blob: d06ba89ac7470cae4b28d96ed4fc745a7080fba8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
#ifndef _DOCFLD_HXX
#define _DOCFLD_HXX
#include <calc.hxx> // fuer SwHash
class SwTxtFld;
class SwIndex;
class SwNodeIndex;
class SwCntntNode;
class SwCntntFrm;
class SwSectionNode;
class SwSection;
class SwTxtTOXMark;
class SwTableBox;
class SwTxtINetFmt;
class SwFlyFrmFmt;
class SwDoc;
class SwNode;
struct SwPosition;
// Update an den Expression Feldern
class _SetGetExpFld
sal_uLong nNode;
xub_StrLen nCntnt;
union {
const SwTxtFld* pTxtFld;
const SwSection* pSection;
const SwPosition* pPos;
const SwTxtTOXMark* pTxtTOX;
const SwTableBox* pTBox;
const SwTxtINetFmt* pTxtINet;
const SwFlyFrmFmt* pFlyFmt;
enum _SetGetExpFldType
} eSetGetExpFldType;
_SetGetExpFld( const SwNodeIndex& rNdIdx, const SwTxtFld* pFld = 0,
const SwIndex* pIdx = 0 );
_SetGetExpFld( const SwNodeIndex& rNdIdx, const SwTxtINetFmt& rINet,
const SwIndex* pIdx = 0 );
_SetGetExpFld( const SwSectionNode& rSectNode,
const SwPosition* pPos = 0 );
_SetGetExpFld( const SwTableBox& rTableBox,
const SwPosition* pPos = 0 );
_SetGetExpFld( const SwNodeIndex& rNdIdx, const SwTxtTOXMark& rTOX,
const SwIndex* pIdx );
_SetGetExpFld( const SwPosition& rPos );
_SetGetExpFld( const SwFlyFrmFmt& rFlyFmt, const SwPosition* pPos = 0 );
sal_Bool operator==( const _SetGetExpFld& rFld ) const;
sal_Bool operator<( const _SetGetExpFld& rFld ) const;
const SwTxtFld* GetTxtFld() const
{ return TEXTFIELD == eSetGetExpFldType ? CNTNT.pTxtFld : 0; }
const SwTxtTOXMark* GetTOX() const
{ return TEXTTOXMARK == eSetGetExpFldType ? CNTNT.pTxtTOX : 0; }
const SwSection* GetSection() const
{ return SECTIONNODE == eSetGetExpFldType ? CNTNT.pSection : 0; }
const SwTableBox* GetTableBox() const
{ return TABLEBOX == eSetGetExpFldType ? CNTNT.pTBox : 0; }
const SwTxtINetFmt* GetINetFmt() const
{ return TEXTINET == eSetGetExpFldType ? CNTNT.pTxtINet : 0; }
const SwFlyFrmFmt* GetFlyFmt() const
{ return FLYFRAME == eSetGetExpFldType ? CNTNT.pFlyFmt : 0; }
sal_uLong GetNode() const { return nNode; }
xub_StrLen GetCntnt() const { return nCntnt; }
const void* GetPointer() const { return CNTNT.pTxtFld; }
void GetPos( SwPosition& rPos ) const;
void GetPosOfContent( SwPosition& rPos ) const;
const SwNode* GetNodeFromCntnt() const;
xub_StrLen GetCntPosFromCntnt() const;
void SetBodyPos( const SwCntntFrm& rFrm );
typedef _SetGetExpFld* _SetGetExpFldPtr;
SV_DECL_PTRARR_SORT_DEL( _SetGetExpFlds, _SetGetExpFldPtr, 0, 10 )
// Struktur zum Speichern der Strings aus SetExp-String-Feldern
struct _HashStr : public SwHash
String aSetStr;
_HashStr( const String& rName, const String& rText, _HashStr* = 0 );
struct SwCalcFldType : public SwHash
const SwFieldType* pFldType;
SwCalcFldType( const String& rStr, const SwFieldType* pFldTyp )
: SwHash( rStr ), pFldType( pFldTyp )
// Suche nach dem String, der unter dem Namen in der HashTabelle abgelegt
// wurde
void LookString( SwHash** ppTbl, sal_uInt16 nSize, const String& rName,
String& rRet, sal_uInt16* pPos = 0 );
// --------
const int GETFLD_ALL = 3; // veroderte Flags !!
const int GETFLD_CALC = 1;
const int GETFLD_EXPAND = 2;
class SwDocUpdtFld
_SetGetExpFlds* pFldSortLst; // akt. Field-Liste zum Calculieren
SwCalcFldType* aFldTypeTable[ TBLSZ ];
// noch eine weitere Optimierung - wird z.Z. nicht angesprochen!
long nFldUpdtPos; // ab dieser Position mit Update starten
SwCntntNode* pCNode; // der TxtNode zur UpdatePos.
sal_uLong nNodes; // sollte die NodesAnzahl unterschiedlich sein
sal_uInt8 nFldLstGetMode;
sal_Bool bInUpdateFlds : 1; // zur Zeit laeuft ein UpdateFlds,
sal_Bool bFldsDirty : 1; // irgendwelche Felder sind ungueltig
void _MakeFldList( SwDoc& pDoc, int eGetMode );
void GetBodyNode( const SwTxtFld& , sal_uInt16 nFldWhich );
void GetBodyNode( const SwSectionNode&);
const _SetGetExpFlds* GetSortLst() const { return pFldSortLst; }
void MakeFldList( SwDoc& rDoc, int bAll, int eGetMode );
void InsDelFldInFldLst( sal_Bool bIns, const SwTxtFld& rFld );
void InsertFldType( const SwFieldType& rType );
void RemoveFldType( const SwFieldType& rType );
sal_Bool IsInUpdateFlds() const { return bInUpdateFlds; }
void SetInUpdateFlds( sal_Bool b ) { bInUpdateFlds = b; }
sal_Bool IsFieldsDirty() const { return bFldsDirty; }
void SetFieldsDirty( sal_Bool b ) { bFldsDirty = b; }
SwHash** GetFldTypeTable() const { return (SwHash**)aFldTypeTable; }
#endif // _DOCFLD_HXX