blob: 5f8fdd65f7406acebaa932559e8385ea788b8771 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_xmlscript.hxx"
#include "osl/diagnose.h"
#include "osl/mutex.hxx"
#include "rtl/ustrbuf.hxx"
#include "cppuhelper/factory.hxx"
#include "cppuhelper/implementationentry.hxx"
#include "cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx"
#include "cppuhelper/implbase3.hxx"
#include "xmlscript/xml_import.hxx"
#include "com/sun/star/xml/input/XAttributes.hpp"
#include "com/sun/star/lang/XInitialization.hpp"
#include "com/sun/star/uno/XComponentContext.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <hash_map>
#include <memory>
using namespace ::rtl;
using namespace ::osl;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
namespace xmlscript
const sal_Int32 UID_UNKNOWN = -1;
Sequence< OUString > getSupportedServiceNames_DocumentHandlerImpl()
"") );
return Sequence< OUString >( &name, 1 );
OUString getImplementationName_DocumentHandlerImpl()
"") );
typedef ::std::hash_map< OUString, sal_Int32, OUStringHash > t_OUString2LongMap;
typedef ::std::hash_map< sal_Int32, OUString > t_Long2OUStringMap;
struct PrefixEntry
::std::vector< sal_Int32 > m_Uids;
inline PrefixEntry() SAL_THROW( () )
{ m_Uids.reserve( 4 ); }
typedef ::std::hash_map<
OUString, PrefixEntry *, OUStringHash > t_OUString2PrefixMap;
struct ElementEntry
Reference< xml::input::XElement > m_xElement;
::std::vector< OUString > m_prefixes;
inline ElementEntry()
{ m_prefixes.reserve( 2 ); }
typedef ::std::vector< ElementEntry * > t_ElementVector;
class ExtendedAttributes;
struct MGuard
Mutex * m_pMutex;
explicit MGuard( Mutex * pMutex )
: m_pMutex( pMutex )
{ if (m_pMutex) m_pMutex->acquire(); }
~MGuard() throw ()
{ if (m_pMutex) m_pMutex->release(); }
class DocumentHandlerImpl :
public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper3< xml::sax::XDocumentHandler,
lang::XInitialization >
friend class ExtendedAttributes;
Reference< xml::input::XRoot > m_xRoot;
t_OUString2LongMap m_URI2Uid;
sal_Int32 m_uid_count;
OUString m_sXMLNS;
sal_Int32 m_nLastURI_lookup;
OUString m_aLastURI_lookup;
t_OUString2PrefixMap m_prefixes;
sal_Int32 m_nLastPrefix_lookup;
OUString m_aLastPrefix_lookup;
t_ElementVector m_elements;
sal_Int32 m_nSkipElements;
Mutex * m_pMutex;
inline Reference< xml::input::XElement > getCurrentElement() const;
inline sal_Int32 getUidByURI( OUString const & rURI );
inline sal_Int32 getUidByPrefix( OUString const & rPrefix );
inline void pushPrefix(
OUString const & rPrefix, OUString const & rURI );
inline void popPrefix( OUString const & rPrefix );
inline void getElementName(
OUString const & rQName, sal_Int32 * pUid, OUString * pLocalName );
Reference< xml::input::XRoot > const & xRoot,
bool bSingleThreadedUse );
virtual ~DocumentHandlerImpl() throw ();
// XServiceInfo
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName()
throw (RuntimeException);
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL supportsService(
OUString const & servicename )
throw (RuntimeException);
virtual Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames()
throw (RuntimeException);
// XInitialization
virtual void SAL_CALL initialize(
Sequence< Any > const & arguments )
throw (Exception);
// XDocumentHandler
virtual void SAL_CALL startDocument()
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException);
virtual void SAL_CALL endDocument()
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException);
virtual void SAL_CALL startElement(
OUString const & rQElementName,
Reference< xml::sax::XAttributeList > const & xAttribs )
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException);
virtual void SAL_CALL endElement(
OUString const & rQElementName )
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException);
virtual void SAL_CALL characters(
OUString const & rChars )
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException);
virtual void SAL_CALL ignorableWhitespace(
OUString const & rWhitespaces )
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException);
virtual void SAL_CALL processingInstruction(
OUString const & rTarget, OUString const & rData )
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException);
virtual void SAL_CALL setDocumentLocator(
Reference< xml::sax::XLocator > const & xLocator )
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException);
// XNamespaceMapping
virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getUidByUri( OUString const & Uri )
throw (RuntimeException);
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getUriByUid( sal_Int32 Uid )
throw (container::NoSuchElementException, RuntimeException);
Reference< xml::input::XRoot > const & xRoot,
bool bSingleThreadedUse )
: m_xRoot( xRoot ),
m_uid_count( 0 ),
RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("<<< unknown prefix >>>") ),
m_nLastURI_lookup( UID_UNKNOWN ),
m_aLastURI_lookup( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("<<< unknown URI >>>") ),
m_nLastPrefix_lookup( UID_UNKNOWN ),
m_nSkipElements( 0 ),
m_pMutex( 0 )
m_elements.reserve( 10 );
if (! bSingleThreadedUse)
m_pMutex = new Mutex();
DocumentHandlerImpl::~DocumentHandlerImpl() throw ()
if (m_pMutex != 0)
delete m_pMutex;
m_pMutex = 0;
inline Reference< xml::input::XElement >
DocumentHandlerImpl::getCurrentElement() const
MGuard aGuard( m_pMutex );
if (m_elements.empty())
return Reference< xml::input::XElement >();
return m_elements.back()->m_xElement;
inline sal_Int32 DocumentHandlerImpl::getUidByURI( OUString const & rURI )
MGuard guard( m_pMutex );
if (m_nLastURI_lookup == UID_UNKNOWN || m_aLastURI_lookup != rURI)
t_OUString2LongMap::const_iterator iFind( m_URI2Uid.find( rURI ) );
if (iFind != m_URI2Uid.end()) // id found
m_nLastURI_lookup = iFind->second;
m_aLastURI_lookup = rURI;
m_nLastURI_lookup = m_uid_count;
m_URI2Uid[ rURI ] = m_nLastURI_lookup;
m_aLastURI_lookup = rURI;
return m_nLastURI_lookup;
inline sal_Int32 DocumentHandlerImpl::getUidByPrefix(
OUString const & rPrefix )
// commonly the last added prefix is used often for several tags...
// good guess
if (m_nLastPrefix_lookup == UID_UNKNOWN || m_aLastPrefix_lookup != rPrefix)
t_OUString2PrefixMap::const_iterator iFind(
m_prefixes.find( rPrefix ) );
if (iFind != m_prefixes.end())
const PrefixEntry & rPrefixEntry = *iFind->second;
OSL_ASSERT( ! rPrefixEntry.m_Uids.empty() );
m_nLastPrefix_lookup = rPrefixEntry.m_Uids.back();
m_aLastPrefix_lookup = rPrefix;
m_nLastPrefix_lookup = UID_UNKNOWN;
m_aLastPrefix_lookup = m_sXMLNS_PREFIX_UNKNOWN;
return m_nLastPrefix_lookup;
inline void DocumentHandlerImpl::pushPrefix(
OUString const & rPrefix, OUString const & rURI )
// lookup id for URI
sal_Int32 nUid = getUidByURI( rURI );
// mark prefix with id
t_OUString2PrefixMap::const_iterator iFind( m_prefixes.find( rPrefix ) );
if (iFind == m_prefixes.end()) // unused prefix
PrefixEntry * pEntry = new PrefixEntry();
pEntry->m_Uids.push_back( nUid ); // latest id for prefix
m_prefixes[ rPrefix ] = pEntry;
PrefixEntry * pEntry = iFind->second;
OSL_ASSERT( ! pEntry->m_Uids.empty() );
pEntry->m_Uids.push_back( nUid );
m_aLastPrefix_lookup = rPrefix;
m_nLastPrefix_lookup = nUid;
inline void DocumentHandlerImpl::popPrefix(
OUString const & rPrefix )
t_OUString2PrefixMap::iterator iFind( m_prefixes.find( rPrefix ) );
if (iFind != m_prefixes.end()) // unused prefix
PrefixEntry * pEntry = iFind->second;
pEntry->m_Uids.pop_back(); // pop last id for prefix
if (pEntry->m_Uids.empty()) // erase prefix key
m_prefixes.erase( iFind );
delete pEntry;
m_nLastPrefix_lookup = UID_UNKNOWN;
m_aLastPrefix_lookup = m_sXMLNS_PREFIX_UNKNOWN;
inline void DocumentHandlerImpl::getElementName(
OUString const & rQName, sal_Int32 * pUid, OUString * pLocalName )
sal_Int32 nColonPos = rQName.indexOf( (sal_Unicode)':' );
*pLocalName = (nColonPos >= 0 ? rQName.copy( nColonPos +1 ) : rQName);
*pUid = getUidByPrefix(
nColonPos >= 0 ? rQName.copy( 0, nColonPos ) : OUString() );
class ExtendedAttributes :
public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper1< xml::input::XAttributes >
sal_Int32 m_nAttributes;
sal_Int32 * m_pUids;
OUString * m_pPrefixes;
OUString * m_pLocalNames;
OUString * m_pQNames;
OUString * m_pValues;
DocumentHandlerImpl * m_pHandler;
inline ExtendedAttributes(
sal_Int32 nAttributes,
sal_Int32 * pUids, OUString * pPrefixes,
OUString * pLocalNames, OUString * pQNames,
Reference< xml::sax::XAttributeList > const & xAttributeList,
DocumentHandlerImpl * pHandler );
virtual ~ExtendedAttributes() throw ();
// XAttributes
virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getLength()
throw (RuntimeException);
virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getIndexByQName(
OUString const & rQName )
throw (RuntimeException);
virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getIndexByUidName(
sal_Int32 nUid, OUString const & rLocalName )
throw (RuntimeException);
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getQNameByIndex(
sal_Int32 nIndex )
throw (RuntimeException);
virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getUidByIndex(
sal_Int32 nIndex )
throw (RuntimeException);
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getLocalNameByIndex(
sal_Int32 nIndex )
throw (RuntimeException);
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getValueByIndex(
sal_Int32 nIndex )
throw (RuntimeException);
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getValueByUidName(
sal_Int32 nUid, OUString const & rLocalName )
throw (RuntimeException);
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getTypeByIndex(
sal_Int32 nIndex )
throw (RuntimeException);
inline ExtendedAttributes::ExtendedAttributes(
sal_Int32 nAttributes,
sal_Int32 * pUids, OUString * pPrefixes,
OUString * pLocalNames, OUString * pQNames,
Reference< xml::sax::XAttributeList > const & xAttributeList,
DocumentHandlerImpl * pHandler )
: m_nAttributes( nAttributes )
, m_pUids( pUids )
, m_pPrefixes( pPrefixes )
, m_pLocalNames( pLocalNames )
, m_pQNames( pQNames )
, m_pValues( new OUString[ nAttributes ] )
, m_pHandler( pHandler )
for ( sal_Int16 nPos = 0; nPos < nAttributes; ++nPos )
m_pValues[ nPos ] = xAttributeList->getValueByIndex( nPos );
ExtendedAttributes::~ExtendedAttributes() throw ()
delete [] m_pUids;
delete [] m_pPrefixes;
delete [] m_pLocalNames;
delete [] m_pQNames;
delete [] m_pValues;
// XServiceInfo
OUString DocumentHandlerImpl::getImplementationName()
throw (RuntimeException)
return getImplementationName_DocumentHandlerImpl();
sal_Bool DocumentHandlerImpl::supportsService(
OUString const & servicename )
throw (RuntimeException)
Sequence< OUString > names( getSupportedServiceNames_DocumentHandlerImpl() );
for ( sal_Int32 nPos = names.getLength(); nPos--; )
if (names[ nPos ].equals( servicename ))
return sal_True;
return sal_False;
Sequence< OUString > DocumentHandlerImpl::getSupportedServiceNames()
throw (RuntimeException)
return getSupportedServiceNames_DocumentHandlerImpl();
// XInitialization
void DocumentHandlerImpl::initialize(
Sequence< Any > const & arguments )
throw (Exception)
MGuard guard( m_pMutex );
Reference< xml::input::XRoot > xRoot;
if (arguments.getLength() == 1 &&
(arguments[ 0 ] >>= xRoot) &&
m_xRoot = xRoot;
throw RuntimeException(
"missing root instance!") ),
Reference< XInterface >() );
// XNamespaceMapping
sal_Int32 DocumentHandlerImpl::getUidByUri( OUString const & Uri )
throw (RuntimeException)
sal_Int32 uid = getUidByURI( Uri );
return uid;
OUString DocumentHandlerImpl::getUriByUid( sal_Int32 Uid )
throw (container::NoSuchElementException, RuntimeException)
MGuard guard( m_pMutex );
t_OUString2LongMap::const_iterator iPos( m_URI2Uid.begin() );
t_OUString2LongMap::const_iterator const iEnd( m_URI2Uid.end() );
for ( ; iPos != iEnd; ++iPos )
if (iPos->second == Uid)
return iPos->first;
throw container::NoSuchElementException(
OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("no such xmlns uid!") ),
static_cast< OWeakObject * >(this) );
// XDocumentHandler
void DocumentHandlerImpl::startDocument()
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException)
static_cast< xml::input::XNamespaceMapping * >( this ) );
void DocumentHandlerImpl::endDocument()
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException)
void DocumentHandlerImpl::startElement(
OUString const & rQElementName,
Reference< xml::sax::XAttributeList > const & xAttribs )
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException)
Reference< xml::input::XElement > xCurrentElement;
Reference< xml::input::XAttributes > xAttributes;
sal_Int32 nUid;
OUString aLocalName;
::std::auto_ptr< ElementEntry > elementEntry( new ElementEntry );
{ // guard start:
MGuard aGuard( m_pMutex );
// currently skipping elements and waiting for end tags?
if (m_nSkipElements > 0)
++m_nSkipElements; // wait for another end tag
OString aQName(
OUStringToOString( rQElementName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
OSL_TRACE( "### no context given on createChildElement() "
"=> ignoring element \"%s\" ...", aQName.getStr() );
sal_Int16 nAttribs = xAttribs->getLength();
// save all namespace ids
sal_Int32 * pUids = new sal_Int32[ nAttribs ];
OUString * pPrefixes = new OUString[ nAttribs ];
OUString * pLocalNames = new OUString[ nAttribs ];
OUString * pQNames = new OUString[ nAttribs ];
// first recognize all xmlns attributes
sal_Int16 nPos;
for ( nPos = 0; nPos < nAttribs; ++nPos )
// mark attribute to be collected further
// on with attribute's uid and current prefix
pUids[ nPos ] = 0; // modified
pQNames[ nPos ] = xAttribs->getNameByIndex( nPos );
OUString const & rQAttributeName = pQNames[ nPos ];
if (rQAttributeName.compareTo( m_sXMLNS, 5 ) == 0)
if (rQAttributeName.getLength() == 5) // set default namespace
OUString aDefNamespacePrefix;
xAttribs->getValueByIndex( nPos ) );
elementEntry->m_prefixes.push_back( aDefNamespacePrefix );
pUids[ nPos ] = UID_UNKNOWN;
pPrefixes[ nPos ] = m_sXMLNS;
pLocalNames[ nPos ] = aDefNamespacePrefix;
else if ((sal_Unicode)':' == rQAttributeName[ 5 ]) // set prefix
OUString aPrefix( rQAttributeName.copy( 6 ) );
pushPrefix( aPrefix, xAttribs->getValueByIndex( nPos ) );
elementEntry->m_prefixes.push_back( aPrefix );
pUids[ nPos ] = UID_UNKNOWN;
pPrefixes[ nPos ] = m_sXMLNS;
pLocalNames[ nPos ] = aPrefix;
// else just a name starting with xmlns, but no prefix
// now read out attribute prefixes (all namespace prefixes have been set)
for ( nPos = 0; nPos < nAttribs; ++nPos )
if (pUids[ nPos ] >= 0) // no xmlns: attribute
OUString const & rQAttributeName = pQNames[ nPos ];
"### unexpected xmlns!" );
// collect attribute's uid and current prefix
sal_Int32 nColonPos = rQAttributeName.indexOf( (sal_Unicode) ':' );
if (nColonPos >= 0)
pPrefixes[ nPos ] = rQAttributeName.copy( 0, nColonPos );
pLocalNames[ nPos ] = rQAttributeName.copy( nColonPos +1 );
pPrefixes[ nPos ] = OUString();
pLocalNames[ nPos ] = rQAttributeName;
// leave local names unmodified
pUids[ nPos ] = getUidByPrefix( pPrefixes[ nPos ] );
// ownership of arrays belongs to attribute list
xAttributes = static_cast< xml::input::XAttributes * >(
new ExtendedAttributes(
nAttribs, pUids, pPrefixes, pLocalNames, pQNames,
xAttribs, this ) );
getElementName( rQElementName, &nUid, &aLocalName );
// create new child context and append to list
if (! m_elements.empty())
xCurrentElement = m_elements.back()->m_xElement;
} // :guard end
if (
elementEntry->m_xElement =
xCurrentElement->startChildElement( nUid, aLocalName, xAttributes );
elementEntry->m_xElement =
m_xRoot->startRootElement( nUid, aLocalName, xAttributes );
MGuard aGuard( m_pMutex );
if (elementEntry->
m_elements.push_back( elementEntry.release() );
OString aQName(
OUStringToOString( rQElementName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
"### no context given on createChildElement() => "
"ignoring element \"%s\" ...", aQName.getStr() );
void DocumentHandlerImpl::endElement(
OUString const & rQElementName )
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException)
Reference< xml::input::XElement > xCurrentElement;
MGuard aGuard( m_pMutex );
if (m_nSkipElements)
OString aQName(
OUStringToOString( rQElementName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
OSL_TRACE( "### received endElement() for \"%s\".", aQName.getStr() );
// popping context
OSL_ASSERT( ! m_elements.empty() );
ElementEntry * pEntry = m_elements.back();
xCurrentElement = pEntry->m_xElement;
sal_Int32 nUid;
OUString aLocalName;
getElementName( rQElementName, &nUid, &aLocalName );
OSL_ASSERT( xCurrentElement->getLocalName() == aLocalName );
OSL_ASSERT( xCurrentElement->getUid() == nUid );
// pop prefixes
for ( sal_Int32 nPos = pEntry->m_prefixes.size(); nPos--; )
popPrefix( pEntry->m_prefixes[ nPos ] );
delete pEntry;
void DocumentHandlerImpl::characters( OUString const & rChars )
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException)
Reference< xml::input::XElement > xCurrentElement( getCurrentElement() );
if (
xCurrentElement->characters( rChars );
void DocumentHandlerImpl::ignorableWhitespace(
OUString const & rWhitespaces )
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException)
Reference< xml::input::XElement > xCurrentElement( getCurrentElement() );
if (
xCurrentElement->ignorableWhitespace( rWhitespaces );
void DocumentHandlerImpl::processingInstruction(
OUString const & rTarget, OUString const & rData )
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException)
Reference< xml::input::XElement > xCurrentElement( getCurrentElement() );
if (
xCurrentElement->processingInstruction( rTarget, rData );
m_xRoot->processingInstruction( rTarget, rData );
void DocumentHandlerImpl::setDocumentLocator(
Reference< xml::sax::XLocator > const & xLocator )
throw (xml::sax::SAXException, RuntimeException)
m_xRoot->setDocumentLocator( xLocator );
// XAttributes
sal_Int32 ExtendedAttributes::getIndexByQName( OUString const & rQName )
throw (RuntimeException)
for ( sal_Int32 nPos = m_nAttributes; nPos--; )
if (m_pQNames[ nPos ].equals( rQName ))
return nPos;
return -1;
sal_Int32 ExtendedAttributes::getLength()
throw (RuntimeException)
return m_nAttributes;
OUString ExtendedAttributes::getLocalNameByIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex )
throw (RuntimeException)
if (nIndex < m_nAttributes)
return m_pLocalNames[ nIndex ];
return OUString();
OUString ExtendedAttributes::getQNameByIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex )
throw (RuntimeException)
if (nIndex < m_nAttributes)
return m_pQNames[ nIndex ];
return OUString();
OUString ExtendedAttributes::getTypeByIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex )
throw (RuntimeException)
OSL_ASSERT( nIndex < m_nAttributes );
return OUString(); // unsupported
OUString ExtendedAttributes::getValueByIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex )
throw (RuntimeException)
if (nIndex < m_nAttributes)
return m_pValues[ nIndex ];
return OUString();
sal_Int32 ExtendedAttributes::getIndexByUidName(
sal_Int32 nUid, OUString const & rLocalName )
throw (RuntimeException)
for ( sal_Int32 nPos = m_nAttributes; nPos--; )
if (m_pUids[ nPos ] == nUid && m_pLocalNames[ nPos ] == rLocalName)
return nPos;
return -1;
sal_Int32 ExtendedAttributes::getUidByIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex )
throw (RuntimeException)
if (nIndex < m_nAttributes)
return m_pUids[ nIndex ];
return -1;
OUString ExtendedAttributes::getValueByUidName(
sal_Int32 nUid, OUString const & rLocalName )
throw (RuntimeException)
for ( sal_Int32 nPos = m_nAttributes; nPos--; )
if (m_pUids[ nPos ] == nUid && m_pLocalNames[ nPos ] == rLocalName)
return m_pValues[ nPos ];
return OUString();
Reference< xml::sax::XDocumentHandler > SAL_CALL createDocumentHandler(
Reference< xml::input::XRoot > const & xRoot,
bool bSingleThreadedUse )
if (
return static_cast< xml::sax::XDocumentHandler * >(
new DocumentHandlerImpl( xRoot, bSingleThreadedUse ) );
return Reference< xml::sax::XDocumentHandler >();
Reference< XInterface > SAL_CALL create_DocumentHandlerImpl(
Reference< XComponentContext > const & )
SAL_THROW( (Exception) )
return static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject * >(
new DocumentHandlerImpl(
Reference< xml::input::XRoot >(), false /* mt use */ ) );