blob: 79d2a817739efb1083957b685ea1a601aab6429d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "layfrm.hxx"
#include <list>
#include "frmfmt.hxx"
class SwPageFrm;
class SwFmtFrmSize;
struct SwCrsrMoveState;
class SwBorderAttrs;
class SwVirtFlyDrawObj;
class SwSpzFrmFmts;
class SwAttrSetChg;
class PolyPolygon;
class SwFlyDrawContact;
class SwDrawContact;
class SwFmt;
#include <anchoredobject.hxx>
//Sucht ausgehend von pOldAnch einen Anker fuer Absatzgebundene Rahmen.
//Wird beim Draggen von Absatzgebundenen Objekten zur Ankeranzeige sowie
//fuer Ankerwechsel benoetigt.
//implementiert in layout/flycnt.cxx
const SwCntntFrm *FindAnchor( const SwFrm *pOldAnch, const Point &rNew,
const sal_Bool bBody = sal_False );
// berechnet das Rechteck, in dem das Objekt bewegt bzw. resized werden darf
sal_Bool CalcClipRect( const SdrObject *pSdrObj, SwRect &rRect, sal_Bool bMove = sal_True );
//allg. Basisklasse fuer alle Freifliegenden Rahmen
// OD 2004-03-22 #i26791# - inherit also from <SwAnchoredFlyFrm>
class SwFlyFrm : public SwLayoutFrm, public SwAnchoredObject
//darf Locken. Definiert in frmtool.cxx
friend void AppendObjs ( const SwSpzFrmFmts *, sal_uLong, SwFrm *, SwPageFrm * );
friend void Notify( SwFlyFrm *, SwPageFrm *pOld, const SwRect &rOld,
const SwRect* pOldPrt );
void InitDrawObj( sal_Bool bNotify ); //Wird von den CToren gerufen.
void FinitDrawObj(); //Wird vom CTor gerufen.
void _UpdateAttr( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem*, sal_uInt8 &,
SwAttrSetChg *pa = 0, SwAttrSetChg *pb = 0 );
using SwLayoutFrm::CalcRel;
sal_uInt32 _GetOrdNumForNewRef( const SwFlyDrawContact* );
SwVirtFlyDrawObj* CreateNewRef( SwFlyDrawContact* );
SwFlyFrm *pPrevLink, // Vorgaenger/Nachfolger fuer Verkettung mit
*pNextLink; // Textfluss
// OD 2004-05-27 #i26791# - moved to <SwAnchoredObject>
// Point aRelPos; //Die Relative Position zum Master
sal_Bool bLocked :1; //Cntnt-gebundene Flys muessen derart blockiert werden
//koennen, dass sie nicht Formatiert werden; :MakeAll
//returnt dann sofort. Dies ist bei Seitenwechseln
//waehrend der Formatierung notwendig.
//Auch wahrend des RootCTors ist dies notwendig da
//sonst der Anker formatiert wird obwohl die Root noch
//nicht korrekt an der Shell haengt und weil sonst
//initial zuviel Formatiert wuerde.
sal_Bool bNotifyBack:1; //sal_True wenn am Ende eines MakeAll() der Background
//vom NotifyDTor benachrichtigt werden muss.
sal_Bool bInvalid :1; //Pos, PrtArea od. SSize wurden Invalidiert, sie werden
//gleich wieder Validiert, denn sie muessen _immer_
//gueltig sein. Damit in LayAction korrekt gearbeitet
//werden kann muss hier festgehalten werden, dass sie
//invalidiert wurden. Ausnahmen bestaetigen die Regelt!
sal_Bool bMinHeight:1; //sal_True wenn die vom Attribut vorgegebene Hoehe eine
//eine Minimalhoehe ist (der Frm also bei Bedarf
//darueberhinaus wachsen kann).
sal_Bool bHeightClipped :1; //sal_True wenn der Fly nicht die Pos/Size anhand der Attrs
sal_Bool bWidthClipped :1; //formatieren konnte, weil z.B. nicht genug Raum vorh.
sal_Bool bFormatHeightOnly :1; //Damit nach einer Anpassung der Breite
//(CheckClip) nur das Format aufgerufen wird;
//nicht aber die Breite anhand der Attribute
//wieder bestimmt wird.
sal_Bool bInCnt :1; // FLY_AS_CHAR, anchored as character
sal_Bool bAtCnt :1; // FLY_AT_PARA, anchored at paragraph
sal_Bool bLayout :1; // FLY_AT_PAGE, FLY_AT_FLY, at page or at frame
sal_Bool bAutoPosition :1; // FLY_AT_CHAR, anchored at character
sal_Bool bNoShrink :1; // temporary forbud of shrinking to avoid loops
sal_Bool bLockDeleteContent :1; // If the flag is set, the content of the
// fly frame is not deleted if moved to
// invisible layer.
friend class SwNoTxtFrm; // Darf NotifyBackground rufen
// virtual void NotifyBackground( SwPageFrm *pPage,
// const SwRect& rRect, PrepareHint eHint) = 0;
virtual void Format( const SwBorderAttrs *pAttrs = 0 );
void MakePrtArea( const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs );
void Lock() { bLocked = sal_True; }
void Unlock() { bLocked = sal_False; }
void SetMinHeight() { bMinHeight = sal_True; }
void ResetMinHeight(){ bMinHeight = sal_False; }
Size CalcRel( const SwFmtFrmSize &rSz ) const;
SwTwips CalcAutoWidth() const;
SwFlyFrm( SwFlyFrmFmt*, SwFrm*, SwFrm *pAnchor );
/** method to assure that anchored object is registered at the correct
page frame
OD 2004-07-02 #i28701#
@author OD
virtual void RegisterAtCorrectPage();
virtual bool _SetObjTop( const SwTwips _nTop );
virtual bool _SetObjLeft( const SwTwips _nLeft );
virtual const SwRect GetObjBoundRect() const;
virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem* );
//Bug 120881:Modify here for Directly Page Numbering
sal_Bool IsPageNumberingFrm();
//Bug 120881(End)
// OD 2004-03-23 #i26791#
virtual ~SwFlyFrm();
// erfrage vom Client Informationen
virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& ) const;
virtual void Paint( SwRect const&,
SwPrintData const*const pPrintData = NULL ) const;
virtual Size ChgSize( const Size& aNewSize );
virtual sal_Bool GetCrsrOfst( SwPosition *, Point&,
SwCrsrMoveState* = 0 ) const;
virtual void CheckDirection( sal_Bool bVert );
virtual void Cut();
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
virtual void Paste( SwFrm* pParent, SwFrm* pSibling = 0 );
SwTwips _Shrink( SwTwips, sal_Bool bTst );
SwTwips _Grow ( SwTwips, sal_Bool bTst );
void _Invalidate( SwPageFrm *pPage = 0 );
sal_Bool FrmSizeChg( const SwFmtFrmSize & );
SwFlyFrm *GetPrevLink() const { return pPrevLink; }
SwFlyFrm *GetNextLink() const { return pNextLink; }
static void ChainFrames( SwFlyFrm *pMaster, SwFlyFrm *pFollow );
static void UnchainFrames( SwFlyFrm *pMaster, SwFlyFrm *pFollow );
SwFlyFrm *FindChainNeighbour( SwFrmFmt &rFmt, SwFrm *pAnch = 0 );
// OD 2004-03-24 #i26791#
const SwVirtFlyDrawObj* GetVirtDrawObj() const;
SwVirtFlyDrawObj *GetVirtDrawObj();
void NotifyDrawObj();
void ChgRelPos( const Point &rAbsPos );
sal_Bool IsInvalid() const { return bInvalid; }
void Invalidate() const { ((SwFlyFrm*)this)->bInvalid = sal_True; }
void Validate() const { ((SwFlyFrm*)this)->bInvalid = sal_False; }
sal_Bool IsMinHeight() const { return bMinHeight; }
sal_Bool IsLocked() const { return bLocked; }
sal_Bool IsAutoPos() const { return bAutoPosition; }
sal_Bool IsFlyInCntFrm() const { return bInCnt; }
sal_Bool IsFlyFreeFrm() const { return bAtCnt || bLayout; }
sal_Bool IsFlyLayFrm() const { return bLayout; }
sal_Bool IsFlyAtCntFrm() const { return bAtCnt; }
sal_Bool IsNotifyBack() const { return bNotifyBack; }
void SetNotifyBack() { bNotifyBack = sal_True; }
void ResetNotifyBack() { bNotifyBack = sal_False; }
sal_Bool IsNoShrink() const { return bNoShrink; }
void SetNoShrink( sal_Bool bNew ) { bNoShrink = bNew; }
sal_Bool IsLockDeleteContent() const { return bLockDeleteContent; }
void SetLockDeleteContent( sal_Bool bNew ) { bLockDeleteContent = bNew; }
sal_Bool IsClipped() const { return bHeightClipped || bWidthClipped; }
sal_Bool IsHeightClipped() const { return bHeightClipped; }
sal_Bool IsWidthClipped() const { return bWidthClipped; }
sal_Bool IsLowerOf( const SwLayoutFrm* pUpper ) const;
inline sal_Bool IsUpperOf( const SwFlyFrm& _rLower ) const
return _rLower.IsLowerOf( this );
SwFrm *FindLastLower();
// OD 16.04.2003 #i13147# - add parameter <_bForPaint> to avoid load of
// the graphic during paint. Default value: sal_False
sal_Bool GetContour( PolyPolygon& rContour,
const sal_Bool _bForPaint = sal_False ) const;
//Auf dieser Shell painten (PreView, Print-Flag usw. rekursiv beachten)?.
static sal_Bool IsPaint( SdrObject *pObj, const ViewShell *pSh );
/** SwFlyFrm::IsBackgroundTransparent - for feature #99657#
OD 12.08.2002
determines, if background of fly frame has to be drawn transparent
definition found in /core/layout/paintfrm.cxx
@author OD
@return true, if background color is transparent or a existing background
graphic is transparent.
sal_Bool IsBackgroundTransparent() const;
/** SwFlyFrm::IsShadowTransparent - for feature #99657#
OD 05.08.2002
determine, if shadow color of fly frame has to be drawn transparent
definition found in /core/layout/paintfrm.cxx
@author OD
@return true, if shadow color is transparent.
sal_Bool IsShadowTransparent() const;
// OD 2004-01-19 #110582#
void Chain( SwFrm* _pAnchor );
void Unchain();
void InsertCnt();
void DeleteCnt();
// OD 2004-02-12 #110582#-2
void InsertColumns();
// OD 2004-03-23 #i26791# - pure virtual methods of base class <SwAnchoredObject>
virtual void MakeObjPos();
virtual void InvalidateObjPos();
virtual SwFrmFmt& GetFrmFmt();
virtual const SwFrmFmt& GetFrmFmt() const;
virtual const SwRect GetObjRect() const;
/** method to determine, if a format on the Writer fly frame is possible
OD 2004-05-11 #i28701#
refine 'IsFormatPossible'-conditions of method
<SwAnchoredObject::IsFormatPossible()> by:
format isn't possible, if Writer fly frame is locked resp. col-locked.
@author OD
virtual bool IsFormatPossible() const;
static void GetAnchoredObjects( std::list<SwAnchoredObject*>&, const SwFmt& rFmt );
// overwriting "SwFrmFmt *SwLayoutFrm::GetFmt" to provide the correct derived return type.
// (This is in order to skip on the otherwise necessary casting of the result to
// 'SwFlyFrmFmt *' after calls to this function. The casting is now done in this function.)
virtual const SwFlyFrmFmt *GetFmt() const;
virtual SwFlyFrmFmt *GetFmt();