blob: 9bf664e22f276cc0979eca415bc37b2396d94c93 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#ifndef _VIRDEV_HXX
#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
#ifndef _SCRBAR_HXX
#include <vcl/scrbar.hxx>
#include <limits.h>
class SvLBoxEntry;
class SvLBoxTreeList;
class SvImpIconView;
class ImpIcnCursor;
class SvPtrarr;
// Flags
#define F_VER_SBARSIZE_WITH_HBAR 0x00000001
#define F_HOR_SBARSIZE_WITH_VBAR 0x00000002
#define F_IGNORE_NEXT_MOUSEMOVE 0x00000004 // OS/2 only
#define F_ENTRY_REMOVED 0x00000008
// ist gesetzt, wenn nach Clear oder Ctor mind. einmal gepaintet wurde
#define F_PAINTED 0x00000010
#define F_ADD_MODE 0x00000020
#define F_MOVING_SIBLING 0x00000040
#define F_SELRECT_VISIBLE 0x00000080
#define F_CMD_ARRIVED 0x00000100
#define F_DRAG_SOURCE 0x00000200
#define F_GRIDMODE 0x00000400
// beim Einfuegen eines Eintrags ergibt sich dessen Position
// durch simples Addieren auf die Position des zuletzt eingefuegten Eintrags
#define F_GRID_INSERT 0x00000800
#define F_DOWN_CTRL 0x00001000
#define F_DOWN_DESELECT 0x00002000
// Hack fuer D&D: Hintergrund des Entries nicht painten
#define F_NO_EMPHASIS 0x00004000
// Selektion per Gummiband
#define F_RUBBERING 0x00008000
class SvImpIconView
friend class ImpIcnCursor;
ScrollBar aVerSBar;
ScrollBar aHorSBar;
Rectangle aCurSelectionRect;
SvPtrarr aSelectedRectList;
MouseEvent aMouseMoveEvent;
Timer aEditTimer; // fuer Inplace-Editieren
Timer aMouseMoveTimer; // generiert MouseMoves bei Gummibandselektion
// Boundrect des zuletzt eingefuegten Entries
Rectangle aPrevBoundRect;
Size aOutputSize; // Pixel
Size aVirtOutputSize; // expandiert automatisch
Point aDDLastEntryPos;
Point aDDLastRectPos;
SvLBoxTreeList* pModel;
SvIconView* pView;
ImpIcnCursor* pImpCursor;
long nMaxVirtWidth; // max.breite aVirtOutputSize
SvPtrarr* pZOrderList;
long nGridDX,
long nHorSBarHeight,
int nViewMode;
long nHorDist;
long nVerDist;
long nMaxBmpWidth;
long nMaxBmpHeight;
long nMaxTextWidth;
long nMaxBoundHeight; // Hoehe des hoechsten BoundRects
sal_uLong nFlags;
sal_uLong nCurUserEvent;
SvLBoxEntry* pCurParent;
SvLBoxEntry* pCursor;
SvLBoxEntry* pNextCursor; // wird in MovingEntry gesetzt und ist
// nur in EntryMoved gueltig!
SvLBoxEntry* pDDRefEntry;
VirtualDevice* pDDDev;
VirtualDevice* pDDBufDev;
VirtualDevice* pDDTempDev;
SvIconViewTextMode eTextMode;
sal_Bool bMustRecalcBoundingRects;
void CheckAllSizes();
void CheckSizes( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = 0 );
void ShowCursor( sal_Bool bShow );
void SetNextEntryPos(const Point& rPos);
Point FindNextEntryPos( const Size& rBoundSize );
void ImpArrange();
void AdjustVirtSize( const Rectangle& );
void ResetVirtSize();
void CheckScrollBars();
DECL_LINK( ScrollUpDownHdl, ScrollBar * );
DECL_LINK( ScrollLeftRightHdl, ScrollBar * );
DECL_LINK( MouseMoveTimeoutHdl, Timer* );
DECL_LINK( EditTimeoutHdl, Timer* );
DECL_LINK( UserEventHdl, void* );
void AdjustScrollBars();
void PositionScrollBars( long nRealWidth, long nRealHeight );
void CalcDocPos( Point& aMousePos );
sal_Bool GetResizeRect( Rectangle& );
void PaintResizeRect( const Rectangle& );
SvLBoxEntry* GetNewCursor();
void ToggleSelection( SvLBoxEntry* );
void DeselectAllBut( SvLBoxEntry* );
void Center( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvIcnVwDataEntry* ) const;
void StopEditTimer() { aEditTimer.Stop(); }
void StartEditTimer() { aEditTimer.Start(); }
void ImpHideDDIcon();
void ImpDrawXORRect( const Rectangle& rRect );
void AddSelectedRect( const Rectangle&, short nOffset = SELRECT_BORDER_OFFS );
void ClearSelectedRectList();
Rectangle CalcMaxTextRect( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData ) const;
void ClipAtVirtOutRect( Rectangle& rRect ) const;
void AdjustAtGrid( const SvPtrarr& rRow, SvLBoxEntry* pStart=0 );
Point AdjustAtGrid(
const Rectangle& rCenterRect, // "Schwerpunkt" des Objekts (typ. Bmp-Rect)
const Rectangle& rBoundRect ) const;
SvIconViewTextMode GetEntryTextModeSmart( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData ) const;
sal_Bool CheckVerScrollBar();
sal_Bool CheckHorScrollBar();
void CancelUserEvent();
SvImpIconView( SvIconView* pView, SvLBoxTreeList*, WinBits nWinStyle );
void Clear( sal_Bool bInCtor = sal_False );
void SetStyle( const WinBits i_nWinStyle );
void SetModel( SvLBoxTreeList* pTree, SvLBoxEntry* pParent )
{ pModel = pTree; SetCurParent(pParent); }
void EntryInserted( SvLBoxEntry*);
void RemovingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
void EntryRemoved();
void MovingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
void EntryMoved( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
void TreeInserted( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
void ChangedFont();
void ModelHasEntryInvalidated( SvListEntry* );
void EntryExpanded( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
void EntryCollapsed( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
void CollapsingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
void EntrySelected( SvLBoxEntry*, sal_Bool bSelect );
void Paint( const Rectangle& rRect );
void RepaintSelectionItems();
void MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& );
void MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& );
void MouseMove( const MouseEvent&);
sal_Bool KeyInput( const KeyEvent& );
void Resize();
void GetFocus();
void LoseFocus();
void UpdateAll();
void PaintEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = 0 );
void PaintEntry( SvLBoxEntry*, const Point&,
SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = 0, OutputDevice* pOut = 0);
void SetEntryPosition( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const Point& rPos,
sal_Bool bAdjustRow = sal_False,
sal_Bool bCheckScrollBars = sal_False );
void InvalidateEntry( SvLBoxEntry* );
void ViewDataInitialized( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
SvLBoxItem* GetItem( SvLBoxEntry*, const Point& rAbsPos );
void SetNoSelection();
void SetDragDropMode( DragDropMode eDDMode );
void SetSelectionMode( SelectionMode eSelMode );
void SttDrag( const Point& rPos );
void EndDrag();
SvLBoxEntry* GetCurEntry() const { return pCursor; }
void SetCursor( SvLBoxEntry* );
sal_Bool IsEntryInView( SvLBoxEntry* );
SvLBoxEntry* GetEntry( const Point& rDocPos );
SvLBoxEntry* GetNextEntry( const Point& rDocPos, SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry );
SvLBoxEntry* GetPrevEntry( const Point& rDocPos, SvLBoxEntry* pCurEntry );
Point GetEntryPosition( SvLBoxEntry* );
void MakeVisible( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
void Arrange();
void SetSpaceBetweenEntries( long nHor, long Ver );
long GetHorSpaceBetweenEntries() const { return nHorDist; }
long GetVerSpaceBetweenEntries() const { return nVerDist; }
Rectangle CalcFocusRect( SvLBoxEntry* );
Rectangle CalcBmpRect( SvLBoxEntry*, const Point* pPos = 0,
SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData=0 );
Rectangle CalcTextRect( SvLBoxEntry*, SvLBoxString* pItem = 0,
const Point* pPos = 0,
sal_Bool bForInplaceEdit = sal_False,
SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = 0 );
long CalcBoundingWidth( SvLBoxEntry*, const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = 0) const;
long CalcBoundingHeight( SvLBoxEntry*, const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData= 0 ) const;
Size CalcBoundingSize( SvLBoxEntry*,
SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = 0 ) const;
void FindBoundingRect( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = 0 );
// berechnet alle BoundRects neu
void RecalcAllBoundingRects();
// berechnet alle ungueltigen BoundRects neu
void RecalcAllBoundingRectsSmart();
const Rectangle& GetBoundingRect( SvLBoxEntry*,
SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData=0);
void InvalidateBoundingRect( SvLBoxEntry* );
void InvalidateBoundingRect( Rectangle& rRect ) { rRect.Right() = LONG_MAX; }
sal_Bool IsBoundingRectValid( const Rectangle& rRect ) const { return (sal_Bool)( rRect.Right() != LONG_MAX ); }
void PaintEmphasis( const Rectangle&, sal_Bool bSelected,
sal_Bool bCursored, OutputDevice* pOut = 0 );
void PaintItem( const Rectangle& rRect, SvLBoxItem* pItem,
SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, sal_uInt16 nPaintFlags, OutputDevice* pOut = 0 );
// berechnet alle BoundingRects neu, wenn bMustRecalcBoundingRects == sal_True
void CheckBoundingRects() { if (bMustRecalcBoundingRects) RecalcAllBoundingRects(); }
// berechnet alle invalidierten BoundingRects neu
void UpdateBoundingRects();
void ShowTargetEmphasis( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, sal_Bool bShow );
SvLBoxEntry* GetDropTarget( const Point& rPosPixel );
sal_Bool NotifyMoving( SvLBoxEntry* pTarget, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
SvLBoxEntry*& rpNewParent, sal_uLong& rNewChildPos );
sal_Bool NotifyCopying( SvLBoxEntry* pTarget, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry,
SvLBoxEntry*& rpNewParent, sal_uLong& rNewChildPos );
void WriteDragServerInfo( const Point&, SvLBoxDDInfo* );
void ReadDragServerInfo( const Point&, SvLBoxDDInfo* );
void ToTop( SvLBoxEntry* );
void SetCurParent( SvLBoxEntry* pNewParent );
SvLBoxEntry* GetCurParent() const { return pCurParent; }
sal_uInt16 GetSelectionCount() const;
void SetGrid( long nDX, long nDY );
void Scroll( long nDeltaX, long nDeltaY, sal_Bool bScrollBar = sal_False );
const Size& GetItemSize( SvIconView* pView, SvLBoxEntry*, SvLBoxItem*,
const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = 0 ) const;
void PrepareCommandEvent( const Point& rPt );
void HideDDIcon();
void ShowDDIcon( SvLBoxEntry* pRefEntry, const Point& rPos );
void HideShowDDIcon( SvLBoxEntry* pRefEntry, const Point& rPos );
SvLBoxEntry* mpViewData;
sal_Bool IsOver( SvPtrarr* pSelectedRectList, const Rectangle& rEntryBoundRect ) const;
void SelectRect( const Rectangle&, sal_Bool bAdd = sal_True,
SvPtrarr* pOtherRects = 0,
short nOffs = SELRECT_BORDER_OFFS );
void DrawSelectionRect( const Rectangle& );
void HideSelectionRect();
void CalcScrollOffsets( const Point& rRefPosPixel,
long& rX, long& rY, sal_Bool bDragDrop = sal_False,
sal_uInt16 nBorderWidth = 10 );
void EndTracking();
sal_Bool IsTextHit( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const Point& rDocPos );
void MakeVisible( const Rectangle& rDocPos,sal_Bool bInScrollBarEvent=sal_False);
void AdjustAtGrid( SvLBoxEntry* pStart = 0 );
void SetTextMode( SvIconViewTextMode, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = 0 );
SvIconViewTextMode GetTextMode( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = 0,
const SvIcnVwDataEntry* pViewData = 0 ) const;
void ShowFocusRect( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
inline void SvImpIconView::MakeVisible( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry )
const Rectangle& rRect = GetBoundingRect( pEntry );
MakeVisible( rRect );
#endif // #ifndef _SVIMPICN_HXX