blob: b1d5de7be3fcd1a414a3b0814e7ee3ff63bfab70 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "model/SlsSharedPageDescriptor.hxx"
#include "ViewShell.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XDrawPages.hpp>
#include <sfx2/shell.hxx>
#include <sfx2/viewfac.hxx>
#include <tools/link.hxx>
#include <tools/gen.hxx>
#include <comphelper/implementationreference.hxx>
namespace sd { namespace slidesorter {
class SlideSorter;
} }
namespace sd { namespace slidesorter { namespace view {
class SlideSorterView;
class HighlightObject;
} } }
namespace sd { namespace slidesorter { namespace model {
class SlideSorterModel;
} } }
namespace css = ::com::sun::star;
namespace sd { namespace slidesorter { namespace controller {
class Animator;
class Clipboard;
class CurrentSlideManager;
class FocusManager;
class InsertionIndicatorHandler;
class Listener;
class PageSelector;
class ScrollBarManager;
class SelectionFunction;
class SelectionManager;
class SelectionObserver;
class SlotManager;
class VisibleAreaManager;
class SlideSorterController
/** Create a new controller for the slide sorter.
@param pParentWindow
The window that contains the controls of the new
SlideSorterController (SlideSorter& rSlideSorter);
/** Late initialization. Call this method once a new new object has been
virtual void Init (void);
virtual ~SlideSorterController (void);
void Dispose (void);
/** Place and size the scroll bars and the browser window so that the
given rectangle is filled.
The space occupied by the browser window is returned.
Rectangle Resize (const Rectangle& rAvailableSpace);
/** Determine which of the UI elements--the scroll bars, the scroll bar
filler, the actual slide sorter view--are visible and place them in
the area last passed to Resize().
@param bForce
When <TRUE/> is given (<FALSE/> is the default) then the content
window and with it the SlideSorterView is resized event when its
size does not change (the size does change when the visibility
of scroll bars changes.)
Returns the space occupied by the browser window.
Rectangle Rearrange (bool bForce = false);
/** Return the descriptor of the page that is rendered under the
given position. This takes the IsOnlyPreviewTriggersMouseOver
property into account.
Returns a pointer to a page descriptor instead of a
reference because when no page is found at the position
then NULL is returned to indicate this.
model::SharedPageDescriptor GetPageAt (const Point& rPixelPosition);
PageSelector& GetPageSelector (void);
FocusManager& GetFocusManager (void);
controller::Clipboard& GetClipboard (void);
/** Return the object that manages the scroll bars.
ScrollBarManager& GetScrollBarManager (void);
::boost::shared_ptr<CurrentSlideManager> GetCurrentSlideManager (void) const;
::boost::shared_ptr<SlotManager> GetSlotManager (void) const;
::boost::shared_ptr<SelectionManager> GetSelectionManager (void) const;
::boost::shared_ptr<InsertionIndicatorHandler> GetInsertionIndicatorHandler (void) const;
/** This method forwards the call to the SlideSorterView and executes
pending operations like moving selected pages into the visible area.
void Paint (const Rectangle& rRect, ::Window* pWin);
void FuTemporary (SfxRequest& rRequest);
void FuPermanent (SfxRequest& rRequest);
void FuSupport (SfxRequest& rRequest);
bool Command (
const CommandEvent& rEvent,
::sd::Window* pWindow);
void GetCtrlState (SfxItemSet &rSet);
void GetStatusBarState (SfxItemSet& rSet);
void ExecCtrl (SfxRequest& rRequest);
void GetAttrState (SfxItemSet& rSet);
void ExecStatusBar (SfxRequest& rRequest);
bool IsLocked (void) const;
/** Create an object of this inner class to prevent updates due to model
class ModelChangeLock
ModelChangeLock (SlideSorterController& rController);
~ModelChangeLock (void);
void Release (void);
SlideSorterController* mpController;
friend class ModelChangeLock;
/** Handle a change of the model, that is, handle the removal and
insertion of whole pages or a change of the edit mode.
This method is a convenience function that simply calls
PreModelChange() and then PostModelChange().
void HandleModelChange (void);
DECL_LINK(WindowEventHandler, VclWindowEvent*);
/** Update the display of all pages. This involves a redraw and
releasing previews and caches.
void UpdateAllPages (void);
/** This factory method creates a selection function.
virtual FunctionReference CreateSelectionFunction (SfxRequest& rRequest);
/** When the current function of the view shell is the slide sorter
selection function then return a reference to it. Otherwise return
an empty reference.
::rtl::Reference<SelectionFunction> GetCurrentSelectionFunction (void);
/** Prepare for a change of the edit mode. Depending on the current
edit mode we may save the selection so that it can be restored when
later changing back to the current edit mode.
void PrepareEditModeChange (void);
/** Set a new edit mode and return whether the edit mode really
has been changed. For proper saving and restoring of the selection
this method should be called between calls to
PrepareEditModeChange() and FinishEditModeChange().
A return value of <TRUE/> indicates that the edit mode has
bool ChangeEditMode (EditMode eEditMode);
/** Finish the change of the edit mode. Here we may select a page or
restore a previously saved selection.
void FinishEditModeChange (void);
/** Call this method when the name of one of the pages has changed.
This is then notified to the accessibility object, when that exists.
@param nPageIndex
The index of the page whose name has been changed.
@param rsOldName
The old name of the page. The new name can be taken from the
page object.
void PageNameHasChanged (int nPageIndex, const String& rsOldName);
/** Return whether a context menu has been opened by the called
SlideSorterController object and is still open.
bool IsContextMenuOpen (void) const;
/** Provide the set of pages to be displayed in the slide sorter. The
GetDocumentSlides() method can be found only in the SlideSorterModel.
void SetDocumentSlides (const css::uno::Reference<css::container::XIndexAccess>& rxSlides);
/** Return an Animator object.
::boost::shared_ptr<Animator> GetAnimator (void) const;
VisibleAreaManager& GetVisibleAreaManager (void) const;
void CheckForMasterPageAssignment (void);
void CheckForSlideTransitionAssignment (void);
SlideSorter& mrSlideSorter;
model::SlideSorterModel& mrModel;
view::SlideSorterView& mrView;
::boost::scoped_ptr<PageSelector> mpPageSelector;
::boost::scoped_ptr<FocusManager> mpFocusManager;
::boost::shared_ptr<SlotManager> mpSlotManager;
::boost::scoped_ptr<controller::Clipboard> mpClipboard;
::boost::scoped_ptr<ScrollBarManager> mpScrollBarManager;
mutable ::boost::shared_ptr<CurrentSlideManager> mpCurrentSlideManager;
::boost::shared_ptr<SelectionManager> mpSelectionManager;
::boost::shared_ptr<InsertionIndicatorHandler> mpInsertionIndicatorHandler;
::boost::shared_ptr<Animator> mpAnimator;
::boost::scoped_ptr<VisibleAreaManager> mpVisibleAreaManager;
// The listener listens to UNO events and thus is a UNO object.
// For proper life time management and at the same time free access to
// the implementation object we use the ImplementationReference class.
::rtl::Reference<controller::Listener> mpListener;
int mnModelChangeLockCount;
bool mbIsForcedRearrangePending;
bool mbPreModelChangeDone;
bool mbPostModelChangePending;
::std::vector<Link> maSelectionChangeListeners;
/** This array stores the indices of the selected page descriptors at
the time when the edit mode is switched to EM_MASTERPAGE. With this
we can restore the selection when switching back to EM_PAGE mode.
::std::vector<SdPage*> maSelectionBeforeSwitch;
/// The current page before the edit mode is switched to EM_MASTERPAGE.
int mnCurrentPageBeforeSwitch;
/** The master page to select after the edit mode is changed. This
member is used to pass the pointer from PrepareEditModeChange() to
SdPage* mpEditModeChangeMasterPage;
/** This rectangle in the parent window encloses scroll bars and slide
sorter window. It is set when Resize() is called.
Rectangle maTotalWindowArea;
/** This counter is used to avoid processing of reentrant calls to
sal_Int32 mnPaintEntranceCount;
/** Remember whether the context menu is open.
bool mbIsContextMenuOpen;
/** Delete the given list of normal pages. This method is a helper
function for DeleteSelectedPages().
@param rSelectedNormalPages
A list of normal pages. Supplying master pages is an error.
void DeleteSelectedNormalPages (const ::std::vector<SdPage*>& rSelectedNormalPages);
/** Delete the given list of master pages. This method is a helper
function for DeleteSelectedPages().
@param rSelectedMasterPages
A list of master pages. Supplying normal pages is an error.
void DeleteSelectedMasterPages (const ::std::vector<SdPage*>& rSelectedMasterPages);
/** Prepare for several model changes, i.e. prevent time-consuming and
non-critical operations like repaints until UnlockModelChange() is
called. Ciritcal operations like releasing references to pages that
do not exist anymore are executed.
void LockModelChange (void);
/** Further calls to HandleModelChange() will result in a full featured
update of model, view, and controller. When HandleModelChange() has
been called since the last LockModelChange() then this is done right
away to bring the view up-to-date.
void UnlockModelChange (void);
/** Prepare for a model change. This method does all the things that
need to be done _before_ the model changes, e.g. because they need
access to the model data before the change.
void PreModelChange (void);
/** Complete a model change. This includes the recreation of data
structures that depend on the model and the request for a repaint to
show the changes.
void PostModelChange (void);
} } } // end of namespace ::sd::slidesorter::controller