blob: 0819a1fafe2045e1e55e6c7be426abaf676d8976 [file] [log] [blame]
Subversion has a standard config file format:
key : val
key : val
key : val
key : val
key : val
This format is similar to the Win32 .INI format, and is general enough
for most purposes. Each section name, key, and val are UTF-8 encoded.
This format is currently used by:
* `svn.conf', which specifies general Subversion server policies
* `svn_security', a file which lives in each repository and
defines ACLs for the plugin_security module
* all files within a working copy's SVN/ administrative directory
This format is parsed by svn_parse(), located in svn_subr/svn_parse.c.
This routine stores all key/vals as svn_string_t (bytestrings) within
ap_hash_t (APR's hash type).