blob: 332cf0ac3d746cd82cbfdf7337862003c6b1872a [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
package installer::languagepack;
use installer::converter;
use installer::existence;
use installer::files;
use installer::globals;
use installer::logger;
use installer::pathanalyzer;
use installer::scpzipfiles;
use installer::scriptitems;
use installer::systemactions;
use installer::worker;
# Selecting all files with the correct language
sub select_language_items
my ( $itemsref, $languagesarrayref, $itemname ) = @_;
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Selecting languages for language pack. Item: $itemname");
my @itemsarray = ();
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$itemsref}; $i++ )
my $oneitem = ${$itemsref}[$i];
my $ismultilingual = $oneitem->{'ismultilingual'};
if (!($ismultilingual))
# Files with style "LANGUAGEPACK" and "FORCELANGUAGEPACK" also have to be included into the language pack.
# Files with style "LANGUAGEPACK" are only included into language packs.
# Files with style "FORCELANGUAGEPACK" are included into language packs and non language packs. They are
# forced, because otherwise they not not be included into languagepacks.
my $styles = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'}; }
if (( $styles =~ /\bLANGUAGEPACK\b/ ) || ( $styles =~ /\bFORCELANGUAGEPACK\b/ )) { push(@itemsarray, $oneitem); }
next; # single language files are not included into language pack
my $specificlanguage = "";
if ( $oneitem->{'specificlanguage'} ) { $specificlanguage = $oneitem->{'specificlanguage'}; }
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$languagesarrayref}; $j++ ) # iterating over all languages
my $onelanguage = ${$languagesarrayref}[$j];
my $locallang = $onelanguage;
$locallang =~ s/-/_/;
if ( $specificlanguage eq $onelanguage )
# $oneitem->{'modules'} = $installer::globals::rootmodulegid; # all files in a language pack are root files
# Using $installer::globals::languagemodulesbase (?)
# # no more automatic change of module assignments
# $oneitem->{'modules'} = $installer::globals::rootmodulegid . "_$locallang"; # all files in a language pack are root files
# if (( $installer::globals::islinuxbuild ) || ( $installer::globals::issolarispkgbuild ))
# {
# if ( $oneitem->{'Dir'} )
# {
# if ( $oneitem->{'Dir'} eq "gid_Dir_Fonts_Truetype" ) { $oneitem->{'modules'} = "gid_Module_Langpack_Fonts_$locallang"; }
# if ( $oneitem->{'Dir'} eq "gid_Dir_Resource" ) { $oneitem->{'modules'} = "gid_Module_Langpack_Resource_$locallang"; }
# if ( $oneitem->{'Dir'} eq "gid_Dir_Help_Isolanguage" ) { $oneitem->{'modules'} = "gid_Module_Langpack_Help_$locallang"; }
# }
# }
# preparing different modules for Windows Installer language packs
# my $underlinelanguage = $specificlanguage;
# $underlinelanguage =~ s/-/_/;
# if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) { $oneitem->{'modules'} = $installer::globals::languagemodulesbase . $underlinelanguage; }
# # no more collecting of language pack feature
# if (! installer::existence::exists_in_array($oneitem->{'modules'}, \@installer::globals::languagepackfeature))
# {
# push(@installer::globals::languagepackfeature, $oneitem->{'modules'}); # Collecting all language pack feature
# }
push(@itemsarray, $oneitem);
return \@itemsarray;
sub replace_languagestring_variable
my ($onepackageref, $languagestringref) = @_;
my $key;
foreach $key (keys %{$onepackageref})
my $value = $onepackageref->{$key};
$value =~ s/\%LANGUAGESTRING/$$languagestringref/g;
$onepackageref->{$key} = $value;
# Including the license text into the script template
sub put_license_file_into_script
my ($scriptfile, $licensefile) = @_;
my $infoline = "Adding licensefile into language pack script\n";
my $includestring = "";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$licensefile}; $i++ )
$includestring = $includestring . ${$licensefile}[$i];
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scriptfile}; $i++ )
${$scriptfile}[$i] =~ s/LICENSEFILEPLACEHOLDER/$includestring/;
# Creating a tar.gz file from a Solaris package
sub create_tar_gz_file
my ($installdir, $packagename, $packagestring) = @_;
$packagename =~ s/\.rpm\s*$//;
my $targzname = $packagename . ".tar.gz";
$systemcall = "cd $installdir; tar -cf - $packagestring | gzip > $targzname";
$installer::logger::Info->printf("... %s ...\n", $systemcall);
my $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n";
if ($returnvalue)
$infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute \"$systemcall\"!\n";
$infoline = "Success: Executed \"$systemcall\" successfully!\n";
return $targzname;
# Determining the name of the package file
sub get_packagename_from_packagelist
my ( $alldirs, $allvariables, $languagestringref ) = @_;
# my $packagename = "";
# for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$alldirs}; $i++ )
# {
# if ( ${$alldirs}[$i] =~ /-fonts/ ) { next; }
# if ( ${$alldirs}[$i] =~ /-help/ ) { next; }
# if ( ${$alldirs}[$i] =~ /-res/ ) { next; }
# $packagename = ${$alldirs}[$i];
# last;
# }
# if ( $packagename eq "" ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find base package in directory $installdir!", "get_packagename_from_packagelist"); }
my $localproductname = $allvariables->{'PRODUCTNAME'};
$localproductname = lc($localproductname);
$localproductname =~ s/ //g;
$localproductname =~ s/-/_/g;
my $packagename = $localproductname . "_" . $$languagestringref;
return $packagename;
# Determining the name of the package file or the rpm
# in the installation directory. For language packs
# there is only one file in this directory
sub determine_packagename
my ( $installdir, $allvariables, $languagestringref ) = @_;
my $packagename = "";
my $allnames = "";
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild )
# determining the rpm file in directory $installdir
my $fileextension = "rpm";
my $rpmfiles = installer::systemactions::find_file_with_file_extension($fileextension, $installdir);
if ( ! ( $#{$rpmfiles} > -1 )) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find package in directory $installdir!", "determine_packagename"); }
my $rpmsav = installer::converter::copy_array_from_references($rpmfiles);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$rpmfiles}; $i++ ) { installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\${$rpmfiles}[$i]); }
$packagename = get_packagename_from_packagelist($rpmfiles, $allvariables, $languagestringref);
my $packagestring = installer::converter::convert_array_to_space_separated_string($rpmfiles);
$packagename = create_tar_gz_file($installdir, $packagename, $packagestring); # only one file
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$rpmsav}; $i++ )
my $onefile = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . ${$rpmsav}[$i];
$allnames = $rpmfiles;
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild )
# determining the Solaris package file in directory $installdir
my $alldirs = installer::systemactions::get_all_directories($installdir);
if ( ! ( $#{$alldirs} > -1 )) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find package in directory $installdir!", "determine_packagename"); }
my $alldirssav = installer::converter::copy_array_from_references($alldirs);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$alldirs}; $i++ ) { installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\${$alldirs}[$i]); }
$packagename = get_packagename_from_packagelist($alldirs, $allvariables, $languagestringref);
my $packagestring = installer::converter::convert_array_to_space_separated_string($alldirs);
$packagename = create_tar_gz_file($installdir, $packagename, $packagestring); # only a file (not a directory) can be included into the shell script
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$alldirssav}; $i++ ) { installer::systemactions::remove_complete_directory(${$alldirssav}[$i], 1); }
$allnames = $alldirs;
my $infoline = "Found package in installation directory $installdir : $packagename\n";
return ( $packagename, $allnames);
# Including the name of the package file or the rpm
# into the script template
sub put_packagename_into_script
my ($scriptfile, $packagename, $allnames) = @_;
my $localpackagename = $packagename;
$localpackagename =~ s/\.tar\.gz//; # making "OOOopenoffice-it-ea.tar.gz" to "OOOopenoffice-it-ea"
my $infoline = "Adding packagename $localpackagename into language pack script\n";
my $installline = "";
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild ) { $installline = " /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d \$outdir -a \$adminfile"; }
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild ) { $installline = " rpm --prefix \$PRODUCTINSTALLLOCATION --replacepkgs -i"; }
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allnames}; $i++ )
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild ) { $installline = $installline . " ${$allnames}[$i]"; }
if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild ) { $installline = $installline . " \$outdir/${$allnames}[$i]"; }
for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$scriptfile}; $j++ )
${$scriptfile}[$j] =~ s/INSTALLLINES/$installline/;
# Including the lowercase product name into the script template
sub put_productname_into_script
my ($scriptfile, $variableshashref) = @_;
my $productname = $variableshashref->{'PRODUCTNAME'};
$productname = lc($productname);
$productname =~ s/\.//g; # -> openofficeorg
my $infoline = "Adding productname $productname into language pack script\n";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scriptfile}; $i++ )
${$scriptfile}[$i] =~ s/PRODUCTNAMEPLACEHOLDER/$productname/;
# Including the full product name into the script template
# (name and version)
sub put_fullproductname_into_script
my ($scriptfile, $variableshashref) = @_;
my $productname = $variableshashref->{'PRODUCTNAME'};
my $productversion = "";
if ( $variableshashref->{'PRODUCTVERSION'} ) { $productversion = $variableshashref->{'PRODUCTVERSION'}; };
my $fullproductname = $productname . " " . $productversion;
my $infoline = "Adding full productname \"$fullproductname\" into language pack script\n";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scriptfile}; $i++ )
${$scriptfile}[$i] =~ s/FULLPRODUCTNAMELONGPLACEHOLDER/$fullproductname/;
# Including the name of the search package (-core01)
# into the script template
sub put_searchpackage_into_script
my ($scriptfile, $variableshashref) = @_;
my $basispackageprefix = $variableshashref->{'BASISPACKAGEPREFIX'};
my $basispackageversion = $variableshashref->{'OOOBASEVERSION'};
if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild ) { $basispackageversion =~ s/\.//g; } # "3.0" -> "30"
my $infoline = "Adding basis package prefix $basispackageprefix into language pack script\n";
$infoline = "Adding basis package version $basispackageversion into language pack script\n";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scriptfile}; $i++ )
${$scriptfile}[$i] =~ s/BASISPACKAGEPREFIXPLACEHOLDER/$basispackageprefix/;
${$scriptfile}[$i] =~ s/OOOBASEVERSIONPLACEHOLDER/$basispackageversion/;
# Including the linenumber into the script template
sub put_linenumber_into_script
my ( $scriptfile, $licensefile, $allnames ) = @_;
my $linenumber = $#{$scriptfile} + $#{$licensefile} + 3; # also adding the content of the license file!
my $infoline = "Adding linenumber $linenumber into language pack script\n";
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scriptfile}; $i++ )
${$scriptfile}[$i] =~ s/LINENUMBERPLACEHOLDER/$linenumber/;
# Determining the name of the new scriptfile
sub determine_scriptfile_name
my ( $packagename ) = @_;
my $scriptfilename = $packagename;
# if ( $installer::globals::islinuxrpmbuild ) { $scriptfilename =~ s/\.rpm\s*$/\.sh/; }
# if ( $installer::globals::issolarisbuild ) { $scriptfilename =~ s/\.tar\.gz\s*$/\.sh/; }
$scriptfilename =~ s/\.tar\.gz\s*$/\.sh/;
my $infoline = "Setting language pack script file name to $scriptfilename\n";
return $scriptfilename;
# Saving the script file in the installation directory
sub save_script_file
my ($installdir, $newscriptfilename, $scriptfile) = @_;
$newscriptfilename = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $newscriptfilename;
installer::files::save_file($newscriptfilename, $scriptfile);
my $infoline = "Saving script file $newscriptfilename\n";
return $newscriptfilename;
# Including the binary package into the script
sub include_package_into_script
my ( $scriptfilename, $installdir, $packagename ) = @_;
my $longpackagename = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename;
my $systemcall = "cat $longpackagename >>$scriptfilename";
my $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n";
if ($returnvalue)
$infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute \"$systemcall\"!\n";
$infoline = "Success: Executed \"$systemcall\" successfully!\n";
my $localcall = "chmod 775 $scriptfilename \>\/dev\/null 2\>\&1";
# Removing the binary package
sub remove_package
my ( $installdir, $packagename ) = @_;
my $remove_package = 1;
if ( $ENV{'DONT_REMOVE_PACKAGE'} ) { $remove_package = 0; }
if ( $remove_package )
my $longpackagename = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $packagename;
unlink $longpackagename;
my $infoline = "Removing package: $longpackagename \n";
# Unix language packs, that are not part of
# multilingual installation sets, need a
# shell script installer
sub build_installer_for_languagepack
my ($installdir, $allvariableshashref, $includepatharrayref, $languagesarrayref, $languagestringref) = @_;
$installer::logger::Info->print("... creating shell script installer ...\n");
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Creating shell script installer:");
# find and read setup script template
my $scriptfilename = "";
my $scriptref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$scriptfilename, $includepatharrayref, 0);
if ($$scriptref eq "") { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find script file $scriptfilename!", "build_installer_for_languagepack"); }
my $scriptfile = installer::files::read_file($$scriptref);
my $infoline = "Found script file $scriptfilename: $$scriptref \n";
# find and read english license file
my $licenselanguage = "en-US"; # always english !
my $licensefilename = "LICENSE";
my $licenseincludepatharrayref = installer::worker::get_language_specific_include_pathes($includepatharrayref, $licenselanguage);
my $licenseref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$licensefilename, $licenseincludepatharrayref, 0);
if ($$licenseref eq "") { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find License file $licensefilename!", "build_installer_for_languagepack"); }
my $licensefile = installer::files::read_file($$licenseref);
$infoline = "Found licensefile $licensefilename: $$licenseref \n";
# including variables into license file
installer::scpzipfiles::replace_all_ziplistvariables_in_file($licensefile, $allvariableshashref);
# add license text into script template
put_license_file_into_script($scriptfile, $licensefile);
# add rpm or package file name into script template
my ( $packagename, $allnames) = determine_packagename($installdir, $allvariableshashref, $languagestringref);
put_packagename_into_script($scriptfile, $packagename, $allnames);
# add product name into script template
put_productname_into_script($scriptfile, $allvariableshashref);
# add product name into script template
put_fullproductname_into_script($scriptfile, $allvariableshashref);
# add product name into script template
put_searchpackage_into_script($scriptfile, $allvariableshashref);
# replace linenumber in script template
put_linenumber_into_script($scriptfile, $licensefile, $allnames);
# saving the script file
my $newscriptfilename = determine_scriptfile_name($packagename);
$newscriptfilename = save_script_file($installdir, $newscriptfilename, $scriptfile);
# include rpm or package into script
include_package_into_script($newscriptfilename, $installdir, $packagename);
# remove rpm or package
remove_package($installdir, $packagename);