blob: a26c127cbfeeb91905380ab6239262976dd8e673 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_xmlsecurity.hxx"
#include <xmlsecurity/certificatechooser.hxx>
#include <xmlsecurity/certificateviewer.hxx>
#include <xmlsecurity/biginteger.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/crypto/XSecurityEnvironment.hpp>
#include <comphelper/sequence.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/security/NoPasswordException.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/security/CertificateCharacters.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/security/SerialNumberAdapter.hpp>
#include <dialogs.hrc>
#include <resourcemanager.hxx>
#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
/* HACK: disable some warnings for MS-C */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (disable : 4355) // 4355: this used in initializer-list
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
#define INVAL_SEL 0xFFFF
sal_uInt16 CertificateChooser::GetSelectedEntryPos( void ) const
sal_uInt16 nSel = INVAL_SEL;
SvLBoxEntry* pSel = maCertLB.FirstSelected();
if( pSel )
nSel = (sal_uInt16) ( sal_uIntPtr ) pSel->GetUserData();
return (sal_uInt16) nSel;
CertificateChooser::CertificateChooser( Window* _pParent, uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext>& _rxCtx, uno::Reference< dcss::xml::crypto::XSecurityEnvironment >& _rxSecurityEnvironment, const SignatureInformations& _rCertsToIgnore )
,maCertsToIgnore( _rCertsToIgnore )
,maHintFT ( this, XMLSEC_RES( FT_HINT_SELECT ) )
,maViewBtn ( this, XMLSEC_RES( BTN_VIEWCERT ) )
,maBottomSepFL ( this, XMLSEC_RES( FL_BOTTOM_SEP ) )
,maOKBtn ( this, XMLSEC_RES( BTN_OK ) )
,maCancelBtn ( this, XMLSEC_RES( BTN_CANCEL ) )
,maHelpBtn ( this, XMLSEC_RES( BTN_HELP ) )
static long nTabs[] = { 3, 0, 30*CS_LB_WIDTH/100, 60*CS_LB_WIDTH/100 };
maCertLB.SetTabs( &nTabs[0] );
maCertLB.InsertHeaderEntry( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_HEADERBAR ) ) );
maCertLB.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, CertificateChooser, CertificateHighlightHdl ) );
maCertLB.SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK( this, CertificateChooser, CertificateSelectHdl ) );
maViewBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CertificateChooser, ViewButtonHdl ) );
mxCtx = _rxCtx;
mxSecurityEnvironment = _rxSecurityEnvironment;
mbInitialized = sal_False;
// disable buttons
CertificateHighlightHdl( NULL );
short CertificateChooser::Execute()
// #i48432#
// We can't check for personal certificates before raising this dialog,
// because the mozilla implementation throws a NoPassword exception,
// if the user pressed cancel, and also if the database does not exist!
// But in the later case, the is no password query, and the user is confused
// that nothing happens when pressing "Add..." in the SignatureDialog.
// PostUserEvent( LINK( this, CertificateChooser, Initialize ) );
// PostUserLink behavior is to slow, so do it directly before Execute().
// Problem: This Dialog should be visible right now, and the parent should not be accessible.
// Show, Update, DIsableInput...
Window* pMe = this;
Window* pParent = GetParent();
if ( pParent )
pParent->EnableInput( sal_False );
if ( pParent )
pParent->EnableInput( sal_True );
return ModalDialog::Execute();
// IMPL_LINK( CertificateChooser, Initialize, void*, EMPTYARG )
void CertificateChooser::ImplInitialize()
if ( !mbInitialized )
maCerts = mxSecurityEnvironment->getPersonalCertificates();
catch (security::NoPasswordException&)
uno::Reference< dcss::security::XSerialNumberAdapter> xSerialNumberAdapter =
sal_Int32 nCertificates = maCerts.getLength();
sal_Int32 nCertificatesToIgnore = maCertsToIgnore.size();
for( sal_Int32 nCert = nCertificates; nCert; )
uno::Reference< security::XCertificate > xCert = maCerts[ --nCert ];
sal_Bool bIgnoreThis = false;
// Do we already use that?
if( nCertificatesToIgnore )
rtl::OUString aIssuerName = xCert->getIssuerName();
for( sal_Int32 nSig = 0; nSig < nCertificatesToIgnore; ++nSig )
const SignatureInformation& rInf = maCertsToIgnore[ nSig ];
if ( ( aIssuerName == rInf.ouX509IssuerName ) &&
( xSerialNumberAdapter->toString( xCert->getSerialNumber() ) == rInf.ouX509SerialNumber ) )
bIgnoreThis = true;
if ( !bIgnoreThis )
// Check if we have a private key for this...
long nCertificateCharacters = mxSecurityEnvironment->getCertificateCharacters( xCert );
if ( !( nCertificateCharacters & security::CertificateCharacters::HAS_PRIVATE_KEY ) )
bIgnoreThis = true;
if ( bIgnoreThis )
::comphelper::removeElementAt( maCerts, nCert );
nCertificates = maCerts.getLength();
// fill list of certificates; the first entry will be selected
for ( sal_Int32 nC = 0; nC < nCertificates; ++nC )
String sEntry( XmlSec::GetContentPart( maCerts[ nC ]->getSubjectName() ) );
sEntry += '\t';
sEntry += XmlSec::GetContentPart( maCerts[ nC ]->getIssuerName() );
sEntry += '\t';
sEntry += XmlSec::GetDateString( maCerts[ nC ]->getNotValidAfter() );
SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = maCertLB.InsertEntry( sEntry );
pEntry->SetUserData( ( void* )nC ); // missuse user data as index
// enable/disable buttons
CertificateHighlightHdl( NULL );
mbInitialized = sal_True;
uno::Reference< dcss::security::XCertificate > CertificateChooser::GetSelectedCertificate()
uno::Reference< dcss::security::XCertificate > xCert;
sal_uInt16 nSelected = GetSelectedEntryPos();
if ( nSelected < maCerts.getLength() )
xCert = maCerts[ nSelected ];
return xCert;
IMPL_LINK( CertificateChooser, CertificateHighlightHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
sal_Bool bEnable = GetSelectedCertificate().is();
maViewBtn.Enable( bEnable );
maOKBtn.Enable( bEnable );
return 0;
IMPL_LINK( CertificateChooser, CertificateSelectHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
EndDialog( RET_OK );
return 0;
IMPL_LINK( CertificateChooser, ViewButtonHdl, Button*, EMPTYARG )
return 0;
void CertificateChooser::ImplShowCertificateDetails()
uno::Reference< dcss::security::XCertificate > xCert = GetSelectedCertificate();
if( )
CertificateViewer aViewer( this, mxSecurityEnvironment, xCert, sal_True );