blob: 3ca4fe701ec5fb11e20dd37c86dba54abfde3a01 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cometd.bayeux;
import java.util.List;
/** Bayeux Interface.<br/>
* This interface represents the server side API for the Bayeux messaging protocol.
* Bayeux is a simple subscribe/publish/receive methodology, not far from JMS, but much simplified.<br/>
* It is used both by the actual implementation and by server side clients.<br/>
* Server side clients use this to create, retrieve and subscribe to channels.
* Server side clients are represented, just like remote clients, through the Client interface.
* <br/>
* The Bayeux implementations is intended to be thread safe and multiple threads may simultaneously call Bayeux methods.
* <br/>
* The Bayeux object, is the starting point for any cometd application relying on the Bayeux object.
* Dependent on the container, the Bayeux object will be stored in the <code>javax.servlet.ServletContext</code> object
* as an attribute under the name <code>Bayeux.DOJOX_COMETD_BAYEUX</code><br/>
* To retrieve this object, one would simply call<br/>
* <code>Bayeux bx = (Bayeux)getServletContext().getAttribute(Bayeux.DOJOX_COMETD_BAYEUX);
* <br/><br/>
* The Bayeux protocol is pretty straight forward and includes a bunch of messaging that is not needed to be known to clients,
* both server side and remote clients.
* This object gets initialized by a container dependent servlet, and the servlet then handles all Bayeux communication from the client.
* Remote messsages are delivered to channels, and to server side clients using the <code>Listener</code> interface.<br/>
* <br/>
* A <code>Bayeux session</code> is active as long as the webapp hosting the Bayeux object is active.<br/>
* When the webapplication shuts down, the Bayeux object will unsubscribe all clients and remove all the active channels.
* @author Greg Wilkins
* @author Filip Hanik
public interface Bayeux {
/**Meta definitions for channels*/
public static final String META="/meta";
/**Meta definitions for channels*/
public static final String META_SLASH="/meta/";
/**Meta definitions for channels - connect message*/
public static final String META_CONNECT="/meta/connect";
/**Meta definitions for channels - client messsage*/
public static final String META_CLIENT="/meta/client";
/**Meta definitions for channels - disconnect messsage*/
public static final String META_DISCONNECT="/meta/disconnect";
/**Meta definitions for channels - handshake messsage*/
public static final String META_HANDSHAKE="/meta/handshake";
/**Meta definitions for channels - ping messsage*/
public static final String META_PING="/meta/ping";
/**Meta definitions for channels - reconnect messsage
* @deprecated
public static final String META_RECONNECT="/meta/reconnect";
/**Meta definitions for channels - status messsage*/
public static final String META_STATUS="/meta/status";
/**Meta definitions for channels - subscribe messsage*/
public static final String META_SUBSCRIBE="/meta/subscribe";
/**Meta definitions for channels - unsubscribe messsage*/
public static final String META_UNSUBSCRIBE="/meta/unsubscribe";
/*Field names inside Bayeux messages*/
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - clientId field*/
public static final String CLIENT_FIELD="clientId";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - data field*/
public static final String DATA_FIELD="data";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - channel field*/
public static final String CHANNEL_FIELD="channel";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - id field*/
public static final String ID_FIELD="id";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - error field*/
public static final String ERROR_FIELD="error";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - timestamp field*/
public static final String TIMESTAMP_FIELD="timestamp";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - transport field*/
public static final String TRANSPORT_FIELD="transport";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - advice field*/
public static final String ADVICE_FIELD="advice";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - successful field*/
public static final String SUCCESSFUL_FIELD="successful";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - subscription field*/
public static final String SUBSCRIPTION_FIELD="subscription";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - ext field*/
public static final String EXT_FIELD="ext";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - connectionType field*/
public static final String CONNECTION_TYPE_FIELD="connectionType";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - version field*/
public static final String VERSION_FIELD="version";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - minimumVersion field*/
public static final String MIN_VERSION_FIELD="minimumVersion";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - supportedConnectionTypes field*/
public static final String SUPP_CONNECTION_TYPE_FIELD="supportedConnectionTypes";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - json-comment-filtered field*/
public static final String JSON_COMMENT_FILTERED_FIELD="json-comment-filtered";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - reconnect field*/
public static final String RECONNECT_FIELD = "reconnect";
/**Field names inside Bayeux messages - interval field*/
public static final String INTERVAL_FIELD = "interval";
/**Field values inside Bayeux messages - retry response*/
public static final String RETRY_RESPONSE = "retry";
/**Field values inside Bayeux messages - handshake response*/
public static final String HANDSHAKE_RESPONSE = "handshake";
/**Field values inside Bayeux messages - none response*/
public static final String NONE_RESPONSE = "none";
/**Service channel names-starts with*/
public static final String SERVICE="/service";
/**Service channel names-trailing slash*/
public static final String SERVICE_SLASH="/service/";
/*Transport types*/
/**Transport types - long polling*/
public static final String TRANSPORT_LONG_POLL="long-polling";
/**Transport types - callback polling*/
public static final String TRANSPORT_CALLBACK_POLL="callback-polling";
/**Transport types - iframe*/
public static final String TRANSPORT_IFRAME="iframe";
/**Transport types - flash*/
public static final String TRANSPORT_FLASH="flash";
/** ServletContext attribute name used to obtain the Bayeux object */
public static final String DOJOX_COMETD_BAYEUX="dojox.cometd.bayeux";
/*http field names*/
/**http helpers - text/json content type*/
public static final String JSON_CONTENT_TYPE="text/json";
/**http helpers - parameter name for json message*/
public static final String MESSAGE_PARAMETER="message";
/**http helpers - name of the jsonp parameter*/
public static final String JSONP_PARAMETER="jsonp";
/**http helpers - default name of the jsonp callback function*/
public static final String JSONP_DEFAULT_NAME="jsonpcallback";
/*--Client----------------------------------------------------------- */
* Creates a new server side client. This method is to be invoked
* by server side objects only. You cannot create a remote client by using this method.
* A client represents an entity that can subscribe to channels and publish and receive messages
* through these channels
* @param idprefix String - the prefix string for the id generated, can be null
* @param listener Listener - a callback object to be called when messages are to be delivered to the new client
* @return Client - returns an implementation of the client interface.
public Client newClient(String idprefix, Listener listener);
* retrieve a client based on an ID. Will return null if the client doesn't exist.
* @param clientid String
* @return Client-null if the client doesn't exist.returns the client if it does.
public Client getClient(String clientid);
* Returns a non modifiable list of all the clients that are currently active
* in this Bayeux session
* @return List<Client> - a list containing all clients. The List can not be modified.
public List<Client> getClients();
* Returns true if a client with the given id exists.<br/>
* Same as executing <code>getClient(id)!=null</code>.
* @param clientId String
* @return boolean - true if the client exists
public boolean hasClient(String clientId);
* Removes the client all together.
* This will unsubscribe the client to any channels it may be subscribed to
* and remove it from the list.
* @param client Client
* @return Client - returns the client that was removed, or null if no client was removed.
public Client remove(Client client);
/*--Channel---------------------------------------------------------- */
* Returns the channel for a given channel id.
* If the channel doesn't exist, and the <code>create</code> parameter is set to true,
* the channel will be created and added to the list of active channels.<br/>
* if <code>create</code> is set to false, and the channel doesn't exist, null will be returned.
* @param channelId String - the id of the channel to be retrieved or created
* @param create boolean - true if the Bayeux impl should create the channel
* @return Channel - null if <code>create</code> is set to false and the channel doesn't exist,
* otherwise it returns a channel object.
public Channel getChannel(String channelId, boolean create);
* Returns a list of currently active channels in this Bayeux session.
* @return List<Channel>
public List<Channel> getChannels();
* Removes a channel from the Bayeux object.
* This will also unsubscribe all the clients currently subscribed to the
* the channel.
* @param channel Channel - the channel to be removed
* @return Channel - returns the channel that was removed, or null if no channel was removed.
public Channel remove(Channel channel);
* returns true if a channel with the given channelId exists.
* <br/>Same as executing <code>Bayeux.getChannel(channelId,false)!=null</code>
* @param channelId String
* @return boolean - true if the channel exists.
public boolean hasChannel(String channelId);
/* --Message---------------------------------------------------------- */
* Creates a new message to be sent by a server side client.
* @return Message - returns a new Message object, that has a unique id.
public Message newMessage(Client from);
/*--Security policy----------------------------------------------------------- */
* Returns the security policy associated with this Bayeux session
* @return SecurityPolicy
public SecurityPolicy getSecurityPolicy();
* Sets the security policy to be used in this Bayeux session
* @param securityPolicy SecurityPolicy
public void setSecurityPolicy(SecurityPolicy securityPolicy);