blob: e4b629cf3799cb13f010165b94f2747b749a6e59 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sfx2.hxx"
#include "alienwarn.hxx"
#include "sfx2/sfxresid.hxx"
#include <sfx2/sfxuno.hxx>
#include "alienwarn.hrc"
#include "dialog.hrc"
#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
#include <unotools/saveopt.hxx>
// class SfxAlienWarningDialog -------------------------------------------
SfxAlienWarningDialog::SfxAlienWarningDialog( Window* pParent, const String& _rFormatName ) :
SfxModalDialog( pParent, SfxResId( RID_DLG_ALIEN_WARNING ) ),
m_aKeepCurrentBtn ( this, SfxResId( PB_NO ) ),
m_aSaveODFBtn ( this, SfxResId( PB_YES ) ),
m_aMoreInfoBtn ( this, SfxResId( PB_MOREINFO ) ),
m_aOptionLine ( this, SfxResId( FL_OPTION ) ),
m_aWarningOnBox ( this, SfxResId( CB_WARNING_OFF ) ),
m_aQueryImage ( this, SfxResId( FI_QUERY ) ),
m_aInfoText ( this, SfxResId( FT_INFOTEXT ) )
// set questionmark image
m_aQueryImage.SetImage( QueryBox::GetStandardImage() );
// replace formatname
String sInfoText = m_aInfoText.GetText();
sInfoText.SearchAndReplaceAll( DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE("%FORMATNAME"), _rFormatName );
m_aInfoText.SetText( sInfoText );
// load value of "warning on" checkbox from save options
m_aWarningOnBox.Check( SvtSaveOptions().IsWarnAlienFormat() == sal_True );
// set focus to "Keep Current Format" button
// pb: #i43989# we have no online help for this dialog at the moment
// -> hide the "more info" button
// calculate and set the size of the dialog and its controls
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// save value of "warning off" checkbox, if necessary
SvtSaveOptions aSaveOpt;
sal_Bool bChecked = m_aWarningOnBox.IsChecked();
if ( aSaveOpt.IsWarnAlienFormat() != bChecked )
aSaveOpt.SetWarnAlienFormat( bChecked );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void SfxAlienWarningDialog::InitSize()
// if the button text is too wide, then broaden the button
long nTxtW = m_aMoreInfoBtn.GetCtrlTextWidth( m_aMoreInfoBtn.GetText() );
long nCtrlW = m_aMoreInfoBtn.GetSizePixel().Width();
if ( nTxtW >= nCtrlW )
long nDelta = nTxtW - nCtrlW;
Point aNextPoint = m_aKeepCurrentBtn.GetPosPixel();
aNextPoint.X() += m_aKeepCurrentBtn.GetSizePixel().Width();
Point aNewPoint = m_aMoreInfoBtn.GetPosPixel();
aNewPoint.X() -= nDelta;
if ( aNextPoint.X() >= aNewPoint.X() )
long nSpace = aNextPoint.X() - aNewPoint.X();
nSpace += 2;
nDelta -= nSpace;
aNewPoint.X() += nSpace;
Size aNewSize = m_aMoreInfoBtn.GetSizePixel();
aNewSize.Width() += nDelta;
m_aMoreInfoBtn.SetPosSizePixel( aNewPoint, aNewSize );
// text of checkbox to wide -> add new line
nTxtW = m_aWarningOnBox.GetCtrlTextWidth( m_aWarningOnBox.GetText() ) + IMPL_EXTRA_BUTTON_WIDTH;
nCtrlW = m_aWarningOnBox.GetSizePixel().Width();
if ( nTxtW >= nCtrlW )
long nTextHeight = m_aWarningOnBox.GetTextHeight();
Size aNewSize = m_aWarningOnBox.GetSizePixel();
aNewSize.Height() += nTextHeight;
m_aWarningOnBox.SetSizePixel( aNewSize );
aNewSize = GetSizePixel();
aNewSize.Height() += nTextHeight;
SetSizePixel( aNewSize );
// align the size of the information text control (FixedText) to its content
Size aMinSize = m_aInfoText.CalcMinimumSize( m_aInfoText.GetSizePixel().Width() );
long nTxtH = aMinSize.Height();
long nCtrlH = m_aInfoText.GetSizePixel().Height();
long nDelta = ( nCtrlH - nTxtH );
Size aNewSize = m_aInfoText.GetSizePixel();
aNewSize.Height() -= nDelta;
m_aInfoText.SetSizePixel( aNewSize );
// new position for the succeeding windows
Window* pWins[] =
&m_aSaveODFBtn, &m_aKeepCurrentBtn, &m_aMoreInfoBtn, &m_aOptionLine, &m_aWarningOnBox
Window** pCurrent = pWins;
for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < sizeof( pWins ) / sizeof( pWins[ 0 ] ); ++i, ++pCurrent )
Point aNewPos = (*pCurrent)->GetPosPixel();
aNewPos.Y() -= nDelta;
(*pCurrent)->SetPosPixel( aNewPos );
// new size of the dialog
aNewSize = GetSizePixel();
aNewSize.Height() -= nDelta;
SetSizePixel( aNewSize );
// recalculate the size and position of the buttons
nTxtW = m_aKeepCurrentBtn.GetCtrlTextWidth( m_aKeepCurrentBtn.GetText() );
long nTemp = m_aSaveODFBtn.GetCtrlTextWidth( m_aSaveODFBtn.GetText() );
if ( nTemp > nTxtW )
nTxtW = nTemp;
Size a3Size = LogicToPixel( Size( 3, 3 ), MAP_APPFONT );
Point aPos = m_aKeepCurrentBtn.GetPosPixel();
aPos.X() = ( aNewSize.Width() - (2*nTxtW) - a3Size.Width() ) / 2;
long nDefX = m_aWarningOnBox.GetPosPixel().X();
if ( nDefX < aPos.X() )
aPos.X() = nDefX;
aNewSize = m_aKeepCurrentBtn.GetSizePixel();
aNewSize.Width() = nTxtW;
m_aKeepCurrentBtn.SetPosSizePixel( aPos, aNewSize );
aPos.X() += nTxtW + a3Size.Width();
m_aSaveODFBtn.SetPosSizePixel( aPos, aNewSize );