blob: 850b51f6b4606ca19d1ba080f1aadc644829242e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_vcl.hxx"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <unx/salunx.h>
#include <unx/saldisp.hxx>
#include <unx/cdeint.hxx>
meType = DtCDE;
static int getHexDigit( const char c )
if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' )
return (int)(c-'0');
else if( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' )
return (int)(c-'a'+10);
else if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' )
return (int)(c-'A'+10);
return -1;
void CDEIntegrator::GetSystemLook( AllSettings& rSettings )
static Color aColors[ 8 ];
static sal_Bool bRead = sal_False;
static sal_Bool bValid = sal_False;
if( ! bRead )
// get used palette from xrdb
char **ppStringList = 0;
int nStringCount;
XTextProperty aTextProperty;
aTextProperty.value = 0;
int i;
static Atom nResMgrAtom = XInternAtom( mpDisplay, "RESOURCE_MANAGER", False );
if( XGetTextProperty( mpDisplay,
RootWindow( mpDisplay, 0 ),
nResMgrAtom )
&& aTextProperty.value
&& XTextPropertyToStringList( &aTextProperty, &ppStringList, &nStringCount )
// format of ColorPalette resource:
// *n*ColorPalette: palettefile
ByteString aLines;
for( i=0; i < nStringCount; i++ )
aLines += ppStringList[i];
for( i = aLines.GetTokenCount( '\n' )-1; i >= 0; i-- )
ByteString aLine = aLines.GetToken( i, '\n' );
int nIndex = aLine.Search( "ColorPalette" );
if( nIndex != STRING_NOTFOUND )
int nPos = nIndex;
const char* pStr = aLine.GetBuffer() +nIndex;
while( *pStr && isspace( *pStr ) && *pStr != ':' )
if( *pStr != ':' )
pStr++, nIndex++;
for( ; *pStr && isspace( *pStr ); pStr++, nIndex++ )
if( ! *pStr )
int nIndex2 = nIndex;
for( ; *pStr && ! isspace( *pStr ); pStr++, nIndex2++ )
ByteString aPaletteFile( aLine.Copy( nIndex, nIndex2 - nIndex ) );
// extract number before ColorPalette;
for( ; nPos >= 0 && aLine.GetChar( nPos ) != '*'; nPos-- )
for( ; nPos >= 0 && aLine.GetChar( nPos ) != '*'; nPos-- )
int nNumber = aLine.Copy( ++nPos ).ToInt32();
DBG_TRACE2( "found palette %d in resource \"%s\"", nNumber, aLine.GetBuffer() );
// found no documentation what this number actually means;
// might be the screen number. 0 seems to be the right one
// in most cases.
if( nNumber )
DBG_TRACE1( "Palette file is \"%s\".\n", aPaletteFile.GetBuffer() );
String aPath( aHomeDir );
aPath.AppendAscii( "/.dt/palettes/" );
aPath += String( aPaletteFile, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
SvFileStream aStream( aPath, STREAM_READ );
if( ! aStream.IsOpen() )
aPath = String::CreateFromAscii( "/usr/dt/palettes/" );
aPath += String( aPaletteFile, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() );
aStream.Open( aPath, STREAM_READ );
if( ! aStream.IsOpen() )
ByteString aBuffer;
for( nIndex = 0; nIndex < 8; nIndex++ )
aStream.ReadLine( aBuffer );
// format is "#RRRRGGGGBBBB"
DBG_TRACE1( "\t\"%s\".\n", aBuffer.GetBuffer() );
if( aBuffer.Len() )
const char* pArr = (const char*)aBuffer.GetBuffer()+1;
aColors[nIndex] = Color(
getHexDigit( pArr[1] )
| ( getHexDigit( pArr[0] ) << 4 ),
getHexDigit( pArr[5] )
| ( getHexDigit( pArr[4] ) << 4 ),
getHexDigit( pArr[9] )
| ( getHexDigit( pArr[8] ) << 4 )
DBG_TRACE1( "\t\t%lx\n", aColors[nIndex].GetColor() );
bValid = sal_True;
if( ppStringList )
XFreeStringList( ppStringList );
if( aTextProperty.value )
XFree( aTextProperty.value );
StyleSettings aStyleSettings = rSettings.GetStyleSettings();
// #i48001# set a default blink rate
aStyleSettings.SetCursorBlinkTime( 500 );
if (bValid)
aStyleSettings.SetActiveColor( aColors[0] );
aStyleSettings.SetActiveColor2( aColors[0] );
aStyleSettings.SetActiveBorderColor( aColors[0] );
aStyleSettings.SetDeactiveColor( aColors[0] );
aStyleSettings.SetDeactiveColor2( aColors[0] );
aStyleSettings.SetDeactiveBorderColor( aColors[0] );
Color aActive =
aColors[ 0 ].GetBlue() < 128 ||
aColors[ 0 ].GetGreen() < 128 ||
aColors[ 0 ].GetRed() < 128
? Color( COL_WHITE ) : Color( COL_BLACK );
Color aDeactive =
aColors[ 1 ].GetBlue() < 128 ||
aColors[ 1 ].GetGreen() < 128 ||
aColors[ 1 ].GetRed() < 128
? Color( COL_WHITE ) : Color( COL_BLACK );
aStyleSettings.SetActiveTextColor( aActive );
aStyleSettings.SetDeactiveTextColor( aDeactive );
aStyleSettings.SetDialogTextColor( aDeactive );
aStyleSettings.SetMenuTextColor( aDeactive );
aStyleSettings.SetMenuBarTextColor( aDeactive );
aStyleSettings.SetButtonTextColor( aDeactive );
aStyleSettings.SetRadioCheckTextColor( aDeactive );
aStyleSettings.SetGroupTextColor( aDeactive );
aStyleSettings.SetLabelTextColor( aDeactive );
aStyleSettings.SetInfoTextColor( aDeactive );
aStyleSettings.Set3DColors( aColors[1] );
aStyleSettings.SetFaceColor( aColors[1] );
aStyleSettings.SetDialogColor( aColors[1] );
aStyleSettings.SetMenuColor( aColors[1] );
aStyleSettings.SetMenuBarColor( aColors[1] );
if ( aStyleSettings.GetFaceColor() == COL_LIGHTGRAY )
aStyleSettings.SetCheckedColor( Color( 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC ) );
// calculate Checked color
Color aColor2 = aStyleSettings.GetLightColor();
sal_uInt8 nRed = (sal_uInt8)(((sal_uInt16)aColors[1].GetRed() + (sal_uInt16)aColor2.GetRed())/2);
sal_uInt8 nGreen = (sal_uInt8)(((sal_uInt16)aColors[1].GetGreen() + (sal_uInt16)aColor2.GetGreen())/2);
sal_uInt8 nBlue = (sal_uInt8)(((sal_uInt16)aColors[1].GetBlue() + (sal_uInt16)aColor2.GetBlue())/2);
aStyleSettings.SetCheckedColor( Color( nRed, nGreen, nBlue ) );
rSettings.SetStyleSettings( aStyleSettings );