blob: 6ab38f80e6006fc4674a0948f5b9f0f91bb4aacc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <tools/mempool.hxx>
#include "layfrm.hxx"
#include "flowfrm.hxx"
class SwTable;
class SwBorderAttrs;
class SwAttrSetChg;
class SwTabFrm: public SwLayoutFrm, public SwFlowFrm
friend void CalcCntnt( SwLayoutFrm *pLay, bool bNoColl, bool bNoCalcFollow );
//Fuert Spezialbehandlung fuer _Get[Next|Prev]Leaf() durch.
using SwFrm::GetLeaf;
SwLayoutFrm *GetLeaf( MakePageType eMakePage, sal_Bool bFwd );
SwTable* pTable;
sal_Bool bComplete :1; //Eintrage als Repaint ohne das CompletePaint
//der Basisklasse gesetzt werden muss. Damit
//sollen unertraegliche Tabellen-Repaints
//vermieden werden.
sal_Bool bCalcLowers :1; //Im MakeAll auf jedenfall auch fuer Stabilitaet
//des Inhaltes sorgen.
sal_Bool bLowersFormatted :1;//Kommunikation zwischen MakeAll und Layact
sal_Bool bLockBackMove :1; //BackMove-Test hat der Master erledigt.
sal_Bool bResizeHTMLTable :1; //Resize des HTMLTableLayout rufen im MakeAll
//Zur Optimierung, damit dies nicht im
//CntntFrm::Grow gerufen werden muss, denn dann
//wird es ggf. fuer jede Zelle gerufen #47483#
sal_Bool bONECalcLowers :1; //Primaer fuer die StarONE-SS. Beim MakeAll werden
//die Cntnts auf jedenfall per Calc() formatiert.
//es finden keine zusaetzlichen Invalidierungen
//statt und dieser Weg kann auch kaum garantien
sal_Bool bHasFollowFlowLine :1; // Means that the first line in the follow
// is indented to contain content from a broken
// cell
sal_Bool bIsRebuildLastLine :1; // Means that currently the last line of the
// TabFrame is rebuilded. In this case we
// do not want any notification to the master
// table
sal_Bool bRestrictTableGrowth :1; // Usually, the table may grow infinite,
// because the table can be split in
// SwTabFrm::MakeAll. In MakeAll, this
// flag is set to indicate that the table
// may only grow inside its upper. This
// is necessary, in order to let the text
// flow into the FollowFlowLine
sal_Bool bRemoveFollowFlowLinePending :1;
sal_Bool bConsiderObjsForMinCellHeight :1; // Usually, the floating screen objects
// are considered on the calculation
// for the minimal cell height.
// For splitting table rows algorithm
// it's needed not to consider floating
// screen object for the preparation
// of the re-calculation of the
// last table row.
sal_Bool bObjsDoesFit :1; // For splitting table rows algorithm, this boolean
// indicates, if the floating screen objects fits
bool mbInRecalcLowerRow : 1;
//Split() spaltet den Frm an der angegebenen Stelle, es wird ein
//Follow erzeugt und aufgebaut und direkt hinter this gepastet.
//Join() Holt sich den Inhalt aus dem Follow und vernichtet diesen.
bool Split( const SwTwips nCutPos, bool bTryToSplit, bool bTableRowKeep );
bool Join();
void _UpdateAttr(
const SfxPoolItem*,
const SfxPoolItem*, sal_uInt8 &,
SwAttrSetChg *pa = 0,
SwAttrSetChg *pb = 0 );
virtual sal_Bool ShouldBwdMoved( SwLayoutFrm *pNewUpper, sal_Bool bHead, sal_Bool &rReformat );
virtual void MakeAll();
virtual void Format( const SwBorderAttrs *pAttrs = 0 );
virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem* );
//Aendert nur die Framesize, nicht die PrtArea-SSize
virtual SwTwips GrowFrm ( SwTwips, sal_Bool bTst = sal_False, sal_Bool bInfo = sal_False );
SwTabFrm( SwTable &, SwFrm* ); //Immer nach dem erzeugen _und_ pasten das
//Regist Flys rufen!
SwTabFrm( SwTabFrm & ); //_Nur_ zum erzeugen von Follows
void JoinAndDelFollows(); //Fuer DelFrms des TableNodes!
//Ruft das RegistFlys der Zeilen.
void RegistFlys();
inline const SwTabFrm *GetFollow() const;
inline SwTabFrm *GetFollow();
SwTabFrm* FindMaster( bool bFirstMaster = false ) const;
virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem &rHnt ) const;
virtual void Paint( SwRect const&,
SwPrintData const*const pPrintData = NULL ) const;
virtual void CheckDirection( sal_Bool bVert );
virtual void Cut();
virtual void Paste( SwFrm* pParent, SwFrm* pSibling = 0 );
virtual void Prepare( const PrepareHint ePrep = PREP_CLEAR,
const void *pVoid = 0, sal_Bool bNotify = sal_True );
SwCntntFrm *FindLastCntnt();
inline const SwCntntFrm *FindLastCntnt() const;
const SwTable *GetTable() const { return pTable; }
SwTable *GetTable() { return pTable; }
sal_Bool IsComplete() { return bComplete; }
void SetComplete() { bComplete = sal_True; }
void ResetComplete() { bComplete = sal_False; }
sal_Bool IsLowersFormatted() const { return bLowersFormatted; }
void SetLowersFormatted( sal_Bool b ) { bLowersFormatted = b; }
void SetCalcLowers() { bCalcLowers = sal_True; } //Sparsam einsetzen!
void SetResizeHTMLTable() { bResizeHTMLTable = sal_True; } //dito
void SetONECalcLowers() { bONECalcLowers = sal_True; }
// Start: New stuff for breaking table rows
sal_Bool HasFollowFlowLine() const { return bHasFollowFlowLine; }
void SetFollowFlowLine( sal_Bool bNew ) { bHasFollowFlowLine = bNew; }
sal_Bool IsRebuildLastLine() const { return bIsRebuildLastLine; }
void SetRebuildLastLine( sal_Bool bNew ) { bIsRebuildLastLine = bNew; }
sal_Bool IsRestrictTableGrowth() const { return bRestrictTableGrowth; }
void SetRestrictTableGrowth( sal_Bool bNew ) { bRestrictTableGrowth = bNew; }
sal_Bool IsRemoveFollowFlowLinePending() const { return bRemoveFollowFlowLinePending; }
void SetRemoveFollowFlowLinePending( sal_Bool bNew ) { bRemoveFollowFlowLinePending = bNew; }
bool IsInRecalcLowerRow() const
return mbInRecalcLowerRow;
void SetInRecalcLowerRow( bool bNew )
mbInRecalcLowerRow = bNew;
sal_Bool IsConsiderObjsForMinCellHeight() const
return bConsiderObjsForMinCellHeight;
void SetConsiderObjsForMinCellHeight( sal_Bool _bNewConsiderObjsForMinCellHeight )
bConsiderObjsForMinCellHeight = _bNewConsiderObjsForMinCellHeight;
sal_Bool DoesObjsFit() const
return bObjsDoesFit;
void SetDoesObjsFit( sal_Bool _bNewObjsDoesFit )
bObjsDoesFit = _bNewObjsDoesFit;
bool RemoveFollowFlowLine();
// End: New stuff for breaking table rows
sal_Bool CalcFlyOffsets(
SwTwips& rUpper,
long& rLeftOffset,
long& rRightOffset ) const;
SwTwips CalcHeightOfFirstContentLine() const;
bool IsInHeadline( const SwFrm& rFrm ) const;
SwRowFrm* GetFirstNonHeadlineRow() const;
bool IsLayoutSplitAllowed() const;
bool IsCollapsingBorders() const;
sal_uInt16 GetBottomLineSize() const;
inline const SwCntntFrm *SwTabFrm::FindLastCntnt() const
return ((SwTabFrm*)this)->FindLastCntnt();
inline const SwTabFrm *SwTabFrm::GetFollow() const
return (const SwTabFrm*)SwFlowFrm::GetFollow();
inline SwTabFrm *SwTabFrm::GetFollow()
return (SwTabFrm*)SwFlowFrm::GetFollow();
#endif // SW_TABFRM_HXX