blob: dc6b5735bb49aebe8633ccb80cde4d755cd94b08 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <vcl/dllapi.h>
#include <vcl/timer.hxx>
#include <vcl/bitmapex.hxx>
// -----------
// - Defines -
// -----------
// ---------
// - Enums -
// ---------
enum Disposal
enum CycleMode
// -------------------
// - AnimationBitmap -
// -------------------
struct VCL_DLLPUBLIC AnimationBitmap
BitmapEx aBmpEx;
Point aPosPix;
Size aSizePix;
long nWait;
Disposal eDisposal;
sal_Bool bUserInput;
AnimationBitmap() {}
AnimationBitmap( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx, const Point& rPosPix,
const Size& rSizePix, long _nWait = 0L,
Disposal _eDisposal = DISPOSE_NOT ) :
aBmpEx ( rBmpEx ),
aPosPix ( rPosPix ),
aSizePix ( rSizePix ),
nWait ( _nWait ),
eDisposal ( _eDisposal ),
bUserInput ( sal_False ) {}
sal_Bool operator==( const AnimationBitmap& rAnimBmp ) const
return( rAnimBmp.aBmpEx == aBmpEx &&
rAnimBmp.aPosPix == aPosPix &&
rAnimBmp.aSizePix == aSizePix &&
rAnimBmp.nWait == nWait &&
rAnimBmp.eDisposal == eDisposal &&
rAnimBmp.bUserInput == bUserInput );
sal_Bool operator!=( const AnimationBitmap& rAnimBmp ) const { return !( *this == rAnimBmp ); }
sal_Bool IsEqual( const AnimationBitmap& rAnimBmp ) const
return( rAnimBmp.aPosPix == aPosPix &&
rAnimBmp.aSizePix == aSizePix &&
rAnimBmp.nWait == nWait &&
rAnimBmp.eDisposal == eDisposal &&
rAnimBmp.bUserInput == bUserInput &&
rAnimBmp.aBmpEx.IsEqual( aBmpEx ) );
sal_uLong GetChecksum() const;
// -------------------
// - AnimationBitmap -
// -------------------
struct AInfo
Bitmap aLastSaveBitmap;
Bitmap aBackBitmap;
Rectangle aClipRect;
Size aLastSaveSize;
Point aLastSavePoint;
Point aStartOrg;
Size aStartSize;
OutputDevice* pOutDev;
void* pViewData;
long nExtraData;
sal_Bool bWithSize;
sal_Bool bPause;
AInfo() : pOutDev( NULL ),
pViewData( NULL ),
nExtraData( 0L ),
bWithSize( sal_False ),
bPause( sal_False ) {}
// -------------------
// - AnimationBitmap -
// -------------------
class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Animation
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static sal_uLong mnAnimCount;
List maList;
List maAInfoList;
Link maNotifyLink;
BitmapEx maBitmapEx;
Timer maTimer;
Size maGlobalSize;
List* mpViewList;
void* mpExtraData;
long mnLoopCount;
long mnLoops;
long mnPos;
Disposal meLastDisposal;
CycleMode meCycleMode;
sal_Bool mbFirst;
sal_Bool mbIsInAnimation;
sal_Bool mbWithSize;
sal_Bool mbLoopTerminated;
sal_Bool mbIsWaiting;
//#if 0 // _SOLAR__PRIVATE
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ImplRestartTimer( sal_uLong nTimeout );
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( ImplTimeoutHdl, Timer* );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static void ImplIncAnimCount() { mnAnimCount++; }
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static void ImplDecAnimCount() { mnAnimCount--; }
SAL_DLLPRIVATE sal_uLong ImplGetCurPos() const { return mnPos; }
Animation( const Animation& rAnimation );
Animation& operator=( const Animation& rAnimation );
sal_Bool operator==( const Animation& rAnimation ) const;
sal_Bool operator!=( const Animation& rAnimation ) const { return !(*this==rAnimation); }
sal_Bool IsEqual( const Animation& rAnimation ) const;
sal_Bool IsEmpty() const;
void SetEmpty();
void Clear();
sal_Bool Start( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Point& rDestPt, long nExtraData = 0,
OutputDevice* pFirstFrameOutDev = NULL );
sal_Bool Start( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSz, long nExtraData = 0,
OutputDevice* pFirstFrameOutDev = NULL );
void Stop( OutputDevice* pOutDev = NULL, long nExtraData = 0 );
void Draw( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Point& rDestPt ) const;
void Draw( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSz ) const;
sal_Bool IsInAnimation() const { return mbIsInAnimation; }
sal_Bool IsTransparent() const;
sal_Bool IsTerminated() const { return mbLoopTerminated; }
const Size& GetDisplaySizePixel() const { return maGlobalSize; }
void SetDisplaySizePixel( const Size& rSize ) { maGlobalSize = rSize; }
const BitmapEx& GetBitmapEx() const { return maBitmapEx; }
void SetBitmapEx( const BitmapEx& rBmpEx ) { maBitmapEx = rBmpEx; }
sal_uLong GetLoopCount() const { return mnLoopCount; }
void SetLoopCount( const sal_uLong nLoopCount );
void ResetLoopCount();
void SetCycleMode( CycleMode eMode );
CycleMode GetCycleMode() const { return meCycleMode; }
void SetNotifyHdl( const Link& rLink ) { maNotifyLink = rLink; }
const Link& GetNotifyHdl() const { return maNotifyLink; }
sal_uInt16 Count() const { return (sal_uInt16) maList.Count(); }
sal_Bool Insert( const AnimationBitmap& rAnimationBitmap );
const AnimationBitmap& Get( sal_uInt16 nAnimation ) const;
void Replace( const AnimationBitmap& rNewAnimationBmp, sal_uInt16 nAnimation );
List* GetAInfoList() { return &maAInfoList; }
sal_uLong GetSizeBytes() const;
sal_uLong GetChecksum() const;
sal_Bool Convert( BmpConversion eConversion );
sal_Bool ReduceColors( sal_uInt16 nNewColorCount,
BmpReduce eReduce = BMP_REDUCE_SIMPLE );
sal_Bool Invert();
sal_Bool Mirror( sal_uLong nMirrorFlags );
sal_Bool Dither( sal_uLong nDitherFlags = BMP_DITHER_MATRIX );
sal_Bool Adjust( short nLuminancePercent = 0,
short nContrastPercent = 0,
short nChannelRPercent = 0,
short nChannelGPercent = 0,
short nChannelBPercent = 0,
double fGamma = 1.0,
sal_Bool bInvert = sal_False );
sal_Bool Filter( BmpFilter eFilter,
const BmpFilterParam* pFilterParam = NULL,
const Link* pProgress = NULL );
friend VCL_DLLPUBLIC SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIStream, Animation& rAnimation );
friend VCL_DLLPUBLIC SvStream& operator<<( SvStream& rOStream, const Animation& rAnimation );
#endif // _SV_ANIMATE_HXX