blob: 567bb0d30a833fa2eb0d7a610e999bf9f17016a8 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
* @module QDR
* @main QDR
* The main entry point for the QDR module
var QDR = (function(QDR) {
* @property pluginName
* @type {string}
* The name of this plugin
QDR.pluginName = 'dispatch_plugin';
QDR.pluginRoot = "/" + QDR.pluginName;
* @property log
* @type {Logging.Logger}
* This plugin's logger instance
QDR.log = Logger.get('QDR');
* @property contextPath
* @type {string}
* The top level path of this plugin on the server
QDR.contextPath = "/dispatch-plugin/";
* @property templatePath
* @type {string}
* The path to this plugin's partials
QDR.templatePath = QDR.contextPath + "plugin/html/";
* @property module
* @type {object}
* This plugin's angularjs module instance. This plugin only
* needs hawtioCore to run, which provides services like
* workspace, viewRegistry and layoutFull used by the
* run function
QDR.module = angular.module('dispatch_plugin', ['bootstrap', 'hawtio-ui', 'hawtio-forms', 'ui.bootstrap.dialog', 'hawtioCore'])
.config(function($routeProvider) {
* Here we define the route for our plugin. One note is
* to avoid using 'otherwise', as hawtio has a handler
* in place when a route doesn't match any routes that
* routeProvider has been configured with.
.when('/dispatch_plugin', {
templateUrl: QDR.templatePath + 'qdrConnect.html'
.when('/dispatch_plugin/overview', {
templateUrl: QDR.templatePath + 'qdrOverview.html'
.when('/dispatch_plugin/topology', {
templateUrl: QDR.templatePath + 'qdrTopology.html'
.when('/dispatch_plugin/list', {
templateUrl: QDR.templatePath + 'qdrList.html'
.when('/dispatch_plugin/schema', {
templateUrl: QDR.templatePath + 'qdrSchema.html'
.when('/dispatch_plugin/charts', {
templateUrl: QDR.templatePath + 'qdrCharts.html'
.when('/dispatch_plugin/connect', {
templateUrl: QDR.templatePath + 'qdrConnect.html'
.config(function ($compileProvider) {
var cur = $compileProvider.urlSanitizationWhitelist();
cur = $compileProvider.urlSanitizationWhitelist();
.config(function( $controllerProvider, $provide, $compileProvider ) {
.filter('to_trusted', function($sce){
return function(text) {
return $sce.trustAsHtml(text);
.filter('humanify', function (QDRService) {
return function (input) {
return QDRService.humanify(input);
.filter('shortName', function () {
return function (name) {
var nameParts = name.split('/')
return nameParts.length > 1 ? nameParts[nameParts.length-1] : name;
.filter('Pascalcase', function () {
return function (str) {
if (!str)
return "";
return str.replace(/(\w)(\w*)/g,
function(g0,g1,g2){return g1.toUpperCase() + g2.toLowerCase();});
.filter('safePlural', function () {
return function (str) {
var es = ['x', 'ch', 'ss', 'sh']
for (var i=0; i<es.length; ++i) {
if (str.endsWith(es[i]))
return str + 'es'
if (str.endsWith('y'))
return str.substr(0, str.length-2) + 'ies'
if (str.endsWith('s'))
return str;
return str + 's'
QDR.module.config(['$locationProvider', function($locationProvider) {
* Here we define any initialization to be done when this angular
* module is bootstrapped. In here we do a number of things:
* 1. We log that we've been loaded (kinda optional)
* 2. We load our .css file for our views
* 3. We configure the viewRegistry service from hawtio for our
* route; in this case we use a pre-defined layout that uses
* the full viewing area
* 4. We configure our top-level tab and provide a link to our
* plugin. This is just a matter of adding to the workspace's
* topLevelTabs array.
*/, viewRegistry, layoutFull, $rootScope, $location, localStorage, QDRService, QDRChartService) {"*************creating Dispatch Console************");
var curPath = $location.path()
if (curPath !== '/dispatch_plugin') {
var toPath = QDR.pluginRoot + "/connect";
if (curPath.startsWith(QDR.pluginRoot)) {
var org = curPath.substr(QDR.pluginRoot.length + 1)
if (org !== "connect")
$'org', org)
Core.addCSS(QDR.contextPath + "plugin/css/dispatch.css");
Core.addCSS(QDR.contextPath + "plugin/css/plugin.css");
// tell hawtio that we have our own custom layout for
// our view
viewRegistry["dispatch_plugin"] = QDR.templatePath + "qdrLayout.html";
var settings = angular.fromJson(localStorage[QDR.SETTINGS_KEY]);
QDRService.addConnectAction(function() {
QDRChartService.init(); // initialize charting service after we are connected
if (settings && settings.autostart) {
QDRService.addDisconnectAction( function () {
$location.path(QDR.pluginRoot + "/connect");
QDRService.addConnectAction(function() {
var searchObject = $;
// the redirect will be handled by QDRService when connected
if ( {
if ($location.path().startsWith(QDR.pluginRoot)) {
var lastLocation = localStorage[QDR.LAST_LOCATION];
if (!angular.isDefined(lastLocation))
lastLocation = QDR.pluginRoot + "/overview";
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function() {
var path = $location.path();
if (path.startsWith(QDR.pluginRoot)) {
if (path != QDR.pluginRoot && path != QDR.pluginRoot + "/connect") {
localStorage[QDR.LAST_LOCATION] = $location.path();
$rootScope.$on( "$routeChangeStart", function(event, next, current) {
if (next.templateUrl == QDR.templatePath + "qdrConnect.html" && QDRService.connected) {
// clicked connect from another dispatch page
if (current.loadedTemplateUrl.startsWith(QDR.contextPath)) {
// clicked the Dispatch Router top level tab from a different plugin
var lastLocation = localStorage[QDR.LAST_LOCATION];
if (!angular.isDefined(lastLocation))
lastLocation = QDR.pluginRoot + "/overview";
// show the last page visited
/* Set up top-level link to our plugin. Requires an object
with the following attributes:
id - the ID of this plugin, used by the perspective plugin
and by the preferences page
content - The text or HTML that should be shown in the tab
title - This will be the tab's tooltip
isValid - A function that returns whether or not this
plugin has functionality that can be used for
the current JVM. The workspace object is passed
in by hawtio's navbar controller which lets
you inspect the JMX tree, however you can do
any checking necessary and return a boolean
href - a function that returns a link, normally you'd
return a hash link like #/foo/bar but you can
also return a full URL to some other site
isActive - Called by hawtio's navbar to see if the current
$location.url() matches up with this plugin.
Here we use a helper from workspace that
checks if $location.url() starts with our
id: "dispatch",
content: "Dispatch Router",
title: "Dispatch console",
isValid: function(workspace) { return true; },
href: function() { return "#/dispatch_plugin"; },
isActive: function(workspace) { return workspace.isLinkActive("dispatch_plugin"); }
return QDR;
})(QDR || {});
// force an more modern version of d3 to load
$.getScript('', function() {});
// tooltips on the list page
$.getScript('', function() {});
// tooltips on the topology page
$.getScript('', function() {});
// download string as file
$.getScript('', function() {});
// tell the hawtio plugin loader about our plugin so it can be
// bootstrapped with the rest of angular