blob: f63bd1a0e4adbbab333d9b9c4ee0a9be2a462ab5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tomcat.test.watchdog;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
* Represents a collection of Cookie instances.
* <p>
* Fires events when the cookies have been changed internally. Deals
* with management of cookies in terms of saving and loading them,
* and disabling them.
* @author Ramesh.Mandava
public class CookieController {
// private VetoableChangeSupport vceListeners;
private static Hashtable cookieJar = new Hashtable();
/* public no arg constructor for bean */
public CookieController() {
* Records any cookies which have been sent as part of an HTTP response.
* The connection parameter must be already have been opened, so that
* the response headers are available. It's ok to pass a non-HTTP
* URL connection, or one which does not have any set-cookie headers.
public void recordAnyCookies(Vector rcvVectorOfCookies , URL url ) {
if ((rcvVectorOfCookies == null) || ( rcvVectorOfCookies.size()== 0) ) {
// no headers here
try {
Properties properties = new Properties();
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("");
String cookiepolicy = properties.getProperty("cookie.acceptpolicy");
if (cookiepolicy == null || cookiepolicy.equals("none")) {
for (int hi = 0; hi<rcvVectorOfCookies.size(); hi++) {
String cookieValue = (String)rcvVectorOfCookies.elementAt(hi) ;
recordCookie(url, cookieValue); // What to do here
catch( Exception e )
System.out.println("exception : " + e );
* Create a cookie from the cookie, and use the HttpURLConnection to
* fill in unspecified values in the cookie with defaults.
public void recordCookie(URL url,
String cookieValue) {
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(url, cookieValue);
// First, check to make sure the cookie's domain matches the
// server's, and has the required number of '.'s
String twodot[]=
{"com", "edu", "net", "org", "gov", "mil", "int"};
String domain = cookie.getDomain();
if( domain == null )
int index = domain.indexOf(':');
if (index != -1) {
int portCookie;
try {
portCookie = (Integer.valueOf(domain.substring(index+1,domain.length()))).intValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
portCookie = ( portCookie == -1 ) ? 80 : portCookie;
String host = url.getHost();
boolean domainOK = host.equals(domain);
if( !domainOK && host.endsWith( domain ) ) {
int dotsNeeded = 2;
for( int i = 0; i < twodot.length; i++ ) {
if( domain.endsWith( twodot[i] ) ) {
dotsNeeded = 1;
int lastChar = domain.length();
for( ; lastChar > 0 && dotsNeeded > 0; dotsNeeded-- ) {
lastChar = domain.lastIndexOf( '.', lastChar-1 );
if( lastChar > 0 )
domainOK = true;
if( domainOK ) {
* Record the cookie in the in-memory container of cookies. If there
* is already a cookie which is in the exact same domain with the
* exact same
public void recordCookie(HttpCookie cookie) {
if (!checkIfCookieOK(cookie)) {
synchronized (cookieJar) {
String domain = cookie.getDomain().toLowerCase();
Vector cookieList = (Vector)cookieJar.get(domain);
if (cookieList == null) {
cookieList = new Vector();
addOrReplaceCookie(cookieList, cookie);
cookieJar.put(domain, cookieList);
public boolean checkIfCookieOK(HttpCookie cookie) {
return true;
* Scans the vector of cookies looking for an exact match with the
* given cookie. Replaces it if there is one, otherwise adds
* one at the end. The vector is presumed to have cookies which all
* have the same domain, so the domain of the cookie is not checked.
* <p>
* <p>
* If this is called, it is assumed that the cookie jar is exclusively
* held by the current thread.
private void addOrReplaceCookie(Vector cookies,
HttpCookie cookie) {
int numCookies = cookies.size();
String path = cookie.getPath();
String name = cookie.getName();
HttpCookie replaced = null;
int replacedIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numCookies; i++) {
HttpCookie existingCookie = (HttpCookie)cookies.elementAt(i);
String existingPath = existingCookie.getPath();
if (path.equals(existingPath)) {
String existingName = existingCookie.getName();
if (name.equals(existingName)) {
// need to replace this one!
replaced = existingCookie;
replacedIndex = i;
// Do the replace - if cookie has already expired, remove
// the replaced cookie.
if (replaced != null) {
if (cookie.isSaveableInMemory()) {
cookies.setElementAt(cookie, replacedIndex);
//System.out.println("REPLACED existing cookie with " + cookie);
} else {
//System.out.println("Removed cookie b/c or expr " + cookie);
} else { // only save the cookie in memory if it is non persistent
// or not expired.
if (cookie.isSaveableInMemory()) {
//System.out.println("RECORDED new cookie " + cookie);
public String applyRelevantCookies(URL url ) {
try {
Properties properties = new Properties();
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("");
// check current accept policy instead enableCookies
String cookiepolicy = properties.getProperty("cookie.acceptpolicy");
if (cookiepolicy == null || cookiepolicy.equals("none")) {
return null;
return applyCookiesForHost(url);
catch ( Exception e )
System.out.println("Exception : " +e );
return null;
* Host may be a FQDN, or a partial domain name starting with a dot.
* Adds any cookies which match the host and path to the
* cookie set on the URL connection.
private String applyCookiesForHost(URL url ){
String cookieString = null;
Vector cookieVector = getAllRelevantCookies(url);
if (cookieVector != null) {
for (Enumeration e = cookieVector.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
HttpCookie cookie = (HttpCookie)e.nextElement();
if( cookieString == null ) {
cookieString = cookie.getNameValue();
} else {
cookieString = cookieString + "; " + cookie.getNameValue();
if( cookieString != null ) {
httpConn.setRequestProperty("Cookie", cookieString);
// System.out.println("Returned cookie string: " + cookieString + " for HOST = " + host);
// System.out.println("Returned cookie string: " + cookieString + " for HOST = " + host);
return cookieString;
private Vector getAllRelevantCookies(URL url) {
String host = url.getHost();
Vector cookieVector = getSubsetRelevantCookies(host, url);
Vector tempVector;
int index;
while ((index = host.indexOf('.', 1)) >= 0) {
// trim off everything up to, and including the dot.
host = host.substring(index+1);
// add onto cookieVector
tempVector = getSubsetRelevantCookies(host,url);
if (tempVector != null ) {
for (Enumeration e = tempVector.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
if (cookieVector == null) {
cookieVector = new Vector(2);
return cookieVector;
private Vector getSubsetRelevantCookies(String host, URL url) {
Vector cookieList = (Vector)cookieJar.get(host);
// System.out.println("getRelevantCookies() .. for host, url " + host +", "+url);
Vector cookiePortList = (Vector)cookieJar.get(host+":"+((url.getPort() == -1) ? 80 : url.getPort()));
if (cookiePortList != null) {
if (cookieList == null) {
cookieList = new Vector(10);
Enumeration cookies = cookiePortList.elements();
while (cookies.hasMoreElements()) {
if (cookieList == null) {
return null;
String path = url.getFile();
// System.out.println(" path is " + path + "; protocol = " + url.getProtocol());
int queryInd = path.indexOf('?');
if (queryInd > 0) {
// strip off the part following the ?
path = path.substring(0, queryInd);
Enumeration cookies = cookieList.elements();
Vector cookiesToSend = new Vector(10);
while (cookies.hasMoreElements()) {
HttpCookie cookie = (HttpCookie)cookies.nextElement();
String cookiePath = cookie.getPath();
if (path.startsWith(cookiePath)) {
// larrylf: Actually, my documentation (from Netscape)
// says that /foo should
// match /foobar and /foo/bar. Yuck!!!
if (!cookie.hasExpired()) {
We're keeping this piece of commented out code around just in
case we decide to put it back. the spec does specify the above,
but it is so disgusting!
int cookiePathLen = cookiePath.length();
// verify that /foo does not match /foobar by mistake
if ((path.length() == cookiePathLen)
|| (path.length() > cookiePathLen &&
path.charAt(cookiePathLen) == '/')) {
// We have a matching cookie!
if (!cookie.hasExpired()) {
// Now, sort the cookies in most to least specific order
// Yes, its the deaded bubblesort!! Wah Ha-ha-ha-ha....
// (it should be a small vector, so perf is not an issue...)
if( cookiesToSend.size() > 1 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < cookiesToSend.size()-1; i++ ) {
HttpCookie headC = (HttpCookie)cookiesToSend.elementAt(i);
String head = headC.getPath();
// This little excercise is a cheap way to get
// '/foo' to read more specfic then '/'
if( !head.endsWith("/") ) {
head = head + "/";
for( int j = i+1; j < cookiesToSend.size(); j++ ) {
HttpCookie scanC = (HttpCookie)cookiesToSend.elementAt(j);
String scan = scanC.getPath();
if( !scan.endsWith("/") ) {
scan = scan + "/";
int headCount = 0;
int index = -1;
while( (index=head.indexOf('/', index+1)) != -1 ) {
index = -1;
int scanCount = 0;
while( (index=scan.indexOf('/', index+1)) != -1 ) {
if( scanCount > headCount ) {
cookiesToSend.setElementAt(headC, j);
cookiesToSend.setElementAt(scanC, i);
headC = scanC;
head = scan;
return cookiesToSend;
* Writes cookies out to PrintWriter if they are persistent
* (i.e. have a expr date)
* and haven't expired. Will remove cookies that have expired as well
private void saveCookiesToStream(PrintWriter pw) {
Enumeration cookieLists = cookieJar.elements();
while (cookieLists.hasMoreElements()) {
Vector cookieList = (Vector)cookieLists.nextElement();
Enumeration cookies = cookieList.elements();
while (cookies.hasMoreElements()) {
HttpCookie cookie = (HttpCookie)cookies.nextElement();
if (cookie.getExpirationDate() != null) {
if (cookie.isSaveable()) {
} else { // the cookie must have expired,
//remove from Vector cookieList
// Must print something to the printwriter in the case that
// the cookieJar has been cleared - otherwise the old cookie
// file will continue to exist.
/* adds cookieList to the existing cookie jar*/
public void addToCookieJar(HttpCookie[] cookieList) {
if (cookieList != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < cookieList.length; i++) {
/*adds one cookie to the Cookie Jar */
public void addToCookieJar(String cookieString, URL docURL) {
recordCookie(new HttpCookie(docURL, cookieString));
/* loads the cookies from the given filename */
public void loadCookieJarFromFile(String cookieFileName) {
try {
FileReader fr = new FileReader(cookieFileName);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(fr);
try {
String cookieString;
while ((cookieString = in.readLine()) != null) {
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(cookieString);
// Record the cookie, without notification. We don't
// do a notification for cookies that are read at
// program start-up.
} finally {
} catch (IOException e) {
// do nothing; it's not an error not to have persistent cookies
/* saves the cookies to the given file specified by fname */
public void saveCookieJarToFile(String cookieFileName) {
try {
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(cookieFileName);
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fw, false);
try {
} finally {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Saving cookies failed " + e.getMessage());
* Return an array with all of the cookies represented by this
* jar. This is useful when the bean is shutting down, and the client
* wants to make the cookie jar persist.
public HttpCookie[] getAllCookies() {
Vector result = new Vector();
Hashtable jar;
jar = (Hashtable) cookieJar.clone();
synchronized (jar) {
for (Enumeration e = jar.elements(); e.hasMoreElements() ;) {
Vector v = (Vector) e.nextElement();
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
HttpCookie hc = (HttpCookie) v.elementAt(i);
HttpCookie[] resultA = new HttpCookie[result.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
resultA[i] = (HttpCookie) result.elementAt(i);
return resultA;
/* Gets all cookies that applies for the URL */
public HttpCookie[] getCookiesForURL(URL url) {
Vector cookieVector = getAllRelevantCookies(url);
if (cookieVector == null) {
return null;
int i = 0;
HttpCookie[] cookieArr = new HttpCookie[cookieVector.size()];
for (Enumeration e = cookieVector.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
cookieArr[i++] = (HttpCookie)e.nextElement();
// System.out.println("cookieArr["+(i-1)+"] = " +cookieArr[i-1].toString());
return cookieArr;
/* this will set the property of enableCookies to isDisabled */
public void setCookieDisable(boolean isDisabled) {
// Pending visit back this again
try {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.load(new FileInputStream("") );
properties.put("enableCookies", isDisabled ? "false" : "true"); FileOutputStream(""),"comments");
catch ( Exception e )
System.out.println("Exception : " + e );
public void discardAllCookies() {
* purges any expired cookies in the Cookie hashtable.
public void purgeExpiredCookies() {
Enumeration cookieLists = cookieJar.elements();
while (cookieLists.hasMoreElements()) {
Vector cookieList = (Vector)cookieLists.nextElement();
Enumeration cookies = cookieList.elements();
while (cookies.hasMoreElements()) {
HttpCookie cookie = (HttpCookie)cookies.nextElement();
if (cookie.hasExpired()) {