blob: b66d7e26ec5b934c74b2b04d109b378eb900aa0a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <com/sun/star/xml/crypto/XSecurityEnvironment.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/security/XDocumentDigitalSignatures.hpp>
#include <comphelper/sequence.hxx>
#include "comphelper/documentconstants.hxx"
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/security/NoPasswordException.hpp>
using namespace ::com::sun::star::security;
#include "ids.hrc"
#include "secmacrowarnings.hxx"
#include "secmacrowarnings.hrc"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (disable : 4355) // 4355: this used in initializer-list
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
// HACK!!! copied from xmlsecurity/source/dialog/resourcemanager.cxx
String GetContentPart( const String& _rRawString, const String& _rPartId )
String s;
xub_StrLen nContStart = _rRawString.Search( _rPartId );
if( nContStart != STRING_NOTFOUND )
nContStart = nContStart + _rPartId.Len();
++nContStart; // now it's start of content, directly after Id
xub_StrLen nContEnd = _rRawString.Search( sal_Unicode( ',' ), nContStart );
s = String( _rRawString, nContStart, nContEnd - nContStart );
return s;
MacroWarning::MacroWarning( Window* _pParent, bool _bWithSignatures, ResMgr& rResMgr )
:ModalDialog ( _pParent, ResId( RID_XMLSECDLG_MACROWARN, rResMgr ) )
,mpInfos ( NULL )
,maSymbolImg ( this, ResId( IMG_SYMBOL, rResMgr ) )
,maDocNameFI ( this, ResId( FI_DOCNAME, rResMgr ) )
,maDescr1aFI ( this, ResId( FI_DESCR1A, rResMgr ) )
,maDescr1bFI ( this, ResId( FI_DESCR1B, rResMgr ) )
,maSignsFI ( this, ResId( FI_SIGNS, rResMgr ) )
,maViewSignsBtn ( this, ResId( PB_VIEWSIGNS, rResMgr ) )
,maDescr2FI ( this, ResId( FI_DESCR2, rResMgr ) )
,maAlwaysTrustCB ( this, ResId( CB_ALWAYSTRUST, rResMgr ) )
,maBottomSepFL ( this, ResId( FL_BOTTOM_SEP, rResMgr ) )
,maEnableBtn ( this, ResId( PB_ENABLE, rResMgr ) )
,maDisableBtn ( this, ResId( PB_DISABLE, rResMgr ) )
,maHelpBtn ( this, ResId( BTN_HELP, rResMgr ) )
,mbSignedMode ( true )
,mbShowSignatures ( _bWithSignatures )
,mnActSecLevel ( 0 )
maDisableBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MacroWarning, DisableBtnHdl ) );
maEnableBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MacroWarning, EnableBtnHdl ) );
maDisableBtn.GrabFocus(); // Default button, but focus is on view button
short MacroWarning::Execute()
return ModalDialog::Execute();
void MacroWarning::SetDocumentURL( const String& rDocURL )
maDocNameFI.SetText( rDocURL );
IMPL_LINK( MacroWarning, ViewSignsBtnHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
DBG_ASSERT(, "*MacroWarning::ViewSignsBtnHdl(): no certificate set!" );
uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aArgs( 1 );
aArgs[0] = uno::makeAny( maODFVersion );
uno::Reference< security::XDocumentDigitalSignatures > xD(
comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstanceWithArguments( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "" ) ), aArgs ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
if( )
if( )
xD->showCertificate( mxCert );
else if( )
xD->showScriptingContentSignatures( mxStore, uno::Reference< io::XInputStream >() );
return 0;
IMPL_LINK( MacroWarning, EnableBtnHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
if( mbSignedMode && maAlwaysTrustCB.IsChecked() )
{ // insert path into trusted path list
uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aArgs( 1 );
aArgs[0] = uno::makeAny( maODFVersion );
uno::Reference< security::XDocumentDigitalSignatures > xD(
comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstanceWithArguments( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "" ) ), aArgs ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
if( )
if( )
xD->addAuthorToTrustedSources( mxCert );
else if( )
DBG_ASSERT( mpInfos, "-MacroWarning::EnableBtnHdl(): no infos, search in nirvana..." );
sal_Int32 nCnt = mpInfos->getLength();
for( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nCnt ; ++i )
xD->addAuthorToTrustedSources( (*mpInfos)[ i ].Signer );
EndDialog( RET_OK );
return 0;
IMPL_LINK( MacroWarning, DisableBtnHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
EndDialog( RET_CANCEL );
return 0;
IMPL_LINK( MacroWarning, AlwaysTrustCheckHdl, void*, EMPTYARG )
bool bEnable = ( mnActSecLevel < 2 || maAlwaysTrustCB.IsChecked() );
maEnableBtn.Enable( bEnable );
maDisableBtn.Enable( !maAlwaysTrustCB.IsChecked() );
return 0;
void MacroWarning::InitControls()
// set warning image
Image aImg( WarningBox::GetStandardImage() );
maSymbolImg.SetImage( aImg );
maSymbolImg.SetSizePixel( aImg.GetSizePixel() );
// set bold font and path ellipsis for docname fixedtext
Font aTmpFont = maDocNameFI.GetControlFont();
aTmpFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_BOLD );
maDocNameFI.SetControlFont( aTmpFont );
WinBits nStyle = maDocNameFI.GetStyle();
maDocNameFI.SetStyle( nStyle );
// show signature controls?
if( mbShowSignatures )
maViewSignsBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MacroWarning, ViewSignsBtnHdl ) );
maViewSignsBtn.Disable(); // default
maAlwaysTrustCB.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, MacroWarning, AlwaysTrustCheckHdl ) );
mnActSecLevel = SvtSecurityOptions().GetMacroSecurityLevel();
if ( mnActSecLevel >= 2 )
// move hint up to position of signer list
maDescr2FI.SetPosPixel( maSignsFI.GetPosPixel() );
// without signature controls could be smaller
if ( !mbShowSignatures )
Point aPos = maDescr2FI.GetPosPixel();
aPos.Y() += maDescr2FI.GetSizePixel().Height();
aPos.Y() += LogicToPixel( Size( 3, 3 ) ).Height();
long nDelta = maBottomSepFL.GetPosPixel().Y() - aPos.Y();
Window* pWins[] =
&maBottomSepFL, &maEnableBtn, &maDisableBtn, &maHelpBtn
Window** pCurrent = pWins;
for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < sizeof( pWins ) / sizeof( pWins[ 0 ] ); ++i, ++pCurrent )
Point aNewPos = (*pCurrent)->GetPosPixel();
aNewPos.Y() -= nDelta;
(*pCurrent)->SetPosPixel( aNewPos );
Size aDlgSz = GetSizePixel();
aDlgSz.Height() -= nDelta;
SetSizePixel( aDlgSz );
// check if some buttontexts are to wide
String sText = maViewSignsBtn.GetText();
long nTxtW = maViewSignsBtn.GetTextWidth( sText );
const long nOffset = 12;
if ( sText.Search( '~' ) == STRING_NOTFOUND )
nTxtW += nOffset;
long nBtnW = maViewSignsBtn.GetSizePixel().Width();
if ( nTxtW >= nBtnW )
// broaden the button
long nDelta = Max( nTxtW - nBtnW, nOffset/3 );
Size aNewSize = maViewSignsBtn.GetSizePixel();
aNewSize.Width() += nDelta;
maViewSignsBtn.SetSizePixel( aNewSize );
// and give it a new position
Point aNewPos = maViewSignsBtn.GetPosPixel();
aNewPos.X() -= nDelta;
maViewSignsBtn.SetPosPixel( aNewPos );
// the the left fixedtext must be smaller
aNewSize = maSignsFI.GetSizePixel();
aNewSize.Width() -= nDelta;
maSignsFI.SetSizePixel( aNewSize );
// if the button text (we compare with the longest of both) is too wide, then broaden the buttons
String sText1 = maEnableBtn.GetText();
long nTxtW1 = maEnableBtn.GetTextWidth( sText1 );
if ( sText1.Search( '~' ) == STRING_NOTFOUND )
nTxtW1 += nOffset;
String sText2 = maDisableBtn.GetText();
long nTxtW2 = maDisableBtn.GetTextWidth( sText2 );
if ( sText2.Search( '~' ) == STRING_NOTFOUND )
nTxtW2 += nOffset;
nTxtW = Max( nTxtW1, nTxtW2 );
nBtnW = maEnableBtn.GetSizePixel().Width();
if ( nTxtW > nBtnW )
// broaden both buttons
long nDelta = nTxtW - nBtnW;
Size aNewSize = maEnableBtn.GetSizePixel();
aNewSize.Width() += nDelta;
maEnableBtn.SetSizePixel( aNewSize );
maDisableBtn.SetSizePixel( aNewSize );
// and give them a new position
Point aNewPos = maEnableBtn.GetPosPixel();
aNewPos.X() -= (2*nDelta);
maEnableBtn.SetPosPixel( aNewPos );
aNewPos = maDisableBtn.GetPosPixel();
aNewPos.X() -= nDelta;
maDisableBtn.SetPosPixel( aNewPos );
void MacroWarning::FitControls()
Size a3Size = LogicToPixel( Size( 3, 3 ), MAP_APPFONT );
Size aNewSize, aMinSize;
long nTxtH = 0;
long nCtrlH = 0;
long nDelta = 0;
if ( mbShowSignatures )
aMinSize = maSignsFI.CalcMinimumSize( maSignsFI.GetSizePixel().Width() );
nTxtH = Max( aMinSize.Height(), maViewSignsBtn.GetSizePixel().Height() );
nTxtH += a3Size.Height() / 2;
nCtrlH = maSignsFI.GetSizePixel().Height();
nDelta = Max( nCtrlH - nTxtH, static_cast< long >( -100 ) ); // not too large
aNewSize = maSignsFI.GetSizePixel();
aNewSize.Height() -= nDelta;
maSignsFI.SetSizePixel( aNewSize );
aMinSize = maDescr2FI.CalcMinimumSize( maDescr2FI.GetSizePixel().Width() );
nTxtH = aMinSize.Height();
nCtrlH = maDescr2FI.GetSizePixel().Height();
long nDelta2 = ( nCtrlH - nTxtH );
aNewSize = maDescr2FI.GetSizePixel();
aNewSize.Height() -= nDelta2;
maDescr2FI.SetSizePixel( aNewSize );
// new position for the succeeding windows
Window* pWins[] =
&maDescr2FI, &maAlwaysTrustCB, &maBottomSepFL, &maEnableBtn, &maDisableBtn, &maHelpBtn
Window** pCurrent = pWins;
for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < sizeof( pWins ) / sizeof( pWins[ 0 ] ); ++i, ++pCurrent )
Point aNewPos = (*pCurrent)->GetPosPixel();
aNewPos.Y() -= nDelta;
(*pCurrent)->SetPosPixel( aNewPos );
if ( *pCurrent == &maDescr2FI )
nDelta += nDelta2;
// new size of the dialog
aNewSize = GetSizePixel();
aNewSize.Height() -= nDelta;
SetSizePixel( aNewSize );
void MacroWarning::SetStorage( const cssu::Reference < css::embed::XStorage >& rxStore,
const ::rtl::OUString& aODFVersion,
const cssu::Sequence< security::DocumentSignatureInformation >& rInfos )
mxStore = rxStore;
maODFVersion = aODFVersion;
sal_Int32 nCnt = rInfos.getLength();
if( && nCnt > 0 )
mpInfos = &rInfos;
String aCN_Id( String::CreateFromAscii( "CN" ) );
String s;
s = GetContentPart( rInfos[ 0 ].Signer->getSubjectName(), aCN_Id );
for( sal_Int32 i = 1 ; i < nCnt ; ++i )
s.AppendAscii( "\n" );
s += GetContentPart( rInfos[ i ].Signer->getSubjectName(), aCN_Id );
maSignsFI.SetText( s );
void MacroWarning::SetCertificate( const cssu::Reference< css::security::XCertificate >& _rxCert )
mxCert = _rxCert;
if( )
String aCN_Id( String::CreateFromAscii( "CN" ) );
String s;
s = GetContentPart( mxCert->getSubjectName(), aCN_Id );
maSignsFI.SetText( s );