blob: 7c2318d399fdeeb92087c1912d693deebd2d21d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_scripting.hxx"
#include "ScriptElement.hxx"
#include <util/util.hxx>
using namespace ::rtl;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
typedef ::std::vector < ::std::pair < ::rtl::OUString, bool > > dependencies_vec;
typedef ::std::vector < ::std::pair < ::rtl::OUString, ::rtl::OUString > > deliveries_vec;
namespace scripting_impl
Construct a ScriptElement from a ScriptData object
@param sII
the ScriptDataObject
ScriptElement::ScriptElement( ScriptData & sII ) :
XMLElement( OUSTR( "parcel" ) ),
m_sII( sII )
OSL_TRACE( "ScriptElement ctor called\n" );
addAttribute( OUSTR( "language" ), sII.language );
addAttribute( OUSTR( "xmlns:parcel" ), OUSTR( "scripting.dtd" ) );
XMLElement* xScriptElt = new XMLElement( OUSTR( "script" ) );
xScriptElt->addAttribute( OUSTR( "language" ), sII.language );
Reference < xml::sax::XAttributeList > xal( xScriptElt );
addSubElement( xal );
strpair_map::const_iterator mp_it = sII.locales.begin();
strpair_map::const_iterator mp_itend = sII.locales.end();
for( ; mp_it != mp_itend; ++mp_it )
XMLElement* xel = new XMLElement( OUSTR( "locale" ) );
xel->addAttribute( OUSTR( "lang" ), mp_it->first );
XMLElement* subxel = new XMLElement( OUSTR( "displayname" ) );
subxel->addAttribute( OUSTR( "value" ), mp_it->second.first );
Reference < xml::sax::XAttributeList > subxattl( subxel );
xel->addSubElement( subxattl );
XMLElement* subxel = new XMLElement( OUSTR( "description" ),
mp_it->second.second );
Reference< xml::sax::XAttributeList > subxattl( subxel );
xel->addSubElement( subxattl );
Reference < xml::sax::XAttributeList > xal( xel );
xScriptElt->addSubElement( xal );
XMLElement* xel = new XMLElement( OUSTR( "functionname" ) );
xel->addAttribute( OUSTR( "value" ), sII.functionname );
Reference < xml::sax::XAttributeList > xal( xel );
xScriptElt->addSubElement( xal );
XMLElement* xel = new XMLElement( OUSTR( "logicalname" ) );
xel->addAttribute( OUSTR( "value" ), sII.logicalname );
Reference < xml::sax::XAttributeList > xal( xel );
xScriptElt->addSubElement( xal );
props_vec::const_iterator vp_it = sII.languagedepprops.begin();
props_vec::const_iterator vp_itend = sII.languagedepprops.end();
if ( vp_it != vp_itend )
XMLElement* xel = new XMLElement( OUSTR( "languagedepprops" ) );
for( ; vp_it != vp_itend ; ++vp_it )
XMLElement* subxel = new XMLElement( OUSTR( "prop" ) );
subxel->addAttribute( OUSTR( "name" ), vp_it->first );
subxel->addAttribute( OUSTR( "value" ), vp_it->second );
Reference < xml::sax::XAttributeList > subxattl( subxel );
xel->addSubElement( subxattl );
Reference < xml::sax::XAttributeList > xal( xel );
xScriptElt->addSubElement( xal );
filesets_map::const_iterator fm_it = sII.filesets.begin();
filesets_map::const_iterator fm_itend = sII.filesets.end();
for( ; fm_it != fm_itend; ++fm_it )
XMLElement* xel = new XMLElement( OUSTR( "fileset" ) );
xel->addAttribute( OUSTR( "name" ), fm_it->first );
vp_it = fm_it->second.first.begin();
vp_itend = fm_it->second.first.end();
for( ; vp_it != vp_itend; ++vp_it )
XMLElement* subxel = new XMLElement( OUSTR( "prop" ) );
subxel->addAttribute( OUSTR( "name" ), vp_it->first );
subxel->addAttribute( OUSTR("value"), vp_it->second );
Reference < xml::sax::XAttributeList > subxattl( subxel );
xel->addSubElement( subxattl );
strpairvec_map::const_iterator sm_it = fm_it->second.second.begin();
strpairvec_map::const_iterator sm_itend = fm_it->second.second.end();
if( sm_it != sm_itend )
// was there a purpose for contstructing this
// XMLElement* subxel = new XMLElement( OUSTR( "file" ) );
xel->addAttribute( OUSTR( "name" ), sm_it->first );
ScriptElement::~ScriptElement() SAL_THROW(())
} // namespace scripting_impl