blob: 5a311d82145bd7505dd9bae41dc4ae9c63fd98c7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sc.hxx"
// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
#include <vcl/help.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include "tabview.hxx"
#include "document.hxx"
#include "docsh.hxx"
#include "scmod.hxx"
#include "gridwin.hxx"
#include "globstr.hrc"
#include "cell.hxx"
#include "dociter.hxx"
extern sal_uInt16 nScFillModeMouseModifier; // global.cxx
// STATIC DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
// --- Referenz-Eingabe / Fill-Cursor
void ScTabView::HideTip()
if ( nTipVisible )
Help::HideTip( nTipVisible );
nTipVisible = 0;
void ScTabView::ShowRefTip()
sal_Bool bDone = sal_False;
if ( aViewData.GetRefType() == SC_REFTYPE_REF && Help::IsQuickHelpEnabled() )
SCCOL nStartX = aViewData.GetRefStartX();
SCROW nStartY = aViewData.GetRefStartY();
SCCOL nEndX = aViewData.GetRefEndX();
SCROW nEndY = aViewData.GetRefEndY();
if ( nEndX != nStartX || nEndY != nStartY ) // nicht fuer einzelne Zelle
sal_Bool bLeft = ( nEndX < nStartX );
sal_Bool bTop = ( nEndY < nStartY );
PutInOrder( nStartX, nEndX );
PutInOrder( nStartY, nEndY );
SCCOL nCols = nEndX+1-nStartX;
SCROW nRows = nEndY+1-nStartY;
String aHelp = ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_QUICKHELP_REF );
aHelp.SearchAndReplace( String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("%1")),
String::CreateFromInt32(nRows) );
aHelp.SearchAndReplace( String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("%2")),
String::CreateFromInt32(nCols) );
ScSplitPos eWhich = aViewData.GetActivePart();
Window* pWin = pGridWin[eWhich];
if ( pWin )
Point aStart = aViewData.GetScrPos( nStartX, nStartY, eWhich );
Point aEnd = aViewData.GetScrPos( nEndX+1, nEndY+1, eWhich );
Point aPos( bLeft ? aStart.X() : ( aEnd.X() + 3 ),
bTop ? aStart.Y() : ( aEnd.Y() + 3 ) );
sal_uInt16 nFlags = ( bLeft ? QUICKHELP_RIGHT : QUICKHELP_LEFT ) |
// nicht ueber die editierte Formel
if ( !bTop && aViewData.HasEditView( eWhich ) &&
nEndY+1 == aViewData.GetEditViewRow() )
// dann an der oberen Kante der editierten Zelle ausrichten
aPos.Y() -= 2; // die 3 von oben
Rectangle aRect( pWin->OutputToScreenPixel( aPos ), Size(1,1) );
//! Test, ob geaendert ??
nTipVisible = Help::ShowTip( pWin, aRect, aHelp, nFlags );
bDone = sal_True;
if (!bDone)
void ScTabView::StopRefMode()
if (aViewData.IsRefMode())
aViewData.SetRefMode( sal_False, SC_REFTYPE_NONE );
if ( aViewData.GetTabNo() >= aViewData.GetRefStartZ() &&
aViewData.GetTabNo() <= aViewData.GetRefEndZ() )
ScDocument* pDoc = aViewData.GetDocument();
SCCOL nStartX = aViewData.GetRefStartX();
SCROW nStartY = aViewData.GetRefStartY();
SCCOL nEndX = aViewData.GetRefEndX();
SCROW nEndY = aViewData.GetRefEndY();
if ( nStartX == nEndX && nStartY == nEndY )
pDoc->ExtendMerge( nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY, aViewData.GetTabNo() );
PaintArea( nStartX,nStartY,nEndX,nEndY, SC_UPDATE_MARKS );
pSelEngine->SetAddMode( sal_False ); //! sollte das nicht bei Reset passieren?
ScSplitPos eOld = pSelEngine->GetWhich();
ScSplitPos eNew = aViewData.GetActivePart();
if ( eNew != eOld )
pSelEngine->SetWindow( pGridWin[ eNew ] );
pSelEngine->SetWhich( eNew );
pSelEngine->SetVisibleArea( Rectangle(Point(),
pGridWin[eNew]->GetOutputSizePixel()) );
// AlignToCursor(SC_FOLLOW_NONE): Only switch active part.
// This must also be done if no RefMode was active (for RangeFinder dragging),
// but if RefMode was set, AlignToCursor must be after SelectionEngine reset,
// so the SelectionEngine SetWindow call from AlignToCursor doesn't capture
// the mouse again when called from Tracking/MouseButtonUp (#94562#).
AlignToCursor( aViewData.GetCurX(), aViewData.GetCurY(), SC_FOLLOW_NONE );
void ScTabView::DoneRefMode( sal_Bool bContinue )
ScDocument* pDoc = aViewData.GetDocument();
if ( aViewData.GetRefType() == SC_REFTYPE_REF && bContinue )
sal_Bool bWasRef = aViewData.IsRefMode();
aViewData.SetRefMode( sal_False, SC_REFTYPE_NONE );
// Paint:
if ( bWasRef && aViewData.GetTabNo() >= aViewData.GetRefStartZ() &&
aViewData.GetTabNo() <= aViewData.GetRefEndZ() )
SCCOL nStartX = aViewData.GetRefStartX();
SCROW nStartY = aViewData.GetRefStartY();
SCCOL nEndX = aViewData.GetRefEndX();
SCROW nEndY = aViewData.GetRefEndY();
if ( nStartX == nEndX && nStartY == nEndY )
pDoc->ExtendMerge( nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY, aViewData.GetTabNo() );
PaintArea( nStartX,nStartY,nEndX,nEndY, SC_UPDATE_MARKS );
void ScTabView::UpdateRef( SCCOL nCurX, SCROW nCurY, SCTAB nCurZ )
ScDocument* pDoc = aViewData.GetDocument();
if (!aViewData.IsRefMode())
// Das kommt vor, wenn bei einem Referenz-Dialog als erstes mit Control in die
// die Tabelle geklickt wird. Dann die neue Referenz an den alten Inhalt anhaengen:
ScModule* pScMod = SC_MOD();
if (pScMod->IsFormulaMode())
InitRefMode( nCurX, nCurY, nCurZ, SC_REFTYPE_REF );
if ( nCurX != aViewData.GetRefEndX() || nCurY != aViewData.GetRefEndY() ||
nCurZ != aViewData.GetRefEndZ() )
ScMarkData& rMark = aViewData.GetMarkData();
SCTAB nTab = aViewData.GetTabNo();
SCCOL nStartX = aViewData.GetRefStartX();
SCROW nStartY = aViewData.GetRefStartY();
SCCOL nEndX = aViewData.GetRefEndX();
SCROW nEndY = aViewData.GetRefEndY();
if ( nStartX == nEndX && nStartY == nEndY )
pDoc->ExtendMerge( nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY, nTab );
ScUpdateRect aRect( nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY );
aViewData.SetRefEnd( nCurX, nCurY, nCurZ );
nStartX = aViewData.GetRefStartX();
nStartY = aViewData.GetRefStartY();
nEndX = aViewData.GetRefEndX();
nEndY = aViewData.GetRefEndY();
if ( nStartX == nEndX && nStartY == nEndY )
pDoc->ExtendMerge( nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY, nTab );
aRect.SetNew( nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY );
ScRefType eType = aViewData.GetRefType();
if ( eType == SC_REFTYPE_REF )
ScRange aRef(
aViewData.GetRefStartX(), aViewData.GetRefStartY(), aViewData.GetRefStartZ(),
aViewData.GetRefEndX(), aViewData.GetRefEndY(), aViewData.GetRefEndZ() );
SC_MOD()->SetReference( aRef, pDoc, &rMark );
else if ( eType == SC_REFTYPE_EMBED_LT || eType == SC_REFTYPE_EMBED_RB )
pDoc->SetEmbedded( ScRange(nStartX,nStartY,nTab, nEndX,nEndY,nTab) );
ScDocShell* pDocSh = aViewData.GetDocShell();
pDocSh->UpdateOle( &aViewData, sal_True );
SCCOL nPaintStartX;
SCROW nPaintStartY;
SCCOL nPaintEndX;
SCROW nPaintEndY;
if (aRect.GetDiff( nPaintStartX, nPaintStartY, nPaintEndX, nPaintEndY ))
PaintArea( nPaintStartX, nPaintStartY, nPaintEndX, nPaintEndY, SC_UPDATE_MARKS );
// Tip-Hilfe fuer Auto-Fill
if ( aViewData.GetRefType() == SC_REFTYPE_FILL && Help::IsQuickHelpEnabled() )
String aHelpStr;
ScRange aMarkRange;
aViewData.GetSimpleArea( aMarkRange );
SCCOL nEndX = aViewData.GetRefEndX();
SCROW nEndY = aViewData.GetRefEndY();
ScRange aDelRange;
if ( aViewData.GetFillMode() == SC_FILL_MATRIX && !(nScFillModeMouseModifier & KEY_MOD1) )
aHelpStr = ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_TIP_RESIZEMATRIX );
SCCOL nCols = nEndX + 1 - aViewData.GetRefStartX(); // Reihenfolge ist richtig
SCROW nRows = nEndY + 1 - aViewData.GetRefStartY();
aHelpStr.SearchAndReplace( String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("%1")),
String::CreateFromInt32(nRows) );
aHelpStr.SearchAndReplace( String::CreateFromAscii(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("%2")),
String::CreateFromInt32(nCols) );
else if ( aViewData.GetDelMark( aDelRange ) )
aHelpStr = ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_QUICKHELP_DELETE );
else if ( nEndX != aMarkRange.aEnd.Col() || nEndY != aMarkRange.aEnd.Row() )
aHelpStr = pDoc->GetAutoFillPreview( aMarkRange, nEndX, nEndY );
// je nach Richtung die obere oder untere Ecke:
SCCOL nAddX = ( nEndX >= aMarkRange.aEnd.Col() ) ? 1 : 0;
SCROW nAddY = ( nEndY >= aMarkRange.aEnd.Row() ) ? 1 : 0;
Point aPos = aViewData.GetScrPos( nEndX+nAddX, nEndY+nAddY, aViewData.GetActivePart() );
aPos.X() += 8;
aPos.Y() += 4;
Window* pWin = GetActiveWin();
if ( pWin )
aPos = pWin->OutputToScreenPixel( aPos );
Rectangle aRect( aPos, aPos );
Help::ShowQuickHelp(pWin, aRect, aHelpStr, nAlign);
void ScTabView::InitRefMode( SCCOL nCurX, SCROW nCurY, SCTAB nCurZ, ScRefType eType, sal_Bool bPaint )
ScDocument* pDoc = aViewData.GetDocument();
ScMarkData& rMark = aViewData.GetMarkData();
if (!aViewData.IsRefMode())
aViewData.SetRefMode( sal_True, eType );
aViewData.SetRefStart( nCurX, nCurY, nCurZ );
aViewData.SetRefEnd( nCurX, nCurY, nCurZ );
if (nCurZ == aViewData.GetTabNo() && bPaint)
SCCOL nStartX = nCurX;
SCROW nStartY = nCurY;
SCCOL nEndX = nCurX;
SCROW nEndY = nCurY;
pDoc->ExtendMerge( nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY, aViewData.GetTabNo() );
//! nur Markierung ueber Inhalte zeichnen!
PaintArea( nStartX,nStartY,nEndX,nEndY, SC_UPDATE_MARKS );
// SetReference ohne Merge-Anpassung
ScRange aRef( nCurX,nCurY,nCurZ, nCurX,nCurY,nCurZ );
SC_MOD()->SetReference( aRef, pDoc, &rMark );
//UNUSED2008-05 void ScTabView::EndSelection()
//UNUSED2008-05 {
//UNUSED2008-05 ScModule* pScMod = SC_MOD();
//UNUSED2008-05 sal_Bool bRefMode = pScMod->IsFormulaMode();
//UNUSED2008-05 if ( bRefMode )
//UNUSED2008-05 pScMod->EndReference();
//UNUSED2008-05 }
// static
void ScTabView::SetScrollBar( ScrollBar& rScroll, long nRangeMax, long nVisible, long nPos, sal_Bool bLayoutRTL )
if ( nVisible == 0 )
nVisible = 1; // #i59893# don't use visible size 0
// RTL layout uses a negative range to simulate a mirrored scroll bar.
// SetScrollBar/GetScrollBarPos hide this so outside of these functions normal cell
// addresses can be used.
if ( bLayoutRTL )
rScroll.SetRange( Range( -nRangeMax, 0 ) );
rScroll.SetVisibleSize( nVisible );
rScroll.SetThumbPos( -nPos - nVisible );
rScroll.SetRange( Range( 0, nRangeMax ) );
rScroll.SetVisibleSize( nVisible );
rScroll.SetThumbPos( nPos );
// static
long ScTabView::GetScrollBarPos( ScrollBar& rScroll, sal_Bool bLayoutRTL )
if ( bLayoutRTL )
return -rScroll.GetThumbPos() - rScroll.GetVisibleSize();
return rScroll.GetThumbPos();
// UpdateScrollBars - sichtbaren Bereich und Scrollweite der Scrollbars einstellen
long lcl_UpdateBar( ScrollBar& rScroll, SCCOLROW nSize ) // Size = (komplette) Zellen
long nOldPos;
long nNewPos;
nOldPos = rScroll.GetThumbPos();
rScroll.SetPageSize( static_cast<long>(nSize) );
nNewPos = rScroll.GetThumbPos();
#ifndef UNX
rScroll.SetPageSize( 1 ); // immer moeglich !
return nNewPos - nOldPos;
long lcl_GetScrollRange( SCCOLROW nDocEnd, SCCOLROW nPos, SCCOLROW nVis, SCCOLROW nMax, SCCOLROW nStart )
// get the end (positive) of a scroll bar range that always starts at 0
++nMax; // for partially visible cells
SCCOLROW nEnd = Max(nDocEnd, (SCCOLROW)(nPos+nVis)) + nVis;
if (nEnd > nMax)
nEnd = nMax;
return ( nEnd - nStart ); // for range starting at 0
void ScTabView::UpdateScrollBars()
long nDiff;
sal_Bool bTop = ( aViewData.GetVSplitMode() != SC_SPLIT_NONE );
sal_Bool bRight = ( aViewData.GetHSplitMode() != SC_SPLIT_NONE );
ScDocument* pDoc = aViewData.GetDocument();
SCTAB nTab = aViewData.GetTabNo();
sal_Bool bMirror = pDoc->IsLayoutRTL( nTab ) != Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL();
pDoc->GetTableArea( nTab, nUsedX, nUsedY ); //! cachen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SCCOL nVisXL = 0;
SCCOL nVisXR = 0;
SCROW nVisYB = 0;
SCROW nVisYT = 0;
SCCOL nStartX = 0;
SCROW nStartY = 0;
if (aViewData.GetHSplitMode()==SC_SPLIT_FIX)
nStartX = aViewData.GetFixPosX();
if (aViewData.GetVSplitMode()==SC_SPLIT_FIX)
nStartY = aViewData.GetFixPosY();
nVisXL = aViewData.VisibleCellsX( SC_SPLIT_LEFT );
long nMaxXL = lcl_GetScrollRange( nUsedX, aViewData.GetPosX(SC_SPLIT_LEFT), nVisXL, MAXCOL, 0 );
SetScrollBar( aHScrollLeft, nMaxXL, nVisXL, aViewData.GetPosX( SC_SPLIT_LEFT ), bMirror );
nVisYB = aViewData.VisibleCellsY( SC_SPLIT_BOTTOM );
long nMaxYB = lcl_GetScrollRange( nUsedY, aViewData.GetPosY(SC_SPLIT_BOTTOM), nVisYB, MAXROW, nStartY );
SetScrollBar( aVScrollBottom, nMaxYB, nVisYB, aViewData.GetPosY( SC_SPLIT_BOTTOM ) - nStartY, sal_False );
if (bRight)
nVisXR = aViewData.VisibleCellsX( SC_SPLIT_RIGHT );
long nMaxXR = lcl_GetScrollRange( nUsedX, aViewData.GetPosX(SC_SPLIT_RIGHT), nVisXR, MAXCOL, nStartX );
SetScrollBar( aHScrollRight, nMaxXR, nVisXR, aViewData.GetPosX( SC_SPLIT_RIGHT ) - nStartX, bMirror );
if (bTop)
nVisYT = aViewData.VisibleCellsY( SC_SPLIT_TOP );
long nMaxYT = lcl_GetScrollRange( nUsedY, aViewData.GetPosY(SC_SPLIT_TOP), nVisYT, MAXROW, 0 );
SetScrollBar( aVScrollTop, nMaxYT, nVisYT, aViewData.GetPosY( SC_SPLIT_TOP ), sal_False );
// Bereich testen
nDiff = lcl_UpdateBar( aHScrollLeft, nVisXL );
if (nDiff) ScrollX( nDiff, SC_SPLIT_LEFT );
if (bRight)
nDiff = lcl_UpdateBar( aHScrollRight, nVisXR );
if (nDiff) ScrollX( nDiff, SC_SPLIT_RIGHT );
nDiff = lcl_UpdateBar( aVScrollBottom, nVisYB );
if (nDiff) ScrollY( nDiff, SC_SPLIT_BOTTOM );
if (bTop)
nDiff = lcl_UpdateBar( aVScrollTop, nVisYT );
if (nDiff) ScrollY( nDiff, SC_SPLIT_TOP );
// set visible area for online spelling
if ( aViewData.IsActive() )
ScSplitPos eActive = aViewData.GetActivePart();
ScHSplitPos eHWhich = WhichH( eActive );
ScVSplitPos eVWhich = WhichV( eActive );
SCCOL nPosX = aViewData.GetPosX(eHWhich);
SCROW nPosY = aViewData.GetPosY(eVWhich);
SCCOL nEndX = nPosX + ( ( eHWhich == SC_SPLIT_LEFT ) ? nVisXL : nVisXR );
SCROW nEndY = nPosY + ( ( eVWhich == SC_SPLIT_TOP ) ? nVisYT : nVisYB );
if ( nEndX > MAXCOL ) nEndX = MAXCOL;
if ( nEndY > MAXROW ) nEndY = MAXROW;
ScRange aVisible( nPosX, nPosY, nTab, nEndX, nEndY, nTab );
if ( pDoc->SetVisibleSpellRange( aVisible ) )
SC_MOD()->AnythingChanged(); // if visible area has changed
void ScTabView::InvertHorizontal( ScVSplitPos eWhich, long nDragPos )
for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<4; i++)
if (WhichV((ScSplitPos)i)==eWhich)
ScGridWindow* pWin = pGridWin[i];
if (pWin)
Rectangle aRect( 0,nDragPos, pWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Width()-1,nDragPos+HDR_SLIDERSIZE-1 );
pWin->DoInvertRect( aRect ); // Pixel
void ScTabView::InvertVertical( ScHSplitPos eWhich, long nDragPos )
for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<4; i++)
if (WhichH((ScSplitPos)i)==eWhich)
ScGridWindow* pWin = pGridWin[i];
if (pWin)
Rectangle aRect( nDragPos,0, nDragPos+HDR_SLIDERSIZE-1,pWin->GetOutputSizePixel().Height()-1 );
pWin->DoInvertRect( aRect ); // Pixel
void ScTabView::InterpretVisible()
// make sure all visible cells are interpreted,
// so the next paint will not execute a macro function
ScDocument* pDoc = aViewData.GetDocument();
if ( !pDoc->GetAutoCalc() )
SCTAB nTab = aViewData.GetTabNo();
for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<4; i++)
// rely on gridwin pointers to find used panes
// no IsVisible test in case the whole view is not yet shown
if (pGridWin[i])
ScHSplitPos eHWhich = WhichH( ScSplitPos(i) );
ScVSplitPos eVWhich = WhichV( ScSplitPos(i) );
SCCOL nX1 = aViewData.GetPosX( eHWhich );
SCROW nY1 = aViewData.GetPosY( eVWhich );
SCCOL nX2 = nX1 + aViewData.VisibleCellsX( eHWhich );
SCROW nY2 = nY1 + aViewData.VisibleCellsY( eVWhich );
if (nX2 > MAXCOL) nX2 = MAXCOL;
if (nY2 > MAXROW) nY2 = MAXROW;
ScCellIterator aIter( pDoc, nX1, nY1, nTab, nX2, nY2, nTab );
ScBaseCell* pCell = aIter.GetFirst();
while ( pCell )
if ( pCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA && ((ScFormulaCell*)pCell)->GetDirty() )
pCell = aIter.GetNext();
// #i65047# repaint during the above loop may have set the bNeedsRepaint flag