("");
props.load( fin );
System.out.println("Got properties from");
} catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println("HttpCookie getDefaultExpiration : not found!" + ex);
// defExprTime = props.getProperty("cookies.default.expiration");
defExprTime = Long.parseLong( props.getProperty("cookies.default.expiration") );
defaultSet = true;
return (new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + defExprTime));
// Accessor functions
public String getNameValue() {
return nameAndValue;
* Returns just the name part of the cookie
public String getName() {
// it probably can't have null value, but doesn't hurt much
// to check.
if (nameAndValue == null) {
return "=";
int index = nameAndValue.indexOf("=");
return (index < 0) ? "=" : nameAndValue.substring(0, index);
* Returns the domain of the cookie as it was presented
public String getDomain() {
// REMIND: add port here if appropriate
return domain;
public String getPath() {
return path;
public Date getExpirationDate() {
return expirationDate;
public boolean hasExpired() {
if(expirationDate == null) {
return false;
return (expirationDate.getTime() <= System.currentTimeMillis());
* Returns true if the cookie has an expiration date (meaning it's
* persistent), and if the date nas not expired;
public boolean isSaveable() {
return (expirationDate != null)
&& (expirationDate.getTime() > System.currentTimeMillis());
public boolean isSaveableInMemory() {
return ((expirationDate == null) ||
(expirationDate != null && expirationDate.getTime() > System.currentTimeMillis()));
public boolean isSecure() {
return isSecure;
private Date parseExpireDate(String dateString) {
// format is wdy, DD-Mon-yyyy HH:mm:ss GMT
RfcDateParser parser = new RfcDateParser(dateString);
Date theDate = parser.getDate();
if (theDate == null) {
// Expire in some intelligent default time
theDate = getDefaultExpiration();
return theDate;
public String toString() {
String result = (nameAndValue == null) ? "=" : nameAndValue;
if (expirationDate != null) {
result += "; expires=" + expirationDate;
if (path != null) {
result += "; path=" + path;
if (domain != null) {
result += "; domain=" + domain;
if (isSecure) {
result += "; secure";
return result;