blob: a02f29af106cbe3f500abfbeb165beaa085f4457 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
package installer::windows::media;
use installer::exiter;
use installer::files;
use installer::globals;
use installer::windows::idtglobal;
# Returning the diskid for the media table.
sub get_media_diskid
my ($id) = @_;
return $id;
# Returning the lastsequence for the media table.
sub get_media_lastsequence
my ($fileref) = @_;
return $fileref->{'sequencenumber'};
# Returning the diskprompt for the media table.
sub get_media_diskprompt
return 1;
# Returning the cabinet file name for the media table.
sub get_media_cabinet
my ($id) = @_;
my $number = 1000 + $id;
my $filename = "f_" . $number . ".cab";
if ( $installer::globals::include_cab_in_msi ) { $filename = "\#" . $filename; }
return $filename;
# Returning the volumelabel for the media table.
sub get_media_volumelabel
return "DISK1";
# Returning the source for the media table.
sub get_media_source
return "";
# Saving the cabinet file name in the files collector.
# This is useful for making a list to connect the
# source of each file with the destination cabinet file.
sub set_cabinetfilename_for_component_in_file_collector
my ($cabinetfilename, $filesref, $componentname, $max) = @_;
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $max; $i++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i];
my $component = $onefile->{'componentname'};
if ( $component eq $componentname )
my $cabinet = "";
if ( $onefile->{'cabinet'} ) { $cabinet = $onefile->{'cabinet'}; }
if ( $cabinet eq "" )
$onefile->{'cabinet'} = $cabinetfilename;
# Creating the cab file name dynamically
sub generate_cab_filename_for_some_cabs
my ( $allvariables, $id ) = @_;
my $name = $allvariables->{'PRODUCTNAME'};
$name = lc($name);
$name =~ s/\.//g;
$name =~ s/\s//g;
# possibility to overwrite the name with variable CABFILENAME
if ( $allvariables->{'CABFILENAME'} ) { $name = $allvariables->{'CABFILENAME'}; }
$name = $name . $id . ".cab";
if ( $installer::globals::include_cab_in_msi ) { $name = "\#" . $name; }
return $name;
# Creating the cab file name for cab files
# defined in packages.
sub get_cabfilename
my ($name) = @_;
if ( $installer::globals::include_cab_in_msi ) { $name = "\#" . $name; }
return $name;
# Creating the cab file name dynamically
sub generate_cab_filename
my ( $allvariables ) = @_;
my $name = $allvariables->{'PRODUCTNAME'};
$name = lc($name);
$name =~ s/\.//g;
$name =~ s/\s//g;
# possibility to overwrite the name with variable CABFILENAME
if ( $allvariables->{'CABFILENAME'} ) { $name = $allvariables->{'CABFILENAME'}; }
$name = $name . ".cab";
if ( $installer::globals::include_cab_in_msi ) { $name = "\#" . $name; }
return $name;
sub get_maximum_filenumber
my ($allfiles, $maxcabfilenumber) = @_;
my $maxfile = 0;
while ( ! ( $allfiles%$maxcabfilenumber == 0 ))
$maxfile = $allfiles / $maxcabfilenumber;
$maxfile++; # for securitry
return $maxfile;
# Setting the last sequence for the cabinet files
sub get_last_sequence
my ( $cabfilename, $alludpatelastsequences ) = @_;
my $sequence = $installer::globals::lastsequence{$cabfilename};
return $sequence;
# Creating the file Media.idt dynamically
# Content:
# DiskId LastSequence DiskPrompt Cabinet VolumeLabel Source
# Idea: Every component is packed into each own cab file
sub create_media_table
my ($filesref, $basedir, $allvariables) = @_;
my @mediatable = ();
my $diskid = 0;
installer::windows::idtglobal::write_idt_header(\@mediatable, "media");
if ( $allvariables->{'INCLUDE_CAB_IN_MSI'} ) { $installer::globals::include_cab_in_msi = 1; }
if ( $installer::globals::fix_number_of_cab_files )
# number of cabfiles
my $maxcabfilenumber = $installer::globals::number_of_cabfiles;
if ( $allvariables->{'CABFILENUMBER'} ) { $maxcabfilenumber = $allvariables->{'CABFILENUMBER'}; }
my $allfiles = $#{$filesref} + 1;
my $maxfilenumber = get_maximum_filenumber($allfiles, $maxcabfilenumber);
# my $maxfilenumber = 1000; # maximum 1000 files in each cabinet file
my $cabfilenumber = 0;
my $cabfull = 0;
my $counter = 0;
# Sorting of files collector files required !
# Attention: The order in the cab file is not guaranteed (especially in udpate process)
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ )
if (( $counter >= $maxfilenumber ) || ( $i == $#{$filesref} )) { $cabfull = 1; }
$counter++; # counting the files in the cab file
my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i];
my $nextfile = ${$filesref}[$i+1];
my $filecomponent = "";
my $nextcomponent = "";
if ( $onefile->{'componentname'} ) { $filecomponent = $onefile->{'componentname'}; }
if ( $nextfile->{'componentname'} ) { $nextcomponent = $nextfile->{'componentname'}; }
if ( $filecomponent eq $nextcomponent ) # all files of one component have to be in one cab file
next; # nothing to do, this is not the last file of a component
if ( $cabfull )
my %media = ();
$media{'DiskId'} = get_media_diskid($cabfilenumber);
# $media{'LastSequence'} = get_media_lastsequence($onefile);
$media{'LastSequence'} = $i + 1; # This should be correct, also for unsorted files collectors
$media{'DiskPrompt'} = get_media_diskprompt();
$media{'Cabinet'} = generate_cab_filename_for_some_cabs($allvariables, $cabfilenumber);
$media{'VolumeLabel'} = get_media_volumelabel();
$media{'Source'} = get_media_source();
my $oneline = $media{'DiskId'} . "\t" . $media{'LastSequence'} . "\t" . $media{'DiskPrompt'} . "\t"
. $media{'Cabinet'} . "\t" . $media{'VolumeLabel'} . "\t" . $media{'Source'} . "\n";
push(@mediatable, $oneline);
# Saving the cabinet file name in the file collector
$media{'Cabinet'} =~ s/^\s*\#//; # removing leading hash
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++ )
my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$j];
if ( ! $onefile->{'cabinet'} ) { $onefile->{'cabinet'} = $media{'Cabinet'}; }
$cabfull = 0;
$counter = 0;
installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No cab file specification in !", "create_media_table");
# Saving the file
my $mediatablename = $basedir . $installer::globals::separator . "Media.idt";
installer::files::save_file($mediatablename ,\@mediatable);
$installer::logger::Lang->printf("Created idt file: %s\n", $mediatablename);