tree: 9276401aceb1ae42341666148c45c2224de4c5e5 [path history] [tgz]
  1. _data/
  2. _docs/
  3. _includes/
  4. _layouts/
  5. _posts/
  6. _sass/
  7. css/
  8. develop/
  9. fonts/
  10. help/
  11. img/
  12. js/
  13. news/
  14. talks/
  15. .gitignore
  16. .htaccess
  17. _config.yml
  18. doap_orc.rdf
  19. favicon.ico
  20. Gemfile
  21. index.html

Apache ORC docs site

This directory contains the code for the Apache ORC web site,


  1. cd site
  2. git clone -b asf-site target
  3. sudo gem install bundler
  4. sudo gem install github-pages jekyll
  5. bundle install

Running locally

You can preview your contributions before opening a pull request by running from within the directory:

  1. bundle exec jekyll serve

Pushing to site

  1. cd site/target
  2. git status
  3. You'll need to git add any new files
  4. git commit -a
  5. git push origin asf-site