blob: 7219ad4e66b63411bcaab5183cf723a8a1271d22 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
package installer::logger;
use installer::files;
use installer::globals;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use English;
use IO::Handle;
use strict;
my $StartTime = undef;
sub PrintStackTrace ();
sub Die ($);
=head1 NAME
Logging for the installer modules.
This module is in a transition state from a set of loosly connected functions to a single class.
There are three globaly available logger objects:
=item $Lang
is language specific and writes messages to a log file.
=item $Glob
is independent of the current language. Its messages are prepended to each $Lang logger.
=item $Info
is for output to the console.
our $Global = installer::logger->new("glob",
'is_save_lines' => 1,
'is_print_to_console' => 0,
'is_show_relative_time' => 1);
our $Lang = installer::logger->new("lang",
'is_print_to_console' => 0,
'is_show_relative_time' => 1,
'is_show_log_id' => 1
our $Info = installer::logger->new("info",
'is_show_relative_time' => 0,
'is_show_process_id' => 0,
'is_show_log_id' => 0
=head2 SetupSimpleLogging ($filename)
Setup logging so that $Global, $Lang and $Info all print to the console.
If $filename is given then logging also goes to that file.
sub SetupSimpleLogging (;$)
my ($log_filename) = @_;
$Info = installer::logger->new("info",
'is_print_to_console' => 1,
'is_show_relative_time' => 1,
$Global = installer::logger->new("glob",
'is_print_to_console' => 0,
'is_show_relative_time' => 1,
'forward' => [$Info]
$Lang = installer::logger->new("lang",
'is_print_to_console' => 0,
'is_show_relative_time' => 1,
'forward' => [$Info]
if (defined $log_filename)
$Info->{'is_print_to_console'} = 1;
$installer::globals::quiet = 0;
=head2 new($class, $id, @arguments)
Create a new instance of the logger class.
@arguments lets you override default values.
sub new ($$@)
my ($class, $id, @arguments) = @_;
my $self = {
'id' => $id,
'filename' => "",
# When set then lines are printed to this file.
'file' => undef,
# When true then lines are printed to the console.
'is_print_to_console' => 1,
'is_save_lines' => 0,
# A container of printed lines. Lines are added only when 'is_save_lines' is true.
'lines' => [],
# Another logger to which all prints are forwarded.
'forward' => [],
# A filter function that for example can recoginze build errors.
'filter' => undef,
# Show relative time
'is_show_relative_time' => 0,
# Show log id (mostly for debugging the logger)
'is_show_log_id' => 0,
# Show the process id, useful on the console when doing a multiprocessor build.
'is_show_process_id' => 0,
# Current indentation
'indentation' => "",
while (scalar @arguments >= 2)
my $key = shift @arguments;
my $value = shift @arguments;
$self->{$key} = $value;
bless($self, $class);
return $self;
=head2 printf($self, $message, @arguments)
Identical in syntax and semantics to the usual perl (s)printf.
sub printf ($$@)
my ($self, $format, @arguments) = @_;
if ($format =~ /\%\{/)
printf(">%s<\n", $format);
my $message = sprintf($format, @arguments);
$self->print($message, 0);
=head2 print ($self, $message, [optional] $force)
Print the given message.
If the optional $force parameter is given and it evaluates to true then the message
is printed even when the golbal $installer::globals::quiet is true.
sub print ($$;$)
my ($self, $message, $force) = @_;
Die "newline at start of line" if ($message =~ /^\n.+/);
$force = 0 unless defined $force;
my $relative_time = tv_interval($StartTime, [gettimeofday()]);
foreach my $target ($self, @{$self->{'forward'}})
=head2 process_line ($self, $relative_time, $log_id, $pid, $message, $force)
Internal function that decides whether to
a) write to a log file
b) print to the console
c) store in an array for later use
the preformatted message.
sub process_line ($$$$$$)
my ($self, $relative_time, $log_id, $pid, $message, $force) = @_;
# Apply the line filter.
if (defined $self->{'filter'})
$message = &{$self->{'filter'}}($relative_time, $log_id, $pid, $message);
# Format the line.
my $line = "";
if ($self->{'is_show_relative_time'})
$line .= sprintf("%12.6f : ", $relative_time);
if ($self->{'is_show_log_id'})
$line .= $log_id . " : ";
if ($self->{'is_show_process_id'})
$line .= $pid . " : ";
$line .= $self->{'indentation'};
$line .= $message;
# Print the line to a file or to the console or store it for later use.
my $fid = $self->{'file'};
if (defined $fid)
print $fid ($line);
if (($force || ! $installer::globals::quiet)
&& $self->{'is_print_to_console'})
if ($self->{'is_save_lines'})
push @{$self->{'lines'}}, [$relative_time, $log_id, $pid, $message, $force];
=head2 set_filename (Self, $filename)
When the name of a writable file is given then all future messages will go to that file.
Output to the console is turned off.
This method is typically used to tie the language dependent $Lang logger to different log files.
sub set_filename ($$)
my ($self, $filename) = @_;
$filename = "" unless defined $filename;
if ($self->{'filename'} ne $filename)
if (defined $self->{'file'})
$self->{'is_print_to_console'} = 1;
close $self->{'file'};
$self->{'file'} = undef;
$self->{'filename'} = $filename;
if ($filename ne "")
open $self->{'file'}, ">", $self->{'filename'}
|| Die "can not open log file ".$self->{'filename'}." for writing";
$self->{'is_print_to_console'} = 0;
# Make all writes synchronous so that we don't loose any messages on an
# 'abrupt' end.
my $handle = select $self->{'file'};
$| = 1;
select $handle;
=head2 set_filter ($self, $filter)
Sets $filter (a function reference) as line filter. It is applied to each line.
The filter can extract information from the given message and modify it before it is printed.
sub set_filter ($$)
my ($self, $filter) = @_;
$self->{'filter'} = $filter;
=head2 add_timestamp ($self, $message)
Print the given message together with the current (absolute) time.
sub add_timestamp ($$)
my ($self, $message) = @_;
my $timestring = get_time_string();
$self->printf("%s\t%s", $message, $timestring);
=head2 copy_lines_from ($self, $other)
Copy saved lines from another logger object.
sub copy_lines_from ($$)
my ($self, $other) = @_;
my $is_print_to_console = $self->{'is_print_to_console'};
my $is_save_lines = $self->{'is_save_lines'};
my $fid = $self->{'file'};
foreach my $line (@{$other->{'lines'}})
=head2 set_forward ($self, $other)
Set a forwarding target. All future messages are forwarded (copied) to $other.
A typical use is to tie $Info to $Lang so that all messages sent to $Info are
printed to the console AND written to the log file.
sub set_forward ($$)
my ($self, $other) = @_;
# At the moment at most one forward target is allowed.
if (defined $other)
$self->{'forward'} = [$other];
$self->{'forward'} = [];
sub increase_indentation ($)
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{'indentation'} .= " ";
sub decrease_indentation ($)
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{'indentation'} = substr($self->{'indentation'}, 4);
# Including header files into the logfile
sub include_header_into_logfile
my ($message) = @_;
# Including header files into the logfile
sub include_header_into_globallogfile
my ($message) = @_;
# Write timestamp into log file
sub include_timestamp_into_logfile
Die "deprected";
my ($message) = @_;
my $infoline;
my $timestring = get_time_string();
$Lang->printf("%s\t%s", $message, $timestring);
# Writing all variables content into the log file
sub log_hashref
my ($hashref) = @_;
$Global->print("Logging variable settings:\n");
my $itemkey;
foreach $itemkey ( keys %{$hashref} )
my $line = "";
my $itemvalue = "";
if ( $hashref->{$itemkey} ) { $itemvalue = $hashref->{$itemkey}; }
$Global->printf("%s=%s\n", $itemkey, $itemvalue);
# Including global logging info into global log array
sub globallog
my ($message) = @_;
my $infoline;
# For each product (new language) a new log file is created.
# Therefore the global logging has to be saved in this file.
sub copy_globalinfo_into_logfile
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#installer::globals::globallogfileinfo; $i++ )
push(@installer::globals::logfileinfo, $installer::globals::globallogfileinfo[$i]);
# For each product (new language) a new log file is created.
# Therefore the global logging has to be saved in this file.
sub debuginfo
my ( $message ) = @_;
$message = $message . "\n";
push(@installer::globals::functioncalls, $message);
# Saving the debug information.
sub savedebug
my ( $outputdir ) = @_;
installer::files::save_file($outputdir . $installer::globals::debugfilename, \@installer::globals::functioncalls);
print_message( "... writing debug file " . $outputdir . $installer::globals::debugfilename . "\n" );
# Starting the time
sub starttime
$installer::globals::starttime = time();
$StartTime = [gettimeofday()];
my $localtime = localtime();
# Convert time string
sub convert_timestring
my ($secondstring) = @_;
my $timestring = "";
if ( $secondstring < 60 ) # less than a minute
if ( $secondstring < 10 ) { $secondstring = "0" . $secondstring; }
$timestring = "00\:$secondstring min\.";
elsif ( $secondstring < 3600 )
my $minutes = $secondstring / 60;
my $seconds = $secondstring % 60;
if ( $minutes =~ /(\d*)\.\d*/ ) { $minutes = $1; }
if ( $minutes < 10 ) { $minutes = "0" . $minutes; }
if ( $seconds < 10 ) { $seconds = "0" . $seconds; }
$timestring = "$minutes\:$seconds min\.";
else # more than one hour
my $hours = $secondstring / 3600;
my $secondstring = $secondstring % 3600;
my $minutes = $secondstring / 60;
my $seconds = $secondstring % 60;
if ( $hours =~ /(\d*)\.\d*/ ) { $hours = $1; }
if ( $minutes =~ /(\d*)\.\d*/ ) { $minutes = $1; }
if ( $hours < 10 ) { $hours = "0" . $hours; }
if ( $minutes < 10 ) { $minutes = "0" . $minutes; }
if ( $seconds < 10 ) { $seconds = "0" . $seconds; }
$timestring = "$hours\:$minutes\:$seconds hours";
return $timestring;
# Returning time string for logging
sub get_time_string
my $currenttime = time();
$currenttime = $currenttime - $installer::globals::starttime;
$currenttime = convert_timestring($currenttime);
$currenttime = localtime() . " \(" . $currenttime . "\)\n";
return $currenttime;
# Returning the age of a file (in seconds)
sub get_file_age
my ( $filename ) = @_;
my $filetime = (stat($filename))[9];
my $timediff = time() - $filetime;
return $timediff;
# Stopping the time
sub stoptime
my $localtime = localtime();
$Info->printf("stopping log at %s\n", $localtime);
# Set date string, format: yymmdd
sub set_installation_date
my $datestring = "";
my @timearray = localtime(time);
my $day = $timearray[3];
my $month = $timearray[4] + 1;
my $year = $timearray[5] - 100;
if ( $year < 10 ) { $year = "0" . $year; }
if ( $month < 10 ) { $month = "0" . $month; }
if ( $day < 10 ) { $day = "0" . $day; }
$datestring = $year . $month . $day;
return $datestring;
# Console output: messages
sub print_message
Die "print_message is deprecated";
my $message = shift;
chomp $message;
my $force = shift || 0;
print "$message\n" if ( $force || ! $installer::globals::quiet );
sub print_message_without_newline
my $message = shift;
chomp $message;
print "$message" if ( ! $installer::globals::quiet );
# Console output: warnings
sub print_warning
my $message = shift;
chomp $message;
print STDERR "WARNING: $message";
# Console output: errors
sub print_error
my $message = shift;
chomp $message;
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR "**************************************************\n";
print STDERR "ERROR: $message";
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR "**************************************************\n";
sub PrintError ($@)
my ($format, @arguments) = @_;
$Info->printf("Error: ".$format, @arguments);
=head2 PrintStackTrace()
This is for debugging the print and printf methods of the logger class and their use.
Therefore we use the Perl print/printf directly and not the logger methods to avoid loops in case of errors.
sub PrintStackTrace ()
print "Stack Trace:\n";
my $i = 1;
while ((my @call_details = (caller($i++))))
printf("%s:%s in function %s\n", $call_details[1], $call_details[2], $call_details[3]);
sub Die ($)
my ($message) = @_;
die $message;