blob: 6193a7e81a3abd7e7d7c59541e86a45a7e4ee845 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#ifndef _CELLFML_HXX
#define _CELLFML_HXX
#include <tools/string.hxx>
class SwTable;
class SwNode;
class SwTableSortBoxes;
class SwSelBoxes;
class SwCalc;
class SwTableBox;
class SwTableFmlUpdate;
class SwDoc;
class String;
class SwTblCalcPara
const SwTableBox* pLastTblBox;
sal_uInt16 nStackCnt, nMaxSize;
SwTableSortBoxes *pBoxStk; // Stack fuers erkennen von Rekursionen !
SwCalc& rCalc; // akt. Calculator
const SwTable* pTbl; // akt. Tabelle
SwTblCalcPara( SwCalc& rCalculator, const SwTable& rTable );
sal_Bool CalcWithStackOverflow();
sal_Bool IsStackOverFlow() const { return nMaxSize == nStackCnt; }
sal_Bool IncStackCnt() { return nMaxSize == ++nStackCnt; }
void DecStackCnt() { if( nStackCnt ) --nStackCnt; }
void SetLastTblBox( const SwTableBox* pBox ) { pLastTblBox = pBox; }
class SwTableFormula
typedef void (SwTableFormula:: *FnScanFormel)( const SwTable&, String&,
String&, String*, void* ) const;
void BoxNmsToPtr( const SwTable&, String&, String&, String* = 0,
void* pPara = 0 ) const;
void PtrToBoxNms( const SwTable&, String&, String&, String* = 0,
void* pPara = 0 ) const;
void RelNmsToBoxNms( const SwTable&, String&, String&, String* = 0,
void* pPara = 0 ) const;
void RelBoxNmsToPtr( const SwTable&, String&, String&, String* = 0,
void* pPara = 0 ) const;
void BoxNmsToRelNm( const SwTable&, String&, String&, String* = 0,
void* pPara = 0 ) const;
void _MakeFormel( const SwTable&, String&, String&, String* = 0,
void* pPara = 0 ) const;
void _GetFmlBoxes( const SwTable&, String&, String&, String* = 0,
void* pPara = 0 ) const;
void _HasValidBoxes( const SwTable&, String&, String&, String* = 0,
void* pPara = 0 ) const;
void _SplitMergeBoxNm( const SwTable&, String&, String&, String* = 0,
void* pPara = 0 ) const;
void GetBoxes( const SwTableBox& rStt, const SwTableBox& rEnd,
SwSelBoxes& rBoxes ) const;
String ScanString( FnScanFormel fnFormel, const SwTable& rTbl,
void* = 0 ) const;
const SwTable* FindTable( SwDoc& rDoc, const String& rNm ) const;
String sFormel; // akt. Formel
NameType eNmType; // akt. Darstellungs Art
sal_Bool bValidValue; // sal_True: Formel neu berechnen
// suche den Node, in dem die Formel steht:
// TextFeld -> TextNode,
// BoxAttribut -> BoxStartNode
virtual const SwNode* GetNodeOfFormula() const = 0;
SwTableFormula( const String& rFormel );
String MakeFormel( SwTblCalcPara& rCalcPara ) const
return ScanString( &SwTableFormula::_MakeFormel,
*rCalcPara.pTbl, &rCalcPara );
static sal_uInt16 GetLnPosInTbl( const SwTable& rTbl, const SwTableBox* pBox );
SwTableFormula( const SwTableFormula& rCpy ) { *this = rCpy; }
virtual ~SwTableFormula();
SwTableFormula& operator=( const SwTableFormula& rCpy )
sFormel = rCpy.sFormel;
eNmType = rCpy.eNmType;
bValidValue = rCpy.bValidValue;
return *this;
// erzeuge aus der internen (fuer CORE) die externe (fuer UI) Formel
void PtrToBoxNm( const SwTable* pTbl );
// erzeuge aus der externen (fuer UI) die interne (fuer CORE) Formel
void BoxNmToPtr( const SwTable* pTbl );
// erzeuge aus der externen/internen Formel die relative Formel
void ToRelBoxNm( const SwTable* pTbl );
// wird vorm/nach dem mergen/splitten von Tabellen rerufen
void ToSplitMergeBoxNm( SwTableFmlUpdate& rTblUpd );
// ist gerade eine intern Darstellung aktiv
sal_Bool IsIntrnlName() const { return eNmType == INTRNL_NAME; }
// erfrage die akt. Darstellung der Formel
NameType GetNameType() const { return eNmType; }
// erfrage/setze das Flag, ob der akt. Wert gueltig ist
sal_Bool IsValid() const { return bValidValue; }
inline void ChgValid( sal_Bool bNew ) { bValidValue = bNew; }
const String& GetFormula() const { return sFormel; }
void SetFormula( const String& rNew )
sFormel = rNew;
bValidValue = sal_False;
sal_uInt16 GetBoxesOfFormula( const SwTable& rTbl, SwSelBoxes& rBoxes );
// sind alle Boxen gueltig, auf die sich die Formel bezieht?
sal_Bool HasValidBoxes() const;