blob: 4f510d6a3a2d53269ca8db18b79fe31c0c530242 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
package installer::windows::msiglobal;
use Cwd;
use Digest::MD5;
use installer::converter;
use installer::exiter;
use installer::files;
use installer::globals;
use installer::logger;
use installer::pathanalyzer;
use installer::remover;
use installer::scriptitems;
use installer::systemactions;
use installer::worker;
use installer::windows::idtglobal;
use installer::windows::language;
use installer::patch::ReleasesList;
use strict;
# Generating the header of the ddf file.
# The usage of ddf files is needed, because makecab.exe can only include
# one sourcefile into a cab file
sub write_ddf_file_header
my ($ddffileref, $cabinetfile, $installdir) = @_;
my $oneline;
$oneline = ".Set CabinetName1=" . $cabinetfile . "\n";
push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline);
$oneline = ".Set ReservePerCabinetSize=128\n"; # This reserves space for a digital signature.
push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline);
$oneline = ".Set MaxDiskSize=2147483648\n"; # This allows the .cab file to get a size of 2 GB.
push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline);
$oneline = ".Set CompressionType=LZX\n";
push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline);
$oneline = ".Set Compress=ON\n";
push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline);
$oneline = ".Set CompressionLevel=$installer::globals::cabfilecompressionlevel\n";
push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline);
$oneline = ".Set Cabinet=ON\n";
push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline);
$oneline = ".Set DiskDirectoryTemplate=" . $installdir . "\n";
push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline);
# Lines in ddf files must not contain more than 256 characters
sub check_ddf_file
my ( $ddffile, $ddffilename ) = @_;
my $maxlength = 0;
my $maxline = 0;
my $linelength = 0;
my $linenumber = 0;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$ddffile}; $i++ )
my $oneline = ${$ddffile}[$i];
$linelength = length($oneline);
$linenumber = $i + 1;
if ( $linelength > 256 )
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR \"$ddffilename\" line $linenumber: Lines in ddf files must not contain more than 256 characters!", "check_ddf_file");
if ( $linelength > $maxlength )
$maxlength = $linelength;
$maxline = $linenumber;
my $infoline = "Check of ddf file \"$ddffilename\": Maximum length \"$maxlength\" in line \"$maxline\" (allowed line length: 256 characters)\n";
# Lines in ddf files must not be longer than 256 characters.
# Therefore it can be useful to use relative pathes. Then it is
# necessary to change into temp directory before calling
# makecab.exe.
sub make_relative_ddf_path
my ( $sourcepath ) = @_;
my $windowstemppath = $installer::globals::temppath;
if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i )
$windowstemppath = $installer::globals::cyg_temppath;
$sourcepath =~ s/\Q$windowstemppath\E//;
$sourcepath =~ s/^\\//;
return $sourcepath;
# Generation the list, in which the source of the files is connected
# with the cabinet destination file. Because more than one file needs
# to be included into a cab file, this has to be done via ddf files.
sub generate_cab_file_list ($$$$)
my ($filesref, $installdir, $ddfdir, $allvariables) = @_;
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Generating ddf files");
if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i )
# Make sure that all files point to the same cabinet file.
# Multiple cabinet files are not supported anymore.
my $cabinetfile = $filesref->[0]->{'cabinet'};
foreach my $onefile (@$filesref)
if ($onefile->{'cabinet'} ne $cabinetfile)
"ERROR: multiple cabinet files are not supported",
# Sort files on the sequence number.
my @sorted_files = sort {$a->{'sequencenumber'} <=> $b->{'sequencenumber'}} @$filesref;
my @ddffile = ();
write_ddf_file_header(\@ddffile, $cabinetfile, $installdir);
foreach my $onefile (@sorted_files)
my $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'};
$styles = "" unless defined $styles;
if ($styles =~ /\bDONT_PACK\b/)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf(" excluding '%s' from ddf\n", $onefile->{'uniquename'});
my $uniquename = $onefile->{'uniquename'};
my $sourcepath = $onefile->{'sourcepath'};
if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i )
$sourcepath = $onefile->{'cyg_sourcepath'};
# to avoid lines with more than 256 characters, it can be useful to use relative pathes
if ($allvariables->{'RELATIVE_PATHES_IN_DDF'})
$sourcepath = make_relative_ddf_path($sourcepath);
my $ddfline = "\"" . $sourcepath . "\"" . " " . $uniquename . "\n";
push(@ddffile, $ddfline);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf(" adding '%s' with sequence %d to ddf\n",
# creating the DDF file
my $ddffilename = $cabinetfile;
$ddffilename =~ s/.cab/.ddf/;
$ddfdir =~ s/\Q$installer::globals::separator\E\s*$//;
$ddffilename = $ddfdir . $installer::globals::separator . $ddffilename;
installer::files::save_file($ddffilename ,\@ddffile);
$installer::logger::Lang->print("Created ddf file: %s\n", $ddffilename);
# lines in ddf files must not be longer than 256 characters
check_ddf_file(\@ddffile, $ddffilename);
# collecting all ddf files
push(@installer::globals::allddffiles, $ddffilename);
# Writing the makecab system call
# Return a list with all system calls for packaging process.
my @cabfilelist = ("makecab.exe /V3 /F " . $ddffilename . " 2\>\&1 |" . "\n");
return \@cabfilelist;
# Returning the name of the msi database
sub get_msidatabasename
my ($allvariableshashref, $language) = @_;
my $databasename = $allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTNAME'} . $allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTVERSION'};
$databasename = lc($databasename);
$databasename =~ s/\.//g;
$databasename =~ s/\-//g;
$databasename =~ s/\s//g;
# possibility to overwrite the name with variable DATABASENAME
if ( $allvariableshashref->{'DATABASENAME'} )
$databasename = $allvariableshashref->{'DATABASENAME'};
if ( $language )
if (!($language eq ""))
$databasename .= "_$language";
$databasename .= ".msi";
return $databasename;
# Creating the msi database
# This works only on Windows
sub create_msi_database
my ($idtdirbase ,$msifilename) = @_;
# -f : path containing the idt files
# -d : msi database, including path
# -c : create database
# -i : include the following tables ("*" includes all available tables)
my $msidb = "msidb.exe"; # Has to be in the path
my $extraslash = ""; # Has to be set for non-ActiveState perl
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Creating msi database");
$idtdirbase = installer::converter::make_path_conform($idtdirbase);
$msifilename = installer::converter::make_path_conform($msifilename);
if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) {
# msidb.exe really wants backslashes. (And double escaping because system() expands the string.)
$idtdirbase =~ s/\//\\\\/g;
$msifilename =~ s/\//\\\\/g;
$extraslash = "\\";
my $systemcall = $msidb . " -f " . $idtdirbase . " -d " . $msifilename . " -c " . "-i " . $extraslash . "*";
my $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n";
if ($returnvalue)
$infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute $msidb!\n";
$infoline = "Success: Executed $msidb successfully!\n";
# Returning the value from sis.mlf for Summary Information Stream
sub get_value_from_sis_lng
my ($language, $languagefile, $searchstring) = @_;
my $language_block = installer::windows::idtglobal::get_language_block_from_language_file($searchstring, $languagefile);
my $newstring = installer::windows::idtglobal::get_language_string_from_language_block($language_block, $language, $searchstring);
$newstring = "\"" . $newstring . "\"";
return $newstring;
# Returning the msi version for the Summary Information Stream
sub get_msiversion_for_sis
my $msiversion = "200";
return $msiversion;
# Returning the word count for the Summary Information Stream
sub get_wordcount_for_sis
my $wordcount = "0";
return $wordcount;
# Returning the codepage for the Summary Information Stream
sub get_codepage_for_sis
my ( $language ) = @_;
my $codepage = installer::windows::language::get_windows_encoding($language);
# Codepage 65001 does not work in Summary Information Stream
if ( $codepage == 65001 ) { $codepage = 0; }
# my $codepage = "1252"; # determine dynamically in a function
# my $codepage = "65001"; # UTF-8
return $codepage;
# Returning the template for the Summary Information Stream
sub get_template_for_sis
my ( $language, $allvariables ) = @_;
my $windowslanguage = installer::windows::language::get_windows_language($language);
my $architecture = "Intel";
# Adding 256, if this is a 64 bit installation set.
if (( $allvariables->{'64BITPRODUCT'} ) && ( $allvariables->{'64BITPRODUCT'} == 1 )) { $architecture = "x64"; }
my $value = "\"" . $architecture . ";" . $windowslanguage; # adding the Windows language
$value = $value . "\""; # adding ending '"'
return $value ;
# Returning the PackageCode for the Summary Information Stream
sub get_packagecode_for_sis
# always generating a new package code for each package
my $guid = "\{" . create_guid() . "\}";
my $infoline = "PackageCode: $guid\n";
return $guid;
# Returning the title for the Summary Information Stream
sub get_title_for_sis
my ( $language, $languagefile, $searchstring ) = @_;
my $title = get_value_from_sis_lng($language, $languagefile, $searchstring );
return $title;
# Returning the author for the Summary Information Stream
sub get_author_for_sis
my $author = $installer::globals::longmanufacturer;
$author = "\"" . $author . "\"";
return $author;
# Returning the subject for the Summary Information Stream
sub get_subject_for_sis
my ( $allvariableshashref ) = @_;
my $subject = $allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTNAME'} . " " . $allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTVERSION'};
$subject = "\"" . $subject . "\"";
return $subject;
# Returning the comment for the Summary Information Stream
sub get_comment_for_sis
my ( $language, $languagefile, $searchstring ) = @_;
my $comment = get_value_from_sis_lng($language, $languagefile, $searchstring );
return $comment;
# Returning the keywords for the Summary Information Stream
sub get_keywords_for_sis
my ( $language, $languagefile, $searchstring ) = @_;
my $keywords = get_value_from_sis_lng($language, $languagefile, $searchstring );
return $keywords;
# Returning the application name for the Summary Information Stream
sub get_appname_for_sis
my ( $language, $languagefile, $searchstring ) = @_;
my $appname = get_value_from_sis_lng($language, $languagefile, $searchstring );
return $appname;
# Returning the security for the Summary Information Stream
sub get_security_for_sis
my $security = "0";
return $security;
# Writing the Summary information stream into the msi database
# This works only on Windows
sub write_summary_into_msi_database
my ($msifilename, $language, $languagefile, $allvariableshashref) = @_;
# -g : requrired msi version
# -c : codepage
# -p : template
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Writing summary information stream");
my $msiinfo = "msiinfo.exe"; # Has to be in the path
my $sislanguage = "en-US"; # title, comment, keyword and appname alway in english
my $msiversion = get_msiversion_for_sis();
my $codepage = get_codepage_for_sis($language);
my $template = get_template_for_sis($language, $allvariableshashref);
my $guid = get_packagecode_for_sis();
my $title = get_title_for_sis($sislanguage,$languagefile, "OOO_SIS_TITLE");
my $author = get_author_for_sis();
my $subject = get_subject_for_sis($allvariableshashref);
my $comment = get_comment_for_sis($sislanguage,$languagefile, "OOO_SIS_COMMENT");
my $keywords = get_keywords_for_sis($sislanguage,$languagefile, "OOO_SIS_KEYWORDS");
my $appname = get_appname_for_sis($sislanguage,$languagefile, "OOO_SIS_APPNAME");
my $security = get_security_for_sis();
my $wordcount = get_wordcount_for_sis();
$msifilename = installer::converter::make_path_conform($msifilename);
my $systemcall = $msiinfo . " " . $msifilename . " -g " . $msiversion . " -c " . $codepage
. " -p " . $template . " -v " . $guid . " -t " . $title . " -a " . $author
. " -j " . $subject . " -o " . $comment . " -k " . $keywords . " -n " . $appname
. " -u " . $security . " -w " . $wordcount;
my $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n";
if ($returnvalue)
$infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute $msiinfo!\n";
$infoline = "Success: Executed $msiinfo successfully!\n";
# For more than one language in the installation set:
# Use one database and create Transformations for all other languages
sub create_transforms
my ($languagesarray, $defaultlanguage, $installdir, $allvariableshashref) = @_;
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Creating Transforms");
my $msitran = "msitran.exe"; # Has to be in the path
$installdir = installer::converter::make_path_conform($installdir);
# Syntax for creating a transformation
# msitran.exe -g <baseDB> <referenceDB> <transformfile> [<errorhandling>}
my $basedbname = get_msidatabasename($allvariableshashref, $defaultlanguage);
$basedbname = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $basedbname;
my $errorhandling = "f"; # Suppress "change codepage" error
# Iterating over all files
foreach ( @{$languagesarray} )
my $onelanguage = $_;
if ( $onelanguage eq $defaultlanguage ) { next; }
my $referencedbname = get_msidatabasename($allvariableshashref, $onelanguage);
$referencedbname = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $referencedbname;
my $transformfile = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . "trans_" . $onelanguage . ".mst";
my $systemcall = $msitran . " " . " -g " . $basedbname . " " . $referencedbname . " " . $transformfile . " " . $errorhandling;
my $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n";
# Problem: msitran.exe in version 4.0 always returns "1", even if no failure occured.
# Therefore it has to be checked, if this is version 4.0. If yes, if the mst file
# exists and if it is larger than 0 bytes. If this is true, then no error occured.
# File Version of msitran.exe: 4.0.6000.16384 has checksum: "b66190a70145a57773ec769e16777b29".
# Same for msitran.exe from wntmsci12: "aa25d3445b94ffde8ef0c1efb77a56b8"
if ($returnvalue)
$infoline = "WARNING: Returnvalue of $msitran is not 0. Checking version of $msitran!\n";
open(FILE, "<$installer::globals::msitranpath") or die "ERROR: Can't open $installer::globals::msitranpath for creating file hash";
my $digest = Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest;
my @problemchecksums = ("b66190a70145a57773ec769e16777b29", "aa25d3445b94ffde8ef0c1efb77a56b8");
my $isproblemchecksum = 0;
foreach my $problemchecksum ( @problemchecksums )
$infoline = "Checksum of problematic MsiTran.exe: $problemchecksum\n";
$infoline = "Checksum of used MsiTran.exe: $digest\n";
if ( $digest eq $problemchecksum ) { $isproblemchecksum = 1; }
if ( $isproblemchecksum )
# Check existence of mst
if ( -f $transformfile )
$infoline = "File $transformfile exists.\n";
my $filesize = ( -s $transformfile );
$infoline = "Size of $transformfile: $filesize\n";
if ( $filesize > 0 )
$infoline = "Info: Returnvalue $returnvalue of $msitran is no problem :-) .\n";
$returnvalue = 0; # reset the error
$infoline = "Filesize indicates that an error occured.\n";
$infoline = "File $transformfile does not exist -> An error occured.\n";
$infoline = "This is not a problematic version of msitran.exe. Therefore the error is not caused by problematic msitran.exe.\n";
if ($returnvalue)
$infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute $msitran!\n";
$infoline = "Success: Executed $msitran successfully!\n";
# The reference database can be deleted
my $result = unlink($referencedbname);
# $result contains the number of deleted files
if ( $result == 0 )
$infoline = "ERROR: Could not remove file $$referencedbname !\n";
installer::exiter::exit_program($infoline, "create_transforms");
# The default language msi database does not need to contain
# the language in the database name. Therefore the file
# is renamed. Example: "openofficeorg20_01.msi" to "openofficeorg20.msi"
sub rename_msi_database_in_installset
my ($defaultlanguage, $installdir, $allvariableshashref) = @_;
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Renaming msi database");
my $olddatabasename = get_msidatabasename($allvariableshashref, $defaultlanguage);
$olddatabasename = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $olddatabasename;
my $newdatabasename = get_msidatabasename($allvariableshashref);
$installer::globals::shortmsidatabasename = $newdatabasename;
$newdatabasename = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $newdatabasename;
installer::systemactions::rename_one_file($olddatabasename, $newdatabasename);
$installer::globals::msidatabasename = $newdatabasename;
# Adding the language to the name of the msi databasename,
sub add_language_to_msi_database
my ($defaultlanguage, $installdir, $allvariables) = @_;
my $languagestring = $defaultlanguage;
if ( $allvariables->{'USELANGUAGECODE'} ) { $languagestring = installer::windows::language::get_windows_language($defaultlanguage); }
my $newdatabasename = $installer::globals::shortmsidatabasename;
$newdatabasename =~ s/\.msi\s*$/_$languagestring\.msi/;
$installer::globals::shortmsidatabasename = $newdatabasename;
$newdatabasename = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $newdatabasename;
my $olddatabasename = $installer::globals::msidatabasename;
installer::systemactions::rename_one_file($olddatabasename, $newdatabasename);
$installer::globals::msidatabasename = $newdatabasename;
# Writing the databasename into the setup.ini.
sub put_databasename_into_setupini
my ($setupinifile, $allvariableshashref) = @_;
my $databasename = get_msidatabasename($allvariableshashref);
my $line = "database=" . $databasename . "\n";
push(@{$setupinifile}, $line);
# Writing the required msi version into setup.ini
sub put_msiversion_into_setupini
my ($setupinifile) = @_;
my $msiversion = "2.0";
my $line = "msiversion=" . $msiversion . "\n";
push(@{$setupinifile}, $line);
# Writing the productname into setup.ini
sub put_productname_into_setupini
my ($setupinifile, $allvariableshashref) = @_;
my $productname = $allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTNAME'};
my $line = "productname=" . $productname . "\n";
push(@{$setupinifile}, $line);
# Writing the productcode into setup.ini
sub put_productcode_into_setupini
my ($setupinifile) = @_;
my $productcode = $installer::globals::productcode;
my $line = "productcode=" . $productcode . "\n";
push(@{$setupinifile}, $line);
# Writing the ProductVersion from Property table into setup.ini
sub put_productversion_into_setupini
my ($setupinifile) = @_;
my $line = "productversion=" . $installer::globals::msiproductversion . "\n";
push(@{$setupinifile}, $line);
# Writing the key for Minor Upgrades into setup.ini
sub put_upgradekey_into_setupini
my ($setupinifile) = @_;
if ( $installer::globals::minorupgradekey ne "" )
my $line = "upgradekey=" . $installer::globals::minorupgradekey . "\n";
push(@{$setupinifile}, $line);
# Writing the number of languages into setup.ini
sub put_languagecount_into_setupini
my ($setupinifile, $languagesarray) = @_;
my $languagecount = $#{$languagesarray} + 1;
my $line = "count=" . $languagecount . "\n";
push(@{$setupinifile}, $line);
# Writing the defaultlanguage into setup.ini
sub put_defaultlanguage_into_setupini
my ($setupinifile, $defaultlanguage) = @_;
my $windowslanguage = installer::windows::language::get_windows_language($defaultlanguage);
my $line = "default=" . $windowslanguage . "\n";
push(@{$setupinifile}, $line);
# Writing the information about transformations into setup.ini
sub put_transforms_into_setupini
my ($setupinifile, $onelanguage, $counter) = @_;
my $windowslanguage = installer::windows::language::get_windows_language($onelanguage);
my $transformfilename = "trans_" . $onelanguage . ".mst";
my $line = "lang" . $counter . "=" . $windowslanguage . "," . $transformfilename . "\n";
push(@{$setupinifile}, $line);
# Including Windows line ends in ini files
# Profiles on Windows shall have \r\n line ends
sub include_windows_lineends
my ($onefile) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$onefile}; $i++ )
${$onefile}[$i] =~ s/\r?\n$/\r\n/;
# Generation the file setup.ini, that is used by the loader setup.exe.
sub create_setup_ini
my ($languagesarray, $defaultlanguage, $installdir, $allvariableshashref) = @_;
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Creating setup.ini");
my $setupinifilename = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . "setup.ini";
my @setupinifile = ();
my $setupinifile = \@setupinifile;
my $line = "\[setup\]\n";
push(@setupinifile, $line);
put_databasename_into_setupini($setupinifile, $allvariableshashref);
put_productname_into_setupini($setupinifile, $allvariableshashref);
$line = "\[languages\]\n";
push(@setupinifile, $line);
put_languagecount_into_setupini($setupinifile, $languagesarray);
put_defaultlanguage_into_setupini($setupinifile, $defaultlanguage);
if ( $#{$languagesarray} > 0 ) # writing the transforms information
my $counter = 1;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$languagesarray}; $i++ )
if ( ${$languagesarray}[$i] eq $defaultlanguage ) { next; }
put_transforms_into_setupini($setupinifile, ${$languagesarray}[$i], $counter);
if ( $installer::globals::iswin && $installer::globals::plat =~ /cygwin/i) # Windows line ends only for Cygwin
installer::files::save_file($setupinifilename, $setupinifile);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Generated file %s\n", $setupinifilename);
# Copying the files defined as ScpActions into the
# installation set.
sub copy_scpactions_into_installset
my ($defaultlanguage, $installdir, $allscpactions) = @_;
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Copying ScpAction files into installation set");
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allscpactions}; $i++ )
my $onescpaction = ${$allscpactions}[$i];
if ( $onescpaction->{'Name'} eq "loader.exe" ) { next; } # do not copy this ScpAction loader
# only copying language independent files or files with the correct language (the defaultlanguage)
my $filelanguage = $onescpaction->{'specificlanguage'};
if ( ($filelanguage eq $defaultlanguage) || ($filelanguage eq "") )
my $sourcefile = $onescpaction->{'sourcepath'};
my $destfile = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $onescpaction->{'DestinationName'};
installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcefile, $destfile);
# Copying the files for the Windows installer into the
# installation set (setup.exe).
sub copy_windows_installer_files_into_installset
my ($installdir, $includepatharrayref, $allvariables) = @_;
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Copying Windows installer files into installation set");
my @copyfile = ();
push(@copyfile, "loader2.exe");
if ( $allvariables->{'NOLOADERREQUIRED'} ) { @copyfile = (); }
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#copyfile; $i++ )
my $filename = $copyfile[$i];
my $sourcefileref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$filename, $includepatharrayref, 1);
if ( ! -f $$sourcefileref ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: msi file not found: $$sourcefileref !", "copy_windows_installer_files_into_installset"); }
my $destfile;
if ( $copyfile[$i] eq "loader2.exe" ) { $destfile = "setup.exe"; } # renaming the loader
else { $destfile = $copyfile[$i]; }
$destfile = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $destfile;
installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($$sourcefileref, $destfile);
# Copying the child projects into the
# installation set
sub copy_child_projects_into_installset
my ($installdir, $allvariables) = @_;
my $sourcefile = "";
my $destdir = "";
# adding Java
if ( $allvariables->{'JAVAPRODUCT'} )
$sourcefile = $installer::globals::javafile->{'sourcepath'};
$destdir = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $installer::globals::javafile->{'Subdir'};
if ( ! -d $destdir) { installer::systemactions::create_directory($destdir); }
installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcefile, $destdir);
if ( $allvariables->{'UREPRODUCT'} )
$sourcefile = $installer::globals::urefile->{'sourcepath'};
$destdir = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $installer::globals::urefile->{'Subdir'};
if ( ! -d $destdir) { installer::systemactions::create_directory($destdir); }
installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcefile, $destdir);
=head2 create_guid ()
Create a single UUID aka GUID via calling the external executable 'uuidgen'.
There are Perl modules for that, but do they exist on the build bots?
sub create_guid ()
my $uuid = qx("uuidgen");
$uuid =~ s/\s*$//;
return uc($uuid);
# Calculating a GUID with a string using md5.
sub calculate_guid
my ( $string ) = @_;
my $guid = "";
my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
my $digest = $md5->hexdigest;
$digest = uc($digest);
# my $id = pack("A32", $digest);
my ($first, $second, $third, $fourth, $fifth) = unpack ('A8 A4 A4 A4 A12', $digest);
$guid = "$first-$second-$third-$fourth-$fifth";
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("guid for '%s' is %s\n",
$string, $guid);
return $guid;
# Calculating a ID with a string using md5 (very fast).
sub calculate_id
my ( $string, $length ) = @_;
my $id = "";
my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
my $digest = lc($md5->hexdigest);
$id = substr($digest, 0, $length);
return $id;
# Filling the component hash with the values of the
# component file.
sub fill_component_hash
my ($componentfile) = @_;
my %components = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$componentfile}; $i++ )
my $line = ${$componentfile}[$i];
if ( $line =~ /^\s*(.*?)\t(.*?)\s*$/ )
my $key = $1;
my $value = $2;
$components{$key} = $value;
return \%components;
# Creating a new component file, if new guids were generated.
sub create_new_component_file
my ($componenthash) = @_;
my @componentfile = ();
my $key;
foreach $key (keys %{$componenthash})
my $value = $componenthash->{$key};
my $input = "$key\t$value\n";
push(@componentfile ,$input);
return \@componentfile;
# Filling real component GUID into the component table.
# This works only on Windows
sub __set_uuid_into_component_table
my ($idtdirbase, $allvariables) = @_;
my $componenttablename = $idtdirbase . $installer::globals::separator . "Componen.idt";
my $componenttable = installer::files::read_file($componenttablename);
# For update and patch reasons (small update) the GUID of an existing component must not change!
# The collection of component GUIDs is saved in the directory $installer::globals::idttemplatepath in the file "components.txt"
my $infoline = "";
my $counter = 0;
# my $componentfile = installer::files::read_file($installer::globals::componentfilename);
# my $componenthash = fill_component_hash($componentfile);
for ( my $i = 3; $i <= $#{$componenttable}; $i++ ) # ignoring the first three lines
my $oneline = ${$componenttable}[$i];
my $componentname = "";
if ( $oneline =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\t/ ) { $componentname = $1; }
my $uuid = "";
# if ( $componenthash->{$componentname} )
# {
# $uuid = $componenthash->{$componentname};
# }
# else
# {
if ( exists($installer::globals::calculated_component_guids{$componentname}))
$uuid = $installer::globals::calculated_component_guids{$componentname};
# Calculating new GUID with the help of the component name.
my $useooobaseversion = 1;
if ( exists($installer::globals::base_independent_components{$componentname}))
$useooobaseversion = 0;
my $sourcestring = $componentname;
if ( $useooobaseversion )
if ( ! exists($allvariables->{'OOOBASEVERSION'}) )
"ERROR: Could not find variable \"OOOBASEVERSION\" (required value for GUID creation)!",
$sourcestring = $sourcestring . "_" . $allvariables->{'OOOBASEVERSION'};
$uuid = calculate_guid($sourcestring);
# checking, if there is a conflict with an already created guid
if ( exists($installer::globals::allcalculated_guids{$uuid}) )
"ERROR: \"$uuid\" was already created before!",
$installer::globals::allcalculated_guids{$uuid} = 1;
$installer::globals::calculated_component_guids{$componentname} = $uuid;
# Setting new uuid
# $componenthash->{$componentname} = $uuid;
# Setting flag
# $installer::globals::created_new_component_guid = 1; # this is very important!
# }
${$componenttable}[$i] =~ s/COMPONENTGUID/$uuid/;
installer::files::save_file($componenttablename, $componenttable);
# if ( $installer::globals::created_new_component_guid )
# {
# # create new component file!
# $componentfile = create_new_component_file($componenthash);
# installer::worker::sort_array($componentfile);
# # To avoid conflict the components file cannot be saved at the same place
# # All important data have to be saved in the directory: $installer::globals::infodirectory
# my $localcomponentfilename = $installer::globals::componentfilename;
# installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$localcomponentfilename);
# $localcomponentfilename = $installer::globals::infodirectory . $installer::globals::separator . $localcomponentfilename;
# installer::files::save_file($localcomponentfilename, $componentfile);
# # installer::files::save_file($installer::globals::componentfilename, $componentfile); # version using new file in solver
# $infoline = "COMPONENTCODES: Created $counter new GUIDs for components ! \n";
# $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline);
# }
# else
# {
# $infoline = "SUCCESS COMPONENTCODES: All component codes exist! \n";
# $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline);
# }
# Adding final 64 properties into msi database, if required.
# RegLocator : +16 in type column to search in 64 bit registry.
# All conditions: "VersionNT" -> "VersionNT64" (several tables).
# Already done: "+256" in Attributes column of table "Component".
# Still following: Setting "x64" instead of "Intel" in Summary
# Information Stream of msi database in "get_template_for_sis".
sub prepare_64bit_database
my ($basedir, $allvariables) = @_;
my $infoline = "";
if (( $allvariables->{'64BITPRODUCT'} ) && ( $allvariables->{'64BITPRODUCT'} == 1 ))
# 1. Beginning with table "RegLocat.idt". Adding "16" to the type.
my $reglocatfile = "";
my $reglocatfilename = $basedir . $installer::globals::separator . "RegLocat.idt";
if ( -f $reglocatfilename )
my $saving_required = 0;
$reglocatfile = installer::files::read_file($reglocatfilename);
for ( my $i = 3; $i <= $#{$reglocatfile}; $i++ ) # ignoring the first three lines
my $oneline = ${$reglocatfile}[$i];
if ( $oneline =~ /^\s*\#/ ) { next; } # this is a comment line
if ( $oneline =~ /^\s*$/ ) { next; }
if ( $oneline =~ /^\s*(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(\d+)\s*$/ )
# Syntax: Signature_ Root Key Name Type
my $sig = $1;
my $root = $2;
my $key = $3;
my $name = $4;
my $type = $5;
$type = $type + 16;
my $newline = $sig . "\t" . $root . "\t" . $key . "\t" . $name . "\t" . $type . "\n";
${$reglocatfile}[$i] = $newline;
$saving_required = 1;
if ( $saving_required )
# Saving the files
installer::files::save_file($reglocatfilename ,$reglocatfile);
$infoline = "Making idt file 64 bit conform: $reglocatfilename\n";
# 2. Replacing all occurences of "VersionNT" by "VersionNT64"
my @versionnt_files = ("Componen.idt", "InstallE.idt", "InstallU.idt", "LaunchCo.idt");
foreach my $onefile ( @versionnt_files )
my $fullfilename = $basedir . $installer::globals::separator . $onefile;
if ( -f $fullfilename )
my $saving_required = 0;
my $filecontent = installer::files::read_file($fullfilename);
for ( my $i = 3; $i <= $#{$filecontent}; $i++ ) # ignoring the first three lines
my $oneline = ${$filecontent}[$i];
if ( $oneline =~ /\bVersionNT\b/ )
${$filecontent}[$i] =~ s/\bVersionNT\b/VersionNT64/g;
$saving_required = 1;
if ( $saving_required )
# Saving the files
installer::files::save_file($fullfilename ,$filecontent);
$infoline = "Making idt file 64 bit conform: $fullfilename\n";
# Include all cab files into the msi database.
# This works only on Windows
sub include_cabs_into_msi
my ($installdir) = @_;
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Including cabs into msi database");
my $from = cwd();
my $to = $installdir;
my $infoline = "Changing into directory: $to";
my $msidb = "msidb.exe"; # Has to be in the path
my $extraslash = ""; # Has to be set for non-ActiveState perl
my $msifilename = $installer::globals::msidatabasename;
$msifilename = installer::converter::make_path_conform($msifilename);
# msidb.exe really wants backslashes. (And double escaping because system() expands the string.)
$msifilename =~ s/\//\\\\/g;
$extraslash = "\\";
my $allcabfiles = installer::systemactions::find_file_with_file_extension("cab", $installdir);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allcabfiles}; $i++ )
my $systemcall = $msidb . " -d " . $msifilename . " -a " . ${$allcabfiles}[$i];
my $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
$infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n";
if ($returnvalue)
$infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute $systemcall !\n";
$infoline = "Success: Executed $systemcall successfully!\n";
# deleting the cab file
$infoline = "Deleted cab file: ${$allcabfiles}[$i]\n";
$infoline = "Changing back into directory: $from";
# Executing the created batch file to pack all files.
# This works only on Windows
sub execute_packaging
my ($localpackjobref, $loggingdir, $allvariables) = @_;
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Packaging process");
$installer::logger::Lang->add_timestamp("Performance Info: Execute packaging start");
my $infoline = "";
my $from = cwd();
my $to = $loggingdir;
$infoline = "chdir: $to \n";
# if the ddf file contains relative pathes, it is necessary to change into the temp directory
if ( $allvariables->{'RELATIVE_PATHES_IN_DDF'} )
$to = $installer::globals::temppath;
$infoline = "chdir: $to \n";
# changing the tmp directory, because makecab.exe generates temporary cab files
my $origtemppath = "";
if ( $ENV{'TMP'} ) { $origtemppath = $ENV{'TMP'}; }
$ENV{'TMP'} = $installer::globals::temppath; # setting TMP to the new unique directory!
my $maxmakecabcalls = 3;
my $allmakecabcalls = $#{$localpackjobref} + 1;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$localpackjobref}; $i++ )
my $systemcall = ${$localpackjobref}[$i];
my $callscounter = $i + 1;
$installer::logger::Info->printf("... makecab.exe (%s/%s) ... \n", $callscounter, $allmakecabcalls);
# my $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
for ( my $n = 1; $n <= $maxmakecabcalls; $n++ )
my @ddfoutput = ();
$infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall";
open (DDF, "$systemcall");
while (<DDF>) {push(@ddfoutput, $_); }
close (DDF);
my $returnvalue = $?; # $? contains the return value of the systemcall
if ($returnvalue)
if ( $n < $maxmakecabcalls )
$installer::logger::Info->printf("makecab_error (Try %s): Trying again\n", $n);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("makecab_error (Try %s): Trying again\n", $n);
$installer::logger::Info->printf("ERROR (Try %s): Abort packing \n", $n);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("ERROR (Try %s): Abort packing \n", $n);
for ( my $m = 0; $m <= $#ddfoutput; $m++ )
if ( $ddfoutput[$m] =~ /(ERROR\:.*?)\s*$/ )
$infoline = $1 . "\n";
if ( $n < $maxmakecabcalls )
$infoline =~ s/ERROR\:/makecab_error\:/i;
if ( $n == $maxmakecabcalls ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: \"$systemcall\"!", "execute_packaging"); }
$infoline = "Success (Try $n): $systemcall";
$installer::logger::Lang->add_timestamp("Performance Info: Execute packaging end");
# setting back to the original tmp directory
$ENV{'TMP'} = $origtemppath;
$infoline = "chdir: $from \n";
=head2 get_source_codes($languagesref)
Return product code and upgrade code from the source version.
When no source version is defined then return undef for both.
sub get_source_codes ($)
my ($languagesref) = @_;
if ( ! $installer::globals::is_release)
return (undef, undef);
elsif ( ! defined $installer::globals::source_version)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("no source version defined\n");
return (undef, undef);
my $onelanguage = installer::languages::get_key_language($languagesref);
my $release_data = installer::patch::ReleasesList::Instance()
if (defined $release_data)
my $normalized_language = installer::languages::get_normalized_language($languagesref);
my $language_data = $release_data->{$normalized_language};
if (defined $language_data)
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("source product code is %s\n", $language_data->{'product-code'});
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("source upgrade code is %s\n", $release_data->{'upgrade-code'});
return (
"Warning: can not access information about previous version %s and language %s/%s/%s\n",
join(", ",@$languagesref),
return (undef,undef);
$installer::logger::Info->printf("Warning: can not access information about previous version %s\n",
return (undef,undef);
=head2 set_global_code_variables ($languagesref, $allvariableshashref)
Determine values for the product code and upgrade code of the target version.
As perparation for building a Windows patch, certain conditions have to be fullfilled.
- The upgrade code changes from old to new version
- The product code remains the same
In order to inforce that we have to access information about the source version.
The resulting values are stored as global variables
and as variables in the given hash
sub set_global_code_variables ($$)
my ($languagesref, $allvariableshashref) = @_;
my ($source_product_code, $source_upgrade_code) = get_source_codes($languagesref);
my ($target_product_code, $target_upgrade_code) = (undef, undef);
if (defined $source_product_code && defined $source_upgrade_code)
if ($installer::globals::is_major_release)
# For a major release we have to change the product code.
$target_product_code = "{" . create_guid() . "}";
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("building a major release, created new product code %s\n",
# Let's do a paranoia check that the new and the old guids are
# different. In reality the new guid really has to be
# different from all other guids used for * codes, components,
# etc.
if ($target_product_code eq $source_product_code)
"new GUID for product code is the same as the old product code but should be different.");
# For minor or micro releases we have to keeep the old product code.
$target_product_code = "{" . $source_product_code . "}";
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("building a minor or micro release, reusing product code %s\n",
$target_upgrade_code = "{" . create_guid() . "}";
# Again, just one test for paranoia.
if ($target_upgrade_code eq $source_upgrade_code)
"new GUID for upgrade code is the same as the old upgrade code but should be different.");
# There is no previous version with which to compare the product code.
# Just create two new uuids.
$target_product_code = "{" . create_guid() . "}";
$target_upgrade_code = "{" . create_guid() . "}";
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("there is no source version => created new guids\n");
# Keep the upgrade code constant between versions. Read it from the codes.txt file.
# Note that this handles regular installation sets and language packs.
my $onelanguage = ${$languagesref}[0];
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("reading upgrade code for language %s from %s\n",
if (defined $installer::globals::codefilename)
my $code_filename = $installer::globals::codefilename;
my $codefile = installer::files::read_file($code_filename);
my $searchstring = "UPGRADECODE";
my $codeblock = installer::windows::idtglobal::get_language_block_from_language_file(
$target_upgrade_code = installer::windows::idtglobal::get_language_string_from_language_block(
# else use the previously generated upgrade code.
$installer::globals::productcode = $target_product_code;
$installer::globals::upgradecode = $target_upgrade_code;
$allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTCODE'} = $target_product_code;
$allvariableshashref->{'UPGRADECODE'} = $target_upgrade_code;
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("target product code is %s\n", $target_product_code);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("target upgrade code is %s\n", $target_upgrade_code);
# Setting the product version used in property table and
# upgrade table. Saving in global variable $msiproductversion
sub set_msiproductversion
my ( $allvariables ) = @_;
my $productversion = $allvariables->{'PRODUCTVERSION'};
if (( $productversion =~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/ ) && ( $productversion > 255 )) { $productversion = $productversion%256; }
if ( $productversion =~ /^\s*(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\s*$/ )
$productversion = $1 . "\." . $2 . $3 . "\." . $installer::globals::buildid;
elsif ( $productversion =~ /^\s*(\d+)\.(\d+)\s*$/ )
$productversion = $1 . "\." . $2 . "\." . $installer::globals::buildid;
my $productminor = "00";
if (( $allvariables->{'PACKAGEVERSION'} ) && ( $allvariables->{'PACKAGEVERSION'} ne "" ))
if ( $allvariables->{'PACKAGEVERSION'} =~ /^\s*(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\s*$/ ) { $productminor = $2; }
$productversion = $productversion . "\." . $productminor . "\." . $installer::globals::buildid;
$installer::globals::msiproductversion = $productversion;
# Setting $installer::globals::msimajorproductversion, to differ between old version in upgrade table
if ( $installer::globals::msiproductversion =~ /^\s*(\d+)\./ )
my $major = $1;
$installer::globals::msimajorproductversion = $major . "\.0\.0";
# Including the msi product version into the bootstrap.ini, Windows only
sub put_msiproductversion_into_bootstrapfile
my ($filesref) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i];
if ( $onefile->{'gid'} eq "gid_Profile_Version_Ini" )
my $file = installer::files::read_file($onefile->{'sourcepath'});
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$file}; $j++ )
${$file}[$j] =~ s/\<msiproductversion\>/$installer::globals::msiproductversion/;
installer::files::save_file($onefile->{'sourcepath'}, $file);
# Updating the file Property.idt dynamically
# Content:
# Property Value
sub update_reglocat_table
my ($basedir, $allvariables) = @_;
my $reglocatfilename = $basedir . $installer::globals::separator . "RegLocat.idt";
# Only do something, if this file exists
if ( -f $reglocatfilename )
my $reglocatfile = installer::files::read_file($reglocatfilename);
my $layername = "";
if ( $allvariables->{'REGISTRYLAYERNAME'} )
$layername = $allvariables->{'REGISTRYLAYERNAME'};
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$reglocatfile}; $i++ )
if ( ${$reglocatfile}[$i] =~ /\bLAYERNAMETEMPLATE\b/ )
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Variable \"REGISTRYLAYERNAME\" has to be defined", "update_reglocat_table");
if ( $layername ne "" )
# Updating the layername in
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$reglocatfile}; $i++ )
${$reglocatfile}[$i] =~ s/\bLAYERNAMETEMPLATE\b/$layername/;
# Saving the file
installer::files::save_file($reglocatfilename ,$reglocatfile);
my $infoline = "Updated idt file: $reglocatfilename\n";
# Updating the file RemoveRe.idt dynamically (RemoveRegistry.idt)
# The name of the component has to be replaced.
sub update_removere_table
my ($basedir) = @_;
my $removeregistryfilename = $basedir . $installer::globals::separator . "RemoveRe.idt";
# Only do something, if this file exists
if ( -f $removeregistryfilename )
my $removeregistryfile = installer::files::read_file($removeregistryfilename);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$removeregistryfile}; $i++ )
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$removeregistryfile}; $i++ )
${$removeregistryfile}[$i] =~ s/\bREGISTRYROOTCOMPONENT\b/$installer::globals::registryrootcomponent/;
# Saving the file
installer::files::save_file($removeregistryfilename ,$removeregistryfile);
my $infoline = "Updated idt file: $removeregistryfilename \n";