blob: 68513cfb96a30302a05ca10964840cb05dc9dc5f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#ifndef TYPES_HXX
#define TYPES_HXX
#include <sal/types.h>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#define FONTNAME_MATH "OpenSymbol"
#define FONT_ARIAL "Arial"
#define FONT_SYMBOL "Symbol"
#define FONT_MS_PMINCHO "MS PMincho"
#define FONT_MS_PGOTHIC "MS PGothic"
#define FONT_SUN_BATANG "SunBatang"
inline sal_Bool IsInPrivateUseArea( sal_Unicode cChar ) { return 0xE000 <= cChar && cChar <= 0xF8FF; }
// Greek char range as seen in svx/.../charmap.cxx RID_SUBSETSTR_BASIC_GREEK
inline sal_Bool IsGreekChar( sal_Unicode cChar ) { return 0x0370 <= cChar && cChar <= 0x03FF; }
sal_Unicode ConvertMathPrivateUseAreaToUnicode( sal_Unicode cChar );
sal_Unicode ConvertMathToMathML( sal_Unicode cChar );
// enum definitions for characters from the 'StarSymbol' font
// (some chars have more than one alias!)
//! Note: not listed here does not(!) mean "not used"
//! (see %alpha ... %gamma for example)
enum MathSymbol
MS_FACT = (sal_Unicode) 0x0021,
MS_INFINITY = (sal_Unicode) 0x221E,
MS_SLASH = (sal_Unicode) 0x002F,
MS_NDIVIDES = (sal_Unicode) 0x2224,
MS_DRARROW = (sal_Unicode) 0x21D2,
MS_DLARROW = (sal_Unicode) 0x21D0,
MS_DLRARROW = (sal_Unicode) 0x21D4,
MS_OVERBRACE = (sal_Unicode) 0x23DE,
MS_UNDERBRACE = (sal_Unicode) 0x23DF,
MS_CIRC = (sal_Unicode) 0x2218,
MS_ASSIGN = (sal_Unicode) 0x003D,
MS_ERROR = (sal_Unicode) 0x00BF,
MS_NEQ = (sal_Unicode) 0x2260,
MS_PLUS = (sal_Unicode) 0x002B,
MS_MINUS = (sal_Unicode) 0x2212,
MS_MULTIPLY = (sal_Unicode) 0x2217,
MS_TIMES = (sal_Unicode) 0x00D7,
MS_CDOT = (sal_Unicode) 0x22C5,
MS_DIV = (sal_Unicode) 0x00F7,
MS_PLUSMINUS = (sal_Unicode) 0x00B1,
MS_MINUSPLUS = (sal_Unicode) 0x2213,
MS_OPLUS = (sal_Unicode) 0x2295,
MS_OMINUS = (sal_Unicode) 0x2296,
MS_OTIMES = (sal_Unicode) 0x2297,
MS_ODIVIDE = (sal_Unicode) 0x2298,
MS_ODOT = (sal_Unicode) 0x2299,
MS_UNION = (sal_Unicode) 0x222A,
MS_INTERSECT = (sal_Unicode) 0x2229,
MS_LT = (sal_Unicode) 0x003C,
MS_GT = (sal_Unicode) 0x003E,
MS_LE = (sal_Unicode) 0x2264,
MS_GE = (sal_Unicode) 0x2265,
MS_LESLANT = (sal_Unicode) 0x2A7D,
MS_GESLANT = (sal_Unicode) 0x2A7E,
MS_LL = (sal_Unicode) 0x226A,
MS_GG = (sal_Unicode) 0x226B,
MS_SIM = (sal_Unicode) 0x223C,
MS_SIMEQ = (sal_Unicode) 0x2243,
MS_APPROX = (sal_Unicode) 0x2248,
MS_DEF = (sal_Unicode) 0x225D,
MS_EQUIV = (sal_Unicode) 0x2261,
MS_PROP = (sal_Unicode) 0x221D,
MS_PARTIAL = (sal_Unicode) 0x2202,
MS_SUBSET = (sal_Unicode) 0x2282,
MS_SUPSET = (sal_Unicode) 0x2283,
MS_SUBSETEQ = (sal_Unicode) 0x2286,
MS_SUPSETEQ = (sal_Unicode) 0x2287,
MS_NSUBSET = (sal_Unicode) 0x2284,
MS_NSUPSET = (sal_Unicode) 0x2285,
MS_NSUBSETEQ = (sal_Unicode) 0x2288,
MS_NSUPSETEQ = (sal_Unicode) 0x2289,
MS_IN = (sal_Unicode) 0x2208,
MS_NOTIN = (sal_Unicode) 0x2209,
MS_EXISTS = (sal_Unicode) 0x2203,
MS_BACKEPSILON = (sal_Unicode) 0x220D,
MS_ALEPH = (sal_Unicode) 0x2135,
MS_IM = (sal_Unicode) 0x2111,
MS_RE = (sal_Unicode) 0x211C,
MS_WP = (sal_Unicode) 0x2118,
MS_LINE = (sal_Unicode) 0x2223,
MS_DLINE = (sal_Unicode) 0x2225,
MS_ORTHO = (sal_Unicode) 0x22A5,
MS_DOTSLOW = (sal_Unicode) 0x2026,
MS_DOTSAXIS = (sal_Unicode) 0x22EF,
MS_DOTSVERT = (sal_Unicode) 0x22EE,
MS_DOTSUP = (sal_Unicode) 0x22F0,
MS_DOTSDOWN = (sal_Unicode) 0x22F1,
MS_TRANSR = (sal_Unicode) 0x22B6,
MS_TRANSL = (sal_Unicode) 0x22B7,
MS_BACKSLASH = (sal_Unicode) 0x2216,
MS_NEG = (sal_Unicode) 0x00AC,
MS_FORALL = (sal_Unicode) 0x2200,
MS_NABLA = (sal_Unicode) 0x2207,
MS_PROD = (sal_Unicode) 0x220F,
MS_COPROD = (sal_Unicode) 0x2210,
MS_SUM = (sal_Unicode) 0x2211,
MS_SQRT = (sal_Unicode) 0x221A,
MS_INT = (sal_Unicode) 0x222B,
MS_IINT = (sal_Unicode) 0x222C,
MS_IIINT = (sal_Unicode) 0x222D,
MS_LINT = (sal_Unicode) 0x222E,
MS_LLINT = (sal_Unicode) 0x222F,
MS_LLLINT = (sal_Unicode) 0x2230,
MS_GRAVE = (sal_Unicode) 0x0300,
MS_ACUTE = (sal_Unicode) 0x0301,
MS_HAT = (sal_Unicode) 0x0302,
MS_TILDE = (sal_Unicode) 0x0303,
MS_BAR = (sal_Unicode) 0x0304,
MS_BREVE = (sal_Unicode) 0x0306,
MS_CIRCLE = (sal_Unicode) 0x030A,
MS_CHECK = (sal_Unicode) 0x030C,
MS_VEC = (sal_Unicode) 0x20D7,
MS_DOT = (sal_Unicode) 0x02D9,
MS_DDOT = (sal_Unicode) 0x00A8,
MS_DDDOT = (sal_Unicode) 0x20DB,
MS_AND = (sal_Unicode) 0x2227,
MS_OR = (sal_Unicode) 0x2228,
MS_NI = (sal_Unicode) 0x220B,
MS_EMPTYSET = (sal_Unicode) 0x2205,
MS_LPARENT = (sal_Unicode) 0x0028,
MS_RPARENT = (sal_Unicode) 0x0029,
MS_LBRACKET = (sal_Unicode) 0x005B,
MS_RBRACKET = (sal_Unicode) 0x005D,
MS_LBRACE = (sal_Unicode) 0x007B,
MS_RBRACE = (sal_Unicode) 0x007D,
MS_LCEIL = (sal_Unicode) 0x2308,
MS_RCEIL = (sal_Unicode) 0x2309,
MS_LFLOOR = (sal_Unicode) 0x230A,
MS_RFLOOR = (sal_Unicode) 0x230B,
MS_LANGLE = (sal_Unicode) 0x2329,
MS_RANGLE = (sal_Unicode) 0x232A,
MS_LDBRACKET = (sal_Unicode) 0x27E6,
MS_RDBRACKET = (sal_Unicode) 0x27E7,
MS_PLACE = (sal_Unicode) 0x2751,
MS_LAMBDABAR = (sal_Unicode) 0x019B,
MS_HBAR = (sal_Unicode) 0x210F,
MS_LEFTARROW = (sal_Unicode) 0x2190,
MS_UPARROW = (sal_Unicode) 0x2191,
MS_RIGHTARROW = (sal_Unicode) 0x2192,
MS_DOWNARROW = (sal_Unicode) 0x2193,
MS_SETN = (sal_Unicode) 0x2115,
MS_SETZ = (sal_Unicode) 0x2124,
MS_SETQ = (sal_Unicode) 0x211A,
MS_SETR = (sal_Unicode) 0x211D,
MS_SETC = (sal_Unicode) 0x2102