blob: 60da897f08f27c29c3a8247fb17b806bffc71f54 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_svx.hxx"
// include ---------------------------------------------------------------
#include <tools/shl.hxx>
#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
#include <sfx2/module.hxx>
#include <svl/intitem.hxx>
#include <svx/svxids.hrc>
#include <svx/dialmgr.hxx>
#include "svx/optgrid.hxx"
#include <svx/dialogs.hrc>
#include "optgrid.hrc"
#include "svx/dlgutil.hxx"
/* -----------------18.08.98 17:41-------------------
* local functions
* --------------------------------------------------*/
void lcl_GetMinMax(MetricField& rField, long& nFirst, long& nLast, long& nMin, long& nMax)
nFirst = static_cast<long>(rField.Denormalize( rField.GetFirst( FUNIT_TWIP ) ));
nLast = static_cast<long>(rField.Denormalize( rField.GetLast( FUNIT_TWIP ) ));
nMin = static_cast<long>(rField.Denormalize( rField.GetMin( FUNIT_TWIP ) ));
nMax = static_cast<long>(rField.Denormalize( rField.GetMax( FUNIT_TWIP ) ));
void lcl_SetMinMax(MetricField& rField, long nFirst, long nLast, long nMin, long nMax)
rField.SetFirst( rField.Normalize( nFirst ), FUNIT_TWIP );
rField.SetLast( rField.Normalize( nLast ), FUNIT_TWIP );
rField.SetMin( rField.Normalize( nMin ), FUNIT_TWIP );
rField.SetMax( rField.Normalize( nMax ), FUNIT_TWIP );
Beschreibung: Rastereinstellungen Ctor
SvxOptionsGrid::SvxOptionsGrid() :
nFldDrawX ( 100 ),
nFldDivisionX ( 0 ),
nFldDrawY ( 100 ),
nFldDivisionY ( 0 ),
nFldSnapX ( 100 ),
nFldSnapY ( 100 ),
bUseGridsnap ( 0 ),
bSynchronize ( 1 ),
bGridVisible ( 0 ),
bEqualGrid ( 1 )
Beschreibung: Rastereinstellungen Dtor
Beschreibung: Item fuer Rastereinstellungen
SvxGridItem::SvxGridItem( const SvxGridItem& rItem )
: SvxOptionsGrid()
, SfxPoolItem(rItem)
bUseGridsnap = rItem.bUseGridsnap ;
bSynchronize = rItem.bSynchronize ;
bGridVisible = rItem.bGridVisible ;
bEqualGrid = rItem.bEqualGrid ;
nFldDrawX = rItem.nFldDrawX ;
nFldDivisionX= rItem.nFldDivisionX;
nFldDrawY = rItem.nFldDrawY ;
nFldDivisionY= rItem.nFldDivisionY;
nFldSnapX = rItem.nFldSnapX ;
nFldSnapY = rItem.nFldSnapY ;
SfxPoolItem* SvxGridItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const
return new SvxGridItem( *this );
int SvxGridItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const
DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==(rAttr), "unterschiedliche Typen" );
const SvxGridItem& rItem = (const SvxGridItem&) rAttr;
return ( bUseGridsnap == rItem.bUseGridsnap &&
bSynchronize == rItem.bSynchronize &&
bGridVisible == rItem.bGridVisible &&
bEqualGrid == rItem.bEqualGrid &&
nFldDrawX == rItem.nFldDrawX &&
nFldDivisionX== rItem.nFldDivisionX&&
nFldDrawY == rItem.nFldDrawY &&
nFldDivisionY== rItem.nFldDivisionY&&
nFldSnapX == rItem.nFldSnapX &&
nFldSnapY == rItem.nFldSnapY );
SfxItemPresentation SvxGridItem::GetPresentation
SfxItemPresentation ePres,
SfxMapUnit /*eCoreUnit*/,
SfxMapUnit /*ePresUnit*/,
String& rText, const IntlWrapper *
) const
switch ( ePres )
rText = String::CreateFromAscii("SvxGridItem");
return ePres;
/*----------------- OS 23.02.95 -----------------------
TabPage Rastereinstellungen
SvxGridTabPage::SvxGridTabPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet) :
SfxTabPage( pParent, SVX_RES( RID_SVXPAGE_GRID ), rCoreSet ),
aCbxUseGridsnap ( this, SVX_RES( CBX_USE_GRIDSNAP ) ),
aCbxGridVisible ( this, SVX_RES( CBX_GRID_VISIBLE ) ),
aFlResolution ( this, SVX_RES( FL_RESOLUTION ) ),
aFtDrawX ( this, SVX_RES( FT_DRAW_X ) ),
aMtrFldDrawX ( this, SVX_RES( MTR_FLD_DRAW_X ) ),
aFtDrawY ( this, SVX_RES( FT_DRAW_Y ) ),
aMtrFldDrawY ( this, SVX_RES( MTR_FLD_DRAW_Y ) ),
aFlDivision ( this, SVX_RES( FL_DIVISION ) ),
aFtDivisionX( this, SVX_RES( FT_DIVISION_X) ),
aNumFldDivisionX( this, SVX_RES( NUM_FLD_DIVISION_X ) ),
aDivisionPointX( this, SVX_RES( FT_HORZ_POINTS) ),
aFtDivisionY( this, SVX_RES( FT_DIVISION_Y) ),
aNumFldDivisionY( this, SVX_RES( NUM_FLD_DIVISION_Y ) ),
aDivisionPointY( this, SVX_RES( FT_VERT_POINTS) ),
aCbxSynchronize ( this, SVX_RES( CBX_SYNCHRONIZE ) ),
aGrpDrawGrid ( this, SVX_RES( GRP_DRAWGRID ) ),
aGrpSnap ( this, SVX_RES( GRP_SNAP ) ),
aCbxSnapHelplines ( this, SVX_RES( CBX_SNAP_HELPLINES ) ),
aCbxSnapBorder ( this, SVX_RES( CBX_SNAP_BORDER ) ),
aCbxSnapFrame ( this, SVX_RES( CBX_SNAP_FRAME ) ),
aCbxSnapPoints ( this, SVX_RES( CBX_SNAP_POINTS ) ),
aFtSnapArea ( this, SVX_RES( FT_SNAP_AREA ) ),
aMtrFldSnapArea ( this, SVX_RES( MTR_FLD_SNAP_AREA ) ),
aSeparatorFL ( this, SVX_RES( FL_SEPARATOR ) ),
aGrpOrtho ( this, SVX_RES( GRP_ORTHO ) ),
aCbxOrtho ( this, SVX_RES( CBX_ORTHO ) ),
aCbxBigOrtho ( this, SVX_RES( CBX_BIGORTHO ) ),
aCbxRotate ( this, SVX_RES( CBX_ROTATE ) ),
aMtrFldAngle ( this, SVX_RES( MTR_FLD_ANGLE ) ),
aFtBezAngle ( this, SVX_RES( FT_BEZ_ANGLE ) ),
aMtrFldBezAngle ( this, SVX_RES( MTR_FLD_BEZ_ANGLE ) ),
bAttrModified( sal_False )
// diese Page braucht ExchangeSupport
// Metrik einstellen
FieldUnit eFUnit = GetModuleFieldUnit( rCoreSet );
long nFirst, nLast, nMin, nMax;
lcl_GetMinMax(aMtrFldDrawX, nFirst, nLast, nMin, nMax);
SetFieldUnit( aMtrFldDrawX, eFUnit, sal_True );
lcl_SetMinMax(aMtrFldDrawX, nFirst, nLast, nMin, nMax);
lcl_GetMinMax(aMtrFldDrawY, nFirst, nLast, nMin, nMax);
SetFieldUnit( aMtrFldDrawY, eFUnit, sal_True );
lcl_SetMinMax(aMtrFldDrawY, nFirst, nLast, nMin, nMax);
aCbxRotate.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SvxGridTabPage, ClickRotateHdl_Impl ) );
Link aLink = LINK( this, SvxGridTabPage, ChangeGridsnapHdl_Impl );
aCbxUseGridsnap.SetClickHdl( aLink );
aCbxSynchronize.SetClickHdl( aLink );
aCbxGridVisible.SetClickHdl( aLink );
LINK( this, SvxGridTabPage, ChangeDrawHdl_Impl ) );
LINK( this, SvxGridTabPage, ChangeDrawHdl_Impl ) );
LINK( this, SvxGridTabPage, ChangeDivisionHdl_Impl ) );
LINK( this, SvxGridTabPage, ChangeDivisionHdl_Impl ) );
::rtl::OUString sFlResolution( aFlResolution.GetDisplayText() );
::rtl::OUString sFtDrawX(aFtDrawX.GetDisplayText());
::rtl::OUString sFtDrawY(aFtDrawY.GetDisplayText());
aMtrFldDrawX.SetAccessibleName( sFtDrawX + sFlResolution );
aMtrFldDrawY.SetAccessibleName( sFtDrawY + sFlResolution );
::rtl::OUString sFlDivision( aFlDivision.GetDisplayText() );
::rtl::OUString sFtDivisionX(aFtDivisionX.GetDisplayText());
::rtl::OUString sFtDivisionY(aFtDivisionY.GetDisplayText());
aNumFldDivisionX.SetAccessibleName( sFtDivisionX + sFlDivision );
aNumFldDivisionY.SetAccessibleName( sFtDivisionY + sFlDivision );
SfxTabPage* SvxGridTabPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet )
return ( new SvxGridTabPage( pParent, rAttrSet ) );
sal_Bool SvxGridTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rCoreSet )
if ( bAttrModified )
SvxGridItem aGridItem( SID_ATTR_GRID_OPTIONS );
aGridItem.bUseGridsnap = aCbxUseGridsnap.IsChecked();
aGridItem.bSynchronize = aCbxSynchronize.IsChecked();
aGridItem.bGridVisible = aCbxGridVisible.IsChecked();
SfxMapUnit eUnit =
rCoreSet.GetPool()->GetMetric( GetWhich( SID_ATTR_GRID_OPTIONS ) );
long nX =GetCoreValue( aMtrFldDrawX, eUnit );
long nY = GetCoreValue( aMtrFldDrawY, eUnit );
aGridItem.nFldDrawX = (sal_uInt32) nX;
aGridItem.nFldDrawY = (sal_uInt32) nY;
aGridItem.nFldDivisionX = static_cast<long>(aNumFldDivisionX.GetValue()-1);
aGridItem.nFldDivisionY = static_cast<long>(aNumFldDivisionY.GetValue()-1);
rCoreSet.Put( aGridItem );
return bAttrModified;
void SvxGridTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rSet )
const SfxPoolItem* pAttr = 0;
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( SID_ATTR_GRID_OPTIONS , sal_False,
(const SfxPoolItem**)&pAttr ))
const SvxGridItem* pGridAttr = (SvxGridItem*)pAttr;
aCbxUseGridsnap.Check( pGridAttr->bUseGridsnap == 1 );
aCbxSynchronize.Check( pGridAttr->bSynchronize == 1 );
aCbxGridVisible.Check( pGridAttr->bGridVisible == 1 );
SfxMapUnit eUnit =
rSet.GetPool()->GetMetric( GetWhich( SID_ATTR_GRID_OPTIONS ) );
SetMetricValue( aMtrFldDrawX , pGridAttr->nFldDrawX, eUnit );
SetMetricValue( aMtrFldDrawY , pGridAttr->nFldDrawY, eUnit );
aNumFldDivisionX.SetValue( pGridAttr->nFldDivisionX+1 );
aNumFldDivisionY.SetValue( pGridAttr->nFldDivisionY+1 );
ChangeGridsnapHdl_Impl( &aCbxUseGridsnap );
bAttrModified = sal_False;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SvxGridTabPage::ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet& rSet )
const SfxPoolItem* pAttr = NULL;
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( SID_ATTR_GRID_OPTIONS , sal_False,
(const SfxPoolItem**)&pAttr ))
const SvxGridItem* pGridAttr = (SvxGridItem*) pAttr;
aCbxUseGridsnap.Check( pGridAttr->bUseGridsnap == 1 );
ChangeGridsnapHdl_Impl( &aCbxUseGridsnap );
// Metrik ggfs. aendern (da TabPage im Dialog liegt,
// wo die Metrik eingestellt werden kann
//sal_uInt16 nWhich = GetWhich( SID_ATTR_METRIC );
//if( rSet.GetItemState( GetWhich( SID_ATTR_METRIC ) ) >= SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE )
if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( SID_ATTR_METRIC , sal_False,
(const SfxPoolItem**)&pAttr ))
const SfxUInt16Item* pItem = (SfxUInt16Item*) pAttr;
FieldUnit eFUnit = (FieldUnit)(long)pItem->GetValue();
if( eFUnit != aMtrFldDrawX.GetUnit() )
// Metriken einstellen
long nFirst, nLast, nMin, nMax;
long nVal = static_cast<long>(aMtrFldDrawX.Denormalize( aMtrFldDrawX.GetValue( FUNIT_TWIP ) ));
lcl_GetMinMax(aMtrFldDrawX, nFirst, nLast, nMin, nMax);
SetFieldUnit( aMtrFldDrawX, eFUnit, sal_True );
lcl_SetMinMax(aMtrFldDrawX, nFirst, nLast, nMin, nMax);
aMtrFldDrawX.SetValue( aMtrFldDrawX.Normalize( nVal ), FUNIT_TWIP );
nVal = static_cast<long>(aMtrFldDrawY.Denormalize( aMtrFldDrawY.GetValue( FUNIT_TWIP ) ));
lcl_GetMinMax(aMtrFldDrawY, nFirst, nLast, nMin, nMax);
SetFieldUnit( aMtrFldDrawY, eFUnit, sal_True );
lcl_SetMinMax(aMtrFldDrawY, nFirst, nLast, nMin, nMax);
aMtrFldDrawY.SetValue( aMtrFldDrawY.Normalize( nVal ), FUNIT_TWIP );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
int SvxGridTabPage::DeactivatePage( SfxItemSet* _pSet )
if ( _pSet )
FillItemSet( *_pSet );
return( LEAVE_PAGE );
IMPL_LINK( SvxGridTabPage, ChangeDrawHdl_Impl, MetricField *, pField )
bAttrModified = sal_True;
if( aCbxSynchronize.IsChecked() )
if(pField == &aMtrFldDrawX)
aMtrFldDrawY.SetValue( aMtrFldDrawX.GetValue() );
aMtrFldDrawX.SetValue( aMtrFldDrawY.GetValue() );
return 0;
IMPL_LINK( SvxGridTabPage, ClickRotateHdl_Impl, void *, EMPTYARG )
if( aCbxRotate.IsChecked() )
return( 0L );
IMPL_LINK( SvxGridTabPage, ChangeDivisionHdl_Impl, NumericField *, pField )
bAttrModified = sal_True;
if( aCbxSynchronize.IsChecked() )
if(&aNumFldDivisionX == pField)
aNumFldDivisionY.SetValue( aNumFldDivisionX.GetValue() );
aNumFldDivisionX.SetValue( aNumFldDivisionY.GetValue() );
return 0;
IMPL_LINK( SvxGridTabPage, ChangeGridsnapHdl_Impl, void *, EMPTYARG )
bAttrModified = sal_True;
return 0;