blob: bf077280ae31844f3524e46a4266fe7a4e5f1850 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "svtools/svtdllapi.h"
#include <svtools/svlbox.hxx>
#include <svtools/svlbitm.hxx>
// forward and defines ---------------------------------------------------
class SvImpLBox;
class SvInplaceEdit;
class TabBar;
#define SV_TAB_BORDER 8
#define SV_LISTBOX_ID_TREEBOX 1 // fuer SvLBox::IsA()
#define TREEFLAG_CHKBTN 0x0001
#define TREEFLAG_USESEL 0x0002
#define TREEFLAG_MANINS 0x0004
typedef sal_Int64 ExtendedWinBits;
// disable the behavior of automatically selecting a "CurEntry" upon painting the control
#define EWB_NO_AUTO_CURENTRY 0x00000001
// class SvTreeListBox ---------------------------------------------------
class SVT_DLLPUBLIC SvTreeListBox : public SvLBox
friend class SvImpLBox;
friend class ImpLBSelEng;
friend class TreeControlPeer;
SvImpLBox* pImp;
Link aCheckButtonHdl;
Link aScrolledHdl;
Accelerator aInpEditAcc;
Image aPrevInsertedExpBmp;
Image aPrevInsertedColBmp;
Image aCurInsertedExpBmp;
Image aCurInsertedColBmp;
short nContextBmpWidthMax;
sal_uInt16 nFirstSelTab, nLastSelTab;
short nEntryHeight;
short nEntryHeightOffs;
short nIndent;
short nFocusWidth;
sal_uInt16 aContextBmpMode;
short nAllItemAccRoleType;
DECL_DLLPRIVATE_LINK( CheckButtonClick, SvLBoxButtonData * );
SVT_DLLPRIVATE short GetHeightOffset( const Image& rBmp, Size& rLogicSize);
SVT_DLLPRIVATE short GetHeightOffset( const Font& rFont, Size& rLogicSize);
SVT_DLLPRIVATE void SetEntryHeight( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
SVT_DLLPRIVATE void AdjustEntryHeight( const Image& rBmp );
SVT_DLLPRIVATE void AdjustEntryHeight( const Font& rFont );
SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ImpEntryInserted( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
SVT_DLLPRIVATE long PaintEntry1( SvLBoxEntry*, long nLine,
sal_uInt16 nTabFlagMask=0xffff,
sal_Bool bHasClipRegion=sal_False );
SVT_DLLPRIVATE void InitTreeView();
SVT_DLLPRIVATE SvLBoxItem* GetItem_Impl( SvLBoxEntry*, long nX, SvLBoxTab** ppTab,
sal_uInt16 nEmptyWidth );
SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ImplInitStyle();
SvLBoxButtonData* pCheckButtonData;
sal_uInt16 nTreeFlags;
SvLBoxEntry* pEdEntry;
SvLBoxItem* pEdItem;
void EditItemText( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxString* pItem,
const Selection& );
void EditedText( const XubString& );
void EditingRequest( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxItem* pItem,
const Point& rMousePos );
SvPtrarr aTabs;
// berechnet abhaengig von TreeList-Style & Bitmap-Groessen
// alle Tabulatoren neu; wird beim Einfuegen/Austauschen von
// Bitmaps, beim Wechsel des Models usw. automatisch gerufen
virtual void SetTabs();
void SetTabs_Impl();
void AddTab( long nPos,sal_uInt16 nFlags=SV_LBOXTAB_ADJUST_LEFT,
void* pUserData = 0 );
sal_uInt16 TabCount() const { return aTabs.Count(); }
SvLBoxTab* GetFirstDynamicTab() const;
SvLBoxTab* GetFirstDynamicTab( sal_uInt16& rTabPos ) const;
SvLBoxTab* GetFirstTab( sal_uInt16 nFlagMask, sal_uInt16& rTabPos );
SvLBoxTab* GetLastTab( sal_uInt16 nFlagMask, sal_uInt16& rTabPos );
SvLBoxTab* GetTab( SvLBoxEntry*, SvLBoxItem* ) const;
void ClearTabList();
virtual void InitEntry(SvLBoxEntry*,const XubString&,const Image&,const Image&,SvLBoxButtonKind);
virtual void NotifyBeginScroll();
virtual void NotifyEndScroll();
// nLines == 0 => horizontales Scrolling
virtual void NotifyScrolling( long nLines );
virtual void NotifyScrolled();
void SetScrolledHdl( const Link& rLink ) { aScrolledHdl = rLink; }
const Link& GetScrolledHdl() const { return aScrolledHdl; }
long GetXOffset() const { return GetMapMode().GetOrigin().X(); }
// wird aufgerufen, _bevor_ Bereiche im Control invalidiert werden,
// kann zum Hiden von Elementen benutzt werden, die von aussen
// in das Control hineingezeichnet werden
virtual void NotifyInvalidating();
virtual sal_uLong GetAscInsertionPos( SvLBoxEntry*, SvLBoxEntry* pParent );
virtual sal_uLong GetDescInsertionPos( SvLBoxEntry*, SvLBoxEntry* pParent );
virtual void Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt );
virtual void RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& rHEvt );
virtual void CursorMoved( SvLBoxEntry* pNewCursor );
virtual void PreparePaint( SvLBoxEntry* );
virtual void DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt );
virtual void StateChanged( StateChangedType nStateChange );
void InitSettings(sal_Bool bFont,sal_Bool bForeground,sal_Bool bBackground);
sal_Bool IsCellFocusEnabled() const;
bool SetCurrentTabPos( sal_uInt16 _nNewPos );
sal_uInt16 GetCurrentTabPos() const;
void CallImplEventListeners(sal_uLong nEvent, void* pData);
void ImplEditEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
sal_Bool AreChildrenTransient() const;
void SetChildrenNotTransient();
SvTreeListBox( Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle=0 );
SvTreeListBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId );
void SetExtendedWinBits( ExtendedWinBits _nBits );
ExtendedWinBits GetExtendedWinBits() const;
void DisconnectFromModel();
void EnableCheckButton( SvLBoxButtonData* );
void SetCheckButtonData( SvLBoxButtonData* );
void SetNodeBitmaps( const Image& rCollapsedNodeBmp, const Image& rExpandedNodeBmp, BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL );
void SetDontKnowNodeBitmap( const Image& rDontKnowBmp, BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL );
/** returns the default image which clients should use for expanded nodes, to have a consistent user
interface experience in the whole product.
static const Image& GetDefaultExpandedNodeImage( BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL );
/** returns the default image which clients should use for expanded nodes, to have a consistent user
interface experience in the whole product.
static const Image& GetDefaultCollapsedNodeImage( BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL );
/** sets default bitmaps for collapsed and expanded nodes.
inline void SetNodeDefaultImages( )
SetNodeBitmaps( GetDefaultCollapsedNodeImage( BMP_COLOR_NORMAL ), GetDefaultExpandedNodeImage( BMP_COLOR_NORMAL ), BMP_COLOR_NORMAL );
SetNodeBitmaps( GetDefaultCollapsedNodeImage( BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST ), GetDefaultExpandedNodeImage( BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST ), BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST );
virtual SvLBoxEntry* InsertEntry( const XubString& rText, SvLBoxEntry* pParent = 0,
sal_Bool bChildsOnDemand = sal_False,
sal_uLong nPos=LIST_APPEND, void* pUserData = 0,
SvLBoxButtonKind eButtonKind = SvLBoxButtonKind_enabledCheckbox );
virtual SvLBoxEntry* InsertEntry( const XubString& rText,
const Image& rExpandedEntryBmp,
const Image& rCollapsedEntryBmp,
SvLBoxEntry* pParent = 0,
sal_Bool bChildsOnDemand = sal_False,
sal_uLong nPos = LIST_APPEND, void* pUserData = 0,
SvLBoxButtonKind eButtonKind = SvLBoxButtonKind_enabledCheckbox );
const Image& GetDefaultExpandedEntryBmp( BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL ) const;
const Image& GetDefaultCollapsedEntryBmp( BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL ) const;
void SetDefaultExpandedEntryBmp( const Image& rBmp, BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL );
void SetDefaultCollapsedEntryBmp( const Image& rBmp, BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL );
void SetCheckButtonState( SvLBoxEntry*, SvButtonState );
SvButtonState GetCheckButtonState( SvLBoxEntry* ) const;
void ShowExpandBitmapOnCursor( sal_Bool );
sal_Bool IsExpandBitmapOnCursor() const { return (sal_Bool)(aContextBmpMode & SVLISTENTRYFLAG_FOCUSED)!=0; }
void SetEntryText(SvLBoxEntry*, const XubString& );
void SetExpandedEntryBmp( SvLBoxEntry* _pEntry, const Image& _rImage, BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL );
void SetCollapsedEntryBmp( SvLBoxEntry* _pEntry, const Image& _rImage, BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL );
virtual String GetEntryText( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const;
String SearchEntryText( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) const;
const Image& GetExpandedEntryBmp(SvLBoxEntry* _pEntry, BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL ) const;
const Image& GetCollapsedEntryBmp(SvLBoxEntry* _pEntry, BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL ) const;
void SetCheckButtonHdl( const Link& rLink ) { aCheckButtonHdl=rLink; }
Link GetCheckButtonHdl() const { return aCheckButtonHdl; }
virtual void CheckButtonHdl();
virtual SvLBoxEntry* CloneEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pSource );
virtual sal_uInt16 IsA();
void SetSublistOpenWithReturn( sal_Bool bMode = sal_True ); // open/close sublist with return/enter
sal_Bool IsSublistOpenWithReturn() const;
void SetSublistOpenWithLeftRight( sal_Bool bMode = sal_True ); // open/close sublist with cursor left/right
sal_Bool IsSublistOpenWithLeftRight() const;
void EnableInplaceEditing( sal_Bool bEnable );
sal_Bool IsInplaceEditingEnabled() const { return SvLBox::IsInplaceEditingEnabled(); }
inline void ForbidEmptyText() { SvLBox::ForbidEmptyText(); }
// Editiert das erste StringItem des Entries, 0==Cursor
void EditEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = NULL );
void CancelEditing();
virtual sal_Bool EditingEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, Selection& );
virtual sal_Bool EditedEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, const XubString& rNewText );
sal_Bool IsEditingActive() const { return SvLBox::IsEditingActive(); }
void EndEditing( sal_Bool bCancel = sal_False ) { SvLBox::EndEditing( bCancel ); }
sal_Bool EditingCanceled() const { return SvLBox::EditingCanceled(); }
virtual void RequestingChilds( SvLBoxEntry* pParent );
virtual void Paint( const Rectangle& rRect );
virtual void MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt );
virtual void MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt );
virtual void MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt );
virtual void KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt );
virtual void Resize();
virtual void GetFocus();
virtual void LoseFocus();
void SetUpdateMode( sal_Bool );
// aktualisiert nicht die vertikale ScrollBar
void SetUpdateModeFast( sal_Bool );
using SvListView::SetModel;
void SetModel( SvLBoxTreeList* );
virtual void ModelHasCleared();
virtual void ModelHasInserted( SvListEntry* pEntry );
virtual void ModelHasInsertedTree( SvListEntry* pEntry );
virtual void ModelIsMoving(SvListEntry* pSource,
SvListEntry* pTargetParent, sal_uLong nChildPos );
virtual void ModelHasMoved(SvListEntry* pSource );
virtual void ModelIsRemoving( SvListEntry* pEntry );
virtual void ModelHasRemoved( SvListEntry* pEntry );
virtual void ModelHasEntryInvalidated( SvListEntry* pEntry );
void ShowTargetEmphasis( SvLBoxEntry*, sal_Bool bShow );
using Window::GetDropTarget;
SvLBoxEntry* GetDropTarget( const Point& );
void ScrollOutputArea( short nDeltaEntries );
short GetEntryHeight() const { return nEntryHeight; }
void SetEntryHeight( short nHeight, sal_Bool bAlways = sal_False );
Size GetOutputSizePixel() const;
short GetIndent() const { return nIndent; }
void SetIndent( short nIndent );
void SetSpaceBetweenEntries( short nSpace );
short GetSpaceBetweenEntries() const {return nEntryHeightOffs;}
Point GetEntryPosition( SvLBoxEntry* ) const;
void ShowEntry( SvLBoxEntry* ); // !!!OBSOLETE, use MakeVisible
virtual void MakeVisible( SvLBoxEntry* );
void MakeVisible( SvLBoxEntry*, sal_Bool bMoveToTop );
void SetCollapsedNodeBmp( const Image&, BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL );
void SetExpandedNodeBmp( const Image&, BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL );
Image GetCollapsedNodeBmp( BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL ) const;
Image GetExpandedNodeBmp( BmpColorMode _eMode = BMP_COLOR_NORMAL ) const;
void SetFont( const Font& rFont );
using Window::SetCursor;
void SetCursor( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, sal_Bool bForceNoSelect = sal_False );
SvLBoxEntry* GetEntry( const Point& rPos, sal_Bool bHit = sal_False ) const;
SvLBoxEntry* GetEntry( SvLBoxEntry* pParent, sal_uLong nPos ) const { return SvLBox::GetEntry(pParent,nPos); }
SvLBoxEntry* GetEntry( sal_uLong nRootPos ) const { return SvLBox::GetEntry(nRootPos);}
void PaintEntry( SvLBoxEntry* );
long PaintEntry( SvLBoxEntry*, long nLine,
sal_uInt16 nTabFlagMask=0xffff );
virtual Rectangle GetFocusRect( SvLBoxEntry*, long nLine );
// Beruecksichtigt Einrueckung
virtual long GetTabPos( SvLBoxEntry*, SvLBoxTab* );
void InvalidateEntry( SvLBoxEntry* );
SvLBoxItem* GetItem( SvLBoxEntry*, long nX, SvLBoxTab** ppTab);
SvLBoxItem* GetItem( SvLBoxEntry*, long nX );
SvLBoxItem* GetFirstDynamicItem( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
void SetDragDropMode( DragDropMode );
void SetSelectionMode( SelectionMode );
void SetAddMode( sal_Bool bAdd );
sal_Bool IsAddMode() const;
virtual sal_Bool Expand( SvLBoxEntry* pParent );
virtual sal_Bool Collapse( SvLBoxEntry* pParent );
virtual sal_Bool Select( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, sal_Bool bSelect=sal_True );
virtual sal_uLong SelectChilds( SvLBoxEntry* pParent, sal_Bool bSelect );
virtual void SelectAll( sal_Bool bSelect, sal_Bool bPaint = sal_True );
virtual void SetCurEntry( SvLBoxEntry* _pEntry );
virtual SvLBoxEntry*
GetCurEntry() const;
using Window::Invalidate;
virtual void Invalidate( sal_uInt16 nFlags = 0);
virtual void Invalidate( const Rectangle&, sal_uInt16 nFlags = 0 );
void SetHighlightRange(sal_uInt16 nFirstTab=0,sal_uInt16 nLastTab=0xffff);
void RemoveHighlightRange();
virtual Region GetDragRegion() const;
// Childs des Parents werden Childs des naechstoberen Parents
void RemoveParentKeepChilds( SvLBoxEntry* pParent );
DECL_LINK( DefaultCompare, SvSortData* );
virtual void ModelNotification( sal_uInt16 nActionId, SvListEntry* pEntry1,
SvListEntry* pEntry2, sal_uLong nPos );
long GetTextOffset() const;
void EndSelection();
sal_Bool IsNodeButton( const Point& rPos ) const;
void RepaintScrollBars() const;
ScrollBar* GetVScroll();
ScrollBar* GetHScroll();
void EnableAsyncDrag( sal_Bool b );
SvLBoxEntry* GetFirstEntryInView() const;
SvLBoxEntry* GetNextEntryInView(SvLBoxEntry*) const;
void ShowFocusRect( const SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
void SetTabBar( TabBar* pTabBar );
void InitStartEntry();
// reset all what could lead to editingText in e.g. a contextmenu call
void CancelPendingEdit();
virtual PopupMenu* CreateContextMenu( void );
virtual void ExcecuteContextMenuAction( sal_uInt16 nSelectedPopupEntry );
void EnableContextMenuHandling( void );
void EnableContextMenuHandling( sal_Bool bEnable );
sal_Bool IsContextMenuHandlingEnabled( void ) const;
void EnableList( bool _bEnable );
// ACCESSIBILITY ==========================================================
/** Creates and returns the accessible object of the Box. */
virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessible > CreateAccessible();
/** Fills the StateSet with all states (except DEFUNC, done by the accessible object). */
virtual void FillAccessibleStateSet( ::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper& rStateSet ) const;
/** Fills the StateSet of one entry. */
virtual void FillAccessibleEntryStateSet( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, ::utl::AccessibleStateSetHelper& rStateSet ) const;
/** Calculate and returns the bounding rectangle of an entry.
@param pEntry
The entry.
@return The bounding rectangle of an entry. */
virtual Rectangle GetBoundingRect( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry );
/** Enables, that one cell of a tablistbox entry can be focused */
void EnableCellFocus();
// For overwriting accessible role for all entries - normally 0, so each entry can be different
void SetAllEntriesAccessibleRoleType( short n ) { nAllItemAccRoleType = n; }
short GetAllEntriesAccessibleRoleType() const { return nAllItemAccRoleType; }
sal_uInt16 GetTreeFlags() const {return nTreeFlags;}
XubString headString ;
String SearchEntryTextWithHeadTitle( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) ;
virtual String GetEntryAltText( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry) const;
virtual String GetEntryLongDescription( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry) const;
using SvListView::Expand;
using SvListView::Collapse;
using SvListView::Select;
using SvListView::SelectChilds;
using SvListView::SelectAll;