blob: 10efdbdeae83eda5d791ef42b7b96a0884583e05 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
/** listen to tree model changes in order to update XAccessibleText objects
class TextUpdateListener implements TreeModelListener
public void treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent e)
try {
// if the change is to the first child of a DefaultMutableTreeNode
// with an XAccessibleText child, then we call updateText
int[] aIndices = e.getChildIndices();
if( (aIndices != null) &&
(aIndices.length > 0) )
// we have a parent... lets check for XAccessibleText then
DefaultMutableTreeNode aParent = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)
DefaultMutableTreeNode aNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)
if( aParent.getUserObject() instanceof XAccessibleText)
// aha! we have an xText. So we can now check for
// the various cases we support
XAccessibleText xText =
if( aIndices[0] == 0 )
// first child! Then we call updateText
updateText( xText, aNode.toString() );
// JDK 1.4:
// // check for pattern "Selection:"
// Matcher m = Pattern.compile(
// "selection: \\[(-?[0-9]+),(-?[0-9]+)\\] \".*" ).
// matcher( aNode.toString() );
// if( m.matches() )
// {
// try
// {
// // aha! Selection:
// setSelection( xText,
// Integer.parseInt(,
// Integer.parseInt( );
// }
// catch( NumberFormatException f )
// {
// // ignore
// }
// }
catch ( aException)
// don't care:
public void treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent e) { ; }
public void treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent e) { ; }
public void treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent e) { ; }
/** update the text */
boolean updateText( XAccessibleText xText, String sNew )
// is this text editable? if not, fudge you and return
XAccessibleEditableText xEdit =
(XAccessibleEditableText) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
XAccessibleEditableText.class, xText);
if (xEdit == null)
return false;
String sOld = xText.getText();
// false alarm? Early out if no change was done!
if( sOld.equals( sNew ) )
return false;
// get the minimum length of both strings
int nMinLength = sOld.length();
if( sNew.length() < nMinLength )
nMinLength = sNew.length();
// count equal characters from front and end
int nFront = 0;
while( (nFront < nMinLength) &&
(sNew.charAt(nFront) == sOld.charAt(nFront)) )
int nBack = 0;
while( (nBack < nMinLength) &&
( sNew.charAt(sNew.length()-nBack-1) ==
sOld.charAt(sOld.length()-nBack-1) ) )
if( nFront + nBack > nMinLength )
nBack = nMinLength - nFront;
// so... the first nFront and the last nBack characters
// are the same. Change the others!
String sDel = sOld.substring( nFront, sOld.length() - nBack );
String sIns = sNew.substring( nFront, sNew.length() - nBack );
System.out.println("edit text: " +
sOld.substring(0, nFront) +
" [ " + sDel + " -> " + sIns + " ] " +
sOld.substring(sOld.length() - nBack) );
boolean bRet = false;
// edit the text, and use
// (set|insert|delete|replace)Text as needed
if( nFront+nBack == 0 )
bRet = xEdit.setText( sIns );
else if( sDel.length() == 0 )
bRet = xEdit.insertText( sIns, nFront );
else if( sIns.length() == 0 )
bRet = xEdit.deleteText( nFront, sOld.length()-nBack );
bRet = xEdit.replaceText(nFront, sOld.length()-nBack,sIns);
catch( IndexOutOfBoundsException e )
bRet = false;
return bRet;
boolean setSelection( XAccessibleText xText, int p1, int p2 )
return xText.setSelection( p1, p2 );
catch( f )
return false;
// /** replace the given node with a new xText node */
// void updateNode( XAccessibleText xText,
// DefaultMutableTreeNode aNode )
// {
// // create a new node
// DefaultMutableTreeNode aNew = newTextTreeNode( xText );
// // get parent (must be DefaultMutableTreeNode)
// DefaultMutableTreeNode aParent =
// (DefaultMutableTreeNode)aNode.getParent();
// if( aParent != null )
// {
// // remove old sub-tree, and insert new one
// int nIndex = aParent.getIndex( aNode );
// aParent.remove( nIndex );
// aParent.insert( aNew, nIndex );
// }
// }