blob: 57796e3427cbc71d13d202e1ff680bf1c1108883 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Stupid program to test Subversion's bytestring library (libsvn_string).
Ben Collins-Sussman, (C) 2000 Collab.Net */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <svn_string.h> /* This includes <apr_*.h> */
main ()
svn_string_t *a, *b, *c;
char *msg;
ap_pool_t *pglobal;
/* Initialize APR (Apache pools) */
if (ap_initialize () != APR_SUCCESS)
printf ("ap_initialize() failed.\n");
exit (1);
if (ap_create_pool (&pglobal, NULL) != APR_SUCCESS)
printf ("ap_create_pool() failed.\n");
exit (1);
/* Create a bytestring from a null-terminated C string */
a = svn_string_create ("hello", pglobal);
svn_string_print (a, stdout, TRUE, TRUE);
/* Alternate: create a bytestring from a part of an array */
b = svn_string_ncreate ("a longish phrase of sorts", 16, pglobal);
svn_string_print (b, stdout, TRUE, TRUE);
/* Append b to a, growing a's storage if necessary */
svn_string_appendstr (a, b, pglobal);
svn_string_print (a, stdout, TRUE, TRUE);
/* Do it again, with an inline string creation for kicks. */
svn_string_appendstr (a, svn_string_create(" xtra", pglobal), pglobal);
svn_string_print (a, stdout, TRUE, TRUE);
/* Alternate: append a specific number of bytes */
svn_string_appendbytes (a, "some bytes to frob", 7, pglobal);
svn_string_print (a, stdout, TRUE, TRUE);
/* Duplicate a bytestring, then compare if they're equal */
c = svn_string_dup (b, pglobal);
svn_string_print (c, stdout, TRUE, TRUE);
printf ("comparison of c and b is: %d\n", svn_string_compare (c, b));
printf ("comparison of a and b is: %d\n", svn_string_compare (a, b));
/* Set a bytestring to NULL, and query this fact. */
svn_string_setempty (c);
svn_string_print (c, stdout, TRUE, TRUE);
printf ("is C empty? : %d\n", svn_string_isempty (c));
printf ("is A empty? : %d\n", svn_string_isempty (a));
/* Fill a bytestring with hash marks */
svn_string_fillchar (a, '#');
svn_string_print (a, stdout, TRUE, TRUE);
/* Return a C string from a bytestring */
msg = svn_string_2cstring (b, pglobal);
printf ("The C string returned is: %s\n", msg);
/* Compare the C string to the original bytestring */
printf ("comparison of b and msg is: %d\n",
svn_string_compare_2cstring (b, msg));
printf ("comparison of b and `foogle' is: %d\n",
svn_string_compare_2cstring (b, "foogle"));
printf ("comparison of b and `a longish phrase' is: %d\n",
svn_string_compare_2cstring (b, "a longish phrase"));
/* Free our entire memory pool when done. */
ap_destroy_pool (pglobal);
return 0;