blob: b135d1c3109477576c2c67c5e9650adb34aa1bf4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#ifndef __com_sun_star_script_XDebugging_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_script_XDebugging_idl__
#ifndef __com_sun_star_uno_XInterface_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.idl>
#ifndef __com_sun_star_script_ContextInformation_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/script/ContextInformation.idl>
module com { module sun { module star { module script {
// DocMerge from xml: interface com::sun::star::script::XDebugging
/** makes it possible to set breakpoints in an interpreter.
published interface XDebugging: com::sun::star::uno::XInterface
/** returns the source code line where the breakpoint was set.
<p>The value can differ from the parameter
<var>nSourceCodeLine</var> when this is not a valid line to
place it. -1 indicates that the breakpoint cannot be set at
this position.
long setBreakPoint( [in] string aModuleName,
[in] long nSourceCodeLine,
[in] boolean bOn );
/** clears all breakpoints in the module set by "setBreakPoint".
void clearAllBreakPoints( [in] string aModuleName );
/** Evaluates an expression.
@returns the value of the expression as string.
@param CallStackPos Position in the call stack for which the expression
should be evaluated. 0 is the top/actual position in the call
in the call stack, 1 the next and so on.
string eval( [in] string aSourceCode,
[in] short nCallStackPos );
/** Returns the engine's stack trace of the current execute position. Line break is the delimiter.
sequence<string> getStackTrace();
/** returns more detailed information about a specified stack frame.
@param nCallStackPos
specifies the position in the call stack for the
variables that should be delivered.
com::sun::star::script::ContextInformation getContextInformation( [in] short nCallStackPos );
/** returns the value of the variable at the given stack position.
string dumpVariable( [in] string aVariableName,
[in] short nCallStackPos );
/** sets the value of the specified variable within the specified
stack frame.
void setVariable( [in] string aVariableName,
[in] string aValue,
[in] short nCallStackPos );
/** returns whether the given variable exists within the specified stack frame.
boolean isVariable( [in] string aVariableName,
[in] short nCallStackPos );
/** stops the execution of the interpreter.
<p>To continue with the execution, call <method>XDebugging::doContinue</method>.
void stop();
/** executes the next and only the next statement.
<p>If the next statement is a function call, the function is
executed completely.</p>
void stepOver();
/** executes the next and only the next statement.
<p>If the next statement is a function call, only the function
void stepIn();
/** executes the program until the next return from this stack frame.
void stepOut();
/** continues the program execution.
void doContinue();
}; }; }; };