blob: 1bfab0dadb621bfd76fb7917bb8ade2e5ebad1f2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
#ifndef _XMLTBLI_HXX
#define _XMLTBLI_HXX
#include <xmloff/XMLTextTableContext.hxx>
// STL include
#include <hash_map>
#include <svl/svstdarr.hxx>
class SwXMLImport;
class SwTableNode;
class SwTableBox;
class SwTableLine;
class SwStartNode;
class SwTableBoxFmt;
class SwTableLineFmt;
class SwXMLTableCell_Impl;
class SwXMLTableRows_Impl;
class SwXMLDDETableContext_Impl;
class TableBoxIndexHasher;
class TableBoxIndex;
namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
namespace text { class XTextContent; }
namespace text { class XTextCursor; }
} } }
class SwXMLTableContext : public XMLTextTableContext
::rtl::OUString aStyleName;
::rtl::OUString aDfltCellStyleName;
/// NB: this contains the xml:id only if this table is a subtable!
::rtl::OUString mXmlId;
SvUShorts aColumnWidths;
SvBools aColumnRelWidths;
SvStringsDtor *pColumnDefaultCellStyleNames;
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference <
::com::sun::star::text::XTextCursor > xOldCursor;
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference <
::com::sun::star::text::XTextContent > xTextContent;
SwXMLTableRows_Impl *pRows;
SwTableNode *pTableNode;
SwTableBox *pBox1;
const SwStartNode *pSttNd1;
SwTableBoxFmt *pBoxFmt;
SwTableLineFmt *pLineFmt;
// hash map of shared format, indexed by the (XML) style name,
// the column width, and protection flag
typedef std::hash_map<TableBoxIndex,SwTableBoxFmt*,
TableBoxIndexHasher> map_BoxFmt;
map_BoxFmt* pSharedBoxFormats;
SvXMLImportContextRef xParentTable; // if table is a sub table
SwXMLDDETableContext_Impl *pDDESource;
sal_Bool bFirstSection : 1;
sal_Bool bRelWidth : 1;
sal_Bool bHasSubTables : 1;
sal_uInt16 nHeaderRows;
sal_uInt32 nCurRow;
sal_uInt32 nCurCol;
sal_Int32 nWidth;
SwTableBox *NewTableBox( const SwStartNode *pStNd,
SwTableLine *pUpper );
SwTableBox *MakeTableBox( SwTableLine *pUpper,
const SwXMLTableCell_Impl *pStartNode,
sal_uInt32 nTopRow, sal_uInt32 nLeftCol,
sal_uInt32 nBottomRow, sal_uInt32 nRightCol );
SwTableBox *MakeTableBox( SwTableLine *pUpper,
sal_uInt32 nTopRow, sal_uInt32 nLeftCol,
sal_uInt32 nBottomRow, sal_uInt32 nRightCol );
SwTableLine *MakeTableLine( SwTableBox *pUpper,
sal_uInt32 nTopRow, sal_uInt32 nLeftCol,
sal_uInt32 nBottomRow, sal_uInt32 nRightCol );
void _MakeTable( SwTableBox *pBox=0 );
void MakeTable( SwTableBox *pBox, sal_Int32 nWidth );
void MakeTable();
inline SwXMLTableContext *GetParentTable() const;
const SwStartNode *GetPrevStartNode( sal_uInt32 nRow,
sal_uInt32 nCol ) const;
inline const SwStartNode *GetLastStartNode() const;
void FixRowSpan( sal_uInt32 nRow, sal_uInt32 nCol, sal_uInt32 nColSpan );
void ReplaceWithEmptyCell( sal_uInt32 nRow, sal_uInt32 nCol, bool bRows );
/** sets the appropriate SwTblBoxFmt at pBox. */
SwTableBoxFmt* GetSharedBoxFormat(
SwTableBox* pBox, /// the table box
const ::rtl::OUString& rStyleName, /// XML style name
sal_Int32 nColumnWidth, /// width of column
sal_Bool bProtected, /// is cell protected?
sal_Bool bMayShare, /// may the format be shared (no value, formula...)
sal_Bool& bNew, /// true, if the format it not from the cache
sal_Bool* pModifyLocked ); /// if set, call pBox->LockModify() and return old lock status
SwXMLTableContext( SwXMLImport& rImport, sal_uInt16 nPrfx,
const ::rtl::OUString& rLName,
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
::com::sun::star::xml::sax::XAttributeList > & xAttrList );
SwXMLTableContext( SwXMLImport& rImport, sal_uInt16 nPrfx,
const ::rtl::OUString& rLName,
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
::com::sun::star::xml::sax::XAttributeList > & xAttrList,
SwXMLTableContext *pTable,
const ::rtl::OUString& i_rXmlId );
virtual ~SwXMLTableContext();
virtual SvXMLImportContext *CreateChildContext( sal_uInt16 nPrefix,
const ::rtl::OUString& rLocalName,
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
::com::sun::star::xml::sax::XAttributeList > & xAttrList );
SwXMLImport& GetSwImport() { return (SwXMLImport&)GetImport(); }
void InsertColumn( sal_Int32 nWidth, sal_Bool bRelWidth,
const ::rtl::OUString *pDfltCellStyleName = 0 );
sal_Int32 GetColumnWidth( sal_uInt32 nCol, sal_uInt32 nColSpan=1UL ) const;
::rtl::OUString GetColumnDefaultCellStyleName( sal_uInt32 nCol ) const;
inline sal_uInt32 GetColumnCount() const;
inline sal_Bool HasColumnDefaultCellStyleNames() const;
sal_Bool IsInsertCellPossible() const { return nCurCol < GetColumnCount(); }
sal_Bool IsInsertColPossible() const { return nCurCol < USHRT_MAX; }
sal_Bool IsInsertRowPossible() const { return nCurRow < USHRT_MAX; }
sal_Bool IsValid() const { return pTableNode != 0; }
void InsertCell( const ::rtl::OUString& rStyleName,
sal_uInt32 nRowSpan=1U, sal_uInt32 nColSpan=1U,
const SwStartNode *pStNd=0,
const ::rtl::OUString & i_rXmlId = ::rtl::OUString(),
SwXMLTableContext *pTable=0,
sal_Bool bIsProtected = sal_False,
const ::rtl::OUString *pFormula=0,
sal_Bool bHasValue = sal_False,
double fValue = 0.0,
sal_Bool bTextValue = sal_False );
void InsertRow( const ::rtl::OUString& rStyleName,
const ::rtl::OUString& rDfltCellStyleName,
sal_Bool bInHead,
const ::rtl::OUString & i_rXmlId = ::rtl::OUString() );
void FinishRow();
void InsertRepRows( sal_uInt32 nCount );
SwXMLTableCell_Impl *GetCell( sal_uInt32 nRow, sal_uInt32 nCol ) const;
const SwStartNode *InsertTableSection( const SwStartNode *pPrevSttNd=0 );
virtual void EndElement();
virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference <
::com::sun::star::text::XTextContent > GetXTextContent() const;
void SetHasSubTables( sal_Bool bNew ) { bHasSubTables = bNew; }
inline SwXMLTableContext *SwXMLTableContext::GetParentTable() const
return (SwXMLTableContext *)&xParentTable;
inline sal_uInt32 SwXMLTableContext::GetColumnCount() const
return aColumnWidths.Count();
inline const SwStartNode *SwXMLTableContext::GetLastStartNode() const
return GetPrevStartNode( 0UL, GetColumnCount() );
inline sal_Bool SwXMLTableContext::HasColumnDefaultCellStyleNames() const
return pColumnDefaultCellStyleNames != 0;