blob: 82fd1b3c0b5f568975b3fcb668a760dc14f1015b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include "doctreenode.hxx"
#include "attributableshape.hxx"
class GDIMetaFile;
namespace slideshow
namespace internal
/** This class encapsulates the subsetting aspects of a
class DrawShapeSubsetting : private boost::noncopyable
/** Create empty shape subset handling.
This method creates a subset handler which contains no
subset information. All methods will return default
@param rMtf
Metafile to retrieve subset info from (must have been
generated with verbose text comments switched on).
/** Create new shape subset handling.
This method creates a subset handler which initially
displays the whole shape.
@param rMtf
Metafile to retrieve subset info from (must have been
generated with verbose text comments switched on).
explicit DrawShapeSubsetting( const ::boost::shared_ptr< GDIMetaFile >& rMtf );
/** Create new shape subset handling.
@param rShapeSubset
The subset this object represents (can be empty, then
denoting 'represents a whole shape')
@param rMtf
Metafile to retrieve subset info from (must have been
generated with verbose text comments switched on).
DrawShapeSubsetting( const DocTreeNode& rShapeSubset,
const ::boost::shared_ptr< GDIMetaFile >& rMtf );
/** Reset metafile.
Use this method to completely reset the
ShapeSubsetting, with a new metafile. Note that any
information previously set will be lost, including
added subset shapes!
@param rMtf
Metafile to retrieve subset info from (must have been
generated with verbose text comments switched on).
void reset( const ::boost::shared_ptr< GDIMetaFile >& rMtf );
/** Reset metafile and subset.
Use this method to completely reset the
ShapeSubsetting, with a new metafile and subset
range. Note that any information previously set will
be lost, including added subset shapes!
@param rShapeSubset
The subset this object represents (can be empty, then
denoting 'represents a whole shape')
@param rMtf
Metafile to retrieve subset info from (must have been
generated with verbose text comments switched on).
void reset( const DocTreeNode& rShapeSubset,
const ::boost::shared_ptr< GDIMetaFile >& rMtf );
// Shape subsetting methods
// ========================================================
/// Return subset node for this shape
DocTreeNode getSubsetNode () const;
/// Return true, if any child subset shapes exist
bool hasSubsetShapes () const;
/// Get subset shape for given node, if any
AttributableShapeSharedPtr getSubsetShape ( const DocTreeNode& rTreeNode ) const;
/// Add child subset shape (or increase use count, if already existent)
void addSubsetShape ( const AttributableShapeSharedPtr& rShape );
/** Revoke subset shape
This method revokes a subset shape, decrementing the
use count for this subset by one. If the use count
reaches zero (i.e. when the number of addSubsetShape()
matches the number of revokeSubsetShape() calls for
the same subset), the subset entry is removed from the
internal list, and subsequent getSubsetShape() calls
will return the empty pointer for this subset.
@return true, if the subset shape was physically
removed from the list (false is returned, when nothing
was removed, either because only the use count was
decremented, or there was no such subset found, in the
first place).
bool revokeSubsetShape ( const AttributableShapeSharedPtr& rShape );
// Doc tree methods
// ========================================================
/// Return overall number of nodes for given type
sal_Int32 getNumberOfTreeNodes ( DocTreeNode::NodeType eNodeType ) const;
/// Return tree node of given index and given type
DocTreeNode getTreeNode ( sal_Int32 nNodeIndex,
DocTreeNode::NodeType eNodeType ) const;
/// Return number of nodes of given type, below parent node
sal_Int32 getNumberOfSubsetTreeNodes ( const DocTreeNode& rParentNode,
DocTreeNode::NodeType eNodeType ) const;
/// Return tree node of given index and given type, relative to parent node
DocTreeNode getSubsetTreeNode ( const DocTreeNode& rParentNode,
sal_Int32 nNodeIndex,
DocTreeNode::NodeType eNodeType ) const;
// Helper
// ========================================================
/** Return a vector of currently active subsets.
Needed when rendering a shape, this method provides a
vector of subsets currently visible (the range as
returned by getEffectiveSubset(), minus the parts that
are currently hidden, because displayed by child
const VectorOfDocTreeNodes& getActiveSubsets() const;
/** This enum classifies each action index in the
Of interest are, of course, the places where
structural shape and/or text elements end. The
remainder of the action gets classified as 'noop'
enum IndexClassificator
typedef ::std::vector< IndexClassificator > IndexClassificatorVector;
/** Entry for subset shape
This struct contains data for every subset shape
generated. Note that for a given start/end action
index combination, only one subset instance is
generated (and reused for subsequent queries).
struct SubsetEntry
AttributableShapeSharedPtr mpShape;
sal_Int32 mnStartActionIndex;
sal_Int32 mnEndActionIndex;
/// Number of times this subset was queried, and not yet revoked
int mnSubsetQueriedCount;
sal_Int32 getHashValue() const
// TODO(Q3): That's a hack. We assume that start
// index will always be less than 65535 (if this
// assumption is violated, hash map performance
// will degrade severely)
return mnStartActionIndex*SAL_MAX_INT16 + mnEndActionIndex;
/// The shape set is ordered according to this method
bool operator<(const SubsetEntry& rOther) const
return getHashValue() < rOther.getHashValue();
typedef ::std::set< SubsetEntry > ShapeSet;
void ensureInitializedNodeTree() const;
void updateSubsetBounds( const SubsetEntry& rSubsetEntry );
void updateSubsets();
void initCurrentSubsets();
void reset();
sal_Int32 implGetNumberOfTreeNodes( const IndexClassificatorVector::const_iterator& rBegin,
const IndexClassificatorVector::const_iterator& rEnd,
DocTreeNode::NodeType eNodeType ) const;
DocTreeNode implGetTreeNode( const IndexClassificatorVector::const_iterator& rBegin,
const IndexClassificatorVector::const_iterator& rEnd,
sal_Int32 nNodeIndex,
DocTreeNode::NodeType eNodeType ) const;
mutable IndexClassificatorVector maActionClassVector;
/// Metafile to retrieve subset info from
::boost::shared_ptr< GDIMetaFile > mpMtf;
/// Subset of the metafile represented by this object
DocTreeNode maSubset;
/// the list of subset shapes spawned from this one.
ShapeSet maSubsetShapes;
/// caches minimal subset index from maSubsetShapes
sal_Int32 mnMinSubsetActionIndex;
/// caches maximal subset index from maSubsetShapes
sal_Int32 mnMaxSubsetActionIndex;
/** Current number of subsets to render (calculated from
maSubset and mnMin/MaxSubsetActionIndex).
Note that this is generally _not_ equivalent to
maSubset, as it excludes all active subset children!
mutable VectorOfDocTreeNodes maCurrentSubsets;
/// Whether the shape's doc tree has been initialized successfully, or not
mutable bool mbNodeTreeInitialized;