blob: 5b3067c33259136b9a3461e73f3fd3eda349aaee [file] [log] [blame]
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<title>JUnit Report</title>
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<div class="container">
<div class="content">
<div class="header">Information</div>
<div style="padding: 6px">
<table class="infoTable" width="100%">
<tr><th>Test Date</th><td><span id="">Unknown</span></td></tr>
<tr><th>Build ID</th><td><span id="">Unknown</span> (<span id=""></span>)</td></tr>
<tr><th>Revision</th><td id="">Unknown</td></tr>
<tr><th>OS</th><td><span id="">Unknown</span>-<span id="info.os.version">Unknown</span>-<span id="info.os.arch">Unknown</span></td></tr>
<tr><th>Host Name</th><td><span id="info.hostname">Unknown</span> (<span id="info.ip"></span>)</td></tr>
<tr><th>Java</th><td id="java.runtime.version">Unknown</td></tr>
<div class="sidebar">
<div class="header">Summary</div>
<div style="padding: 6px">
<table class="summaryTable" width="100%">
<tr><th>All</th><td><a href="#" onclick="showAllRecord()" id="AllNo" class="checked" >0</a></td></tr>
<tr><th class="Success">Success</th><td><a href="#" onclick="toggleRecord('Success')" class="checked" id="SuccessNo">0</a></td></tr>
<tr><th class="Failure">Failure</th><td><a href="#" onclick="toggleRecord('Failure')" class="checked" id="FailureNo">0</a></td></tr>
<tr><th class="Error">Error</th><td><a href="#" onclick="toggleRecord('Error')" class="checked" id="ErrorNo">0</a></td></tr>
<tr><th class="Ignored">Ignored</th><td><a href="#" onclick="toggleRecord('Ignored')" class="checked" id="IgnoredNo">0</a></td></tr>
<div style="clear:both;" class="header">
<div style="float:left" >Record</div>
<div style="float:right;">
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<div style="padding: 6px" id="recordTableContainer">
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$('info.ip').innerHTML = props['info.ip'] || '';
$('java.runtime.version').innerHTML = props['java.runtime.version'] || 'Unknown';
var testcaseEls = $$s(data, 'testcase');
var html = '<table class="recordTable"><thead><tr><th>Class</th><th>Method</th><th>Status</th><th width="80%">Message</th><th>Time</th><th>Screenshot</th></tr></thead><tbody id="recordTable">';
for (var i = 0; i < testcaseEls.length; i++){
var e = testcaseEls[i], c = null;
var status = 'Success', message = '', screenshot= '';
if (c = $$(e, 'failure')) {
status = 'Failure';
message = '<div>' + text(c.getAttribute("message")) + '</div>';
message += '<pre>' + text(c.innerHTML) + '</pre>';
screenshot = '<a href="screenshot/' + e.getAttribute("name") + '.png">Screenshot</a>';
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status = 'Error';
message = '<div>' + text(c.getAttribute("message")) + '</div>';
message += '<pre>' + text(c.innerHTML) + '</pre>';
screenshot = '<a href="screenshot/' + e.getAttribute("name") + '.png">Screenshot</a>';
} else if (c = $$(e, 'ignored')) {
status = 'Ignored';
message = text(c.getAttribute("message"));
var bugPattern = /(.*)#(\d+)(.*)/;
if( bugPattern.test(message) ) {
message = '<a href="' + RegExp.$2 + '">' + RegExp.$1 + RegExp.$2 + '</a>' + RegExp.$3;
html += '<tr class="' + status + '"><td>'
+ e.getAttribute("classname") + '</td><td>'
+ e.getAttribute("methodname") + '</td><td>'
+ status + '</td><td>'
+ message + '</td><td>'
+ e.getAttribute("time") + '</td><td>'
+ screenshot + '</td></tr>';
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var trEls = $$s($('recordTable'), 'tr');
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var e = trEls[i]; = '';
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