blob: d358fa32d4288c82b2a5936501e0a37127e6882f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_svx.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/table/XMergeableCell.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vos/mutex.hxx>
#include "cell.hxx"
#include "cellcursor.hxx"
#include "tablemodel.hxx"
#include "tablerow.hxx"
#include "tablerows.hxx"
#include "tablecolumn.hxx"
#include "tablecolumns.hxx"
#include "tableundo.hxx"
#include "svx/svdotable.hxx"
#include "svx/svdmodel.hxx"
#include "svx/svdstr.hrc"
#include "svx/svdglob.hxx"
using ::rtl::OUString;
using namespace ::osl;
using namespace ::vos;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::table;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace sdr { namespace table {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// removes the given range from a vector
template< class Vec, class Iter > void remove_range( Vec& rVector, sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nCount )
const sal_Int32 nSize = static_cast<sal_Int32>(rVector.size());
if( nCount && (nIndex >= 0) && (nIndex < nSize) )
if( (nIndex + nCount) >= nSize )
// remove at end
rVector.resize( nIndex );
Iter aBegin( rVector.begin() );
while( nIndex-- )
if( nCount == 1 )
rVector.erase( aBegin );
Iter aEnd( aBegin );
while( nCount-- )
rVector.erase( aBegin, aEnd );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** inserts a range into a vector */
template< class Vec, class Iter, class Entry > sal_Int32 insert_range( Vec& rVector, sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nCount )
if( nCount )
if( nIndex >= static_cast< sal_Int32 >( rVector.size() ) )
// append at end
nIndex = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( rVector.size() ); // cap to end
rVector.resize( nIndex + nCount );
// insert
sal_Int32 nFind = nIndex;
Iter aIter( rVector.begin() );
while( nFind-- )
Entry aEmpty;
rVector.insert( aIter, nCount, aEmpty );
return nIndex;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TableModel::TableModel( SdrTableObj* pTableObj )
: TableModelBase( m_aMutex )
, mpTableObj( pTableObj )
, mbModified( sal_False )
, mbNotifyPending( false )
, mnNotifyLock( 0 )
TableModel::TableModel( SdrTableObj* pTableObj, const TableModelRef& xSourceTable )
: TableModelBase( m_aMutex )
, mpTableObj( pTableObj )
, mbModified( sal_False )
, mbNotifyPending( false )
, mnNotifyLock( 0 )
if( )
const sal_Int32 nColCount = xSourceTable->getColumnCountImpl();
const sal_Int32 nRowCount = xSourceTable->getRowCountImpl();
init( nColCount, nRowCount );
sal_Int32 nRows = nRowCount;
while( nRows-- )
(*maRows[nRows]) = (*xSourceTable->maRows[nRows]);
sal_Int32 nColumns = nColCount;
while( nColumns-- )
(*maColumns[nColumns]) = (*xSourceTable->maColumns[nColumns]);
// copy cells
for( sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol < nColCount; ++nCol )
for( sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCount; ++nRow )
CellRef xTargetCell( getCell( nCol, nRow ) );
if( )
xTargetCell->cloneFrom( xSourceTable->getCell( nCol, nRow ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::init( sal_Int32 nColumns, sal_Int32 nRows )
if( nRows < 20 )
maRows.reserve( 20 );
if( nColumns < 20 )
maColumns.reserve( 20 );
if( nRows && nColumns )
maColumns.resize( nColumns );
maRows.resize( nRows );
while( nRows-- )
maRows[nRows].set( new TableRow( this, nRows, nColumns ) );
while( nColumns-- )
maColumns[nColumns].set( new TableColumn( this, nColumns ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ICellRange
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 TableModel::getLeft()
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 TableModel::getTop()
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 TableModel::getRight()
return getColumnCount();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 TableModel::getBottom()
return getRowCount();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XTable > TableModel::getTable()
return this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::UndoInsertRows( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nCount )
TableModelNotifyGuard aGuard( this );
// remove the rows
remove_range<RowVector,RowVector::iterator>( maRows, nIndex, nCount );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::UndoRemoveRows( sal_Int32 nIndex, RowVector& aRows )
TableModelNotifyGuard aGuard( this );
const sal_Int32 nCount = sal::static_int_cast< sal_Int32 >( aRows.size() );
nIndex = insert_range<RowVector,RowVector::iterator,TableRowRef>( maRows, nIndex, nCount );
for( sal_Int32 nOffset = 0; nOffset < nCount; ++nOffset )
maRows[nIndex+nOffset] = aRows[nOffset];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::UndoInsertColumns( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nCount )
TableModelNotifyGuard aGuard( this );
// now remove the columns
remove_range<ColumnVector,ColumnVector::iterator>( maColumns, nIndex, nCount );
sal_Int32 nRows = getRowCountImpl();
while( nRows-- )
maRows[nRows]->removeColumns( nIndex, nCount );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::UndoRemoveColumns( sal_Int32 nIndex, ColumnVector& aCols, CellVector& aCells )
TableModelNotifyGuard aGuard( this );
const sal_Int32 nCount = sal::static_int_cast< sal_Int32 >( aCols.size() );
// assert if there are not enough cells saved
DBG_ASSERT( (aCols.size() * maRows.size()) == aCells.size(), "sdr::table::TableModel::UndoRemoveColumns(), invalid undo data!" );
nIndex = insert_range<ColumnVector,ColumnVector::iterator,TableColumnRef>( maColumns, nIndex, nCount );
for( sal_Int32 nOffset = 0; nOffset < nCount; ++nOffset )
maColumns[nIndex+nOffset] = aCols[nOffset];
CellVector::iterator aIter( aCells.begin() );
sal_Int32 nRows = getRowCountImpl();
for( sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nRows; ++nRow )
CellVector::iterator aIter2 = aIter + nRow * nCount;
DBG_ASSERT(aIter2 < aCells.end(), "sdr::table::TableModel::UndoRemoveColumns(), invalid iterator!");
maRows[nRow]->insertColumns( nIndex, nCount, &aIter2 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// XTable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XCellCursor > SAL_CALL TableModel::createCursor() throw (RuntimeException)
OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
return createCursorByRange( Reference< XCellRange >( this ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XCellCursor > SAL_CALL TableModel::createCursorByRange( const Reference< XCellRange >& Range ) throw (IllegalArgumentException, RuntimeException)
OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
ICellRange* pRange = dynamic_cast< ICellRange* >( Range.get() );
if( (pRange == 0) || (pRange->getTable().get() != this) )
throw IllegalArgumentException();
TableModelRef xModel( this );
return new CellCursor( xModel, pRange->getLeft(), pRange->getTop(), pRange->getRight(), pRange->getBottom() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL TableModel::getRowCount() throw (RuntimeException)
OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
return getRowCountImpl();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL TableModel::getColumnCount() throw (RuntimeException)
OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
return getColumnCountImpl();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// XComponent
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::dispose() throw (RuntimeException)
OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SAL_CALL TableModel::addEventListener( const Reference< XEventListener >& xListener ) throw (RuntimeException)
TableModelBase::addEventListener( xListener );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SAL_CALL TableModel::removeEventListener( const Reference< XEventListener >& xListener ) throw (RuntimeException)
TableModelBase::removeEventListener( xListener );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// XModifiable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool SAL_CALL TableModel::isModified( ) throw (RuntimeException)
OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
return mbModified;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SAL_CALL TableModel::setModified( sal_Bool bModified ) throw (PropertyVetoException, RuntimeException)
OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
mbModified = bModified;
if( bModified )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// XModifyBroadcaster
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SAL_CALL TableModel::addModifyListener( const Reference< XModifyListener >& xListener ) throw (RuntimeException)
rBHelper.addListener( XModifyListener::static_type() , xListener );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SAL_CALL TableModel::removeModifyListener( const Reference< XModifyListener >& xListener ) throw (RuntimeException)
rBHelper.removeListener( XModifyListener::static_type() , xListener );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// XColumnRowRange
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XTableColumns > SAL_CALL TableModel::getColumns() throw (RuntimeException)
OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
if( ! )
mxTableColumns.set( new TableColumns( this ) );
return mxTableColumns.get();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XTableRows > SAL_CALL TableModel::getRows() throw (RuntimeException)
OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
if( ! )
mxTableRows.set( new TableRows( this ) );
return mxTableRows.get();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// XCellRange
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XCell > SAL_CALL TableModel::getCellByPosition( sal_Int32 nColumn, sal_Int32 nRow ) throw ( IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException)
OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
CellRef xCell( getCell( nColumn, nRow ) );
if( )
return xCell.get();
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XCellRange > SAL_CALL TableModel::getCellRangeByPosition( sal_Int32 nLeft, sal_Int32 nTop, sal_Int32 nRight, sal_Int32 nBottom ) throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException)
OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
if( (nLeft >= 0) && (nTop >= 0) && (nRight >= nLeft) && (nBottom >= nTop) && (nRight < getColumnCountImpl()) && (nBottom < getRowCountImpl() ) )
TableModelRef xModel( this );
return new CellRange( xModel, nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom );
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XCellRange > SAL_CALL TableModel::getCellRangeByName( const OUString& /*aRange*/ ) throw (RuntimeException)
return Reference< XCellRange >();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// XPropertySet
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XPropertySetInfo > SAL_CALL TableModel::getPropertySetInfo( ) throw (RuntimeException)
Reference< XPropertySetInfo > xInfo;
return xInfo;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SAL_CALL TableModel::setPropertyValue( const ::rtl::OUString& /*aPropertyName*/, const Any& /*aValue*/ ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, PropertyVetoException, IllegalArgumentException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Any SAL_CALL TableModel::getPropertyValue( const OUString& /*PropertyName*/ ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
return Any();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SAL_CALL TableModel::addPropertyChangeListener( const OUString& /*aPropertyName*/, const Reference< XPropertyChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SAL_CALL TableModel::removePropertyChangeListener( const OUString& /*aPropertyName*/, const Reference< XPropertyChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SAL_CALL TableModel::addVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& /*aPropertyName*/, const Reference< XVetoableChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SAL_CALL TableModel::removeVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& /*aPropertyName*/, const Reference< XVetoableChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// XFastPropertySet
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SAL_CALL TableModel::setFastPropertyValue( ::sal_Int32 /*nHandle*/, const Any& /*aValue*/ ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, PropertyVetoException, IllegalArgumentException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Any SAL_CALL TableModel::getFastPropertyValue( ::sal_Int32 /*nHandle*/ ) throw (UnknownPropertyException, WrappedTargetException, RuntimeException)
Any aAny;
return aAny;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// internals
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 TableModel::getRowCountImpl() const
return static_cast< sal_Int32 >( maRows.size() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 TableModel::getColumnCountImpl() const
return static_cast< sal_Int32 >( maColumns.size() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::disposing()
if( !maRows.empty() )
RowVector::iterator aIter( maRows.begin() );
while( aIter != maRows.end() )
if( !maColumns.empty() )
ColumnVector::iterator aIter( maColumns.begin() );
while( aIter != maColumns.end() )
if( )
if( )
mpTableObj = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// XBroadcaster
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::lockBroadcasts() throw (RuntimeException)
OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::unlockBroadcasts() throw (RuntimeException)
OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() );
if( mnNotifyLock <= 0 )
mnNotifyLock = 0;
if( mbNotifyPending )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdio.h>
void TableModel::notifyModification()
::osl::MutexGuard guard( m_aMutex );
if( (mnNotifyLock == 0) && mpTableObj && mpTableObj->GetModel() )
mbNotifyPending = false;
::cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper * pModifyListeners = rBHelper.getContainer( XModifyListener::static_type() );
if( pModifyListeners )
EventObject aSource;
aSource.Source = static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject* >(this);
pModifyListeners->notifyEach( &XModifyListener::modified, aSource);
mbNotifyPending = true;
FILE* file = fopen( "c:\\table.xml","w" );
const sal_Int32 nColCount = getColumnCountImpl();
const sal_Int32 nRowCount = getRowCountImpl();
fprintf( file, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n\r" );
fprintf( file, "<table columns=\"%ld\" rows=\"%ld\" updated=\"%s\">\n\r", nColCount, nRowCount, mbNotifyPending ? "false" : "true");
for( sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol < nColCount; ++nCol )
fprintf( file, "<column this=\"%lx\"/>\n\r", maColumns[nCol].get() );
// first check merged cells before and inside the removed rows
for( sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCount; ++nRow )
fprintf( file, "<row this=\"%lx\">\n\r", maRows[nRow].get() );
for( sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol < nColCount; ++nCol )
CellRef xCell( getCell( nCol, nRow ) );
fprintf( file, "<cell this=\"%lx\"", xCell.get() );
sal_Int32 nRowSpan = xCell->getRowSpan();
sal_Int32 nColSpan = xCell->getColumnSpan();
sal_Bool bMerged = xCell->isMerged();
if( nColSpan != 1 )
fprintf( file, " column-span=\"%ld\"", nColSpan );
if( nRowSpan != 1 )
fprintf( file, " row-span=\"%ld\"", nRowSpan );
if( bMerged )
fprintf( file, " merged=\"true\"" );
fprintf( file, "/>" );
fprintf( file, "\n\r</row>\n\r" );
fprintf( file, "</table>\n\r" );
fclose( file );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CellRef TableModel::getCell( sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow ) const
if( ((nRow >= 0) && (nRow < getRowCountImpl())) && (nCol >= 0) && (nCol < getColumnCountImpl()) )
return maRows[nRow]->maCells[nCol];
CellRef xRet;
return xRet;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool TableModel::getCellPos( const CellRef& xCell, ::sal_Int32& rnCol, ::sal_Int32& rnRow ) const
const sal_Int32 nRowCount = getRowCount();
const sal_Int32 nColCount = getColumnCount();
for( rnRow = 0; rnRow < nRowCount; rnRow++ )
for( rnCol = 0; rnCol < nColCount; rnCol++ )
if( maRows[rnRow]->maCells[rnCol] == xCell )
return true;
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CellRef TableModel::createCell()
CellRef xCell;
if( mpTableObj )
mpTableObj->createCell( xCell );
return xCell;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::insertColumns( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nCount )
if( nCount && mpTableObj )
SdrModel* pModel = mpTableObj->GetModel();
TableModelNotifyGuard aGuard( this );
nIndex = insert_range<ColumnVector,ColumnVector::iterator,TableColumnRef>( maColumns, nIndex, nCount );
sal_Int32 nRows = getRowCountImpl();
while( nRows-- )
maRows[nRows]->insertColumns( nIndex, nCount );
ColumnVector aNewColumns(nCount);
for( sal_Int32 nOffset = 0; nOffset < nCount; ++nOffset )
TableColumnRef xNewCol( new TableColumn( this, nIndex+nOffset ) );
maColumns[nIndex+nOffset] = xNewCol;
aNewColumns[nOffset] = xNewCol;
const bool bUndo = pModel && mpTableObj->IsInserted() && pModel->IsUndoEnabled();
if( bUndo )
pModel->BegUndo( ImpGetResStr(STR_TABLE_INSCOL) );
pModel->AddUndo( pModel->GetSdrUndoFactory().CreateUndoGeoObject(*mpTableObj) );
TableModelRef xThis( this );
nRows = getRowCountImpl();
CellVector aNewCells( nCount * nRows );
CellVector::iterator aCellIter( aNewCells.begin() );
nRows = getRowCountImpl();
for( sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nRows; ++nRow )
for( sal_Int32 nOffset = 0; nOffset < nCount; ++nOffset )
(*aCellIter++) = getCell( nIndex + nOffset, nRow );
pModel->AddUndo( new InsertColUndo( xThis, nIndex, aNewColumns, aNewCells ) );
const sal_Int32 nRowCount = getRowCountImpl();
// check if cells merge over new columns
for( sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol < nIndex; ++nCol )
for( sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCount; ++nRow )
CellRef xCell( getCell( nCol, nRow ) );
sal_Int32 nColSpan = ( && !xCell->isMerged()) ? xCell->getColumnSpan() : 1;
if( (nColSpan != 1) && ((nColSpan + nCol ) > nIndex) )
// cell merges over newly created columns, so add the new columns to the merged cell
const sal_Int32 nRowSpan = xCell->getRowSpan();
nColSpan += nCount;
merge( nCol, nRow, nColSpan, nRowSpan );
if( bUndo )
if( pModel )
catch( Exception& )
DBG_ERROR("sdr::table::TableModel::insertColumns(), exception caught!");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::removeColumns( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nCount )
sal_Int32 nColCount = getColumnCountImpl();
if( mpTableObj && nCount && (nIndex >= 0) && (nIndex < nColCount) )
TableModelNotifyGuard aGuard( this );
// clip removed columns to columns actually avalaible
if( (nIndex + nCount) > nColCount )
nCount = nColCount - nIndex;
sal_Int32 nRows = getRowCountImpl();
SdrModel* pModel = mpTableObj->GetModel();
const bool bUndo = pModel && mpTableObj->IsInserted() && pModel->IsUndoEnabled();
if( bUndo )
pModel->BegUndo( ImpGetResStr(STR_UNDO_COL_DELETE) );
pModel->AddUndo( pModel->GetSdrUndoFactory().CreateUndoGeoObject(*mpTableObj) );
TableModelRef xThis( this );
ColumnVector aRemovedCols( nCount );
sal_Int32 nOffset;
for( nOffset = 0; nOffset < nCount; ++nOffset )
aRemovedCols[nOffset] = maColumns[nIndex+nOffset];
CellVector aRemovedCells( nCount * nRows );
CellVector::iterator aCellIter( aRemovedCells.begin() );
for( sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nRows; ++nRow )
for( nOffset = 0; nOffset < nCount; ++nOffset )
(*aCellIter++) = getCell( nIndex + nOffset, nRow );
pModel->AddUndo( new RemoveColUndo( xThis, nIndex, aRemovedCols, aRemovedCells ) );
// only rows before and inside the removed rows are considered
nColCount = nIndex + nCount + 1;
const sal_Int32 nRowCount = getRowCountImpl();
// first check merged cells before and inside the removed rows
for( sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol < nColCount; ++nCol )
for( sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCount; ++nRow )
CellRef xCell( getCell( nCol, nRow ) );
sal_Int32 nColSpan = ( && !xCell->isMerged()) ? xCell->getColumnSpan() : 1;
if( nColSpan <= 1 )
if( nCol >= nIndex )
// current cell is inside the removed columns
if( (nCol + nColSpan) > ( nIndex + nCount ) )
// current cells merges with columns after the removed columns
const sal_Int32 nRemove = nCount - nCol + nIndex;
CellRef xTargetCell( getCell( nIndex + nCount, nRow ) );
if( )
if( bUndo )
xTargetCell->merge( nColSpan - nRemove, xCell->getRowSpan() );
xTargetCell->replaceContentAndFormating( xCell );
else if( nColSpan > (nIndex - nCol) )
// current cells spans inside the removed columns, so adjust
const sal_Int32 nRemove = ::std::min( nCount, nCol + nColSpan - nIndex );
if( bUndo )
xCell->merge( nColSpan - nRemove, xCell->getRowSpan() );
// now remove the columns
remove_range<ColumnVector,ColumnVector::iterator>( maColumns, nIndex, nCount );
while( nRows-- )
maRows[nRows]->removeColumns( nIndex, nCount );
if( bUndo )
if( pModel )
catch( Exception& )
DBG_ERROR("sdr::table::TableModel::removeColumns(), exception caught!");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::insertRows( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nCount )
if( nCount && mpTableObj )
SdrModel* pModel = mpTableObj->GetModel();
const bool bUndo = pModel && mpTableObj->IsInserted() && pModel->IsUndoEnabled();
TableModelNotifyGuard aGuard( this );
nIndex = insert_range<RowVector,RowVector::iterator,TableRowRef>( maRows, nIndex, nCount );
RowVector aNewRows(nCount);
const sal_Int32 nColCount = getColumnCountImpl();
for( sal_Int32 nOffset = 0; nOffset < nCount; ++nOffset )
TableRowRef xNewRow( new TableRow( this, nIndex+nOffset, nColCount ) );
maRows[nIndex+nOffset] = xNewRow;
aNewRows[nOffset] = xNewRow;
if( bUndo )
pModel->BegUndo( ImpGetResStr(STR_TABLE_INSROW) );
pModel->AddUndo( pModel->GetSdrUndoFactory().CreateUndoGeoObject(*mpTableObj) );
TableModelRef xThis( this );
pModel->AddUndo( new InsertRowUndo( xThis, nIndex, aNewRows ) );
// check if cells merge over new columns
for( sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nIndex; ++nRow )
for( sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol < nColCount; ++nCol )
CellRef xCell( getCell( nCol, nRow ) );
sal_Int32 nRowSpan = ( && !xCell->isMerged()) ? xCell->getRowSpan() : 1;
if( (nRowSpan > 1) && ((nRowSpan + nRow) > nIndex) )
// cell merges over newly created columns, so add the new columns to the merged cell
const sal_Int32 nColSpan = xCell->getColumnSpan();
nRowSpan += nCount;
merge( nCol, nRow, nColSpan, nRowSpan );
catch( Exception& )
DBG_ERROR("sdr::table::TableModel::insertRows(), exception caught!");
if( bUndo )
if( pModel )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::removeRows( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nCount )
sal_Int32 nRowCount = getRowCountImpl();
if( mpTableObj && nCount && (nIndex >= 0) && (nIndex < nRowCount) )
SdrModel* pModel = mpTableObj->GetModel();
const bool bUndo = pModel && mpTableObj->IsInserted()&& pModel->IsUndoEnabled();
TableModelNotifyGuard aGuard( this );
// clip removed rows to rows actually avalaible
if( (nIndex + nCount) > nRowCount )
nCount = nRowCount - nIndex;
if( bUndo )
pModel->BegUndo( ImpGetResStr(STR_UNDO_ROW_DELETE) );
pModel->AddUndo( pModel->GetSdrUndoFactory().CreateUndoGeoObject(*mpTableObj) );
TableModelRef xThis( this );
RowVector aRemovedRows( nCount );
for( sal_Int32 nOffset = 0; nOffset < nCount; ++nOffset )
aRemovedRows[nOffset] = maRows[nIndex+nOffset];
pModel->AddUndo( new RemoveRowUndo( xThis, nIndex, aRemovedRows ) );
// only rows before and inside the removed rows are considered
nRowCount = nIndex + nCount + 1;
const sal_Int32 nColCount = getColumnCountImpl();
// first check merged cells before and inside the removed rows
for( sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCount; ++nRow )
for( sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol < nColCount; ++nCol )
CellRef xCell( getCell( nCol, nRow ) );
sal_Int32 nRowSpan = ( && !xCell->isMerged()) ? xCell->getRowSpan() : 1;
if( nRowSpan <= 1 )
if( nRow >= nIndex )
// current cell is inside the removed rows
if( (nRow + nRowSpan) > (nIndex + nCount) )
// current cells merges with rows after the removed rows
const sal_Int32 nRemove = nCount - nRow + nIndex;
CellRef xTargetCell( getCell( nCol, nIndex + nCount ) );
if( )
if( bUndo )
xTargetCell->merge( xCell->getColumnSpan(), nRowSpan - nRemove );
xTargetCell->replaceContentAndFormating( xCell );
else if( nRowSpan > (nIndex - nRow) )
// current cells spans inside the removed rows, so adjust
const sal_Int32 nRemove = ::std::min( nCount, nRow + nRowSpan - nIndex );
if( bUndo )
xCell->merge( xCell->getColumnSpan(), nRowSpan - nRemove );
// now remove the rows
remove_range<RowVector,RowVector::iterator>( maRows, nIndex, nCount );
if( bUndo )
if( pModel )
catch( Exception& )
DBG_ERROR("sdr::table::TableModel::removeRows(), exception caught!");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TableRowRef TableModel::getRow( sal_Int32 nRow ) const throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException)
if( (nRow >= 0) && (nRow < getRowCountImpl()) )
return maRows[nRow];
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TableColumnRef TableModel::getColumn( sal_Int32 nColumn ) const throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException)
if( (nColumn >= 0) && (nColumn < getColumnCountImpl()) )
return maColumns[nColumn];
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** deletes rows and columns that are completly merged. Must be called between BegUndo/EndUndo! */
void TableModel::optimize()
TableModelNotifyGuard aGuard( this );
bool bWasModified = false;
if( !maRows.empty() && !maColumns.empty() )
sal_Int32 nCol = getColumnCountImpl() - 1;
while( nCol > 0 )
bool bEmpty = true;
for( sal_Int32 nRow = 0; (nRow < getRowCountImpl()) && bEmpty; nRow++ )
Reference< XMergeableCell > xCell( getCellByPosition( nCol, nRow ), UNO_QUERY );
if( && !xCell->isMerged() )
bEmpty = false;
if( bEmpty )
if( nCol > 0 ) try
const OUString sWidth( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Width") );
sal_Int32 nWidth1 = 0, nWidth2 = 0;
Reference< XPropertySet > xSet1( static_cast< XCellRange* >( maColumns[nCol].get() ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
Reference< XPropertySet > xSet2( static_cast< XCellRange* >( maColumns[nCol-1].get() ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
xSet1->getPropertyValue( sWidth ) >>= nWidth1;
xSet2->getPropertyValue( sWidth ) >>= nWidth2;
nWidth1 += nWidth2;
xSet2->setPropertyValue( sWidth, Any( nWidth1 ) );
catch( Exception& e )
DBG_ERROR("svx::TableModel::optimize(), exception caught!");
removeColumns( nCol, 1 );
bWasModified = true;
sal_Int32 nRow = getRowCountImpl() - 1;
while( nRow > 0 )
bool bEmpty = true;
for( nCol = 0; (nCol < getColumnCountImpl()) && bEmpty; nCol++ )
Reference< XMergeableCell > xCell( getCellByPosition( nCol, nRow ), UNO_QUERY );
if( && !xCell->isMerged() )
bEmpty = false;
if( bEmpty )
if( nRow > 0 ) try
const OUString sHeight( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Height") );
sal_Int32 nHeight1 = 0, nHeight2 = 0;
Reference< XPropertySet > xSet1( static_cast< XCellRange* >( maRows[nRow].get() ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
Reference< XPropertySet > xSet2( static_cast< XCellRange* >( maRows[nRow-1].get() ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
xSet1->getPropertyValue( sHeight ) >>= nHeight1;
xSet2->getPropertyValue( sHeight ) >>= nHeight2;
nHeight1 += nHeight2;
xSet2->setPropertyValue( sHeight, Any( nHeight1 ) );
catch( Exception& e )
DBG_ERROR("svx::TableModel::optimize(), exception caught!");
removeRows( nRow, 1 );
bWasModified = true;
if( bWasModified )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::merge( sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nColSpan, sal_Int32 nRowSpan )
SdrModel* pModel = mpTableObj->GetModel();
const bool bUndo = pModel && mpTableObj->IsInserted() && pModel->IsUndoEnabled();
const sal_Int32 nLastRow = nRow + nRowSpan;
const sal_Int32 nLastCol = nCol + nColSpan;
if( (nLastRow > getRowCount()) || (nLastCol > getRowCount() ) )
DBG_ERROR("TableModel::merge(), merge beyound the table!");
// merge first cell
CellRef xOriginCell( dynamic_cast< Cell* >( getCellByPosition( nCol, nRow ).get() ) );
if( )
if( bUndo )
xOriginCell->merge( nColSpan, nRowSpan );
sal_Int32 nTempCol = nCol + 1;
// merge remaining cells
for( ; nRow < nLastRow; nRow++ )
for( ; nTempCol < nLastCol; nTempCol++ )
CellRef xCell( dynamic_cast< Cell* >( getCellByPosition( nTempCol, nRow ).get() ) );
if( && !xCell->isMerged() )
if( bUndo )
xOriginCell->mergeContent( xCell );
nTempCol = nCol;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::updateRows()
sal_Int32 nRow = 0;
RowVector::iterator iter = maRows.begin();
while( iter != maRows.end() )
(*iter++)->mnRow = nRow++;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TableModel::updateColumns()
sal_Int32 nColumn = 0;
ColumnVector::iterator iter = maColumns.begin();
while( iter != maColumns.end() )
(*iter++)->mnColumn = nColumn++;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
} }