blob: 060908923328ebedbddc451b98b23abcc8d9587c [file] [log] [blame]
/* Testing svn_parse() */
#include <svn_parse.h>
#include <stdio.h>
main ()
ap_hash_t *configdata;
ap_pool_t *pool;
svn_error_t *error;
/* Initialize APR (Apache pools) */
if (ap_initialize () != APR_SUCCESS)
printf ("ap_initialize() failed.\n");
exit (1);
if (ap_create_pool (&pool, NULL) != APR_SUCCESS)
printf ("ap_create_pool() failed.\n");
exit (1);
/* Parse the file "./configfile" */
error =
svn_parse (&configdata, svn_string_create ("configfile", pool), pool);
if (error) {
svn_handle_error (error);
/* Print out our configdata uber-hash */
svn_uberhash_print (configdata, stdout);
/* If we were an application using libsvn_svr, we would now pass
this uber-hash to svn_init() to get a `svn_policies_t' structure.
We would then use this structure for all our wrappered filesystem
calls. */
/* Clean up our memory pool and apr */
ap_destroy_pool (pool);
ap_terminate ();
printf ("Test complete, exiting cleanly.\n\n");
return 0;