blob: d7268d3c420c94f50028dd6c416221cb466437eb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* under the License.
#ifndef _FTNBOSS_HXX
#define _FTNBOSS_HXX
#include "layfrm.hxx"
class SwFtnBossFrm;
class SwFtnContFrm;
class SwFtnFrm;
class SwTxtFtn;
//Setzen des maximalen Fussnotenbereiches. Restaurieren des alten Wertes im DTor.
//Implementierung im ftnfrm.cxx
class SwSaveFtnHeight
SwFtnBossFrm *pBoss;
const SwTwips nOldHeight;
SwTwips nNewHeight;
SwSaveFtnHeight( SwFtnBossFrm *pBs, const SwTwips nDeadLine );
#define NA_ONLY_ADJUST 0
#define NA_GROW_SHRINK 1
#define NA_GROW_ADJUST 2
#define NA_ADJUST_GROW 3
class SwFtnBossFrm: public SwLayoutFrm
//Fuer die privaten Fussnotenoperationen
friend class SwFrm;
friend class SwSaveFtnHeight;
friend class SwPageFrm; // fuer das Setzen der MaxFtnHeight
//Maximale Hoehe des Fussnotencontainers fuer diese Seite.
SwTwips nMaxFtnHeight;
SwFtnContFrm *MakeFtnCont();
SwFtnFrm *FindFirstFtn();
sal_uInt8 _NeighbourhoodAdjustment( const SwFrm* pFrm ) const;
void InsertFtn( SwFtnFrm * );
static void ResetFtn( const SwFtnFrm *pAssumed );
inline SwFtnBossFrm( SwFrmFmt* pFmt, SwFrm* pSib ) : SwLayoutFrm( pFmt, pSib ) {}
SwLayoutFrm *FindBodyCont();
inline const SwLayoutFrm *FindBodyCont() const;
inline void SetMaxFtnHeight( const SwTwips nNewMax ) { nMaxFtnHeight = nNewMax; }
void AppendFtn( SwCntntFrm *, SwTxtFtn * );
void RemoveFtn( const SwCntntFrm *, const SwTxtFtn *, sal_Bool bPrep = sal_True );
static SwFtnFrm *FindFtn( const SwCntntFrm *, const SwTxtFtn * );
SwFtnContFrm *FindFtnCont();
inline const SwFtnContFrm *FindFtnCont() const;
const SwFtnFrm *FindFirstFtn( SwCntntFrm* ) const;
SwFtnContFrm *FindNearestFtnCont( sal_Bool bDontLeave = sal_False );
void ChangeFtnRef( const SwCntntFrm *pOld, const SwTxtFtn *,
SwCntntFrm *pNew );
void RearrangeFtns( const SwTwips nDeadLine, const sal_Bool bLock = sal_False,
const SwTxtFtn *pAttr = 0 );
//SS damit der Textformatierer Temporaer die Fussnotenhoehe begrenzen
//kann. DeadLine in Dokumentkoordinaten.
void SetFtnDeadLine( const SwTwips nDeadLine );
SwTwips GetMaxFtnHeight() const { return nMaxFtnHeight; }
//Liefert den Wert, der noch uebrig ist, bis der Body seine minimale
//Hoehe erreicht hat.
SwTwips GetVarSpace() const;
//Layoutseitig benoetigte Methoden
/// OD 03.04.2003 #108446# - add parameters <_bCollectOnlyPreviousFtns> and
/// <_pRefFtnBossFrm> in order to control, if only footnotes, which are positioned
/// before the given reference footnote boss frame have to be collected.
/// Note: if parameter <_bCollectOnlyPreviousFtns> is true, then parameter
/// <_pRefFtnBossFrm> have to be referenced to an object.
static void _CollectFtns( const SwCntntFrm* _pRef,
SwFtnFrm* _pFtn,
SvPtrarr& _rFtnArr,
const sal_Bool _bCollectOnlyPreviousFtns = sal_False,
const SwFtnBossFrm* _pRefFtnBossFrm = NULL);
/// OD 03.04.2003 #108446# - add parameter <_bCollectOnlyPreviousFtns> in
/// order to control, if only footnotes, which are positioned before the
/// footnote boss frame <this> have to be collected.
void CollectFtns( const SwCntntFrm* _pRef,
SwFtnBossFrm* _pOld,
SvPtrarr& _rFtnArr,
const sal_Bool _bCollectOnlyPreviousFtns = sal_False );
void _MoveFtns( SvPtrarr &rFtnArr, sal_Bool bCalc = sal_False );
void MoveFtns( const SwCntntFrm *pSrc, SwCntntFrm *pDest,
SwTxtFtn *pAttr );
// Sollte AdjustNeighbourhood gerufen werden (oder Grow/Shrink)?
sal_uInt8 NeighbourhoodAdjustment( const SwFrm* pFrm ) const
{ return IsPageFrm() ? NA_ONLY_ADJUST : _NeighbourhoodAdjustment( pFrm ); }
inline const SwLayoutFrm *SwFtnBossFrm::FindBodyCont() const
return ((SwFtnBossFrm*)this)->FindBodyCont();
inline const SwFtnContFrm *SwFtnBossFrm::FindFtnCont() const
return ((SwFtnBossFrm*)this)->FindFtnCont();
#endif //_FTNBOSS_HXX