blob: fd7c27144917c528af8e5635674340b2c30cb7fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "tools/toolsdllapi.h"
#include <i18npool/lang.h>
#include <tools/string.hxx>
#include <tools/ref.hxx>
#include <tools/resid.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp>
#include <vector>
class SvStream;
class InternalResMgr;
// -----------------
// -----------------
// Definition der Struktur, aus denen die Resource aufgebaut ist
sal_uInt32 nId; // Identifier der Resource
RESOURCE_TYPE nRT; // Resource Typ
sal_uInt32 nGlobOff; // Globaler Offset
sal_uInt32 nLocalOff; // Lokaler Offset
inline sal_uInt32 GetId(); // Identifier der Resource
inline RESOURCE_TYPE GetRT(); // Resource Typ
inline sal_uInt32 GetGlobOff(); // Globaler Offset
inline sal_uInt32 GetLocalOff(); // Lokaler Offset
// ----------
// - ResMgr -
// ----------
typedef void (*ResHookProc)( UniString& rStr );
// ----------
// - ResMgr -
// ----------
// Initialisierung
#define RC_NOTYPE 0x00
// Globale Resource
#define RC_GLOBAL 0x01
#define RC_AUTORELEASE 0x02
#define RC_NOTFOUND 0x04
#define RC_FALLBACK_DOWN 0x08
#define RC_FALLBACK_UP 0x10
class Resource;
class ResMgr;
struct ImpRCStack
// pResource and pClassRes equal NULL: resource was not loaded
RSHEADER_TYPE * pResource; // pointer to resource
void * pClassRes; // pointer to class specified init data
short Flags; // resource status
void * aResHandle; // Resource-Identifier from InternalResMgr
const Resource* pResObj; // pointer to Resource object
sal_uInt32 nId; // ResId used for error message
ResMgr* pResMgr; // ResMgr for Resource pResObj
void Clear();
void Init( ResMgr * pMgr, const Resource * pObj, sal_uInt32 nId );
InternalResMgr* pImpRes;
std::vector< ImpRCStack > aStack; // resource context stack
int nCurStack;
ResMgr* pFallbackResMgr; // fallback ResMgr in case the Resource
// was not contained in this ResMgr
ResMgr* pOriginalResMgr; // the res mgr that fell back to this
// stack level
TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE void incStack();
TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE void decStack();
TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE const ImpRCStack * StackTop( sal_uInt32 nOff = 0 ) const
return (((int)nOff >= nCurStack) ? NULL : &aStack[nCurStack-nOff]);
TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE void Init( const rtl::OUString& rFileName );
TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE ResMgr( InternalResMgr * pImp );
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE static void RscError_Impl( const sal_Char* pMessage, ResMgr* pResMgr,
RESOURCE_TYPE nRT, sal_uInt32 nId,
std::vector< ImpRCStack >& rResStack, int nDepth );
// called from within GetResource() if a resource could not be found
TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE ResMgr* CreateFallbackResMgr( const ResId& rId, const Resource* pResource );
// creates a 1k sized buffer set to zero for unfound resources
// used in case RC_NOTFOUND
static void* pEmptyBuffer;
TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE static void* getEmptyBuffer();
// the next two methods are needed to prevent the string hook called
// with the res mgr mutex locked
// like GetString, but doesn't call the string hook
TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE static sal_uInt32 GetStringWithoutHook( UniString& rStr, const sal_uInt8* pStr );
// like ReadString but doesn't call the string hook
TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE UniString ReadStringWithoutHook();
static ResMgr* ImplCreateResMgr( InternalResMgr* pImpl ) { return new ResMgr( pImpl ); }
//No copying
ResMgr(const ResMgr&);
ResMgr& operator=(const ResMgr&);
static void DestroyAllResMgr(); // Wird gerufen, wenn App beendet wird
// Sprachabhaengige Ressource Library
static const sal_Char* GetLang( LanguageType& eLanguage, sal_uInt16 nPrio = 0 ); //depricated! see "tools/source/rc/resmgr.cxx"
static ResMgr* SearchCreateResMgr( const sal_Char* pPrefixName,
com::sun::star::lang::Locale& rLocale );
static ResMgr* CreateResMgr( const sal_Char* pPrefixName,
com::sun::star::lang::Locale aLocale = com::sun::star::lang::Locale( rtl::OUString(),
// Testet ob Resource noch da ist
void TestStack( const Resource * );
// ist Resource verfuegbar
sal_Bool IsAvailable( const ResId& rId,
const Resource* = NULL) const;
// Resource suchen und laden
sal_Bool GetResource( const ResId& rId, const Resource * = NULL );
static void * GetResourceSkipHeader( const ResId& rResId, ResMgr ** ppResMgr );
// Kontext freigeben
void PopContext( const Resource* = NULL );
// Resourcezeiger erhoehen
void* Increment( sal_uInt32 nSize );
// Groesse ein Objektes in der Resource
static sal_uInt32 GetObjSize( RSHEADER_TYPE* pHT )
{ return( pHT->GetGlobOff() ); }
// returns a string and its length out of the resource
static sal_uInt32 GetString( UniString& rStr, const sal_uInt8* pStr );
// returns a byte string and its length out of the resource
static sal_uInt32 GetByteString( rtl::OString& rStr, const sal_uInt8* pStr );
// Groesse eines Strings in der Resource
static sal_uInt32 GetStringSize( sal_uInt32 nLen )
{ nLen++; return (nLen + nLen%2); }
static sal_uInt32 GetStringSize( const sal_uInt8* pStr, sal_uInt32& nLen );
// return a int64
static sal_uInt64 GetUInt64( void* pDatum );
// Gibt einen long zurueck
static sal_Int32 GetLong( void * pLong );
// return a short
static sal_Int16 GetShort( void * pShort );
// Gibt einen Zeiger auf die Resource zurueck
void * GetClass();
RSHEADER_TYPE * CreateBlock( const ResId & rId );
// Gibt die verbleibende Groesse zurueck
sal_uInt32 GetRemainSize();
const rtl::OUString&GetFileName() const;
sal_Int16 ReadShort();
sal_Int32 ReadLong();
UniString ReadString();
rtl::OString ReadByteString();
// generate auto help id for current resource stack
rtl::OString GetAutoHelpId();
static void SetReadStringHook( ResHookProc pProc );
static ResHookProc GetReadStringHook();
static void SetDefaultLocale( const com::sun::star::lang::Locale& rLocale );
inline sal_uInt32 RSHEADER_TYPE::GetId()
return (sal_uInt32)ResMgr::GetLong( &nId );
return (RESOURCE_TYPE)ResMgr::GetLong( &nRT );
inline sal_uInt32 RSHEADER_TYPE::GetGlobOff()
return (sal_uInt32)ResMgr::GetLong( &nGlobOff );
inline sal_uInt32 RSHEADER_TYPE::GetLocalOff()
return (sal_uInt32)ResMgr::GetLong( &nLocalOff );
#endif // _SV_RESMGR_HXX