blob: 4c438e53144509c3d1e41e6341fc4bdfd87545d4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
#include "swstylemanager.hxx"
#include <hash_map>
#include <svl/stylepool.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <charfmt.hxx>
#include <docary.hxx>
#include <swtypes.hxx>
#include <istyleaccess.hxx>
typedef ::std::hash_map< const ::rtl::OUString,
::std::equal_to< ::rtl::OUString > > SwStyleNameCache;
class SwStyleCache
SwStyleNameCache mMap;
SwStyleCache() {}
void addStyleName( StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t pStyle )
{ mMap[ StylePool::nameOf(pStyle) ] = pStyle; }
void addCompletePool( StylePool& rPool );
StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t getByName( const rtl::OUString& rName ) { return mMap[rName]; }
void SwStyleCache::addCompletePool( StylePool& rPool )
IStylePoolIteratorAccess *pIter = rPool.createIterator();
StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t pStyle = pIter->getNext();
while( pStyle.get() )
rtl::OUString aName( StylePool::nameOf(pStyle) );
mMap[ aName ] = pStyle;
pStyle = pIter->getNext();
delete pIter;
class SwStyleManager : public IStyleAccess
StylePool aAutoCharPool;
StylePool aAutoParaPool;
SwStyleCache *mpCharCache;
SwStyleCache *mpParaCache;
// --> OD 2008-03-07 #refactorlists#
// accept empty item set for ignorable paragraph items.
SwStyleManager( SfxItemSet* pIgnorableParagraphItems )
: aAutoCharPool(),
aAutoParaPool( pIgnorableParagraphItems ),
// <--
virtual ~SwStyleManager();
virtual StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t getAutomaticStyle( const SfxItemSet& rSet,
IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily eFamily );
virtual StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t getByName( const rtl::OUString& rName,
IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily eFamily );
virtual void getAllStyles( std::vector<StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t> &rStyles,
IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily eFamily );
virtual StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t cacheAutomaticStyle( const SfxItemSet& rSet,
SwAutoStyleFamily eFamily );
virtual void clearCaches();
IStyleAccess *createStyleManager( SfxItemSet* pIgnorableParagraphItems )
return new SwStyleManager( pIgnorableParagraphItems );
delete mpCharCache;
delete mpParaCache;
void SwStyleManager::clearCaches()
delete mpCharCache;
mpCharCache = 0;
delete mpParaCache;
mpParaCache = 0;
StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t SwStyleManager::getAutomaticStyle( const SfxItemSet& rSet,
IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily eFamily )
StylePool& rAutoPool = eFamily == IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR ? aAutoCharPool : aAutoParaPool;
return rAutoPool.insertItemSet( rSet );
StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t SwStyleManager::cacheAutomaticStyle( const SfxItemSet& rSet,
IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily eFamily )
StylePool& rAutoPool = eFamily == IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR ? aAutoCharPool : aAutoParaPool;
StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t pStyle = rAutoPool.insertItemSet( rSet );
SwStyleCache* &rpCache = eFamily == IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR ?
mpCharCache : mpParaCache;
if( !rpCache )
rpCache = new SwStyleCache();
rpCache->addStyleName( pStyle );
return pStyle;
StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t SwStyleManager::getByName( const rtl::OUString& rName,
IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily eFamily )
StylePool& rAutoPool = eFamily == IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR ? aAutoCharPool : aAutoParaPool;
SwStyleCache* &rpCache = eFamily == IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR ? mpCharCache : mpParaCache;
if( !rpCache )
rpCache = new SwStyleCache();
StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t pStyle = rpCache->getByName( rName );
if( !pStyle.get() )
// Ok, ok, it's allowed to ask for uncached styles (from UNO) but it should not be done
// during loading a document
ASSERT( false, "Don't ask for uncached styles" );
rpCache->addCompletePool( rAutoPool );
pStyle = rpCache->getByName( rName );
return pStyle;
void SwStyleManager::getAllStyles( std::vector<StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t> &rStyles,
IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily eFamily )
StylePool& rAutoPool = eFamily == IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR ? aAutoCharPool : aAutoParaPool;
// --> OD 2008-03-07 #refactorlists#
// setup <StylePool> iterator, which skips unused styles and ignorable items
IStylePoolIteratorAccess *pIter = rAutoPool.createIterator( true, true );
// <--
StylePool::SfxItemSet_Pointer_t pStyle = pIter->getNext();
while( pStyle.get() )
rStyles.push_back( pStyle );
pStyle = pIter->getNext();
delete pIter;