blob: 0a98c9007bea8d4950a069a812ba8a19c5d133cb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_svx.hxx"
#include <svx/framelinkarray.hxx>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
namespace svx {
namespace frame {
// ============================================================================
Cell::Cell() :
mnAddLeft( 0 ),
mnAddRight( 0 ),
mnAddTop( 0 ),
mnAddBottom( 0 ),
mbMergeOrig( false ),
mbOverlapX( false ),
mbOverlapY( false )
void Cell::MirrorSelfX( bool bMirrorStyles, bool bSwapDiag )
std::swap( maLeft, maRight );
std::swap( mnAddLeft, mnAddRight );
if( bMirrorStyles )
if( bSwapDiag )
std::swap( maTLBR, maBLTR );
if( bMirrorStyles )
void Cell::MirrorSelfY( bool bMirrorStyles, bool bSwapDiag )
std::swap( maTop, maBottom );
std::swap( mnAddTop, mnAddBottom );
if( bMirrorStyles )
if( bSwapDiag )
std::swap( maTLBR, maBLTR );
/* Do not mirror diagonal styles, because they are oriented vertical.
Therefore swapping the styles is sufficient for correct behaviour. */
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void lclRecalcCoordVec( LongVec& rCoords, const LongVec& rSizes )
DBG_ASSERT( rCoords.size() == rSizes.size() + 1, "lclRecalcCoordVec - inconsistent vectors" );
LongVec::iterator aCIt = rCoords.begin();
LongVec::const_iterator aSIt = rSizes.begin(), aSEnd = rSizes.end();
for( ; aSIt != aSEnd; ++aCIt, ++aSIt )
*(aCIt + 1) = *aCIt + *aSIt;
void lclSetMergedRange( CellVec& rCells, size_t nWidth, size_t nFirstCol, size_t nFirstRow, size_t nLastCol, size_t nLastRow )
for( size_t nCol = nFirstCol; nCol <= nLastCol; ++nCol )
for( size_t nRow = nFirstRow; nRow <= nLastRow; ++nRow )
Cell& rCell = rCells[ nRow * nWidth + nCol ];
rCell.mbMergeOrig = false;
rCell.mbOverlapX = nCol > nFirstCol;
rCell.mbOverlapY = nRow > nFirstRow;
rCells[ nFirstRow * nWidth + nFirstCol ].mbMergeOrig = true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const Style OBJ_STYLE_NONE;
static const Cell OBJ_CELL_NONE;
const bool DIAG_DBL_CLIP_DEFAULT = false;
// ============================================================================
ArrayImpl::ArrayImpl( size_t nWidth, size_t nHeight, bool bDiagDblClip ) :
mnWidth( nWidth ),
mnHeight( nHeight ),
mnFirstClipCol( 0 ),
mnFirstClipRow( 0 ),
mnLastClipCol( nWidth - 1 ),
mnLastClipRow( nHeight - 1 ),
mbXCoordsDirty( false ),
mbYCoordsDirty( false ),
mbDiagDblClip( bDiagDblClip )
// default-construct all vectors
maCells.resize( mnWidth * mnHeight );
maWidths.resize( mnWidth, 0L );
maHeights.resize( mnHeight, 0L );
maXCoords.resize( mnWidth + 1, 0L );
maYCoords.resize( mnHeight + 1, 0L );
const Cell& ArrayImpl::GetCell( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
return IsValidPos( nCol, nRow ) ? maCells[ GetIndex( nCol, nRow ) ] : OBJ_CELL_NONE;
Cell& ArrayImpl::GetCellAcc( size_t nCol, size_t nRow )
static Cell aDummy;
return IsValidPos( nCol, nRow ) ? maCells[ GetIndex( nCol, nRow ) ] : aDummy;
size_t ArrayImpl::GetMergedFirstCol( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
size_t nFirstCol = nCol;
while( (nFirstCol > 0) && GetCell( nFirstCol, nRow ).mbOverlapX ) --nFirstCol;
return nFirstCol;
size_t ArrayImpl::GetMergedFirstRow( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
size_t nFirstRow = nRow;
while( (nFirstRow > 0) && GetCell( nCol, nFirstRow ).mbOverlapY ) --nFirstRow;
return nFirstRow;
size_t ArrayImpl::GetMergedLastCol( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
size_t nLastCol = nCol + 1;
while( (nLastCol < mnWidth) && GetCell( nLastCol, nRow ).mbOverlapX ) ++nLastCol;
return nLastCol - 1;
size_t ArrayImpl::GetMergedLastRow( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
size_t nLastRow = nRow + 1;
while( (nLastRow < mnHeight) && GetCell( nCol, nLastRow ).mbOverlapY ) ++nLastRow;
return nLastRow - 1;
const Cell& ArrayImpl::GetMergedOriginCell( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
return GetCell( GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ), GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ) );
Cell& ArrayImpl::GetMergedOriginCellAcc( size_t nCol, size_t nRow )
return GetCellAcc( GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ), GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ) );
bool ArrayImpl::IsMergedOverlappedLeft( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
const Cell& rCell = GetCell( nCol, nRow );
return rCell.mbOverlapX || (rCell.mnAddLeft > 0);
bool ArrayImpl::IsMergedOverlappedRight( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
return GetCell( nCol + 1, nRow ).mbOverlapX || (GetCell( nCol, nRow ).mnAddRight > 0);
bool ArrayImpl::IsMergedOverlappedTop( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
const Cell& rCell = GetCell( nCol, nRow );
return rCell.mbOverlapY || (rCell.mnAddTop > 0);
bool ArrayImpl::IsMergedOverlappedBottom( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
return GetCell( nCol, nRow + 1 ).mbOverlapY || (GetCell( nCol, nRow ).mnAddBottom > 0);
bool ArrayImpl::IsColInClipRange( size_t nCol ) const
return (mnFirstClipCol <= nCol) && (nCol <= mnLastClipCol);
bool ArrayImpl::IsRowInClipRange( size_t nRow ) const
return (mnFirstClipRow <= nRow) && (nRow <= mnLastClipRow);
bool ArrayImpl::IsInClipRange( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
return IsColInClipRange( nCol ) && IsRowInClipRange( nRow );
long ArrayImpl::GetColPosition( size_t nCol ) const
if( mbXCoordsDirty )
lclRecalcCoordVec( maXCoords, maWidths );
mbXCoordsDirty = false;
return maXCoords[ nCol ];
long ArrayImpl::GetRowPosition( size_t nRow ) const
if( mbYCoordsDirty )
lclRecalcCoordVec( maYCoords, maHeights );
mbYCoordsDirty = false;
return maYCoords[ nRow ];
long ArrayImpl::GetColWidth( size_t nFirstCol, size_t nLastCol ) const
return GetColPosition( nLastCol + 1 ) - GetColPosition( nFirstCol );
long ArrayImpl::GetRowHeight( size_t nFirstRow, size_t nLastRow ) const
return GetRowPosition( nLastRow + 1 ) - GetRowPosition( nFirstRow );
double ArrayImpl::GetHorDiagAngle( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const
double fAngle = 0.0;
if( IsValidPos( nCol, nRow ) )
if( bSimple || !GetCell( nCol, nRow ).IsMerged() )
fAngle = frame::GetHorDiagAngle( maWidths[ nCol ] + 1, maHeights[ nRow ] + 1 );
// return correct angle for each cell in the merged range
size_t nFirstCol = GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow );
size_t nFirstRow = GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow );
const Cell& rCell = GetCell( nFirstCol, nFirstRow );
long nWidth = GetColWidth( nFirstCol, GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow ) ) + rCell.mnAddLeft + rCell.mnAddRight;
long nHeight = GetRowHeight( nFirstRow, GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow ) ) + rCell.mnAddTop + rCell.mnAddBottom;
fAngle = frame::GetHorDiagAngle( nWidth + 1, nHeight + 1 );
return fAngle;
double ArrayImpl::GetVerDiagAngle( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const
double fAngle = GetHorDiagAngle( nCol, nRow, bSimple );
return (fAngle > 0.0) ? (F_PI2 - fAngle) : 0.0;
// ============================================================================
class MergedCellIterator
explicit MergedCellIterator( const Array& rArray, size_t nCol, size_t nRow );
inline bool Is() const { return (mnCol <= mnLastCol) && (mnRow <= mnLastRow); }
inline size_t Col() const { return mnCol; }
inline size_t Row() const { return mnRow; }
MergedCellIterator& operator++();
size_t mnFirstCol;
size_t mnFirstRow;
size_t mnLastCol;
size_t mnLastRow;
size_t mnCol;
size_t mnRow;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MergedCellIterator::MergedCellIterator( const Array& rArray, size_t nCol, size_t nRow )
DBG_ASSERT( rArray.IsMerged( nCol, nRow ), "svx::frame::MergedCellIterator::MergedCellIterator - not in merged range" );
rArray.GetMergedRange( mnFirstCol, mnFirstRow, mnLastCol, mnLastRow, nCol, nRow );
mnCol = mnFirstCol;
mnRow = mnFirstRow;
MergedCellIterator& MergedCellIterator::operator++()
DBG_ASSERT( Is(), "svx::frame::MergedCellIterator::operator++() - already invalid" );
if( ++mnCol > mnLastCol )
mnCol = mnFirstCol;
return *this;
// ============================================================================
#define DBG_FRAME_ERROR( funcname, error ) DBG_ERRORFILE( "svx::frame::Array::" funcname " - " error )
#define DBG_FRAME_CHECK( cond, funcname, error ) DBG_ASSERT( cond, "svx::frame::Array::" funcname " - " error )
#define DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL( col, funcname ) DBG_FRAME_CHECK( (col) < GetColCount(), funcname, "invalid column index" )
#define DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW( row, funcname ) DBG_FRAME_CHECK( (row) < GetRowCount(), funcname, "invalid row index" )
#define DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( col, row, funcname ) DBG_FRAME_CHECK( ((col) < GetColCount()) && ((row) < GetRowCount()), funcname, "invalid cell index" )
#define DBG_FRAME_CHECK_INDEX( index, funcname ) DBG_FRAME_CHECK( (index) < GetCellCount(), funcname, "invalid cell index" )
#define DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL_1( col, funcname ) DBG_FRAME_CHECK( (col) <= GetColCount(), funcname, "invalid column index" )
#define DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW_1( row, funcname ) DBG_FRAME_CHECK( (row) <= GetRowCount(), funcname, "invalid row index" )
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define CELL( col, row ) mxImpl->GetCell( col, row )
#define CELLACC( col, row ) mxImpl->GetCellAcc( col, row )
#define ORIGCELL( col, row ) mxImpl->GetMergedOriginCell( col, row )
#define ORIGCELLACC( col, row ) mxImpl->GetMergedOriginCellAcc( col, row )
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initialize( 0, 0 );
Array::Array( size_t nWidth, size_t nHeight )
Initialize( nWidth, nHeight );
// array size and column/row indexes ------------------------------------------
void Array::Initialize( size_t nWidth, size_t nHeight )
bool bDiagDblClip = mxImpl.get() ? mxImpl->mbDiagDblClip : DIAG_DBL_CLIP_DEFAULT;
mxImpl.reset( new ArrayImpl( nWidth, nHeight, bDiagDblClip ) );
void Array::Clear()
Initialize( mxImpl->mnWidth, mxImpl->mnHeight );
size_t Array::GetColCount() const
return mxImpl->mnWidth;
size_t Array::GetRowCount() const
return mxImpl->mnHeight;
size_t Array::GetCellCount() const
return mxImpl->maCells.size();
size_t Array::GetColFromIndex( size_t nCellIndex ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_INDEX( nCellIndex, "GetColFromIndex" );
return mxImpl->mnWidth ? (nCellIndex % mxImpl->mnWidth) : 0;
size_t Array::GetRowFromIndex( size_t nCellIndex ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_INDEX( nCellIndex, "GetRowFromIndex" );
return mxImpl->mnWidth ? (nCellIndex / mxImpl->mnWidth) : 0;
size_t Array::GetCellIndex( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bRTL ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "GetCellIndex" );
if (bRTL)
nCol = mxImpl->GetMirrorCol(nCol);
return mxImpl->GetIndex( nCol, nRow );
// cell border styles ---------------------------------------------------------
void Array::SetCellStyleLeft( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetCellStyleLeft" );
CELLACC( nCol, nRow ).maLeft = rStyle;
void Array::SetCellStyleRight( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetCellStyleRight" );
CELLACC( nCol, nRow ).maRight = rStyle;
void Array::SetCellStyleTop( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetCellStyleTop" );
CELLACC( nCol, nRow ).maTop = rStyle;
void Array::SetCellStyleBottom( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetCellStyleBottom" );
CELLACC( nCol, nRow ).maBottom = rStyle;
void Array::SetCellStyleTLBR( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetCellStyleTLBR" );
CELLACC( nCol, nRow ).maTLBR = rStyle;
void Array::SetCellStyleBLTR( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetCellStyleBLTR" );
CELLACC( nCol, nRow ).maBLTR = rStyle;
void Array::SetCellStyleDiag( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Style& rTLBR, const Style& rBLTR )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetCellStyleDiag" );
Cell& rCell = CELLACC( nCol, nRow );
rCell.maTLBR = rTLBR;
rCell.maBLTR = rBLTR;
void Array::SetColumnStyleLeft( size_t nCol, const Style& rStyle )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL( nCol, "SetColumnStyleLeft" );
for( size_t nRow = 0; nRow < mxImpl->mnHeight; ++nRow )
SetCellStyleLeft( nCol, nRow, rStyle );
void Array::SetColumnStyleRight( size_t nCol, const Style& rStyle )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL( nCol, "SetColumnStyleRight" );
for( size_t nRow = 0; nRow < mxImpl->mnHeight; ++nRow )
SetCellStyleRight( nCol, nRow, rStyle );
void Array::SetRowStyleTop( size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW( nRow, "SetRowStyleTop" );
for( size_t nCol = 0; nCol < mxImpl->mnWidth; ++nCol )
SetCellStyleTop( nCol, nRow, rStyle );
void Array::SetRowStyleBottom( size_t nRow, const Style& rStyle )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW( nRow, "SetRowStyleBottom" );
for( size_t nCol = 0; nCol < mxImpl->mnWidth; ++nCol )
SetCellStyleBottom( nCol, nRow, rStyle );
const Style& Array::GetCellStyleLeft( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const
// simple: always return own left style
if( bSimple )
return CELL( nCol, nRow ).maLeft;
// outside clipping rows or overlapped in merged cells: invisible
if( !mxImpl->IsRowInClipRange( nRow ) || mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedLeft( nCol, nRow ) )
// left clipping border: always own left style
if( nCol == mxImpl->mnFirstClipCol )
return ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maLeft;
// right clipping border: always right style of left neighbor cell
if( nCol == mxImpl->mnLastClipCol + 1 )
return ORIGCELL( nCol - 1, nRow ).maRight;
// outside clipping columns: invisible
if( !mxImpl->IsColInClipRange( nCol ) )
// inside clipping range: maximum of own left style and right style of left neighbor cell
return std::max( ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maLeft, ORIGCELL( nCol - 1, nRow ).maRight );
const Style& Array::GetCellStyleRight( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const
// simple: always return own right style
if( bSimple )
return CELL( nCol, nRow ).maRight;
// outside clipping rows or overlapped in merged cells: invisible
if( !mxImpl->IsRowInClipRange( nRow ) || mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedRight( nCol, nRow ) )
// left clipping border: always left style of right neighbor cell
if( nCol + 1 == mxImpl->mnFirstClipCol )
return ORIGCELL( nCol + 1, nRow ).maLeft;
// right clipping border: always own right style
if( nCol == mxImpl->mnLastClipCol )
return ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maRight;
// outside clipping columns: invisible
if( !mxImpl->IsColInClipRange( nCol ) )
// inside clipping range: maximum of own right style and left style of right neighbor cell
return std::max( ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maRight, ORIGCELL( nCol + 1, nRow ).maLeft );
const Style& Array::GetCellStyleTop( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const
// simple: always return own top style
if( bSimple )
return CELL( nCol, nRow ).maTop;
// outside clipping columns or overlapped in merged cells: invisible
if( !mxImpl->IsColInClipRange( nCol ) || mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedTop( nCol, nRow ) )
// top clipping border: always own top style
if( nRow == mxImpl->mnFirstClipRow )
return ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maTop;
// bottom clipping border: always bottom style of top neighbor cell
if( nRow == mxImpl->mnLastClipRow + 1 )
return ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow - 1 ).maBottom;
// outside clipping rows: invisible
if( !mxImpl->IsRowInClipRange( nRow ) )
// inside clipping range: maximum of own top style and bottom style of top neighbor cell
return std::max( ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maTop, ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow - 1 ).maBottom );
const Style& Array::GetCellStyleBottom( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const
// simple: always return own bottom style
if( bSimple )
return CELL( nCol, nRow ).maBottom;
// outside clipping columns or overlapped in merged cells: invisible
if( !mxImpl->IsColInClipRange( nCol ) || mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedBottom( nCol, nRow ) )
// top clipping border: always top style of bottom neighbor cell
if( nRow + 1 == mxImpl->mnFirstClipRow )
return ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow + 1 ).maTop;
// bottom clipping border: always own bottom style
if( nRow == mxImpl->mnLastClipRow )
return ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maBottom;
// outside clipping rows: invisible
if( !mxImpl->IsRowInClipRange( nRow ) )
// inside clipping range: maximum of own bottom style and top style of bottom neighbor cell
return std::max( ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maBottom, ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow + 1 ).maTop );
const Style& Array::GetCellStyleTLBR( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const
return bSimple ? CELL( nCol, nRow ).maTLBR :
(mxImpl->IsInClipRange( nCol, nRow ) ? ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maTLBR : OBJ_STYLE_NONE);
const Style& Array::GetCellStyleBLTR( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const
return bSimple ? CELL( nCol, nRow ).maBLTR :
(mxImpl->IsInClipRange( nCol, nRow ) ? ORIGCELL( nCol, nRow ).maBLTR : OBJ_STYLE_NONE);
const Style& Array::GetCellStyleTL( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
// not in clipping range: always invisible
if( !mxImpl->IsInClipRange( nCol, nRow ) )
// return style only for top-left cell
size_t nFirstCol = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow );
size_t nFirstRow = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow );
return ((nCol == nFirstCol) && (nRow == nFirstRow)) ?
CELL( nFirstCol, nFirstRow ).maTLBR : OBJ_STYLE_NONE;
const Style& Array::GetCellStyleBR( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
// not in clipping range: always invisible
if( !mxImpl->IsInClipRange( nCol, nRow ) )
// return style only for bottom-right cell
size_t nLastCol = mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow );
size_t nLastRow = mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow );
return ((nCol == nLastCol) && (nRow == nLastRow)) ?
CELL( mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ), mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ) ).maTLBR : OBJ_STYLE_NONE;
const Style& Array::GetCellStyleBL( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
// not in clipping range: always invisible
if( !mxImpl->IsInClipRange( nCol, nRow ) )
// return style only for bottom-left cell
size_t nFirstCol = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow );
size_t nLastRow = mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow );
return ((nCol == nFirstCol) && (nRow == nLastRow)) ?
CELL( nFirstCol, mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ) ).maBLTR : OBJ_STYLE_NONE;
const Style& Array::GetCellStyleTR( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
// not in clipping range: always invisible
if( !mxImpl->IsInClipRange( nCol, nRow ) )
// return style only for top-right cell
size_t nFirstRow = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow );
size_t nLastCol = mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow );
return ((nCol == nLastCol) && (nRow == nFirstRow)) ?
CELL( mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ), nFirstRow ).maBLTR : OBJ_STYLE_NONE;
// cell merging ---------------------------------------------------------------
void Array::SetMergedRange( size_t nFirstCol, size_t nFirstRow, size_t nLastCol, size_t nLastRow )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nFirstCol, nFirstRow, "SetMergedRange" );
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nLastCol, nLastRow, "SetMergedRange" );
bool bFound = false;
for( size_t nCurrCol = nFirstCol; !bFound && (nCurrCol <= nLastCol); ++nCurrCol )
for( size_t nCurrRow = nFirstRow; !bFound && (nCurrRow <= nLastRow); ++nCurrRow )
bFound = CELL( nCurrCol, nCurrRow ).IsMerged();
DBG_FRAME_CHECK( !bFound, "SetMergedRange", "overlapping merged ranges" );
if( mxImpl->IsValidPos( nFirstCol, nFirstRow ) && mxImpl->IsValidPos( nLastCol, nLastRow ) )
lclSetMergedRange( mxImpl->maCells, mxImpl->mnWidth, nFirstCol, nFirstRow, nLastCol, nLastRow );
void Array::RemoveMergedRange( size_t nCol, size_t nRow )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "RemoveMergedRange" );
for( MergedCellIterator aIt( *this, nCol, nRow ); aIt.Is(); ++aIt )
Cell& rCell = CELLACC( aIt.Col(), aIt.Row() );
rCell.mbMergeOrig = rCell.mbOverlapX = rCell.mbOverlapY = false;
rCell.mnAddLeft = rCell.mnAddRight = rCell.mnAddTop = rCell.mnAddBottom = 0;
void Array::SetAddMergedLeftSize( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, long nAddSize )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetAddMergedLeftSize" );
DBG_FRAME_CHECK( mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow ) == 0, "SetAddMergedLeftSize", "additional border inside array" );
for( MergedCellIterator aIt( *this, nCol, nRow ); aIt.Is(); ++aIt )
CELLACC( aIt.Col(), aIt.Row() ).mnAddLeft = nAddSize;
void Array::SetAddMergedRightSize( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, long nAddSize )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetAddMergedRightSize" );
DBG_FRAME_CHECK( mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow ) + 1 == mxImpl->mnWidth, "SetAddMergedRightSize", "additional border inside array" );
for( MergedCellIterator aIt( *this, nCol, nRow ); aIt.Is(); ++aIt )
CELLACC( aIt.Col(), aIt.Row() ).mnAddRight = nAddSize;
void Array::SetAddMergedTopSize( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, long nAddSize )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetAddMergedTopSize" );
DBG_FRAME_CHECK( mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow ) == 0, "SetAddMergedTopSize", "additional border inside array" );
for( MergedCellIterator aIt( *this, nCol, nRow ); aIt.Is(); ++aIt )
CELLACC( aIt.Col(), aIt.Row() ).mnAddTop = nAddSize;
void Array::SetAddMergedBottomSize( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, long nAddSize )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "SetAddMergedBottomSize" );
DBG_FRAME_CHECK( mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow ) + 1 == mxImpl->mnHeight, "SetAddMergedBottomSize", "additional border inside array" );
for( MergedCellIterator aIt( *this, nCol, nRow ); aIt.Is(); ++aIt )
CELLACC( aIt.Col(), aIt.Row() ).mnAddBottom = nAddSize;
bool Array::IsMerged( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsMerged" );
return CELL( nCol, nRow ).IsMerged();
bool Array::IsMergedOrigin( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsMergedOrigin" );
return CELL( nCol, nRow ).mbMergeOrig;
bool Array::IsMergedOverlapped( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsMergedOverlapped" );
return CELL( nCol, nRow ).IsOverlapped();
bool Array::IsMergedOverlappedLeft( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsMergedOverlappedLeft" );
return mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedLeft( nCol, nRow );
bool Array::IsMergedOverlappedRight( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsMergedOverlappedRight" );
return mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedRight( nCol, nRow );
bool Array::IsMergedOverlappedTop( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsMergedOverlappedTop" );
return mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedTop( nCol, nRow );
bool Array::IsMergedOverlappedBottom( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsMergedOverlappedBottom" );
return mxImpl->IsMergedOverlappedBottom( nCol, nRow );
void Array::GetMergedOrigin( size_t& rnFirstCol, size_t& rnFirstRow, size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "GetMergedOrigin" );
rnFirstCol = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow );
rnFirstRow = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow );
void Array::GetMergedSize( size_t& rnWidth, size_t& rnHeight, size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
size_t nFirstCol, nFirstRow, nLastCol, nLastRow;
GetMergedRange( nFirstCol, nFirstRow, nLastCol, nLastRow, nCol, nRow );
rnWidth = nLastCol - nFirstCol + 1;
rnHeight = nLastRow - nFirstRow + 1;
void Array::GetMergedRange( size_t& rnFirstCol, size_t& rnFirstRow,
size_t& rnLastCol, size_t& rnLastRow, size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
GetMergedOrigin( rnFirstCol, rnFirstRow, nCol, nRow );
rnLastCol = mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow );
rnLastRow = mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow );
// clipping -------------------------------------------------------------------
void Array::SetClipRange( size_t nFirstCol, size_t nFirstRow, size_t nLastCol, size_t nLastRow )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nFirstCol, nFirstRow, "SetClipRange" );
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nLastCol, nLastRow, "SetClipRange" );
mxImpl->mnFirstClipCol = nFirstCol;
mxImpl->mnFirstClipRow = nFirstRow;
mxImpl->mnLastClipCol = nLastCol;
mxImpl->mnLastClipRow = nLastRow;
void Array::RemoveClipRange()
if( !mxImpl->maCells.empty() )
SetClipRange( 0, 0, mxImpl->mnWidth - 1, mxImpl->mnHeight - 1 );
bool Array::IsInClipRange( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "IsInClipRange" );
return mxImpl->IsInClipRange( nCol, nRow );
Rectangle Array::GetClipRangeRectangle() const
return Rectangle(
mxImpl->GetColPosition( mxImpl->mnFirstClipCol ),
mxImpl->GetRowPosition( mxImpl->mnFirstClipRow ),
mxImpl->GetColPosition( mxImpl->mnLastClipCol + 1 ),
mxImpl->GetRowPosition( mxImpl->mnLastClipRow + 1 ) );
// cell coordinates -----------------------------------------------------------
void Array::SetXOffset( long nXOffset )
mxImpl->maXCoords[ 0 ] = nXOffset;
mxImpl->mbXCoordsDirty = true;
void Array::SetYOffset( long nYOffset )
mxImpl->maYCoords[ 0 ] = nYOffset;
mxImpl->mbYCoordsDirty = true;
void Array::SetColWidth( size_t nCol, long nWidth )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL( nCol, "SetColWidth" );
mxImpl->maWidths[ nCol ] = nWidth;
mxImpl->mbXCoordsDirty = true;
void Array::SetRowHeight( size_t nRow, long nHeight )
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW( nRow, "SetRowHeight" );
mxImpl->maHeights[ nRow ] = nHeight;
mxImpl->mbYCoordsDirty = true;
void Array::SetAllColWidths( long nWidth )
std::fill( mxImpl->maWidths.begin(), mxImpl->maWidths.end(), nWidth );
mxImpl->mbXCoordsDirty = true;
void Array::SetAllRowHeights( long nHeight )
std::fill( mxImpl->maHeights.begin(), mxImpl->maHeights.end(), nHeight );
mxImpl->mbYCoordsDirty = true;
long Array::GetColPosition( size_t nCol ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL_1( nCol, "GetColPosition" );
return mxImpl->GetColPosition( nCol );
long Array::GetRowPosition( size_t nRow ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW_1( nRow, "GetRowPosition" );
return mxImpl->GetRowPosition( nRow );
long Array::GetColWidth( size_t nCol ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL( nCol, "GetColWidth" );
return mxImpl->maWidths[ nCol ];
long Array::GetColWidth( size_t nFirstCol, size_t nLastCol ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL( nFirstCol, "GetColWidth" );
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COL( nLastCol, "GetColWidth" );
return GetColPosition( nLastCol + 1 ) - GetColPosition( nFirstCol );
long Array::GetRowHeight( size_t nRow ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW( nRow, "GetRowHeight" );
return mxImpl->maHeights[ nRow ];
long Array::GetRowHeight( size_t nFirstRow, size_t nLastRow ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW( nFirstRow, "GetRowHeight" );
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_ROW( nLastRow, "GetRowHeight" );
return GetRowPosition( nLastRow + 1 ) - GetRowPosition( nFirstRow );
long Array::GetWidth() const
return GetColPosition( mxImpl->mnWidth ) - GetColPosition( 0 );
long Array::GetHeight() const
return GetRowPosition( mxImpl->mnHeight ) - GetRowPosition( 0 );
Point Array::GetCellPosition( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const
size_t nFirstCol = bSimple ? nCol : mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow );
size_t nFirstRow = bSimple ? nRow : mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow );
return Point( GetColPosition( nFirstCol ), GetRowPosition( nFirstRow ) );
Size Array::GetCellSize( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const
size_t nFirstCol = bSimple ? nCol : mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow );
size_t nFirstRow = bSimple ? nRow : mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow );
size_t nLastCol = bSimple ? nCol : mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow );
size_t nLastRow = bSimple ? nRow : mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow );
return Size( GetColWidth( nFirstCol, nLastCol ) + 1, GetRowHeight( nFirstRow, nLastRow ) + 1 );
Rectangle Array::GetCellRect( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const
Rectangle aRect( GetCellPosition( nCol, nRow, bSimple ), GetCellSize( nCol, nRow, bSimple ) );
// adjust rectangle for partly visible merged cells
const Cell& rCell = CELL( nCol, nRow );
if( !bSimple && rCell.IsMerged() )
aRect.Left() -= rCell.mnAddLeft;
aRect.Right() += rCell.mnAddRight;
aRect.Top() -= rCell.mnAddTop;
aRect.Bottom() += rCell.mnAddBottom;
return aRect;
// diagonal frame borders -----------------------------------------------------
double Array::GetHorDiagAngle( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "GetHorDiagAngle" );
return mxImpl->GetHorDiagAngle( nCol, nRow, bSimple );
double Array::GetVerDiagAngle( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bSimple ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nCol, nRow, "GetVerDiagAngle" );
return mxImpl->GetVerDiagAngle( nCol, nRow, bSimple );
void Array::SetUseDiagDoubleClipping( bool bSet )
mxImpl->mbDiagDblClip = bSet;
bool Array::GetUseDiagDoubleClipping() const
return mxImpl->mbDiagDblClip;
// mirroring ------------------------------------------------------------------
void Array::MirrorSelfX( bool bMirrorStyles, bool bSwapDiag )
CellVec aNewCells;
aNewCells.reserve( GetCellCount() );
size_t nCol, nRow;
for( nRow = 0; nRow < mxImpl->mnHeight; ++nRow )
for( nCol = 0; nCol < mxImpl->mnWidth; ++nCol )
aNewCells.push_back( CELL( mxImpl->GetMirrorCol( nCol ), nRow ) );
aNewCells.back().MirrorSelfX( bMirrorStyles, bSwapDiag );
for( nRow = 0; nRow < mxImpl->mnHeight; ++nRow )
for( nCol = 0; nCol < mxImpl->mnWidth; ++nCol )
if( CELL( nCol, nRow ).mbMergeOrig )
size_t nLastCol = mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow );
size_t nLastRow = mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow );
lclSetMergedRange( aNewCells, mxImpl->mnWidth,
mxImpl->GetMirrorCol( nLastCol ), nRow,
mxImpl->GetMirrorCol( nCol ), nLastRow );
mxImpl->maCells.swap( aNewCells );
std::reverse( mxImpl->maWidths.begin(), mxImpl->maWidths.end() );
mxImpl->mbXCoordsDirty = true;
void Array::MirrorSelfY( bool bMirrorStyles, bool bSwapDiag )
CellVec aNewCells;
aNewCells.reserve( GetCellCount() );
size_t nCol, nRow;
for( nRow = 0; nRow < mxImpl->mnHeight; ++nRow )
for( nCol = 0; nCol < mxImpl->mnWidth; ++nCol )
aNewCells.push_back( CELL( nCol, mxImpl->GetMirrorRow( nRow ) ) );
aNewCells.back().MirrorSelfY( bMirrorStyles, bSwapDiag );
for( nRow = 0; nRow < mxImpl->mnHeight; ++nRow )
for( nCol = 0; nCol < mxImpl->mnWidth; ++nCol )
if( CELL( nCol, nRow ).mbMergeOrig )
size_t nLastCol = mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow );
size_t nLastRow = mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow );
lclSetMergedRange( aNewCells, mxImpl->mnWidth,
nCol, mxImpl->GetMirrorRow( nLastRow ),
nLastCol, mxImpl->GetMirrorRow( nRow ) );
mxImpl->maCells.swap( aNewCells );
std::reverse( mxImpl->maHeights.begin(), mxImpl->maHeights.end() );
mxImpl->mbYCoordsDirty = true;
// drawing --------------------------------------------------------------------
void Array::DrawCell( OutputDevice& rDev, size_t nCol, size_t nRow, const Color* pForceColor ) const
DrawRange( rDev, nCol, nRow, nCol, nRow, pForceColor );
void Array::DrawRange( OutputDevice& rDev,
size_t nFirstCol, size_t nFirstRow, size_t nLastCol, size_t nLastRow,
const Color* pForceColor ) const
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nFirstCol, nFirstRow, "DrawRange" );
DBG_FRAME_CHECK_COLROW( nLastCol, nLastRow, "DrawRange" );
size_t nCol, nRow;
// *** diagonal frame borders ***
// set clipping region to clip partly visible merged cells
rDev.IntersectClipRegion( GetClipRangeRectangle() );
for( nRow = nFirstRow; nRow <= nLastRow; ++nRow )
for( nCol = nFirstCol; nCol <= nLastCol; ++nCol )
const Cell& rCell = CELL( nCol, nRow );
bool bOverlapX = rCell.mbOverlapX;
bool bOverlapY = rCell.mbOverlapY;
bool bFirstCol = nCol == nFirstCol;
bool bFirstRow = nRow == nFirstRow;
if( (!bOverlapX && !bOverlapY) || (bFirstCol && bFirstRow) ||
(!bOverlapY && bFirstCol) || (!bOverlapX && bFirstRow) )
Rectangle aRect( GetCellRect( nCol, nRow ) );
if( (aRect.GetWidth() > 1) && (aRect.GetHeight() > 1) )
size_t _nFirstCol = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstCol( nCol, nRow );
size_t _nFirstRow = mxImpl->GetMergedFirstRow( nCol, nRow );
size_t _nLastCol = mxImpl->GetMergedLastCol( nCol, nRow );
size_t _nLastRow = mxImpl->GetMergedLastRow( nCol, nRow );
DrawDiagFrameBorders( rDev, aRect,
GetCellStyleTLBR( _nFirstCol, _nFirstRow, true ), GetCellStyleBLTR( _nFirstCol, _nFirstRow, true ),
GetCellStyleLeft( _nFirstCol, _nFirstRow ), GetCellStyleTop( _nFirstCol, _nFirstRow ),
GetCellStyleRight( _nLastCol, _nLastRow ), GetCellStyleBottom( _nLastCol, _nLastRow ),
GetCellStyleLeft( _nFirstCol, _nLastRow ), GetCellStyleBottom( _nFirstCol, _nLastRow ),
GetCellStyleRight( _nLastCol, _nFirstRow ), GetCellStyleTop( _nLastCol, _nFirstRow ),
pForceColor, mxImpl->mbDiagDblClip );
rDev.Pop(); // clip region
// *** horizontal frame borders ***
for( nRow = nFirstRow; nRow <= nLastRow + 1; ++nRow )
double fAngle = mxImpl->GetHorDiagAngle( nFirstCol, nRow );
double fTAngle = mxImpl->GetHorDiagAngle( nFirstCol, nRow - 1 );
// *Start*** variables store the data of the left end of the cached frame border
Point aStartPos( mxImpl->GetColPosition( nFirstCol ), mxImpl->GetRowPosition( nRow ) );
const Style* pStart = &GetCellStyleTop( nFirstCol, nRow );
DiagStyle aStartLFromTR( GetCellStyleBL( nFirstCol, nRow - 1 ), fTAngle );
const Style* pStartLFromT = &GetCellStyleLeft( nFirstCol, nRow - 1 );
const Style* pStartLFromL = &GetCellStyleTop( nFirstCol - 1, nRow );
const Style* pStartLFromB = &GetCellStyleLeft( nFirstCol, nRow );
DiagStyle aStartLFromBR( GetCellStyleTL( nFirstCol, nRow ), fAngle );
// *End*** variables store the data of the right end of the cached frame border
DiagStyle aEndRFromTL( GetCellStyleBR( nFirstCol, nRow - 1 ), fTAngle );
const Style* pEndRFromT = &GetCellStyleRight( nFirstCol, nRow - 1 );
const Style* pEndRFromR = &GetCellStyleTop( nFirstCol + 1, nRow );
const Style* pEndRFromB = &GetCellStyleRight( nFirstCol, nRow );
DiagStyle aEndRFromBL( GetCellStyleTR( nFirstCol, nRow ), fAngle );
for( nCol = nFirstCol + 1; nCol <= nLastCol; ++nCol )
fAngle = mxImpl->GetHorDiagAngle( nCol, nRow );
fTAngle = mxImpl->GetHorDiagAngle( nCol, nRow - 1 );
const Style& rCurr = *pEndRFromR;
DiagStyle aLFromTR( GetCellStyleBL( nCol, nRow - 1 ), fTAngle );
const Style& rLFromT = *pEndRFromT;
const Style& rLFromL = *pStart;
const Style& rLFromB = *pEndRFromB;
DiagStyle aLFromBR( GetCellStyleTL( nCol, nRow ), fAngle );
DiagStyle aRFromTL( GetCellStyleBR( nCol, nRow - 1 ), fTAngle );
const Style& rRFromT = GetCellStyleRight( nCol, nRow - 1 );
const Style& rRFromR = GetCellStyleTop( nCol + 1, nRow );
const Style& rRFromB = GetCellStyleRight( nCol, nRow );
DiagStyle aRFromBL( GetCellStyleTR( nCol, nRow ), fAngle );
// check if current frame border can be connected to cached frame border
if( !CheckFrameBorderConnectable( *pStart, rCurr,
aEndRFromTL, rLFromT, aLFromTR, aEndRFromBL, rLFromB, aLFromBR ) )
// draw previous frame border
Point aEndPos( mxImpl->GetColPosition( nCol ), aStartPos.Y() );
if( pStart->Prim() && (aStartPos.X() <= aEndPos.X()) )
DrawHorFrameBorder( rDev, aStartPos, aEndPos, *pStart,
aStartLFromTR, *pStartLFromT, *pStartLFromL, *pStartLFromB, aStartLFromBR,
aEndRFromTL, *pEndRFromT, *pEndRFromR, *pEndRFromB, aEndRFromBL, pForceColor );
// re-init "*Start***" variables
aStartPos = aEndPos;
pStart = &rCurr;
aStartLFromTR = aLFromTR;
pStartLFromT = &rLFromT;
pStartLFromL = &rLFromL;
pStartLFromB = &rLFromB;
aStartLFromBR = aLFromBR;
// store current styles in "*End***" variables
aEndRFromTL = aRFromTL;
pEndRFromT = &rRFromT;
pEndRFromR = &rRFromR;
pEndRFromB = &rRFromB;
aEndRFromBL = aRFromBL;
// draw last frame border
Point aEndPos( mxImpl->GetColPosition( nCol ), aStartPos.Y() );
if( pStart->Prim() && (aStartPos.X() <= aEndPos.X()) )
DrawHorFrameBorder( rDev, aStartPos, aEndPos, *pStart,
aStartLFromTR, *pStartLFromT, *pStartLFromL, *pStartLFromB, aStartLFromBR,
aEndRFromTL, *pEndRFromT, *pEndRFromR, *pEndRFromB, aEndRFromBL, pForceColor );
// *** vertical frame borders ***
for( nCol = nFirstCol; nCol <= nLastCol + 1; ++nCol )
double fAngle = mxImpl->GetVerDiagAngle( nCol, nFirstRow );
double fLAngle = mxImpl->GetVerDiagAngle( nCol - 1, nFirstRow );
// *Start*** variables store the data of the top end of the cached frame border
Point aStartPos( mxImpl->GetColPosition( nCol ), mxImpl->GetRowPosition( nFirstRow ) );
const Style* pStart = &GetCellStyleLeft( nCol, nFirstRow );
DiagStyle aStartTFromBL( GetCellStyleTR( nCol - 1, nFirstRow ), fLAngle );
const Style* pStartTFromL = &GetCellStyleTop( nCol - 1, nFirstRow );
const Style* pStartTFromT = &GetCellStyleLeft( nCol, nFirstRow - 1 );
const Style* pStartTFromR = &GetCellStyleTop( nCol, nFirstRow );
DiagStyle aStartTFromBR( GetCellStyleTL( nCol, nFirstRow ), fAngle );
// *End*** variables store the data of the bottom end of the cached frame border
DiagStyle aEndBFromTL( GetCellStyleBR( nCol - 1, nFirstRow ), fLAngle );
const Style* pEndBFromL = &GetCellStyleBottom( nCol - 1, nFirstRow );
const Style* pEndBFromB = &GetCellStyleLeft( nCol, nFirstRow + 1 );
const Style* pEndBFromR = &GetCellStyleBottom( nCol, nFirstRow );
DiagStyle aEndBFromTR( GetCellStyleBL( nCol, nFirstRow ), fAngle );
for( nRow = nFirstRow + 1; nRow <= nLastRow; ++nRow )
fAngle = mxImpl->GetVerDiagAngle( nCol, nRow );
fLAngle = mxImpl->GetVerDiagAngle( nCol - 1, nRow );
const Style& rCurr = *pEndBFromB;
DiagStyle aTFromBL( GetCellStyleTR( nCol - 1, nRow ), fLAngle );
const Style& rTFromL = *pEndBFromL;
const Style& rTFromT = *pStart;
const Style& rTFromR = *pEndBFromR;
DiagStyle aTFromBR( GetCellStyleTL( nCol, nRow ), fAngle );
DiagStyle aBFromTL( GetCellStyleBR( nCol - 1, nRow ), fLAngle );
const Style& rBFromL = GetCellStyleBottom( nCol - 1, nRow );
const Style& rBFromB = GetCellStyleLeft( nCol, nRow + 1 );
const Style& rBFromR = GetCellStyleBottom( nCol, nRow );
DiagStyle aBFromTR( GetCellStyleBL( nCol, nRow ), fAngle );
// check if current frame border can be connected to cached frame border
if( !CheckFrameBorderConnectable( *pStart, rCurr,
aEndBFromTL, rTFromL, aTFromBL, aEndBFromTR, rTFromR, aTFromBR ) )
// draw previous frame border
Point aEndPos( aStartPos.X(), mxImpl->GetRowPosition( nRow ) );
if( pStart->Prim() && (aStartPos.Y() <= aEndPos.Y()) )
DrawVerFrameBorder( rDev, aStartPos, aEndPos, *pStart,
aStartTFromBL, *pStartTFromL, *pStartTFromT, *pStartTFromR, aStartTFromBR,
aEndBFromTL, *pEndBFromL, *pEndBFromB, *pEndBFromR, aEndBFromTR, pForceColor );
// re-init "*Start***" variables
aStartPos = aEndPos;
pStart = &rCurr;
aStartTFromBL = aTFromBL;
pStartTFromL = &rTFromL;
pStartTFromT = &rTFromT;
pStartTFromR = &rTFromR;
aStartTFromBR = aTFromBR;
// store current styles in "*End***" variables
aEndBFromTL = aBFromTL;
pEndBFromL = &rBFromL;
pEndBFromB = &rBFromB;
pEndBFromR = &rBFromR;
aEndBFromTR = aBFromTR;
// draw last frame border
Point aEndPos( aStartPos.X(), mxImpl->GetRowPosition( nRow ) );
if( pStart->Prim() && (aStartPos.Y() <= aEndPos.Y()) )
DrawVerFrameBorder( rDev, aStartPos, aEndPos, *pStart,
aStartTFromBL, *pStartTFromL, *pStartTFromT, *pStartTFromR, aStartTFromBR,
aEndBFromTL, *pEndBFromL, *pEndBFromB, *pEndBFromR, aEndBFromTR, pForceColor );
void Array::DrawArray( OutputDevice& rDev, const Color* pForceColor ) const
if( mxImpl->mnWidth && mxImpl->mnHeight )
DrawRange( rDev, 0, 0, mxImpl->mnWidth - 1, mxImpl->mnHeight - 1, pForceColor );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#undef CELLACC
#undef CELL
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ============================================================================
} // namespace frame
} // namespace svx