blob: 397fcf0742f0fde144e2fda3f6f5efe0605b954b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
#ifndef _FLYFRMS_HXX
#define _FLYFRMS_HXX
#include "flyfrm.hxx"
// --> OD 2004-06-23 #i28701#
class SwFlyAtCntFrm;
//Basisklasse fuer diejenigen Flys, die sich relativ frei Bewegen koennen -
//also die nicht _im_ Inhalt gebundenen Flys.
class SwFlyFreeFrm : public SwFlyFrm
SwPageFrm *pPage; //Bei dieser Seite ist der Fly angemeldet.
// --> OD 2004-11-15 #i34753# - flag for at-page anchored Writer fly frames
// to prevent a positioning - call of method <MakeObjPos()> -, if Writer
// fly frame is already clipped during its format by the object formatter.
bool mbNoMakePos;
// <--
// --> OD 2004-11-12 #i37068# - flag to prevent move in method
// <CheckClip(..)>
bool mbNoMoveOnCheckClip;
// <--
void CheckClip( const SwFmtFrmSize &rSz ); //'Emergency' Clipping.
/** determines, if direct environment of fly frame has 'auto' size
OD 07.08.2003 #i17297#, #111066#, #111070#
start with anchor frame and search for a header, footer, row or fly frame
stopping at page frame.
return <true>, if such a frame is found and it has 'auto' size.
otherwise <false> is returned.
@author OD
@return boolean indicating, that direct environment has 'auto' size
bool HasEnvironmentAutoSize() const;
// OD 2004-05-12 #i28701# - new friend class <SwFlyNotify> for access to
// method <NotifyBackground>
friend class SwFlyNotify;
virtual void NotifyBackground( SwPageFrm *pPage,
const SwRect& rRect, PrepareHint eHint);
SwFlyFreeFrm( SwFlyFrmFmt*, SwFrm*, SwFrm *pAnchor );
// --> OD 2004-06-29 #i28701#
virtual ~SwFlyFreeFrm();
virtual void MakeAll();
// --> OD 2004-11-12 #i37068# - accessors for member <mbNoMoveOnCheckClip>
inline void SetNoMoveOnCheckClip( const bool _bNewNoMoveOnCheckClip )
mbNoMoveOnCheckClip = _bNewNoMoveOnCheckClip;
inline bool IsNoMoveOnCheckClip() const
return mbNoMoveOnCheckClip;
// <--
// --> OD 2004-11-15 #i34753# - accessors for member <mbNoMakePos>
inline void SetNoMakePos( const bool _bNoMakePos )
if ( IsFlyLayFrm() )
mbNoMakePos = _bNoMakePos;
inline bool IsNoMakePos() const
if ( IsFlyLayFrm() )
return mbNoMakePos;
return false;
// <--
/** method to determine, if a format on the Writer fly frame is possible
OD 2004-05-11 #i28701#
refine 'IsFormatPossible'-conditions of method
<SwFlyFrm::IsFormatPossible()> by:
format isn't possible, if Writer fly frame isn't registered at a page frame
and its anchor frame isn't inside another Writer fly frame.
@author OD
virtual bool IsFormatPossible() const;
//Die Fly's, die an einem Layoutfrm haengen und nicht inhaltsgebunden sind
class SwFlyLayFrm : public SwFlyFreeFrm
// --> OD 2004-06-29 #i28701#
SwFlyLayFrm( SwFlyFrmFmt*, SwFrm*, SwFrm *pAnchor );
SwFlyLayFrm( SwFlyLayFrm& );
virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem* );
//Die Flys, die an einem Cntnt haengen nicht aber im Inhalt
class SwFlyAtCntFrm : public SwFlyFreeFrm
virtual void MakeAll();
// OD 2004-05-12 #i28701#
virtual bool _InvalidationAllowed( const InvalidationType _nInvalid ) const;
/** method to assure that anchored object is registered at the correct
page frame
OD 2004-07-02 #i28701#
@author OD
virtual void RegisterAtCorrectPage();
virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem* );
// --> OD 2004-06-29 #i28701#
SwFlyAtCntFrm( SwFlyFrmFmt*, SwFrm*, SwFrm *pAnchor );
void SetAbsPos( const Point &rNew );
// OD 2004-03-23 #i26791#
virtual void MakeObjPos();
/** method to determine, if a format on the Writer fly frame is possible
OD 2004-05-11 #i28701#
refine 'IsFormatPossible'-conditions of method
<SwFlyFreeFrm::IsFormatPossible()> by:
format isn't possible, if method <MakeAll()> is already in progress.
@author OD
virtual bool IsFormatPossible() const;
//Die Flys, die an einem Zeichen in einem Cntnt haengen.
class SwFlyInCntFrm : public SwFlyFrm
Point aRef; //Relativ zu diesem Point wird die AbsPos berechnet.
long nLine; //Zeilenhoehe, Ref.Y() - nLine == Zeilenanfang.
sal_Bool bInvalidLayout :1;
sal_Bool bInvalidCntnt :1;
virtual void NotifyBackground( SwPageFrm *pPage,
const SwRect& rRect, PrepareHint eHint);
virtual void MakeAll();
virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem* );
// --> OD 2004-06-29 #i28701#
SwFlyInCntFrm( SwFlyFrmFmt*, SwFrm*, SwFrm *pAnchor );
virtual ~SwFlyInCntFrm();
virtual void Format( const SwBorderAttrs *pAttrs = 0 );
void SetRefPoint( const Point& rPoint, const Point &rRelAttr,
const Point &rRelPos );
const Point &GetRefPoint() const { return aRef; }
const Point GetRelPos() const;
long GetLineHeight() const { return nLine; }
inline void InvalidateLayout() const;
inline void InvalidateCntnt() const;
inline void ValidateLayout() const;
inline void ValidateCntnt() const;
sal_Bool IsInvalid() const { return (bInvalidLayout || bInvalidCntnt); }
sal_Bool IsInvalidLayout() const { return bInvalidLayout; }
sal_Bool IsInvalidCntnt() const { return bInvalidCntnt; }
//BP 26.11.93: vgl. tabfrm.hxx, gilt bestimmt aber fuer andere auch...
//Zum Anmelden der Flys nachdem ein FlyCnt erzeugt _und_ eingefuegt wurde.
//Muss vom Erzeuger gerufen werden, denn erst nach dem Konstruieren wird
//Das Teil gepastet; mithin ist auch erst dann die Seite zum Anmelden der
//Flys erreichbar.
void RegistFlys();
//siehe layact.cxx
void AddRefOfst( long nOfst ) { aRef.Y() += nOfst; }
// OD 2004-03-23 #i26791#
virtual void MakeObjPos();
// --> OD 2004-12-02 #115759# - invalidate anchor frame on invalidation
// of the position, because the position is calculated during the
// format of the anchor frame
virtual void _ActionOnInvalidation( const InvalidationType _nInvalid );
// <--
inline void SwFlyInCntFrm::InvalidateLayout() const
((SwFlyInCntFrm*)this)->bInvalidLayout = sal_True;
inline void SwFlyInCntFrm::InvalidateCntnt() const
((SwFlyInCntFrm*)this)->bInvalidCntnt = sal_True;
inline void SwFlyInCntFrm::ValidateLayout() const
((SwFlyInCntFrm*)this)->bInvalidLayout = sal_False;
inline void SwFlyInCntFrm::ValidateCntnt() const
((SwFlyInCntFrm*)this)->bInvalidCntnt = sal_False;