blob: 4cd1e255a8f134928ade70a0dd955278cb55db78 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
#include <ftnfrm.hxx>
#include <pagefrm.hxx>
#include <rootfrm.hxx>
#include <cntfrm.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <node.hxx>
#include <dview.hxx>
#include <dcontact.hxx>
#include <dflyobj.hxx>
#include <flyfrm.hxx>
#include <txtfrm.hxx> // ClearPara()
#include <cellfrm.hxx>
#include <swtable.hxx>
#include <fmtfsize.hxx>
#include <ftnidx.hxx>
#include <txtftn.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <ndindex.hxx>
#include <frmtool.hxx>
#include <pagedesc.hxx>
#include <editeng/boxitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/shaditem.hxx>
#include <fmtclds.hxx>
#include <viewsh.hxx>
#include <viewimp.hxx>
#include <sortedobjs.hxx>
#include <hints.hxx>
#include <switerator.hxx>
// No inline cause we need the function pointers
long SwFrm::GetTopMargin() const
{ return Prt().Top(); }
long SwFrm::GetBottomMargin() const
{ return Frm().Height() -Prt().Height() -Prt().Top(); }
long SwFrm::GetLeftMargin() const
{ return Prt().Left(); }
long SwFrm::GetRightMargin() const
{ return Frm().Width() - Prt().Width() - Prt().Left(); }
long SwFrm::GetPrtLeft() const
{ return Frm().Left() + Prt().Left(); }
long SwFrm::GetPrtBottom() const
{ return Frm().Top() + Prt().Height() + Prt().Top(); }
long SwFrm::GetPrtRight() const
{ return Frm().Left() + Prt().Width() + Prt().Left(); }
long SwFrm::GetPrtTop() const
{ return Frm().Top() + Prt().Top(); }
sal_Bool SwFrm::SetMinLeft( long nDeadline )
SwTwips nDiff = nDeadline - Frm().Left();
if( nDiff > 0 )
Frm().Left( nDeadline );
Prt().Width( Prt().Width() - nDiff );
return sal_True;
return sal_False;
sal_Bool SwFrm::SetMaxBottom( long nDeadline )
SwTwips nDiff = Frm().Top() + Frm().Height() - nDeadline;
if( nDiff > 0 )
Frm().Height( Frm().Height() - nDiff );
Prt().Height( Prt().Height() - nDiff );
return sal_True;
return sal_False;
sal_Bool SwFrm::SetMinTop( long nDeadline )
SwTwips nDiff = nDeadline - Frm().Top();
if( nDiff > 0 )
Frm().Top( nDeadline );
Prt().Height( Prt().Height() - nDiff );
return sal_True;
return sal_False;
sal_Bool SwFrm::SetMaxRight( long nDeadline )
SwTwips nDiff = Frm().Left() + Frm().Width() - nDeadline;
if( nDiff > 0 )
Frm().Width( Frm().Width() - nDiff );
Prt().Width( Prt().Width() - nDiff );
return sal_True;
return sal_False;
void SwFrm::MakeBelowPos( const SwFrm* pUp, const SwFrm* pPrv, sal_Bool bNotify )
if( pPrv )
aFrm.Pos( pPrv->Frm().Pos() );
aFrm.Pos().Y() += pPrv->Frm().Height();
aFrm.Pos( pUp->Frm().Pos() );
aFrm.Pos() += pUp->Prt().Pos();
if( bNotify )
aFrm.Pos().Y() += 1;
void SwFrm::MakeUpperPos( const SwFrm* pUp, const SwFrm* pPrv, sal_Bool bNotify )
if( pPrv )
aFrm.Pos( pPrv->Frm().Pos() );
aFrm.Pos().Y() -= Frm().Height();
aFrm.Pos( pUp->Frm().Pos() );
aFrm.Pos() += pUp->Prt().Pos();
aFrm.Pos().Y() += pUp->Prt().Height() - aFrm.Height();
if( bNotify )
aFrm.Pos().Y() -= 1;
void SwFrm::MakeLeftPos( const SwFrm* pUp, const SwFrm* pPrv, sal_Bool bNotify )
if( pPrv )
aFrm.Pos( pPrv->Frm().Pos() );
aFrm.Pos().X() -= Frm().Width();
aFrm.Pos( pUp->Frm().Pos() );
aFrm.Pos() += pUp->Prt().Pos();
aFrm.Pos().X() += pUp->Prt().Width() - aFrm.Width();
if( bNotify )
aFrm.Pos().X() -= 1;
void SwFrm::MakeRightPos( const SwFrm* pUp, const SwFrm* pPrv, sal_Bool bNotify )
if( pPrv )
aFrm.Pos( pPrv->Frm().Pos() );
aFrm.Pos().X() += pPrv->Frm().Width();
aFrm.Pos( pUp->Frm().Pos() );
aFrm.Pos() += pUp->Prt().Pos();
if( bNotify )
aFrm.Pos().X() += 1;
void SwFrm::SetTopBottomMargins( long nTop, long nBot )
Prt().Top( nTop );
Prt().Height( Frm().Height() - nTop - nBot );
void SwFrm::SetBottomTopMargins( long nBot, long nTop )
Prt().Top( nTop );
Prt().Height( Frm().Height() - nTop - nBot );
void SwFrm::SetLeftRightMargins( long nLeft, long nRight)
Prt().Left( nLeft );
Prt().Width( Frm().Width() - nLeft - nRight );
void SwFrm::SetRightLeftMargins( long nRight, long nLeft)
Prt().Left( nLeft );
Prt().Width( Frm().Width() - nLeft - nRight );
const sal_uInt16 nMinVertCellHeight = 1135;
* SwFrm::CheckDirChange(..)
* checks the layout direction and
* invalidates the lower frames rekursivly, if necessary.
* --------------------------------------------------*/
void SwFrm::CheckDirChange()
sal_Bool bOldVert = GetVerticalFlag();
sal_Bool bOldRev = IsReverse();
sal_Bool bOldR2L = GetRightToLeftFlag();
SetInvalidVert( sal_True );
SetInvalidR2L( sal_True );
sal_Bool bChg = bOldR2L != IsRightToLeft();
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
sal_Bool bOldVertL2R = IsVertLR();
if( ( IsVertical() != bOldVert ) || bChg || IsReverse() != bOldRev || bOldVertL2R != IsVertLR() )
if( IsLayoutFrm() )
// set minimum row height for vertical cells in horizontal table:
if ( IsCellFrm() && GetUpper() )
if ( IsVertical() != GetUpper()->IsVertical() &&
((SwCellFrm*)this)->GetTabBox()->getRowSpan() == 1 )
SwTableLine* pLine = (SwTableLine*)((SwCellFrm*)this)->GetTabBox()->GetUpper();
SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt = pLine->GetFrmFmt();
SwFmtFrmSize aNew( pFrmFmt->GetFrmSize() );
if ( ATT_FIX_SIZE != aNew.GetHeightSizeType() )
aNew.SetHeightSizeType( ATT_MIN_SIZE );
if ( aNew.GetHeight() < nMinVertCellHeight )
aNew.SetHeight( nMinVertCellHeight );
SwDoc* pDoc = pFrmFmt->GetDoc();
pDoc->SetAttr( aNew, *pLine->ClaimFrmFmt() );
SwFrm* pFrm = ((SwLayoutFrm*)this)->Lower();
const SwFmtCol* pCol = NULL;
SwLayoutFrm* pBody = 0;
if( pFrm )
if( IsPageFrm() )
// If we're a page frame and we change our layout direction,
// we have to look for columns and rearrange them.
pBody = ((SwPageFrm*)this)->FindBodyCont();
if(pBody && pBody->Lower() && pBody->Lower()->IsColumnFrm())
pCol = &((SwPageFrm*)this)->GetFmt()->GetCol();
else if( pFrm->IsColumnFrm() )
pBody = ((SwLayoutFrm*)this);
const SwFrmFmt *pFmt = pBody->GetFmt();
if( pFmt )
pCol = &pFmt->GetCol();
while( pFrm )
pFrm = pFrm->GetNext();
if( pCol )
pBody->AdjustColumns( pCol, sal_True );
else if( IsTxtFrm() )
((SwTxtFrm*)this)->Prepare( PREP_CLEAR );
// --> OD 2004-07-27 #i31698# - notify anchored objects also for page frames.
// Remove code above for special handling of page frames
if ( GetDrawObjs() )
const SwSortedObjs *pObjs = GetDrawObjs();
sal_uInt32 nCnt = pObjs->Count();
for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nCnt; ++i )
SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = (*pObjs)[i];
if( pAnchoredObj->ISA(SwFlyFrm) )
// OD 2004-04-06 #i26791# - direct object
// positioning no longer needed. Instead
// invalidate
// --> OD 2004-07-27 #i31698# - update layout direction of
// anchored object
::setContextWritingMode( pAnchoredObj->DrawObj(), pAnchoredObj->GetAnchorFrmContainingAnchPos() );
// <--
* SwFrm::GetFrmAnchorPos(..)
* returns the position for anchors based on frame direction
* --------------------------------------------------*/
// OD 2004-03-10 #i11860# - consider lower space and line spacing of
// previous frame according to new option 'Use former object positioning'
Point SwFrm::GetFrmAnchorPos( sal_Bool bIgnoreFlysAnchoredAtThisFrame ) const
Point aAnchor = Frm().Pos();
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
if ( ( IsVertical() && !IsVertLR() ) || IsRightToLeft() )
aAnchor.X() += Frm().Width();
if ( IsTxtFrm() )
SwTwips nBaseOfstForFly =
((SwTxtFrm*)this)->GetBaseOfstForFly( bIgnoreFlysAnchoredAtThisFrame );
if ( IsVertical() )
aAnchor.Y() += nBaseOfstForFly;
aAnchor.X() += nBaseOfstForFly;
// OD 2004-03-10 #i11860# - if option 'Use former object positioning'
// is OFF, consider the lower space and the line spacing of the
// previous frame and the spacing considered for the page grid
const SwTxtFrm* pThisTxtFrm = static_cast<const SwTxtFrm*>(this);
const SwTwips nUpperSpaceAmountConsideredForPrevFrmAndPageGrid =
if ( IsVertical() )
aAnchor.X() -= nUpperSpaceAmountConsideredForPrevFrmAndPageGrid;
aAnchor.Y() += nUpperSpaceAmountConsideredForPrevFrmAndPageGrid;
return aAnchor;
|* SwFrm::~SwFrm()
// accessible objects for fly and cell frames have been already disposed
// by the destructors of the derived classes.
if( IsAccessibleFrm() && !(IsFlyFrm() || IsCellFrm()) && GetDep() )
SwRootFrm *pRootFrm = getRootFrm();
if( pRootFrm && pRootFrm->IsAnyShellAccessible() )
ViewShell *pVSh = pRootFrm->GetCurrShell();
if( pVSh && pVSh->Imp() )
ASSERT( !GetLower(), "Lowers should be dispose already!" );
pVSh->Imp()->DisposeAccessibleFrm( this );
if( pDrawObjs )
for ( sal_uInt32 i = pDrawObjs->Count(); i; )
SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = (*pDrawObjs)[--i];
if ( pAnchoredObj->ISA(SwFlyFrm) )
delete pAnchoredObj;
SdrObject* pSdrObj = pAnchoredObj->DrawObj();
SwDrawContact* pContact =
ASSERT( pContact,
"<SwFrm::~SwFrm> - missing contact for drawing object" );
if ( pContact )
pContact->DisconnectObjFromLayout( pSdrObj );
if ( pDrawObjs )
delete pDrawObjs;
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
// JP 15.10.2001: for detection of access to deleted frames
pDrawObjs = (SwSortedObjs*)0x33333333;
const SwFrmFmt * SwLayoutFrm::GetFmt() const
return static_cast< const SwFlyFrmFmt * >( GetDep() );
SwFrmFmt * SwLayoutFrm::GetFmt()
return static_cast< SwFlyFrmFmt * >( GetDep() );
|* SwLayoutFrm::SetFrmFmt()
void SwLayoutFrm::SetFrmFmt( SwFrmFmt *pNew )
if ( pNew != GetFmt() )
SwFmtChg aOldFmt( GetFmt() );
pNew->Add( this );
SwFmtChg aNewFmt( pNew );
ModifyNotification( &aOldFmt, &aNewFmt );
|* SwCntntFrm::SwCntntFrm()
SwCntntFrm::SwCntntFrm( SwCntntNode * const pCntnt, SwFrm* pSib ) :
SwFrm( pCntnt, pSib ),
SwFlowFrm( (SwFrm&)*this )
|* SwCntntFrm::~SwCntntFrm()
SwCntntNode* pCNd;
if( 0 != ( pCNd = PTR_CAST( SwCntntNode, GetRegisteredIn() )) &&
!pCNd->GetDoc()->IsInDtor() )
//Bei der Root abmelden wenn ich dort noch im Turbo stehe.
SwRootFrm *pRoot = getRootFrm();
if( pRoot && pRoot->GetTurbo() == this )
if( IsTxtFrm() && ((SwTxtFrm*)this)->HasFtn() )
SwTxtNode *pTxtNd = ((SwTxtFrm*)this)->GetTxtNode();
const SwFtnIdxs &rFtnIdxs = pCNd->GetDoc()->GetFtnIdxs();
sal_uInt16 nPos;
sal_uLong nIndex = pCNd->GetIndex();
rFtnIdxs.SeekEntry( *pTxtNd, &nPos );
SwTxtFtn* pTxtFtn;
if( nPos < rFtnIdxs.Count() )
while( nPos && pTxtNd == &(rFtnIdxs[ nPos ]->GetTxtNode()) )
if( nPos || pTxtNd != &(rFtnIdxs[ nPos ]->GetTxtNode()) )
while( nPos < rFtnIdxs.Count() )
pTxtFtn = rFtnIdxs[ nPos ];
if( pTxtFtn->GetTxtNode().GetIndex() > nIndex )
pTxtFtn->DelFrms( this );
void SwCntntFrm::RegisterToNode( SwCntntNode& rNode )
rNode.Add( this );
void SwCntntFrm::DelFrms( const SwCntntNode& rNode )
SwIterator<SwCntntFrm,SwCntntNode> aIter( rNode );
for( SwCntntFrm* pFrm = aIter.First(); pFrm; pFrm = aIter.Next() )
// --> OD 2005-12-01 #i27138#
// notify accessibility paragraphs objects about changed
// Relation CONTENT_FLOWS_FROM for current next paragraph will change
// and relation CONTENT_FLOWS_TO for current previous paragraph will change.
if ( pFrm->IsTxtFrm() )
ViewShell* pViewShell( pFrm->getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell() );
if ( pViewShell && pViewShell->GetLayout() &&
pViewShell->GetLayout()->IsAnyShellAccessible() )
dynamic_cast<SwTxtFrm*>(pFrm->FindNextCnt( true )),
dynamic_cast<SwTxtFrm*>(pFrm->FindPrevCnt( true )) );
// <--
if( pFrm->HasFollow() )
pFrm->GetFollow()->_SetIsFollow( pFrm->IsFollow() );
if( pFrm->IsFollow() )
SwCntntFrm* pMaster = (SwTxtFrm*)pFrm->FindMaster();
pMaster->SetFollow( pFrm->GetFollow() );
pFrm->_SetIsFollow( sal_False );
pFrm->SetFollow( 0 );//Damit er nicht auf dumme Gedanken kommt.
//Andernfalls kann es sein, dass ein Follow
//vor seinem Master zerstoert wird, der Master
//greift dann ueber den ungueltigen
//Follow-Pointer auf fremdes Memory zu.
//Die Kette darf hier zerknauscht werden, weil
//sowieso alle zerstoert werden.
if( pFrm->GetUpper() && pFrm->IsInFtn() && !pFrm->GetIndNext() &&
!pFrm->GetIndPrev() )
SwFtnFrm *pFtn = pFrm->FindFtnFrm();
ASSERT( pFtn, "You promised a FtnFrm?" );
SwCntntFrm* pCFrm;
if( !pFtn->GetFollow() && !pFtn->GetMaster() &&
0 != ( pCFrm = pFtn->GetRefFromAttr()) && pCFrm->IsFollow() )
ASSERT( pCFrm->IsTxtFrm(), "NoTxtFrm has Footnote?" );
((SwTxtFrm*)pCFrm->FindMaster())->Prepare( PREP_FTN_GONE );
delete pFrm;
|* SwLayoutFrm::~SwLayoutFrm
SwFrm *pFrm = pLower;
if( GetFmt() && !GetFmt()->GetDoc()->IsInDtor() )
while ( pFrm )
//Erst die Objs des Frm vernichten, denn diese koennen sich sonst nach
//dem Remove nicht mehr bei der Seite abmelden.
//Falls sich einer nicht abmeldet wollen wir nicht gleich
//endlos schleifen.
sal_uInt32 nCnt;
while ( pFrm->GetDrawObjs() && pFrm->GetDrawObjs()->Count() )
nCnt = pFrm->GetDrawObjs()->Count();
// --> OD 2004-06-30 #i28701#
SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = (*pFrm->GetDrawObjs())[0];
if ( pAnchoredObj->ISA(SwFlyFrm) )
delete pAnchoredObj;
SdrObject* pSdrObj = pAnchoredObj->DrawObj();
SwDrawContact* pContact =
ASSERT( pContact,
"<SwFrm::~SwFrm> - missing contact for drawing object" );
if ( pContact )
pContact->DisconnectObjFromLayout( pSdrObj );
if ( pFrm->GetDrawObjs() &&
nCnt == pFrm->GetDrawObjs()->Count() )
pFrm->GetDrawObjs()->Remove( *pAnchoredObj );
// <--
delete pFrm;
pFrm = pLower;
//Fly's vernichten. Der letzte loescht gleich das Array.
sal_uInt32 nCnt;
while ( GetDrawObjs() && GetDrawObjs()->Count() )
nCnt = GetDrawObjs()->Count();
// --> OD 2004-06-30 #i28701#
SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = (*GetDrawObjs())[0];
if ( pAnchoredObj->ISA(SwFlyFrm) )
delete pAnchoredObj;
SdrObject* pSdrObj = pAnchoredObj->DrawObj();
SwDrawContact* pContact =
ASSERT( pContact,
"<SwFrm::~SwFrm> - missing contact for drawing object" );
if ( pContact )
pContact->DisconnectObjFromLayout( pSdrObj );
if ( GetDrawObjs() && nCnt == GetDrawObjs()->Count() )
GetDrawObjs()->Remove( *pAnchoredObj );
// <--
while( pFrm )
SwFrm *pNxt = pFrm->GetNext();
delete pFrm;
pFrm = pNxt;
|* SwFrm::PaintArea()
|* The paintarea is the area, in which the content of a frame is allowed
|* to be displayed. This region could be larger than the printarea (Prt())
|* of the upper, it includes e.g. often the margin of the page.
const SwRect SwFrm::PaintArea() const
// Cell frames may not leave their upper:
SwRect aRect = IsRowFrm() ? GetUpper()->Frm() : Frm();
const sal_Bool bVert = IsVertical();
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
SwRectFn fnRect = bVert ? ( IsVertLR() ? fnRectVertL2R : fnRectVert ) : fnRectHori;
long nRight = (aRect.*fnRect->fnGetRight)();
long nLeft = (aRect.*fnRect->fnGetLeft)();
const SwFrm* pTmp = this;
sal_Bool bLeft = sal_True;
sal_Bool bRight = sal_True;
long nRowSpan = 0;
while( pTmp )
if( pTmp->IsCellFrm() && pTmp->GetUpper() &&
pTmp->GetUpper()->IsVertical() != pTmp->IsVertical() )
nRowSpan = ((SwCellFrm*)pTmp)->GetTabBox()->getRowSpan();
long nTmpRight = (pTmp->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetRight)();
long nTmpLeft = (pTmp->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetLeft)();
if( pTmp->IsRowFrm() && nRowSpan > 1 )
const SwFrm* pNxt = pTmp;
while( --nRowSpan > 0 && pNxt->GetNext() )
pNxt = pNxt->GetNext();
if( pTmp->IsVertical() )
nTmpLeft = (pNxt->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetLeft)();
nTmpRight = (pNxt->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetRight)();
ASSERT( pTmp, "PaintArea lost in time and space" );
if( pTmp->IsPageFrm() || pTmp->IsFlyFrm() ||
pTmp->IsCellFrm() || pTmp->IsRowFrm() || //nobody leaves a table!
pTmp->IsRootFrm() )
if( bLeft || nLeft < nTmpLeft )
nLeft = nTmpLeft;
if( bRight || nTmpRight < nRight )
nRight = nTmpRight;
if( pTmp->IsPageFrm() || pTmp->IsFlyFrm() || pTmp->IsRootFrm() )
bLeft = sal_False;
bRight = sal_False;
else if( pTmp->IsColumnFrm() ) // nobody enters neightbour columns
sal_Bool bR2L = pTmp->IsRightToLeft();
// the first column has _no_ influence to the left range
if( bR2L ? pTmp->GetNext() : pTmp->GetPrev() )
if( bLeft || nLeft < nTmpLeft )
nLeft = nTmpLeft;
bLeft = sal_False;
// the last column has _no_ influence to the right range
if( bR2L ? pTmp->GetPrev() : pTmp->GetNext() )
if( bRight || nTmpRight < nRight )
nRight = nTmpRight;
bRight = sal_False;
else if( bVert && pTmp->IsBodyFrm() )
// Header and footer frames have always horizontal direction and
// limit the body frame.
// A previous frame of a body frame must be a header,
// the next frame of a body frame may be a footnotecontainer or
// a footer. The footnotecontainer has the same direction like
// the body frame.
if( pTmp->GetPrev() && ( bLeft || nLeft < nTmpLeft ) )
nLeft = nTmpLeft;
bLeft = sal_False;
if( pTmp->GetNext() &&
( pTmp->GetNext()->IsFooterFrm() || pTmp->GetNext()->GetNext() )
&& ( bRight || nTmpRight < nRight ) )
nRight = nTmpRight;
bRight = sal_False;
pTmp = pTmp->GetUpper();
(aRect.*fnRect->fnSetLeft)( nLeft );
(aRect.*fnRect->fnSetRight)( nRight );
return aRect;
|* SwFrm::UnionFrm()
|* The unionframe is the framearea (Frm()) of a frame expanded by the
|* printarea, if there's a negative margin at the left or right side.
const SwRect SwFrm::UnionFrm( sal_Bool bBorder ) const
sal_Bool bVert = IsVertical();
//Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
SwRectFn fnRect = bVert ? ( IsVertLR() ? fnRectVertL2R : fnRectVert ) : fnRectHori;
long nLeft = (Frm().*fnRect->fnGetLeft)();
long nWidth = (Frm().*fnRect->fnGetWidth)();
long nPrtLeft = (Prt().*fnRect->fnGetLeft)();
long nPrtWidth = (Prt().*fnRect->fnGetWidth)();
if( nPrtLeft + nPrtWidth > nWidth )
nWidth = nPrtLeft + nPrtWidth;
if( nPrtLeft < 0 )
nLeft += nPrtLeft;
nWidth -= nPrtLeft;
SwTwips nRight = nLeft + nWidth;
long nAdd = 0;
if( bBorder )
SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(), this );
const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs = *aAccess.Get();
const SvxBoxItem &rBox = rAttrs.GetBox();
if ( rBox.GetLeft() )
nLeft -= rBox.CalcLineSpace( BOX_LINE_LEFT );
else if ( rAttrs.IsBorderDist() )
nLeft -= rBox.GetDistance( BOX_LINE_LEFT ) + 1;
if ( rBox.GetRight() )
nAdd += rBox.CalcLineSpace( BOX_LINE_RIGHT );
else if ( rAttrs.IsBorderDist() )
nAdd += rBox.GetDistance( BOX_LINE_RIGHT ) + 1;
if( rAttrs.GetShadow().GetLocation() != SVX_SHADOW_NONE )
const SvxShadowItem &rShadow = rAttrs.GetShadow();
nLeft -= rShadow.CalcShadowSpace( SHADOW_LEFT );
nAdd += rShadow.CalcShadowSpace( SHADOW_RIGHT );
if( IsTxtFrm() && ((SwTxtFrm*)this)->HasPara() )
long nTmp = ((SwTxtFrm*)this)->HangingMargin();
if( nTmp > nAdd )
nAdd = nTmp;
nWidth = nRight + nAdd - nLeft;
SwRect aRet( Frm() );
(aRet.*fnRect->fnSetPosX)( nLeft );
(aRet.*fnRect->fnSetWidth)( nWidth );
return aRet;