blob: 95054e10abb4856508e2695c1be8a59e297c8d2e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/ScriptType.hpp>
#include <editeng/langitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/scripttypeitem.hxx>
#include <vcl/keycodes.hxx>
#include <vcl/cmdevt.hxx>
#include <hintids.hxx>
#include <extinput.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx>
#include <index.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <txtfrm.hxx>
#include <swundo.hxx>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
SwExtTextInput::SwExtTextInput( const SwPaM& rPam, Ring* pRing )
: SwPaM( *rPam.GetPoint(), (SwPaM*)pRing ),
bIsOverwriteCursor = sal_False;
bInsText = sal_True;
SwDoc *const pDoc = GetDoc();
if (pDoc->IsInDtor()) { return; /* #i58606# */ }
SwTxtNode* pTNd = GetPoint()->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
if( pTNd )
SwIndex& rIdx = GetPoint()->nContent;
xub_StrLen nSttCnt = rIdx.GetIndex(),
nEndCnt = GetMark()->nContent.GetIndex();
if( nEndCnt != nSttCnt )
if( nEndCnt < nSttCnt )
xub_StrLen n = nEndCnt; nEndCnt = nSttCnt; nSttCnt = n;
// damit Undo / Redlining usw. richtig funktioniert,
// muss ueber die Doc-Schnittstellen gegangen werden !!!
if(eInputLanguage != LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW)
// --> FME 2005-02-11 #i41974# Only set language attribute
// for CJK/CTL scripts.
bool bLang = true;
// <--
sal_uInt16 nWhich = RES_CHRATR_LANGUAGE;
case i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN: nWhich = RES_CHRATR_CJK_LANGUAGE; break;
case i18n::ScriptType::COMPLEX: nWhich = RES_CHRATR_CTL_LANGUAGE; break;
default: bLang = false;
if ( bLang )
SvxLanguageItem aLangItem( eInputLanguage, nWhich );
pDoc->InsertPoolItem(*this, aLangItem, 0 );
rIdx = nSttCnt;
String sTxt( pTNd->GetTxt().Copy( nSttCnt, nEndCnt - nSttCnt ));
if( bIsOverwriteCursor && sOverwriteText.Len() )
xub_StrLen nLen = sTxt.Len();
if( nLen > sOverwriteText.Len() )
rIdx += sOverwriteText.Len();
pTNd->EraseText( rIdx, nLen - sOverwriteText.Len() );
rIdx = nSttCnt;
pTNd->ReplaceText( rIdx, sOverwriteText.Len(),
sOverwriteText );
if( bInsText )
rIdx = nSttCnt;
pDoc->Overwrite( *this, sTxt.Copy( 0,
sOverwriteText.Len() ));
pDoc->InsertString( *this,
sTxt.Copy( sOverwriteText.Len() ) );
pTNd->ReplaceText( rIdx, nLen,
sOverwriteText.Copy( 0, nLen ));
if( bInsText )
rIdx = nSttCnt;
pDoc->Overwrite( *this, sTxt );
pTNd->EraseText( rIdx, nEndCnt - nSttCnt );
if( bInsText )
pDoc->InsertString( *this, sTxt );
void SwExtTextInput::SetInputData( const CommandExtTextInputData& rData )
SwTxtNode* pTNd = GetPoint()->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
if( pTNd )
xub_StrLen nSttCnt = GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex(),
nEndCnt = GetMark()->nContent.GetIndex();
if( nEndCnt < nSttCnt )
xub_StrLen n = nEndCnt; nEndCnt = nSttCnt; nSttCnt = n;
SwIndex aIdx( pTNd, nSttCnt );
const String& rNewStr = rData.GetText();
if( bIsOverwriteCursor && sOverwriteText.Len() )
xub_StrLen nReplace = nEndCnt - nSttCnt;
if( rNewStr.Len() < nReplace )
// then we must insert from the saved original text
// some characters
nReplace = nReplace - rNewStr.Len();
aIdx += rNewStr.Len();
pTNd->ReplaceText( aIdx, nReplace,
sOverwriteText.Copy( rNewStr.Len(), nReplace ));
aIdx = nSttCnt;
nReplace = rNewStr.Len();
else if( sOverwriteText.Len() < nReplace )
nReplace = nReplace - sOverwriteText.Len();
aIdx += sOverwriteText.Len();
pTNd->EraseText( aIdx, nReplace );
aIdx = nSttCnt;
nReplace = sOverwriteText.Len();
else if( (nReplace = sOverwriteText.Len()) > rNewStr.Len() )
nReplace = rNewStr.Len();
pTNd->ReplaceText( aIdx, nReplace, rNewStr );
if( !HasMark() )
GetMark()->nContent = aIdx;
if( nSttCnt < nEndCnt )
pTNd->EraseText( aIdx, nEndCnt - nSttCnt );
pTNd->InsertText( rNewStr, aIdx,
IDocumentContentOperations::INS_EMPTYEXPAND );
if( !HasMark() )
GetPoint()->nContent = nSttCnt;
if( aAttrs.Count() )
aAttrs.Remove( 0, aAttrs.Count() );
if( rData.GetTextAttr() )
aAttrs.Insert( rData.GetTextAttr(), rData.GetText().Len(), 0 );
void SwExtTextInput::SetOverwriteCursor( sal_Bool bFlag )
bIsOverwriteCursor = bFlag;
SwTxtNode* pTNd;
if( bIsOverwriteCursor &&
0 != (pTNd = GetPoint()->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode()) )
xub_StrLen nSttCnt = GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex(),
nEndCnt = GetMark()->nContent.GetIndex();
sOverwriteText = pTNd->GetTxt().Copy( nEndCnt < nSttCnt ? nEndCnt
: nSttCnt );
if( sOverwriteText.Len() )
xub_StrLen nInWrdAttrPos = sOverwriteText.Search( CH_TXTATR_INWORD ),
nWrdAttrPos = sOverwriteText.Search( CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD );
if( nWrdAttrPos < nInWrdAttrPos )
nInWrdAttrPos = nWrdAttrPos;
if( STRING_NOTFOUND != nInWrdAttrPos )
sOverwriteText.Erase( nInWrdAttrPos );
// die Doc Schnittstellen:
SwExtTextInput* SwDoc::CreateExtTextInput( const SwPaM& rPam )
SwExtTextInput* pNew = new SwExtTextInput( rPam, pExtInputRing );
if( !pExtInputRing )
pExtInputRing = pNew;
return pNew;
void SwDoc::DeleteExtTextInput( SwExtTextInput* pDel )
if( pDel == pExtInputRing )
if( pDel->GetNext() != pExtInputRing )
pExtInputRing = (SwPaM*)pDel->GetNext();
pExtInputRing = 0;
delete pDel;
SwExtTextInput* SwDoc::GetExtTextInput( const SwNode& rNd,
xub_StrLen nCntntPos ) const
SwExtTextInput* pRet = 0;
if( pExtInputRing )
sal_uLong nNdIdx = rNd.GetIndex();
SwExtTextInput* pTmp = (SwExtTextInput*)pExtInputRing;
do {
sal_uLong nPt = pTmp->GetPoint()->nNode.GetIndex(),
nMk = pTmp->GetMark()->nNode.GetIndex();
xub_StrLen nPtCnt = pTmp->GetPoint()->nContent.GetIndex(),
nMkCnt = pTmp->GetMark()->nContent.GetIndex();
if( nPt < nMk || ( nPt == nMk && nPtCnt < nMkCnt ))
sal_uLong nTmp = nMk; nMk = nPt; nPt = nTmp;
nTmp = nMkCnt; nMkCnt = nPtCnt; nPtCnt = (xub_StrLen)nTmp;
if( nMk <= nNdIdx && nNdIdx <= nPt &&
( STRING_NOTFOUND == nCntntPos ||
( nMkCnt <= nCntntPos && nCntntPos <= nPtCnt )))
pRet = pTmp;
} while( pExtInputRing != (pTmp = (SwExtTextInput*)pExtInputRing ) );
return pRet;
SwExtTextInput* SwDoc::GetExtTextInput() const
ASSERT( !pExtInputRing || pExtInputRing == pExtInputRing->GetNext(),
"more then one InputEngine available" );
return (SwExtTextInput*)pExtInputRing;