blob: aa8c9d2092ca20438007175a5cf21dd75edaaedc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sd.hxx"
#include <sfx2/docfile.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <editeng/outliner.hxx>
#ifndef _SVXLINK_HXX
#include <sfx2/linkmgr.hxx>
#include <svx/svdotext.hxx>
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
#include <editeng/outlobj.hxx>
#include <svl/urihelper.hxx>
#include <editeng/xmlcnitm.hxx>
#include <svx/svditer.hxx>
#include <tools/list.hxx>
#include "sdresid.hxx"
#include "sdpage.hxx"
#include "glob.hxx"
#include "glob.hrc"
#include "drawdoc.hxx"
#include "stlpool.hxx"
//#include "sdiocmpt.hxx"
#include "pglink.hxx"
//#include "strmname.h"
#include "anminfo.hxx"
#include "../ui/inc/strings.hrc"
#include "../ui/inc/DrawDocShell.hxx"
// #90477#
#include <tools/tenccvt.hxx>
#include <svl/itemset.hxx>
using namespace ::sd;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::office;
extern void NotifyDocumentEvent( SdDrawDocument* pDocument, const rtl::OUString& rEventName, const Reference< XInterface >& xSource );
|* SetPresentationLayout, setzt: Layoutnamen, Masterpage-Verknpfung und
|* Vorlagen fuer Praesentationsobjekte
|* Vorraussetzungen: - Die Seite muss bereits das richtige Model kennen!
|* - Die entsprechende Masterpage muss bereits im Model sein.
|* - Die entsprechenden StyleSheets muessen bereits im
|* im StyleSheetPool sein.
|* bReplaceStyleSheets = sal_True : Benannte StyleSheets werden ausgetauscht
|* sal_False: Alle StyleSheets werden neu zugewiesen
|* bSetMasterPage = sal_True : MasterPage suchen und zuweisen
|* bReverseOrder = sal_False: MasterPages von vorn nach hinten suchen
|* sal_True : MasterPages von hinten nach vorn suchen (fuer Undo-Action)
void SdPage::SetPresentationLayout(const String& rLayoutName,
sal_Bool bReplaceStyleSheets,
sal_Bool bSetMasterPage,
sal_Bool bReverseOrder)
|* Layoutname der Seite
String aOldLayoutName(maLayoutName); // merken
maLayoutName = rLayoutName;
maLayoutName += String(SdResId(STR_LAYOUT_OUTLINE));
|* ggf. Masterpage suchen und setzen
if (bSetMasterPage && !IsMasterPage())
SdPage* pMaster;
SdPage* pFoundMaster = 0;
sal_uInt16 nMaster = 0;
sal_uInt16 nMasterCount = pModel->GetMasterPageCount();
if( !bReverseOrder )
for ( nMaster = 0; nMaster < nMasterCount; nMaster++ )
pMaster = static_cast<SdPage*>(pModel->GetMasterPage(nMaster));
if (pMaster->GetPageKind() == mePageKind && pMaster->GetLayoutName() == maLayoutName)
pFoundMaster = pMaster;
for ( nMaster = nMasterCount; nMaster > 0; nMaster-- )
pMaster = static_cast<SdPage*>(pModel->GetMasterPage(nMaster - 1));
if (pMaster->GetPageKind() == mePageKind && pMaster->GetLayoutName() == maLayoutName)
pFoundMaster = pMaster;
DBG_ASSERT(pFoundMaster, "Masterpage for presentation layout not found!");
// this should never happen, but we play failsafe here
if( pFoundMaster == 0 )
pFoundMaster = static_cast< SdDrawDocument *>(pModel)->GetSdPage( 0, mePageKind );
if( pFoundMaster )
|* Vorlagen fuer Praesentationsobjekte
// Listen mit:
// - Vorlagenzeigern fuer Gliederungstextobjekt (alte und neue Vorlagen)
// -Replacedaten fuer OutlinerParaObject
List aOutlineStyles;
List aOldOutlineStyles;
List aReplList;
sal_Bool bListsFilled = sal_False;
sal_uLong nObjCount = GetObjCount();
for (sal_uLong nObj = 0; nObj < nObjCount; nObj++)
SdrTextObj* pObj = (SdrTextObj*) GetObj(nObj);
if (pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor &&
pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_OUTLINETEXT)
if (!bListsFilled || !bReplaceStyleSheets)
String aFullName;
String aOldFullName;
SfxStyleSheetBase* pSheet = NULL;
SfxStyleSheetBasePool* pStShPool = pModel->GetStyleSheetPool();
for (sal_Int16 i = -1; i < 9; i++)
aFullName = maLayoutName;
aOldFullName = aOldLayoutName;
aFullName += sal_Unicode( ' ' );
aFullName += String::CreateFromInt32( (sal_Int32) (i <= 0 ) ? 1 : i + 1);
aOldFullName += sal_Unicode( ' ' );
aOldFullName += String::CreateFromInt32( (sal_Int32) (i <= 0 ) ? 1 : i + 1 );
pSheet = pStShPool->Find(aOldFullName, SD_STYLE_FAMILY_MASTERPAGE);
DBG_ASSERT(pSheet, "alte Gliederungsvorlage nicht gefunden");
aOldOutlineStyles.Insert(pSheet, LIST_APPEND);
pSheet = pStShPool->Find(aFullName, SD_STYLE_FAMILY_MASTERPAGE);
DBG_ASSERT(pSheet, "neue Gliederungsvorlage nicht gefunden");
aOutlineStyles.Insert(pSheet, LIST_APPEND);
if (bReplaceStyleSheets && pSheet)
// Replace anstatt Set
StyleReplaceData* pReplData = new StyleReplaceData;
pReplData->nNewFamily = pSheet->GetFamily();
pReplData->nFamily = pSheet->GetFamily();
pReplData->aNewName = aFullName;
pReplData->aName = aOldFullName;
aReplList.Insert(pReplData, LIST_APPEND);
OutlinerParaObject* pOPO = ((SdrTextObj*)pObj)->GetOutlinerParaObject();
if( pOPO )
pOPO->SetStyleSheets( i, aFullName, SD_STYLE_FAMILY_MASTERPAGE );
bListsFilled = sal_True;
SfxStyleSheet* pSheet = (SfxStyleSheet*)aOutlineStyles.First();
SfxStyleSheet* pOldSheet = (SfxStyleSheet*)aOldOutlineStyles.First();
while (pSheet)
if (pSheet != pOldSheet)
if (!pObj->IsListening(*pSheet))
pSheet = (SfxStyleSheet*)aOutlineStyles.Next();
pOldSheet = (SfxStyleSheet*)aOldOutlineStyles.Next();
OutlinerParaObject* pOPO = ((SdrTextObj*)pObj)->GetOutlinerParaObject();
if ( bReplaceStyleSheets && pOPO )
StyleReplaceData* pReplData = (StyleReplaceData*) aReplList.First();
while( pReplData )
pOPO->ChangeStyleSheets( pReplData->aName, pReplData->nFamily, pReplData->aNewName, pReplData->nNewFamily );
pReplData = (StyleReplaceData*) aReplList.Next();
else if (pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor &&
pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_TITLETEXT)
// PresObjKind nicht ueber GetPresObjKind() holen, da dort nur
// die PresObjListe beruecksichtigt wird. Es sollen aber alle
// "Titelobjekte" hier beruecksichtigt werden (Paste aus Clipboard usw.)
SfxStyleSheet* pSheet = GetStyleSheetForPresObj(PRESOBJ_TITLE);
if (pSheet)
pObj->SetStyleSheet(pSheet, sal_True);
SfxStyleSheet* pSheet = GetStyleSheetForPresObj(GetPresObjKind(pObj));
if (pSheet)
pObj->SetStyleSheet(pSheet, sal_True);
for (sal_uLong i = 0; i < aReplList.Count(); i++)
delete (StyleReplaceData*) aReplList.GetObject(i);
|* das Gliederungstextobjekt bei den Vorlagen fuer die Gliederungsebenen
|* abmelden
void SdPage::EndListenOutlineText()
SdrObject* pOutlineTextObj = GetPresObj(PRESOBJ_OUTLINE);
if (pOutlineTextObj)
SdStyleSheetPool* pSPool = (SdStyleSheetPool*)pModel->GetStyleSheetPool();
DBG_ASSERT(pSPool, "StyleSheetPool nicht gefunden");
String aTrueLayoutName(maLayoutName);
aTrueLayoutName.Erase( aTrueLayoutName.SearchAscii( SD_LT_SEPARATOR ));
List* pOutlineStyles = pSPool->CreateOutlineSheetList(aTrueLayoutName);
for (SfxStyleSheet* pSheet = (SfxStyleSheet*)pOutlineStyles->First();
pSheet = (SfxStyleSheet*)pOutlineStyles->Next())
delete pOutlineStyles;
|* Neues Model setzen
void SdPage::SetModel(SdrModel* pNewModel)
// Model umsetzen
|* Ist die Seite read-only?
FASTBOOL SdPage::IsReadOnly() const
return sal_False;
|* Beim sfx2::LinkManager anmelden
void SdPage::ConnectLink()
sfx2::LinkManager* pLinkManager = pModel!=NULL ? pModel->GetLinkManager() : NULL;
if (pLinkManager && !mpPageLink && maFileName.Len() && maBookmarkName.Len() &&
mePageKind==PK_STANDARD && !IsMasterPage() &&
( (SdDrawDocument*) pModel)->IsNewOrLoadCompleted())
* Anmelden
* Nur Standardseiten duerfen gelinkt sein
::sd::DrawDocShell* pDocSh = ((SdDrawDocument*) pModel)->GetDocSh();
if (!pDocSh || pDocSh->GetMedium()->GetOrigURL() != maFileName)
// Keine Links auf Dokument-eigene Seiten!
mpPageLink = new SdPageLink(this, maFileName, maBookmarkName);
String aFilterName(SdResId(STR_IMPRESS));
pLinkManager->InsertFileLink(*mpPageLink, OBJECT_CLIENT_FILE,
maFileName, &aFilterName, &maBookmarkName);
|* Beim sfx2::LinkManager abmelden
void SdPage::DisconnectLink()
sfx2::LinkManager* pLinkManager = pModel!=NULL ? pModel->GetLinkManager() : NULL;
if (pLinkManager && mpPageLink)
* Abmelden
* (Bei Remove wird *pGraphicLink implizit deleted)
|* Copy-Ctor
SdPage::SdPage(const SdPage& rSrcPage)
: FmFormPage(rSrcPage)
, SdrObjUserCall()
, mpItems(NULL)
mePageKind = rSrcPage.mePageKind;
meAutoLayout = rSrcPage.meAutoLayout;
SdrObject* pObj = 0;
while((pObj = rSrcPage.maPresentationShapeList.getNextShape(pObj)) != 0)
InsertPresObj(GetObj(pObj->GetOrdNum()), rSrcPage.GetPresObjKind(pObj));
mbSelected = sal_False;
mnTransitionType = rSrcPage.mnTransitionType;
mnTransitionSubtype = rSrcPage.mnTransitionSubtype;
mbTransitionDirection = rSrcPage.mbTransitionDirection;
mnTransitionFadeColor = rSrcPage.mnTransitionFadeColor;
mfTransitionDuration = rSrcPage.mfTransitionDuration;
mePresChange = rSrcPage.mePresChange;
mnTime = rSrcPage.mnTime;
mbSoundOn = rSrcPage.mbSoundOn;
mbExcluded = rSrcPage.mbExcluded;
maLayoutName = rSrcPage.maLayoutName;
maSoundFile = rSrcPage.maSoundFile;
mbLoopSound = rSrcPage.mbLoopSound;
mbStopSound = rSrcPage.mbStopSound;
maCreatedPageName = String();
maFileName = rSrcPage.maFileName;
maBookmarkName = rSrcPage.maBookmarkName;
mbScaleObjects = rSrcPage.mbScaleObjects;
mbBackgroundFullSize = rSrcPage.mbBackgroundFullSize;
meCharSet = rSrcPage.meCharSet;
mnPaperBin = rSrcPage.mnPaperBin;
meOrientation = rSrcPage.meOrientation;
// header footer
setHeaderFooterSettings( rSrcPage.getHeaderFooterSettings() );
mpPageLink = NULL; // Wird beim Einfuegen ueber ConnectLink() gesetzt
|* Clone
SdrPage* SdPage::Clone() const
return Clone(NULL);
SdrPage* SdPage::Clone(SdrModel* pNewModel) const
DBG_ASSERT( pNewModel == 0, "sd::SdPage::Clone(), new page ignored, please check code! CL" );
SdPage* pNewPage = new SdPage(*this);
cloneAnimations( *pNewPage );
// fix user calls for duplicated slide
SdrObjListIter aSourceIter( *this, IM_DEEPWITHGROUPS );
SdrObjListIter aTargetIter( *pNewPage, IM_DEEPWITHGROUPS );
while( aSourceIter.IsMore() && aTargetIter.IsMore() )
SdrObject* pSource = aSourceIter.Next();
SdrObject* pTarget = aTargetIter.Next();
if( pSource->GetUserCall() )
pTarget->SetUserCall( pNewPage );
return pNewPage;
|* GetTextStyleSheetForObject
SfxStyleSheet* SdPage::GetTextStyleSheetForObject( SdrObject* pObj ) const
const PresObjKind eKind = ((SdPage*)this)->GetPresObjKind(pObj);
if( eKind != PRESOBJ_NONE )
return ((SdPage*)this)->GetStyleSheetForPresObj(eKind);
return FmFormPage::GetTextStyleSheetForObject( pObj );
SfxItemSet* SdPage::getOrCreateItems()
if( mpItems == NULL )
mpItems = new SfxItemSet( pModel->GetItemPool(), SDRATTR_XMLATTRIBUTES, SDRATTR_XMLATTRIBUTES );
return mpItems;
sal_Bool SdPage::setAlienAttributes( const com::sun::star::uno::Any& rAttributes )
SfxItemSet* pSet = getOrCreateItems();
SvXMLAttrContainerItem aAlienAttributes( SDRATTR_XMLATTRIBUTES );
if( aAlienAttributes.PutValue( rAttributes, 0 ) )
pSet->Put( aAlienAttributes );
return sal_True;
return sal_False;
void SdPage::getAlienAttributes( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rAttributes )
const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
if( (mpItems == NULL) || ( SFX_ITEM_SET != mpItems->GetItemState( SDRATTR_XMLATTRIBUTES, sal_False, &pItem ) ) )
SvXMLAttrContainerItem aAlienAttributes;
aAlienAttributes.QueryValue( rAttributes, 0 );
((SvXMLAttrContainerItem*)pItem)->QueryValue( rAttributes, 0 );
void SdPage::RemoveEmptyPresentationObjects()
SdrObjListIter aShapeIter( *this, IM_DEEPWITHGROUPS );
SdrObject* pShape;
for( pShape = aShapeIter.Next(); pShape; pShape = aShapeIter.Next() )
if( pShape && pShape->IsEmptyPresObj() )
RemoveObject( pShape->GetOrdNum() );
SdrObject::Free( pShape );
sal_Int16 SdPage::getTransitionType (void) const
return mnTransitionType;
void SdPage::setTransitionType( sal_Int16 nTransitionType )
mnTransitionType = nTransitionType;
sal_Int16 SdPage::getTransitionSubtype (void) const
return mnTransitionSubtype;
void SdPage::setTransitionSubtype ( sal_Int16 nTransitionSubtype )
mnTransitionSubtype = nTransitionSubtype;
sal_Bool SdPage::getTransitionDirection (void) const
return mbTransitionDirection;
void SdPage::setTransitionDirection ( sal_Bool bTransitionbDirection )
mbTransitionDirection = bTransitionbDirection;
sal_Int32 SdPage::getTransitionFadeColor (void) const
return mnTransitionFadeColor;
void SdPage::setTransitionFadeColor ( sal_Int32 nTransitionFadeColor )
mnTransitionFadeColor = nTransitionFadeColor;
double SdPage::getTransitionDuration (void) const
return mfTransitionDuration;
void SdPage::setTransitionDuration ( double fTranstionDuration )
mfTransitionDuration = fTranstionDuration;
namespace sd {
extern void createAnnotation( Reference< XAnnotation >& xAnnotation, SdPage* pPage );
extern SdrUndoAction* CreateUndoInsertOrRemoveAnnotation( const Reference< XAnnotation >& xAnnotation, bool bInsert );
void SdPage::createAnnotation( ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::office::XAnnotation >& xAnnotation )
sd::createAnnotation( xAnnotation, this );
void SdPage::addAnnotation( const Reference< XAnnotation >& xAnnotation, int nIndex )
if( (nIndex == -1) || (nIndex > (int)maAnnotations.size()) )
maAnnotations.push_back( xAnnotation );
maAnnotations.insert( maAnnotations.begin() + nIndex, xAnnotation );
if( pModel && pModel->IsUndoEnabled() )
SdrUndoAction* pAction = CreateUndoInsertOrRemoveAnnotation( xAnnotation, true );
if( pAction )
pModel->AddUndo( pAction );
if( pModel )
Reference< XInterface > xSource( xAnnotation, UNO_QUERY );
NotifyDocumentEvent( static_cast< SdDrawDocument* >( pModel ), rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "OnAnnotationInserted" ) ), xSource );
void SdPage::removeAnnotation( const Reference< XAnnotation >& xAnnotation )
if( pModel && pModel->IsUndoEnabled() )
SdrUndoAction* pAction = CreateUndoInsertOrRemoveAnnotation( xAnnotation, false );
if( pAction )
pModel->AddUndo( pAction );
AnnotationVector::iterator iter = std::find( maAnnotations.begin(), maAnnotations.end(), xAnnotation );
if( iter != maAnnotations.end() )
maAnnotations.erase( iter );
if( pModel )
Reference< XInterface > xSource( xAnnotation, UNO_QUERY );
NotifyDocumentEvent( static_cast< SdDrawDocument* >( pModel ), rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "OnAnnotationRemoved" ) ), xSource );