blob: 74c18a6c07fe92e6b13fead6b9d743fc693b7aed [file] [log] [blame]
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#include <sal/types.h>
#include <doctok/WW8Document.hxx>
#include <set>
#include <hash_map>
#include <iostream>
namespace writerfilter {
namespace doctok
using namespace ::std;
template <class T>
bool operator <= (const T & rA, const T & rB)
return ! ( rB < rA );
A character position.
This is a wrapper to make the type for WW8 character position (CP)
distinct from WW8 file character positions (FC).
struct Cp
sal_uInt32 nCp; // the WW8 character position
Cp() : nCp(0) {}
Cp(sal_uInt32 nCp_) : nCp(nCp_) {}
Returns the WW8 character position.
@return the WW8 character position
sal_uInt32 get() const { return nCp; }
Sets the WW8 character position.
@param nCp_ the WW8 character position to set
void set(sal_uInt32 nCp_) { nCp = nCp_; }
Calculate CP moved backward.
None of the involved CPs is changed.
@param n amount of movement
@return CP moved @n steps backward
sal_uInt32 operator - (const Cp & rCp) const
{ return nCp - rCp.nCp; }
Calculate CP moved forward.
None of the involved CPs is changed.
@param n amount of movement
@return CP moved @n steps forward
Cp operator + (sal_uInt32 n) const
{ return Cp(nCp + n); }
Advance CP forward.
@attention The CP is altered.
@param n amount of movement
@return CP moved @n steps forward
Cp & operator += (sal_uInt32 n)
nCp += n;
return *this;
Return string representation of CP.
string toString() const;
friend bool operator < (const Cp & rA, const Cp & rB);
friend bool operator == (const Cp & rA, const Cp & rB);
friend ostream & operator << (ostream & o, const Cp & rCp);
A file character position.
This is a wrapper to make the type for WW8 character position (CP)
distinct from WW8 file character positions (FC).
struct Fc
sal_uInt32 mnFc; // the WW8 character position
bool mbComplex;
Fc() : mnFc(0), mbComplex(false) {}
Fc(sal_uInt32 nFc, bool bComplex = true)
: mnFc(nFc), mbComplex(bComplex)
sal_uInt32 complexFactor() const { return mbComplex ? 1 : 2; }
Returns the WW8 character position.
@return the WW8 character position
sal_uInt32 get() const { return mnFc; }
Sets the WW8 file character position.
@param nFc the WW8 file character position to set
void set(sal_uInt32 nFc) { mnFc = nFc; }
Set if the FC is complex.
@param bComplex true if FC is set to be complex
void setComplex(bool bComplex) { mbComplex = bComplex; }
Return if FC is complex.
@retval true FC is complex
@retval false else
bool isComplex() const { return mbComplex; }
Distance of FCs.
None of the involved FCs is changed.
@param rFc FC to calculate distance to
@return Distance from @a rFc to this FC
sal_uInt32 operator - (const Fc & rFc) const
{ return (mnFc - rFc.mnFc) / complexFactor(); }
Calculate FC moved backward.
None of the involved FCs is changed.
@param n amount of movement
@return FC moved @n steps backward
Fc operator - (sal_uInt32 n) const
{ return Fc(mnFc - n * complexFactor(), mbComplex); }
Calculate FC moved forward.
None of the involved FCs is changed.
@param n amount of movement
@return FC moved @n steps Forward
Fc operator + (sal_uInt32 n) const
{ return Fc(mnFc + n * complexFactor(), mbComplex); }
Return string representation of FC.
string toString() const;
friend bool operator < (const Fc & rA, const Fc & rB);
friend bool operator == (const Fc & rA, const Fc & rB);
friend ostream & operator << (ostream & o, const Fc & rFc);
A character position and a corresponding file character position
class CpAndFc
character position
Cp mCp;
file character position
Fc mFc;
property type
PropertyType mType;
CpAndFc() {}
CpAndFc(const Cp & rCp, const Fc & rFc, PropertyType eType_);
Return character position.
const Cp & getCp() const { return mCp; }
Return file character position.
const Fc & getFc() const { return mFc; }
Return property type.
PropertyType getType() const { return mType; }
Return if FC is complex.
@retval true FC is complex
@retval false else
bool isComplex() const { return mFc.isComplex(); }
Return the distance to other CpAndFc.
@param rCpAndFc the other CpAndFc
@return the distance from the CP in @a rCpAndFc to the CP in
sal_uInt32 operator-(const CpAndFc & rCpAndFc) const
{ return mCp - rCpAndFc.mCp; }
Return string representation of the CpAndFc.
string toString() const;
friend bool operator < (const CpAndFc & rA, const CpAndFc & rB);
friend bool operator == (const CpAndFc & rA, const CpAndFc & rB);
friend ostream & operator << (ostream & o, const CpAndFc & rCpAndFc);
struct CpAndFcLess
bool operator()(const CpAndFc & rA, const CpAndFc & rB) const
return rA < rB;
bool operator()(const CpAndFc & rA, const Cp & rB) const
return rA.getCp() < rB;
bool operator()(const Cp & rA, const CpAndFc & rB) const
return rA < rB.getCp();
typedef set<CpAndFc, CpAndFcLess> CpAndFcs;
ostream & operator << (ostream & o, const CpAndFcs & rCpAndFcs);
struct CpHash
size_t operator()(const Cp & rCp) const
return rCp.get();
struct FcHash
size_t operator()(const Fc & rFc) const
return rFc.get();
struct CpEq
bool operator() (const Cp & rA, const Cp &rB) const
return rA == rB;
struct CpAndFcHash
size_t operator()(const CpAndFc & rCpAndFc) const
CpHash aHash;
return aHash(rCpAndFc.getCp());
typedef hash_map<Cp, Fc, CpHash, CpEq> Cp2FcHashMap_t;
} // namespace doctok
} // namespace writerfilter