blob: 5227c8ce325bda081e54b45453e756a16bd9756f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sc.hxx"
// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
#include <com/sun/star/embed/EmbedMisc.hpp>
#include "scitems.hxx"
#include <editeng/boxitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/brshitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/editdata.hxx>
#include <svtools/colorcfg.hxx>
#include <svx/rotmodit.hxx>
#include <editeng/shaditem.hxx>
#include <editeng/svxfont.hxx>
#include <svx/svdoole2.hxx>
#include <tools/poly.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/pdfextoutdevdata.hxx>
#include <svtools/accessibilityoptions.hxx>
#include <svx/framelinkarray.hxx>
#include "output.hxx"
#include "document.hxx"
#include "cell.hxx"
#include "attrib.hxx"
#include "patattr.hxx"
#include "docpool.hxx"
#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
#include "progress.hxx"
#include "pagedata.hxx"
#include "chgtrack.hxx"
#include "chgviset.hxx"
#include "viewutil.hxx"
#include "gridmerg.hxx"
#include "invmerge.hxx"
#include "fillinfo.hxx"
#include "scmod.hxx"
#include "appoptio.hxx"
#include "postit.hxx"
#include <math.h>
using namespace com::sun::star;
// STATIC DATA -----------------------------------------------------------
// Farben fuer ChangeTracking "nach Autor" wie im Writer (swmodul1.cxx)
static ColorData nAuthorColor[ SC_AUTHORCOLORCOUNT ] = {
ScActionColorChanger::ScActionColorChanger( const ScChangeTrack& rTrack ) :
rOpt( SC_MOD()->GetAppOptions() ),
rUsers( rTrack.GetUserCollection() ),
nLastUserIndex( 0 ),
nColor( COL_BLACK )
void ScActionColorChanger::Update( const ScChangeAction& rAction )
ColorData nSetColor;
switch (rAction.GetType())
nSetColor = rOpt.GetTrackInsertColor();
nSetColor = rOpt.GetTrackDeleteColor();
nSetColor = rOpt.GetTrackMoveColor();
nSetColor = rOpt.GetTrackContentColor();
if ( nSetColor != COL_TRANSPARENT ) // Farbe eingestellt
nColor = nSetColor;
else // nach Autor
if ( rAction.GetUser() != aLastUserName )
aLastUserName = rAction.GetUser();
StrData aData(aLastUserName);
sal_uInt16 nIndex;
if (!rUsers.Search(&aData, nIndex))
// empty string is possible if a name wasn't found while saving a 5.0 file
DBG_ASSERT( aLastUserName.Len() == 0, "Author not found" );
nIndex = 0;
nLastUserIndex = nIndex % SC_AUTHORCOLORCOUNT;
nColor = nAuthorColor[nLastUserIndex];
ScOutputData::ScOutputData( OutputDevice* pNewDev, ScOutputType eNewType,
ScTableInfo& rTabInfo, ScDocument* pNewDoc,
SCTAB nNewTab, long nNewScrX, long nNewScrY,
double nPixelPerTwipsX, double nPixelPerTwipsY,
const Fraction* pZoomX, const Fraction* pZoomY ) :
pDev( pNewDev ),
pRefDevice( pNewDev ), // default is output device
pFmtDevice( pNewDev ), // default is output device
mrTabInfo( rTabInfo ),
pRowInfo( rTabInfo.mpRowInfo ),
nArrCount( rTabInfo.mnArrCount ),
pDoc( pNewDoc ),
nTab( nNewTab ),
nScrX( nNewScrX ),
nScrY( nNewScrY ),
nX1( nNewX1 ),
nY1( nNewY1 ),
nX2( nNewX2 ),
nY2( nNewY2 ),
eType( eNewType ),
nPPTX( nPixelPerTwipsX ),
nPPTY( nPixelPerTwipsY ),
pEditObj( NULL ),
pViewShell( NULL ),
pDrawView( NULL ), // #114135#
bEditMode( sal_False ),
bMetaFile( sal_False ),
bSingleGrid( sal_False ),
bPagebreakMode( sal_False ),
bSolidBackground( sal_False ),
bUseStyleColor( sal_False ),
bForceAutoColor( SC_MOD()->GetAccessOptions().GetIsAutomaticFontColor() ),
bSyntaxMode( sal_False ),
pValueColor( NULL ),
pTextColor( NULL ),
pFormulaColor( NULL ),
aGridColor( COL_BLACK ),
bShowNullValues( sal_True ),
bShowFormulas( sal_False ),
bShowSpellErrors( sal_False ),
bMarkClipped( sal_False ), // sal_False fuer Drucker/Metafile etc.
bSnapPixel( sal_False ),
bAnyRotated( sal_False ),
bAnyClipped( sal_False ),
mpTargetPaintWindow(0) // #i74769# use SdrPaintWindow direct
if (pZoomX)
aZoomX = *pZoomX;
aZoomX = Fraction(1,1);
if (pZoomY)
aZoomY = *pZoomY;
aZoomY = Fraction(1,1);
nVisX1 = nX1;
nVisY1 = nY1;
nVisX2 = nX2;
nVisY2 = nY2;
pDoc->StripHidden( nVisX1, nVisY1, nVisX2, nVisY2, nTab );
nScrW = 0;
for (SCCOL nX=nVisX1; nX<=nVisX2; nX++)
nScrW += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth;
nMirrorW = nScrW;
nScrH = 0;
for (SCSIZE nArrY=1; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)
nScrH += pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight;
bTabProtected = pDoc->IsTabProtected( nTab );
nTabTextDirection = pDoc->GetEditTextDirection( nTab );
bLayoutRTL = pDoc->IsLayoutRTL( nTab );
delete pValueColor;
delete pTextColor;
delete pFormulaColor;
void ScOutputData::SetContentDevice( OutputDevice* pContentDev )
// use pContentDev instead of pDev where used
if ( pRefDevice == pDev )
pRefDevice = pContentDev;
if ( pFmtDevice == pDev )
pFmtDevice = pContentDev;
pDev = pContentDev;
void ScOutputData::SetMirrorWidth( long nNew )
nMirrorW = nNew;
void ScOutputData::SetGridColor( const Color& rColor )
aGridColor = rColor;
void ScOutputData::SetMarkClipped( sal_Bool bSet )
bMarkClipped = bSet;
void ScOutputData::SetShowNullValues( sal_Bool bSet )
bShowNullValues = bSet;
void ScOutputData::SetShowFormulas( sal_Bool bSet )
bShowFormulas = bSet;
void ScOutputData::SetShowSpellErrors( sal_Bool bSet )
bShowSpellErrors = bSet;
void ScOutputData::SetSnapPixel( sal_Bool bSet )
bSnapPixel = bSet;
void ScOutputData::SetEditCell( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow )
nEditCol = nCol;
nEditRow = nRow;
bEditMode = sal_True;
void ScOutputData::SetMetaFileMode( sal_Bool bNewMode )
bMetaFile = bNewMode;
void ScOutputData::SetSingleGrid( sal_Bool bNewMode )
bSingleGrid = bNewMode;
void ScOutputData::SetSyntaxMode( sal_Bool bNewMode )
bSyntaxMode = bNewMode;
if (bNewMode)
if (!pValueColor)
pValueColor = new Color( COL_LIGHTBLUE );
pTextColor = new Color( COL_BLACK );
pFormulaColor = new Color( COL_GREEN );
void ScOutputData::DrawGrid( sal_Bool bGrid, sal_Bool bPage )
long nPosX;
long nPosY;
ScBreakType nBreak = BREAK_NONE;
ScBreakType nBreakOld = BREAK_NONE;
sal_Bool bSingle;
Color aPageColor;
Color aManualColor;
if (bPagebreakMode)
bPage = sal_False; // keine "normalen" Umbrueche ueber volle Breite/Hoehe
//! um den einen Pixel sieht das Metafile (oder die Druck-Ausgabe) anders aus
//! als die Bildschirmdarstellung, aber wenigstens passen Druck und Metafile zusammen
Size aOnePixel = pDev->PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
long nOneX = aOnePixel.Width();
long nOneY = aOnePixel.Height();
if (bMetaFile)
nOneX = nOneY = 1;
long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
long nSignedOneX = nOneX * nLayoutSign;
if ( eType == OUTTYPE_WINDOW )
const svtools::ColorConfig& rColorCfg = SC_MOD()->GetColorConfig();
aPageColor.SetColor( rColorCfg.GetColorValue(svtools::CALCPAGEBREAKAUTOMATIC).nColor );
aManualColor.SetColor( rColorCfg.GetColorValue(svtools::CALCPAGEBREAKMANUAL).nColor );
aPageColor = aGridColor;
aManualColor = aGridColor;
pDev->SetLineColor( aGridColor );
ScGridMerger aGrid( pDev, nOneX, nOneY );
// Vertikale Linien
nPosX = nScrX;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
nPosX += nMirrorW - nOneX;
for (nX=nX1; nX<=nX2; nX++)
SCCOL nXplus1 = nX+1;
SCCOL nXplus2 = nX+2;
sal_uInt16 nWidth = pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nXplus1].nWidth;
if (nWidth)
nPosX += nWidth * nLayoutSign;
if ( bPage )
// Seitenumbrueche auch in ausgeblendeten suchen
SCCOL nCol = nXplus1;
while (nCol <= MAXCOL)
nBreak = pDoc->HasColBreak(nCol, nTab);
bool bHidden = pDoc->ColHidden(nCol, nTab);
if ( nBreak || !bHidden )
if (nBreak != nBreakOld)
pDev->SetLineColor( (nBreak & BREAK_MANUAL) ? aManualColor :
nBreak ? aPageColor : aGridColor );
nBreakOld = nBreak;
sal_Bool bDraw = bGrid || nBreakOld; // einfaches Gitter nur wenn eingestellt
//! Mit dieser Abfrage wird zuviel weggelassen, wenn ein automatischer
//! Umbruch mitten in den Wiederholungsspalten liegt.
//! Dann lieber den aeusseren Rahmen zweimal ausgeben...
#if 0
// auf dem Drucker die Aussen-Linien weglassen (werden getrennt ausgegeben)
if ( eType == OUTTYPE_PRINTER && !bMetaFile )
if ( nX == MAXCOL )
bDraw = sal_False;
else if (pDoc->HasColBreak(nXplus1, nTab))
bDraw = sal_False;
sal_uInt16 nWidthXplus2 = pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nXplus2].nWidth;
bSingle = bSingleGrid; //! in Fillinfo holen !!!!!
if ( nX<MAXCOL && !bSingle )
bSingle = ( nWidthXplus2 == 0 );
for (nArrY=1; nArrY+1<nArrCount && !bSingle; nArrY++)
if (pRowInfo[nArrY].pCellInfo[nXplus2].bHOverlapped)
bSingle = sal_True;
if (pRowInfo[nArrY].pCellInfo[nXplus1].bHideGrid)
bSingle = sal_True;
if (bDraw)
if ( nX<MAXCOL && bSingle )
SCCOL nVisX = nXplus1;
while ( nVisX < MAXCOL && !pDoc->GetColWidth(nVisX,nTab) )
nPosY = nScrY;
long nNextY;
for (nArrY=1; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)
RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
nNextY = nPosY + pThisRowInfo->nHeight;
sal_Bool bHOver = pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nXplus1].bHideGrid;
if (!bHOver)
if (nWidthXplus2)
bHOver = pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nXplus2].bHOverlapped;
if (nVisX <= nX2)
bHOver = pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nVisX+1].bHOverlapped;
bHOver = ((ScMergeFlagAttr*)pDoc->GetAttr(
if (bHOver)
bHOver = ((ScMergeFlagAttr*)pDoc->GetAttr(
if (pThisRowInfo->bChanged && !bHOver)
//Point aStart( nPosX-nSignedOneX, nPosY );
//Point aEnd( nPosX-nSignedOneX, nNextY-nOneY );
//pDev->DrawLine( aStart, aEnd );
aGrid.AddVerLine( nPosX-nSignedOneX, nPosY, nNextY-nOneY );
nPosY = nNextY;
//Point aStart( nPosX-nSignedOneX, nScrY );
//Point aEnd( nPosX-nSignedOneX, nScrY+nScrH-nOneY );
//pDev->DrawLine( aStart, aEnd );
aGrid.AddVerLine( nPosX-nSignedOneX, nScrY, nScrY+nScrH-nOneY );
// Horizontale Linien
bool bHiddenRow = true;
SCROW nHiddenEndRow = -1;
nPosY = nScrY;
for (nArrY=1; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)
SCSIZE nArrYplus1 = nArrY+1;
nY = pRowInfo[nArrY].nRowNo;
SCROW nYplus1 = nY+1;
nPosY += pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight;
if (pRowInfo[nArrY].bChanged)
if ( bPage )
for (SCROW i = nYplus1; i <= MAXROW; ++i)
if (i > nHiddenEndRow)
bHiddenRow = pDoc->RowHidden(i, nTab, nHiddenEndRow);
/* TODO: optimize the row break thing for large hidden
* segments where HasRowBreak() has to be called
* nevertheless for each row, as a row break is drawn also
* for hidden rows, above them. This needed to be done only
* once per hidden segment, maybe giving manual breaks
* priority. Something like GetNextRowBreak() and
* GetNextManualRowBreak(). */
nBreak = pDoc->HasRowBreak(i, nTab);
if (!bHiddenRow || nBreak)
if (nBreakOld != nBreak)
pDev->SetLineColor( (nBreak & BREAK_MANUAL) ? aManualColor :
(nBreak) ? aPageColor : aGridColor );
nBreakOld = nBreak;
sal_Bool bDraw = bGrid || nBreakOld; // einfaches Gitter nur wenn eingestellt
//! Mit dieser Abfrage wird zuviel weggelassen, wenn ein automatischer
//! Umbruch mitten in den Wiederholungszeilen liegt.
//! Dann lieber den aeusseren Rahmen zweimal ausgeben...
#if 0
// auf dem Drucker die Aussen-Linien weglassen (werden getrennt ausgegeben)
if ( eType == OUTTYPE_PRINTER && !bMetaFile )
if ( nY == MAXROW )
bDraw = sal_False;
else if (pDoc->HasRowBreak(nYplus1, nTab))
bDraw = sal_False;
sal_Bool bNextYisNextRow = (pRowInfo[nArrYplus1].nRowNo == nYplus1);
bSingle = !bNextYisNextRow; // Hidden
for (SCCOL i=nX1; i<=nX2 && !bSingle; i++)
if (pRowInfo[nArrYplus1].pCellInfo[i+1].bVOverlapped)
bSingle = sal_True;
if (bDraw)
if ( bSingle && nY<MAXROW )
SCROW nVisY = pRowInfo[nArrYplus1].nRowNo;
nPosX = nScrX;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
nPosX += nMirrorW - nOneX;
long nNextX;
for (SCCOL i=nX1; i<=nX2; i++)
nNextX = nPosX + pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[i+1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
if (nNextX != nPosX) // sichtbar
sal_Bool bVOver;
if ( bNextYisNextRow )
bVOver = pRowInfo[nArrYplus1].pCellInfo[i+1].bVOverlapped;
bVOver = ((ScMergeFlagAttr*)pDoc->GetAttr(
&& ((ScMergeFlagAttr*)pDoc->GetAttr(
//! nVisY aus Array ??
if (!bVOver)
//Point aStart( nPosX, nPosY-nOneY );
//Point aEnd( nNextX-nSignedOneX, nPosY-nOneY );
//pDev->DrawLine( aStart, aEnd );
aGrid.AddHorLine( nPosX, nNextX-nSignedOneX, nPosY-nOneY );
nPosX = nNextX;
//Point aStart( nScrX, nPosY-nOneY );
//Point aEnd( nScrX+nScrW-nOneX, nPosY-nOneY );
//pDev->DrawLine( aStart, aEnd );
aGrid.AddHorLine( nScrX, nScrX+nScrW-nOneX, nPosY-nOneY );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ScOutputData::SetPagebreakMode( ScPageBreakData* pPageData )
bPagebreakMode = sal_True;
if (!pPageData)
return; // noch nicht initialisiert -> alles "nicht gedruckt"
// gedruckten Bereich markieren
// (in FillInfo ist schon alles auf sal_False initialisiert)
sal_uInt16 nRangeCount = sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(pPageData->GetCount());
for (sal_uInt16 nPos=0; nPos<nRangeCount; nPos++)
ScRange aRange = pPageData->GetData( nPos ).GetPrintRange();
SCCOL nStartX = Max( aRange.aStart.Col(), nX1 );
SCCOL nEndX = Min( aRange.aEnd.Col(), nX2 );
SCROW nStartY = Max( aRange.aStart.Row(), nY1 );
SCROW nEndY = Min( aRange.aEnd.Row(), nY2 );
for (SCSIZE nArrY=1; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)
RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
if ( pThisRowInfo->bChanged && pThisRowInfo->nRowNo >= nStartY &&
pThisRowInfo->nRowNo <= nEndY )
for (SCCOL nX=nStartX; nX<=nEndX; nX++)
pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1].bPrinted = sal_True;
void ScOutputData::FindRotated()
//! nRotMax speichern
SCCOL nRotMax = nX2;
for (SCSIZE nRotY=0; nRotY<nArrCount; nRotY++)
if (pRowInfo[nRotY].nRotMaxCol != SC_ROTMAX_NONE && pRowInfo[nRotY].nRotMaxCol > nRotMax)
nRotMax = pRowInfo[nRotY].nRotMaxCol;
for (SCSIZE nArrY=1; nArrY<nArrCount; nArrY++)
RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
if ( pThisRowInfo->nRotMaxCol != SC_ROTMAX_NONE &&
( pThisRowInfo->bChanged || pRowInfo[nArrY-1].bChanged ||
( nArrY+1<nArrCount && pRowInfo[nArrY+1].bChanged ) ) )
SCROW nY = pThisRowInfo->nRowNo;
for (SCCOL nX=0; nX<=nRotMax; nX++)
CellInfo* pInfo = &pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1];
const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = pInfo->pPatternAttr;
const SfxItemSet* pCondSet = pInfo->pConditionSet;
if ( !pPattern && !pDoc->ColHidden(nX, nTab) )
pPattern = pDoc->GetPattern( nX, nY, nTab );
pCondSet = pDoc->GetCondResult( nX, nY, nTab );
if ( pPattern ) // Spalte nicht ausgeblendet
sal_uInt8 nDir = pPattern->GetRotateDir( pCondSet );
if (nDir != SC_ROTDIR_NONE)
pInfo->nRotateDir = nDir;
bAnyRotated = sal_True;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_uInt16 lcl_GetRotateDir( ScDocument* pDoc, SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab )
const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = pDoc->GetPattern( nCol, nRow, nTab );
const SfxItemSet* pCondSet = pDoc->GetCondResult( nCol, nRow, nTab );
sal_uInt16 nRet = SC_ROTDIR_NONE;
long nAttrRotate = pPattern->GetRotateVal( pCondSet );
if ( nAttrRotate )
SvxRotateMode eRotMode = (SvxRotateMode)((const SvxRotateModeItem&)
pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_ROTATE_MODE, pCondSet)).GetValue();
else if ( eRotMode == SVX_ROTATE_MODE_CENTER )
else if ( eRotMode == SVX_ROTATE_MODE_TOP || eRotMode == SVX_ROTATE_MODE_BOTTOM )
long nRot180 = nAttrRotate % 18000; // 1/100 Grad
if ( nRot180 == 9000 )
else if ( ( eRotMode == SVX_ROTATE_MODE_TOP && nRot180 < 9000 ) ||
( eRotMode == SVX_ROTATE_MODE_BOTTOM && nRot180 > 9000 ) )
return nRet;
const SvxBrushItem* lcl_FindBackground( ScDocument* pDoc, SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab )
const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = pDoc->GetPattern( nCol, nRow, nTab );
const SfxItemSet* pCondSet = pDoc->GetCondResult( nCol, nRow, nTab );
const SvxBrushItem* pBackground = (const SvxBrushItem*)
&pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_BACKGROUND, pCondSet );
sal_uInt16 nDir = lcl_GetRotateDir( pDoc, nCol, nRow, nTab );
// CENTER wird wie RIGHT behandelt...
if ( nDir == SC_ROTDIR_RIGHT || nDir == SC_ROTDIR_CENTER )
// Text geht nach rechts -> Hintergrund von links nehmen
while ( nCol > 0 && lcl_GetRotateDir( pDoc, nCol, nRow, nTab ) == nDir &&
pBackground->GetColor().GetTransparency() != 255 )
pPattern = pDoc->GetPattern( nCol, nRow, nTab );
pCondSet = pDoc->GetCondResult( nCol, nRow, nTab );
pBackground = (const SvxBrushItem*)&pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_BACKGROUND, pCondSet );
else if ( nDir == SC_ROTDIR_LEFT )
// Text geht nach links -> Hintergrund von rechts nehmen
while ( nCol < MAXCOL && lcl_GetRotateDir( pDoc, nCol, nRow, nTab ) == nDir &&
pBackground->GetColor().GetTransparency() != 255 )
pPattern = pDoc->GetPattern( nCol, nRow, nTab );
pCondSet = pDoc->GetCondResult( nCol, nRow, nTab );
pBackground = (const SvxBrushItem*)&pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_BACKGROUND, pCondSet );
return pBackground;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Bool lcl_EqualBack( const RowInfo& rFirst, const RowInfo& rOther,
SCCOL nX1, SCCOL nX2, sal_Bool bShowProt, sal_Bool bPagebreakMode )
if ( rFirst.bChanged != rOther.bChanged ||
rFirst.bEmptyBack != rOther.bEmptyBack )
return sal_False;
if ( bShowProt )
for ( nX=nX1; nX<=nX2; nX++ )
const ScPatternAttr* pPat1 = rFirst.pCellInfo[nX+1].pPatternAttr;
const ScPatternAttr* pPat2 = rOther.pCellInfo[nX+1].pPatternAttr;
if ( !pPat1 || !pPat2 ||
&pPat1->GetItem(ATTR_PROTECTION) != &pPat2->GetItem(ATTR_PROTECTION) )
return sal_False;
for ( nX=nX1; nX<=nX2; nX++ )
if ( rFirst.pCellInfo[nX+1].pBackground != rOther.pCellInfo[nX+1].pBackground )
return sal_False;
if ( rFirst.nRotMaxCol != SC_ROTMAX_NONE || rOther.nRotMaxCol != SC_ROTMAX_NONE )
for ( nX=nX1; nX<=nX2; nX++ )
if ( rFirst.pCellInfo[nX+1].nRotateDir != rOther.pCellInfo[nX+1].nRotateDir )
return sal_False;
if ( bPagebreakMode )
for ( nX=nX1; nX<=nX2; nX++ )
if ( rFirst.pCellInfo[nX+1].bPrinted != rOther.pCellInfo[nX+1].bPrinted )
return sal_False;
return sal_True;
void ScOutputData::DrawBackground()
FindRotated(); //! von aussen ?
ScModule* pScMod = SC_MOD();
// used only if bSolidBackground is set (only for ScGridWindow):
Color aBgColor( pScMod->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue(svtools::DOCCOLOR).nColor );
Rectangle aRect;
Size aOnePixel = pDev->PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
long nOneX = aOnePixel.Width();
long nOneY = aOnePixel.Height();
if (bMetaFile)
nOneX = nOneY = 0;
long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
long nSignedOneX = nOneX * nLayoutSign;
sal_Bool bShowProt = bSyntaxMode && pDoc->IsTabProtected(nTab);
sal_Bool bDoAll = bShowProt || bPagebreakMode || bSolidBackground;
// #105733# SvtAccessibilityOptions::GetIsForBorders is no longer used (always assumed sal_True)
sal_Bool bCellContrast = bUseStyleColor &&
long nPosY = nScrY;
for (SCSIZE nArrY=1; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)
RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
long nRowHeight = pThisRowInfo->nHeight;
if ( pThisRowInfo->bChanged )
if ( ( ( pThisRowInfo->bEmptyBack ) || bSyntaxMode ) && !bDoAll )
// nichts
// scan for rows with the same background:
SCSIZE nSkip = 0;
while ( nArrY+nSkip+2<nArrCount &&
lcl_EqualBack( *pThisRowInfo, pRowInfo[nArrY+nSkip+1],
nX1, nX2, bShowProt, bPagebreakMode ) )
nRowHeight += pRowInfo[nArrY+nSkip].nHeight; // after incrementing
long nPosX = nScrX;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
nPosX += nMirrorW - nOneX;
aRect = Rectangle( nPosX,nPosY, nPosX,nPosY+nRowHeight-nOneY );
const SvxBrushItem* pOldBackground = NULL;
const SvxBrushItem* pBackground;
for (SCCOL nX=nX1; nX<=nX2; nX++)
CellInfo* pInfo = &pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1];
if (bCellContrast)
// high contrast for cell borders and backgrounds -> empty background
pBackground = ScGlobal::GetEmptyBrushItem();
else if (bShowProt) // show cell protection in syntax mode
const ScPatternAttr* pP = pInfo->pPatternAttr;
if (pP)
const ScProtectionAttr& rProt = (const ScProtectionAttr&)
if (rProt.GetProtection() || rProt.GetHideCell())
pBackground = ScGlobal::GetProtectedBrushItem();
pBackground = ScGlobal::GetEmptyBrushItem();
pBackground = NULL;
pBackground = pInfo->pBackground;
if ( bPagebreakMode && !pInfo->bPrinted )
pBackground = ScGlobal::GetProtectedBrushItem();
if ( pInfo->nRotateDir > SC_ROTDIR_STANDARD &&
pBackground->GetColor().GetTransparency() != 255 &&
!bCellContrast )
SCROW nY = pRowInfo[nArrY].nRowNo;
pBackground = lcl_FindBackground( pDoc, nX, nY, nTab );
if ( pBackground != pOldBackground )
aRect.Right() = nPosX-nSignedOneX;
if (pOldBackground) // ==0 if hidden
Color aBackCol = pOldBackground->GetColor();
if ( bSolidBackground && aBackCol.GetTransparency() )
aBackCol = aBgColor;
if ( !aBackCol.GetTransparency() ) //! partial transparency?
pDev->SetFillColor( aBackCol );
pDev->DrawRect( aRect );
aRect.Left() = nPosX;
pOldBackground = pBackground;
nPosX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
aRect.Right() = nPosX-nSignedOneX;
if (pOldBackground)
Color aBackCol = pOldBackground->GetColor();
if ( bSolidBackground && aBackCol.GetTransparency() )
aBackCol = aBgColor;
if ( !aBackCol.GetTransparency() ) //! partial transparency?
pDev->SetFillColor( aBackCol );
pDev->DrawRect( aRect );
nArrY += nSkip;
nPosY += nRowHeight;
void ScOutputData::DrawShadow()
DrawExtraShadow( sal_False, sal_False, sal_False, sal_False );
void ScOutputData::DrawExtraShadow(sal_Bool bLeft, sal_Bool bTop, sal_Bool bRight, sal_Bool bBottom)
const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
// #105733# SvtAccessibilityOptions::GetIsForBorders is no longer used (always assumed sal_True)
sal_Bool bCellContrast = bUseStyleColor && rStyleSettings.GetHighContrastMode();
Color aAutoTextColor;
if ( bCellContrast )
aAutoTextColor.SetColor( SC_MOD()->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue(svtools::FONTCOLOR).nColor );
long nInitPosX = nScrX;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
Size aOnePixel = pDev->PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
long nOneX = aOnePixel.Width();
nInitPosX += nMirrorW - nOneX;
long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
long nPosY = nScrY - pRowInfo[0].nHeight;
for (SCSIZE nArrY=0; nArrY<nArrCount; nArrY++)
sal_Bool bCornerY = ( nArrY == 0 ) || ( nArrY+1 == nArrCount );
sal_Bool bSkipY = ( nArrY==0 && !bTop ) || ( nArrY+1 == nArrCount && !bBottom );
RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
long nRowHeight = pThisRowInfo->nHeight;
if ( pThisRowInfo->bChanged && !bSkipY )
long nPosX = nInitPosX - pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
for (SCCOL nArrX=nX1; nArrX<=nX2+2; nArrX++)
sal_Bool bCornerX = ( nArrX==nX1 || nArrX==nX2+2 );
sal_Bool bSkipX = ( nArrX==nX1 && !bLeft ) || ( nArrX==nX2+2 && !bRight );
for (sal_uInt16 nPass=0; nPass<2; nPass++) // horizontal / vertikal
const SvxShadowItem* pAttr = nPass ?
pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nArrX].pVShadowOrigin :
if ( pAttr && !bSkipX )
ScShadowPart ePart = nPass ?
pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nArrX].eVShadowPart :
sal_Bool bDo = sal_True;
if ( (nPass==0 && bCornerX) || (nPass==1 && bCornerY) )
if ( ePart != SC_SHADOW_CORNER )
bDo = sal_False;
if (bDo)
long nThisWidth = pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nArrX].nWidth;
long nMaxWidth = nThisWidth;
if (!nMaxWidth)
//! direction must depend on shadow location
SCCOL nWx = nArrX; // nX+1
while (nWx<nX2 && !pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nWx+1].nWidth)
nMaxWidth = pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nWx+1].nWidth;
// Rectangle aRect( Point(nPosX,nPosY),
// Size( pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nArrX].nWidth,
// pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight ) );
// rectangle is in logical orientation
Rectangle aRect( nPosX, nPosY,
nPosX + ( nThisWidth - 1 ) * nLayoutSign,
nPosY + pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight - 1 );
long nSize = pAttr->GetWidth();
long nSizeX = (long)(nSize*nPPTX);
if (nSizeX >= nMaxWidth) nSizeX = nMaxWidth-1;
long nSizeY = (long)(nSize*nPPTY);
if (nSizeY >= nRowHeight) nSizeY = nRowHeight-1;
nSizeX *= nLayoutSign; // used only to add to rectangle values
SvxShadowLocation eLoc = pAttr->GetLocation();
if ( bLayoutRTL )
// Shadow location is specified as "visual" (right is always right),
// so the attribute's location value is mirrored here and in FillInfo.
switch (eLoc)
// added to avoid warnings
if (ePart == SC_SHADOW_HORIZ || ePart == SC_SHADOW_HSTART ||
aRect.Top() = aRect.Bottom() - nSizeY;
aRect.Bottom() = aRect.Top() + nSizeY;
if (ePart == SC_SHADOW_VERT || ePart == SC_SHADOW_VSTART ||
aRect.Left() = aRect.Right() - nSizeX;
aRect.Right() = aRect.Left() + nSizeX;
if (ePart == SC_SHADOW_HSTART)
aRect.Right() -= nSizeX;
aRect.Left() += nSizeX;
if (ePart == SC_SHADOW_VSTART)
aRect.Bottom() -= nSizeY;
aRect.Top() += nSizeY;
//! merge rectangles?
pDev->SetFillColor( bCellContrast ? aAutoTextColor : pAttr->GetColor() );
pDev->DrawRect( aRect );
nPosX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nArrX].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
nPosY += nRowHeight;
// Loeschen
void ScOutputData::DrawClear()
Rectangle aRect;
Size aOnePixel = pDev->PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
long nOneX = aOnePixel.Width();
long nOneY = aOnePixel.Height();
// (called only for ScGridWindow)
Color aBgColor( SC_MOD()->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue(svtools::DOCCOLOR).nColor );
if (bMetaFile)
nOneX = nOneY = 0;
pDev->SetFillColor( aBgColor );
long nPosY = nScrY;
for (SCSIZE nArrY=1; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)
RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
long nRowHeight = pThisRowInfo->nHeight;
if ( pThisRowInfo->bChanged )
// scan for more rows which must be painted:
SCSIZE nSkip = 0;
while ( nArrY+nSkip+2<nArrCount && pRowInfo[nArrY+nSkip+1].bChanged )
nRowHeight += pRowInfo[nArrY+nSkip].nHeight; // after incrementing
aRect = Rectangle( Point( nScrX, nPosY ),
Size( nScrW+1-nOneX, nRowHeight+1-nOneY) );
pDev->DrawRect( aRect );
nArrY += nSkip;
nPosY += nRowHeight;
// Linien
long lclGetSnappedX( OutputDevice& rDev, long nPosX, bool bSnapPixel )
return (bSnapPixel && nPosX) ? rDev.PixelToLogic( rDev.LogicToPixel( Size( nPosX, 0 ) ) ).Width() : nPosX;
long lclGetSnappedY( OutputDevice& rDev, long nPosY, bool bSnapPixel )
return (bSnapPixel && nPosY) ? rDev.PixelToLogic( rDev.LogicToPixel( Size( 0, nPosY ) ) ).Height() : nPosY;
size_t lclGetArrayColFromCellInfoX( sal_uInt16 nCellInfoX, sal_uInt16 nCellInfoFirstX, sal_uInt16 nCellInfoLastX, bool bRTL )
return static_cast< size_t >( bRTL ? (nCellInfoLastX + 2 - nCellInfoX) : (nCellInfoX - nCellInfoFirstX) );
void ScOutputData::DrawFrame()
sal_uLong nOldDrawMode = pDev->GetDrawMode();
Color aSingleColor;
sal_Bool bUseSingleColor = sal_False;
const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
// #105733# SvtAccessibilityOptions::GetIsForBorders is no longer used (always assumed sal_True)
sal_Bool bCellContrast = bUseStyleColor && rStyleSettings.GetHighContrastMode();
// #107519# if a Calc OLE object is embedded in Draw/Impress, the VCL DrawMode is used
// for display mode / B&W printing. The VCL DrawMode handling doesn't work for lines
// that are drawn with DrawRect, so if the line/background bits are set, the DrawMode
// must be reset and the border colors handled here.
if ( ( nOldDrawMode & DRAWMODE_WHITEFILL ) && ( nOldDrawMode & DRAWMODE_BLACKLINE ) )
pDev->SetDrawMode( nOldDrawMode & (~DRAWMODE_WHITEFILL) );
aSingleColor.SetColor( COL_BLACK );
bUseSingleColor = sal_True;
else if ( ( nOldDrawMode & DRAWMODE_SETTINGSFILL ) && ( nOldDrawMode & DRAWMODE_SETTINGSLINE ) )
pDev->SetDrawMode( nOldDrawMode & (~DRAWMODE_SETTINGSFILL) );
aSingleColor = rStyleSettings.GetWindowTextColor(); // same as used in VCL for DRAWMODE_SETTINGSLINE
bUseSingleColor = sal_True;
else if ( bCellContrast )
aSingleColor.SetColor( SC_MOD()->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue(svtools::FONTCOLOR).nColor );
bUseSingleColor = sal_True;
const Color* pForceColor = bUseSingleColor ? &aSingleColor : 0;
if (bAnyRotated)
DrawRotatedFrame( pForceColor ); // removes the lines that must not be painted here
long nInitPosX = nScrX;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
Size aOnePixel = pDev->PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
long nOneX = aOnePixel.Width();
nInitPosX += nMirrorW - nOneX;
long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
// *** set column and row sizes of the frame border array ***
svx::frame::Array& rArray = mrTabInfo.maArray;
size_t nColCount = rArray.GetColCount();
size_t nRowCount = rArray.GetRowCount();
// row heights
// row 0 is not visible (dummy for borders from top) - subtract its height from initial position
// subtract 1 unit more, because position 0 is first *in* cell, grid line is one unit before
long nOldPosY = nScrY - 1 - pRowInfo[ 0 ].nHeight;
long nOldSnapY = lclGetSnappedY( *pDev, nOldPosY, bSnapPixel );
rArray.SetYOffset( nOldSnapY );
for( size_t nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCount; ++nRow )
long nNewPosY = nOldPosY + pRowInfo[ nRow ].nHeight;
long nNewSnapY = lclGetSnappedY( *pDev, nNewPosY, bSnapPixel );
rArray.SetRowHeight( nRow, nNewSnapY - nOldSnapY );
nOldPosY = nNewPosY;
nOldSnapY = nNewSnapY;
// column widths
// column nX1 is not visible (dummy for borders from left) - subtract its width from initial position
// subtract 1 unit more, because position 0 is first *in* cell, grid line is one unit above
long nOldPosX = nInitPosX - nLayoutSign * (1 + pRowInfo[ 0 ].pCellInfo[ nX1 ].nWidth);
long nOldSnapX = lclGetSnappedX( *pDev, nOldPosX, bSnapPixel );
// set X offset for left-to-right sheets; for right-to-left sheets this is done after for() loop
if( !bLayoutRTL )
rArray.SetXOffset( nOldSnapX );
for( sal_uInt16 nInfoIdx = nX1; nInfoIdx <= nX2 + 2; ++nInfoIdx )
size_t nCol = lclGetArrayColFromCellInfoX( nInfoIdx, nX1, nX2, bLayoutRTL );
long nNewPosX = nOldPosX + pRowInfo[ 0 ].pCellInfo[ nInfoIdx ].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
long nNewSnapX = lclGetSnappedX( *pDev, nNewPosX, bSnapPixel );
rArray.SetColWidth( nCol, Abs( nNewSnapX - nOldSnapX ) );
nOldPosX = nNewPosX;
nOldSnapX = nNewSnapX;
if( bLayoutRTL )
rArray.SetXOffset( nOldSnapX );
// *** draw the array ***
size_t nFirstCol = 1;
size_t nFirstRow = 1;
size_t nLastCol = nColCount - 2;
size_t nLastRow = nRowCount - 2;
if( mrTabInfo.mbPageMode )
rArray.SetClipRange( nFirstCol, nFirstRow, nLastCol, nLastRow );
// draw only rows with set RowInfo::bChanged flag
size_t nRow1 = nFirstRow;
while( nRow1 <= nLastRow )
while( (nRow1 <= nLastRow) && !pRowInfo[ nRow1 ].bChanged ) ++nRow1;
if( nRow1 <= nLastRow )
size_t nRow2 = nRow1;
while( (nRow2 + 1 <= nLastRow) && pRowInfo[ nRow2 + 1 ].bChanged ) ++nRow2;
rArray.DrawRange( *pDev, nFirstCol, nRow1, nLastCol, nRow2, pForceColor );
nRow1 = nRow2 + 1;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Linie unter der Zelle
const SvxBorderLine* lcl_FindHorLine( ScDocument* pDoc,
SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, sal_uInt16 nRotDir,
sal_Bool bTopLine )
if ( nRotDir != SC_ROTDIR_LEFT && nRotDir != SC_ROTDIR_RIGHT )
return NULL;
sal_Bool bFound = sal_False;
while (!bFound)
if ( nRotDir == SC_ROTDIR_LEFT )
// Text nach links -> Linie von rechts
if ( nCol < MAXCOL )
return NULL; // war nix
// Text nach rechts -> Linie von links
if ( nCol > 0 )
return NULL; // war nix
const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = pDoc->GetPattern( nCol, nRow, nTab );
const SfxItemSet* pCondSet = pDoc->GetCondResult( nCol, nRow, nTab );
if ( !pPattern->GetRotateVal( pCondSet ) ||
((const SvxRotateModeItem&)pPattern->GetItem(
bFound = sal_True;
if (bTopLine)
const SvxBorderLine* pThisBottom;
if ( ValidRow(nRow) )
pThisBottom = ((const SvxBoxItem*)pDoc->GetAttr( nCol, nRow, nTab, ATTR_BORDER ))->GetBottom();
pThisBottom = NULL;
const SvxBorderLine* pNextTop;
if ( nRow < MAXROW )
pNextTop = ((const SvxBoxItem*)pDoc->GetAttr( nCol, nRow+1, nTab, ATTR_BORDER ))->GetTop();
pNextTop = NULL;
if ( ScHasPriority( pThisBottom, pNextTop ) )
return pThisBottom;
return pNextTop;
// lcl_HorizLine muss genau zu normal ausgegebenen Linien passen!
void lcl_HorizLine( OutputDevice& rDev, const Point& rLeft, const Point& rRight,
const svx::frame::Style& rLine, const Color* pForceColor )
svx::frame::DrawHorFrameBorder( rDev, rLeft, rRight, rLine, pForceColor );
void lcl_VertLineEnds( OutputDevice& rDev, const Point& rTop, const Point& rBottom,
const Color& rColor, long nXOffs, long nWidth,
const svx::frame::Style& rTopLine, const svx::frame::Style& rBottomLine )
rDev.SetLineColor(rColor); // PEN_NULL ???
// Position oben/unten muss unabhaengig von der Liniendicke sein,
// damit der Winkel stimmt (oder X-Position auch anpassen)
long nTopPos = rTop.Y();
long nBotPos = rBottom.Y();
long nTopLeft = rTop.X() + nXOffs;
long nTopRight = nTopLeft + nWidth - 1;
long nBotLeft = rBottom.X() + nXOffs;
long nBotRight = nBotLeft + nWidth - 1;
// oben abschliessen
if ( rTopLine.Prim() )
long nLineW = rTopLine.GetWidth();
if (nLineW >= 2)
Point aTriangle[3];
aTriangle[0] = Point( nTopLeft, nTopPos ); // wie aPoints[0]
aTriangle[1] = Point( nTopRight, nTopPos ); // wie aPoints[1]
aTriangle[2] = Point( rTop.X(), nTopPos - (nLineW - 1) / 2 );
Polygon aTriPoly( 3, aTriangle );
rDev.DrawPolygon( aTriPoly );
// unten abschliessen
if ( rBottomLine.Prim() )
long nLineW = rBottomLine.GetWidth();
if (nLineW >= 2)
Point aTriangle[3];
aTriangle[0] = Point( nBotLeft, nBotPos ); // wie aPoints[3]
aTriangle[1] = Point( nBotRight, nBotPos ); // wie aPoints[2]
aTriangle[2] = Point( rBottom.X(), nBotPos - (nLineW - 1) / 2 + nLineW - 1 );
Polygon aTriPoly( 3, aTriangle );
rDev.DrawPolygon( aTriPoly );
void lcl_VertLine( OutputDevice& rDev, const Point& rTop, const Point& rBottom,
const svx::frame::Style& rLine,
const svx::frame::Style& rTopLine, const svx::frame::Style& rBottomLine,
const Color* pForceColor )
if( rLine.Prim() )
svx::frame::DrawVerFrameBorderSlanted( rDev, rTop, rBottom, rLine, pForceColor );
svx::frame::Style aScaled( rLine );
aScaled.ScaleSelf( 1.0 / cos( svx::frame::GetVerDiagAngle( rTop, rBottom ) ) );
if( pForceColor )
aScaled.SetColor( *pForceColor );
long nXOffs = (aScaled.GetWidth() - 1) / -2L;
lcl_VertLineEnds( rDev, rTop, rBottom, aScaled.GetColor(),
nXOffs, aScaled.Prim(), rTopLine, rBottomLine );
if( aScaled.Secn() )
lcl_VertLineEnds( rDev, rTop, rBottom, aScaled.GetColor(),
nXOffs + aScaled.Prim() + aScaled.Dist(), aScaled.Secn(), rTopLine, rBottomLine );
void ScOutputData::DrawRotatedFrame( const Color* pForceColor )
//! nRotMax speichern
SCCOL nRotMax = nX2;
for (SCSIZE nRotY=0; nRotY<nArrCount; nRotY++)
if (pRowInfo[nRotY].nRotMaxCol != SC_ROTMAX_NONE && pRowInfo[nRotY].nRotMaxCol > nRotMax)
nRotMax = pRowInfo[nRotY].nRotMaxCol;
const ScPatternAttr* pPattern;
const SfxItemSet* pCondSet;
const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
// #105733# SvtAccessibilityOptions::GetIsForBorders is no longer used (always assumed sal_True)
sal_Bool bCellContrast = bUseStyleColor && rStyleSettings.GetHighContrastMode();
// color (pForceColor) is determined externally, including DrawMode changes
long nInitPosX = nScrX;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
Size aOnePixel = pDev->PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
long nOneX = aOnePixel.Width();
nInitPosX += nMirrorW - nOneX;
long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
Rectangle aClipRect( Point(nScrX, nScrY), Size(nScrW, nScrH) );
if (bMetaFile)
pDev->IntersectClipRegion( aClipRect );
pDev->SetClipRegion( Region( aClipRect ) );
svx::frame::Array& rArray = mrTabInfo.maArray;
long nPosY = nScrY;
for (SCSIZE nArrY=1; nArrY<nArrCount; nArrY++)
// Rotated wird auch 1 Zeile ueber/unter Changed gezeichnet, falls Teile
// in die Zeile hineinragen...
RowInfo& rPrevRowInfo = pRowInfo[nArrY-1];
RowInfo& rThisRowInfo = pRowInfo[nArrY];
RowInfo& rNextRowInfo = pRowInfo[nArrY+1];
size_t nRow = static_cast< size_t >( nArrY );
long nRowHeight = rThisRowInfo.nHeight;
if ( rThisRowInfo.nRotMaxCol != SC_ROTMAX_NONE &&
( rThisRowInfo.bChanged || rPrevRowInfo.bChanged ||
( nArrY+1<nArrCount && rNextRowInfo.bChanged ) ) )
SCROW nY = rThisRowInfo.nRowNo;
long nPosX = 0;
for (nX=0; nX<=nRotMax; nX++)
if (nX==nX1) nPosX = nInitPosX; // calculated individually for preceding positions
sal_uInt16 nArrX = nX + 1;
CellInfo* pInfo = &rThisRowInfo.pCellInfo[nArrX];
long nColWidth = pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nArrX].nWidth;
if ( pInfo->nRotateDir > SC_ROTDIR_STANDARD &&
!pInfo->bHOverlapped && !pInfo->bVOverlapped )
pPattern = pInfo->pPatternAttr;
pCondSet = pInfo->pConditionSet;
if (!pPattern)
pPattern = pDoc->GetPattern( nX, nY, nTab );
pInfo->pPatternAttr = pPattern;
pCondSet = pDoc->GetCondResult( nX, nY, nTab );
pInfo->pConditionSet = pCondSet;
//! LastPattern etc.
long nAttrRotate = pPattern->GetRotateVal( pCondSet );
SvxRotateMode eRotMode = (SvxRotateMode)((const SvxRotateModeItem&)
pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_ROTATE_MODE, pCondSet)).GetValue();
if ( nAttrRotate )
if (nX<nX1) // negative Position berechnen
nPosX = nInitPosX;
SCCOL nCol = nX1;
while (nCol > nX)
nPosX -= nLayoutSign * (long) pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nCol+1].nWidth;
// Startposition minus 1, damit auch schraege Hintergruende
// zur Umrandung passen (Umrandung ist auf dem Gitter)
long nTop = nPosY - 1;
long nBottom = nPosY + nRowHeight - 1;
long nTopLeft = nPosX - nLayoutSign;
long nTopRight = nPosX + ( nColWidth - 1 ) * nLayoutSign;
long nBotLeft = nTopLeft;
long nBotRight = nTopRight;
// inclusion of the sign here hasn't been decided yet
// (if not, the extension of the non-rotated background must also be changed)
double nRealOrient = nLayoutSign * nAttrRotate * F_PI18000; // 1/100th degrees
double nCos = cos( nRealOrient );
double nSin = sin( nRealOrient );
//! begrenzen !!!
long nSkew = (long) ( nRowHeight * nCos / nSin );
switch (eRotMode)
nTopLeft += nSkew;
nTopRight += nSkew;
nSkew /= 2;
nTopLeft += nSkew;
nTopRight += nSkew;
nBotLeft -= nSkew;
nBotRight -= nSkew;
nBotLeft -= nSkew;
nBotRight -= nSkew;
// added to avoid warnings
Point aPoints[4];
aPoints[0] = Point( nTopLeft, nTop );
aPoints[1] = Point( nTopRight, nTop );
aPoints[2] = Point( nBotRight, nBottom );
aPoints[3] = Point( nBotLeft, nBottom );
const SvxBrushItem* pBackground = pInfo->pBackground;
if (!pBackground)
pBackground = (const SvxBrushItem*) &pPattern->GetItem(
if (bCellContrast)
// high contrast for cell borders and backgrounds -> empty background
pBackground = ScGlobal::GetEmptyBrushItem();
const Color& rColor = pBackground->GetColor();
if ( rColor.GetTransparency() != 255 )
// #95879# draw background only for the changed row itself
// (background doesn't extend into other cells).
// For the borders (rotated and normal), clipping should be
// set if the row isn't changed, but at least the borders
// don't cover the cell contents.
if ( rThisRowInfo.bChanged )
Polygon aPoly( 4, aPoints );
// ohne Pen wird bei DrawPolygon rechts und unten
// ein Pixel weggelassen...
if ( rColor.GetTransparency() == 0 )
pDev->DrawPolygon( aPoly );
svx::frame::Style aTopLine, aBottomLine, aLeftLine, aRightLine;
if ( nX < nX1 || nX > nX2 ) // Attribute in FillInfo nicht gesetzt
//! Seitengrenzen fuer Druck beruecksichtigen !!!!!
const SvxBorderLine* pLeftLine;
const SvxBorderLine* pTopLine;
const SvxBorderLine* pRightLine;
const SvxBorderLine* pBottomLine;
pDoc->GetBorderLines( nX, nY, nTab,
&pLeftLine, &pTopLine, &pRightLine, &pBottomLine );
aTopLine.Set( pTopLine, nPPTY );
aBottomLine.Set( pBottomLine, nPPTY );
aLeftLine.Set( pLeftLine, nPPTX );
aRightLine.Set( pRightLine, nPPTX );
size_t nCol = lclGetArrayColFromCellInfoX( nArrX, nX1, nX2, bLayoutRTL );
aTopLine = rArray.GetCellStyleTop( nCol, nRow );
aBottomLine = rArray.GetCellStyleBottom( nCol, nRow );
aLeftLine = rArray.GetCellStyleLeft( nCol, nRow );
aRightLine = rArray.GetCellStyleRight( nCol, nRow );
// in RTL mode the array is already mirrored -> swap back left/right borders
if( bLayoutRTL )
std::swap( aLeftLine, aRightLine );
lcl_HorizLine( *pDev, aPoints[bLayoutRTL?1:0], aPoints[bLayoutRTL?0:1], aTopLine, pForceColor );
lcl_HorizLine( *pDev, aPoints[bLayoutRTL?2:3], aPoints[bLayoutRTL?3:2], aBottomLine, pForceColor );
lcl_VertLine( *pDev, aPoints[0], aPoints[3], aLeftLine, aTopLine, aBottomLine, pForceColor );
lcl_VertLine( *pDev, aPoints[1], aPoints[2], aRightLine, aTopLine, aBottomLine, pForceColor );
nPosX += nColWidth * nLayoutSign;
// erst hinterher im zweiten Schritt die Linien fuer normale Ausgabe loeschen
nX = nX1 > 0 ? (nX1-1) : static_cast<SCCOL>(0);
for (; nX<=nX2+1; nX++) // sichtbarer Teil +- 1
sal_uInt16 nArrX = nX + 1;
CellInfo& rInfo = rThisRowInfo.pCellInfo[nArrX];
if ( rInfo.nRotateDir > SC_ROTDIR_STANDARD &&
!rInfo.bHOverlapped && !rInfo.bVOverlapped )
pPattern = rInfo.pPatternAttr;
pCondSet = rInfo.pConditionSet;
SvxRotateMode eRotMode = (SvxRotateMode)((const SvxRotateModeItem&)
pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_ROTATE_MODE, pCondSet)).GetValue();
size_t nCol = lclGetArrayColFromCellInfoX( nArrX, nX1, nX2, bLayoutRTL );
// horizontal: angrenzende Linie verlaengern
// (nur, wenn die gedrehte Zelle eine Umrandung hat)
sal_uInt16 nDir = rInfo.nRotateDir;
if ( rArray.GetCellStyleTop( nCol, nRow ).Prim() && eRotMode != SVX_ROTATE_MODE_TOP )
svx::frame::Style aStyle( lcl_FindHorLine( pDoc, nX, nY, nTab, nDir, sal_True ), nPPTY );
rArray.SetCellStyleTop( nCol, nRow, aStyle );
if( nRow > 0 )
rArray.SetCellStyleBottom( nCol, nRow - 1, aStyle );
if ( rArray.GetCellStyleBottom( nCol, nRow ).Prim() && eRotMode != SVX_ROTATE_MODE_BOTTOM )
svx::frame::Style aStyle( lcl_FindHorLine( pDoc, nX, nY, nTab, nDir, sal_False ), nPPTY );
rArray.SetCellStyleBottom( nCol, nRow, aStyle );
if( nRow + 1 < rArray.GetRowCount() )
rArray.SetCellStyleTop( nCol, nRow + 1, aStyle );
// always remove vertical borders
if( !rArray.IsMergedOverlappedLeft( nCol, nRow ) )
rArray.SetCellStyleLeft( nCol, nRow, svx::frame::Style() );
if( nCol > 0 )
rArray.SetCellStyleRight( nCol - 1, nRow, svx::frame::Style() );
if( !rArray.IsMergedOverlappedRight( nCol, nRow ) )
rArray.SetCellStyleRight( nCol, nRow, svx::frame::Style() );
if( nCol + 1 < rArray.GetColCount() )
rArray.SetCellStyleLeft( nCol + 1, nRow, svx::frame::Style() );
// remove diagonal borders
rArray.SetCellStyleTLBR( nCol, nRow, svx::frame::Style() );
rArray.SetCellStyleBLTR( nCol, nRow, svx::frame::Style() );
nPosY += nRowHeight;
if (bMetaFile)
// Drucker
Region ScOutputData::GetChangedAreaRegion()
Region aRegion;
Rectangle aDrawingRect;
bool bHad(false);
long nPosY = nScrY;
aDrawingRect.Left() = nScrX;
aDrawingRect.Right() = nScrX+nScrW-1;
for(nArrY=1; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)
RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
aDrawingRect.Top() = nPosY;
bHad = true;
aDrawingRect.Bottom() = nPosY + pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight - 1;
else if(bHad)
bHad = false;
nPosY += pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight;
return aRegion;
sal_Bool ScOutputData::SetChangedClip()
PolyPolygon aPoly;
Rectangle aDrawingRect;
aDrawingRect.Left() = nScrX;
aDrawingRect.Right() = nScrX+nScrW-1;
sal_Bool bHad = sal_False;
long nPosY = nScrY;
for (nArrY=1; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)
RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
if ( pThisRowInfo->bChanged )
if (!bHad)
aDrawingRect.Top() = nPosY;
bHad = sal_True;
aDrawingRect.Bottom() = nPosY + pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight - 1;
else if (bHad)
aPoly.Insert( Polygon( pDev->PixelToLogic(aDrawingRect) ) );
bHad = sal_False;
nPosY += pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight;
if (bHad)
aPoly.Insert( Polygon( pDev->PixelToLogic(aDrawingRect) ) );
sal_Bool bRet = (aPoly.Count() != 0);
if (bRet)
return bRet;
void ScOutputData::FindChanged()
sal_Bool bWasIdleDisabled = pDoc->IsIdleDisabled();
pDoc->DisableIdle( sal_True );
for (nArrY=0; nArrY<nArrCount; nArrY++)
pRowInfo[nArrY].bChanged = sal_False;
sal_Bool bProgress = sal_False;
for (nArrY=0; nArrY<nArrCount; nArrY++)
RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
for (nX=nX1; nX<=nX2; nX++)
ScBaseCell* pCell = pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1].pCell;
if (pCell)
if (pCell->GetCellType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
ScFormulaCell* pFCell = (ScFormulaCell*)pCell;
if ( !bProgress && pFCell->GetDirty() )
ScProgress::CreateInterpretProgress( pDoc, sal_True );
bProgress = sal_True;
if (!pFCell->IsRunning())
if (pFCell->IsChanged())
pThisRowInfo->bChanged = sal_True;
if ( pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1].bMerged )
SCSIZE nOverY = nArrY + 1;
while ( nOverY<nArrCount &&
pRowInfo[nOverY].pCellInfo[nX+1].bVOverlapped )
pRowInfo[nOverY].bChanged = sal_True;
if ( bProgress )
pDoc->DisableIdle( bWasIdleDisabled );
void ScOutputData::DrawMark( Window* pWin )
Rectangle aRect;
ScInvertMerger aInvert( pWin );
//! additional method AddLineRect for ScInvertMerger?
long nPosY = nScrY;
for (SCSIZE nArrY=1; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)
RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
if (pThisRowInfo->bChanged)
long nPosX = nScrX;
if (bLayoutRTL)
nPosX += nMirrorW - 1; // always in pixels
aRect = Rectangle( Point( nPosX,nPosY ), Size(1, pThisRowInfo->nHeight) );
if (bLayoutRTL)
aRect.Left() = aRect.Right() + 1;
aRect.Right() = aRect.Left() - 1;
sal_Bool bOldMarked = sal_False;
for (SCCOL nX=nX1; nX<=nX2; nX++)
if (pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1].bMarked != bOldMarked)
if (bOldMarked && aRect.Right() >= aRect.Left())
aInvert.AddRect( aRect );
if (bLayoutRTL)
aRect.Right() = nPosX;
aRect.Left() = nPosX;
bOldMarked = pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1].bMarked;
if (bLayoutRTL)
nPosX -= pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth;
aRect.Left() = nPosX+1;
nPosX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth;
aRect.Right() = nPosX-1;
if (bOldMarked && aRect.Right() >= aRect.Left())
aInvert.AddRect( aRect );
nPosY += pThisRowInfo->nHeight;
void ScOutputData::DrawRefMark( SCCOL nRefStartX, SCROW nRefStartY,
const Color& rColor, sal_Bool bHandle )
PutInOrder( nRefStartX, nRefEndX );
PutInOrder( nRefStartY, nRefEndY );
if ( nRefStartX == nRefEndX && nRefStartY == nRefEndY )
pDoc->ExtendMerge( nRefStartX, nRefStartY, nRefEndX, nRefEndY, nTab );
if ( nRefStartX <= nVisX2 && nRefEndX >= nVisX1 &&
nRefStartY <= nVisY2 && nRefEndY >= nVisY1 )
long nMinX = nScrX;
long nMinY = nScrY;
long nMaxX = nScrX+nScrW-1;
long nMaxY = nScrY+nScrH-1;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
long nTemp = nMinX;
nMinX = nMaxX;
nMaxX = nTemp;
long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
sal_Bool bTop = sal_False;
sal_Bool bBottom = sal_False;
sal_Bool bLeft = sal_False;
sal_Bool bRight = sal_False;
long nPosY = nScrY;
sal_Bool bNoStartY = ( nY1 < nRefStartY );
sal_Bool bNoEndY = sal_False;
for (SCSIZE nArrY=1; nArrY<nArrCount; nArrY++) // loop to end for bNoEndY check
SCROW nY = pRowInfo[nArrY].nRowNo;
if ( nY==nRefStartY || (nY>nRefStartY && bNoStartY) )
nMinY = nPosY;
bTop = sal_True;
if ( nY==nRefEndY )
nMaxY = nPosY + pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight - 2;
bBottom = sal_True;
if ( nY>nRefEndY && bNoEndY )
nMaxY = nPosY-2;
bBottom = sal_True;
bNoStartY = ( nY < nRefStartY );
bNoEndY = ( nY < nRefEndY );
nPosY += pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight;
long nPosX = nScrX;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
nPosX += nMirrorW - 1; // always in pixels
for (SCCOL nX=nX1; nX<=nX2; nX++)
if ( nX==nRefStartX )
nMinX = nPosX;
bLeft = sal_True;
if ( nX==nRefEndX )
nMaxX = nPosX + ( pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth - 2 ) * nLayoutSign;
bRight = sal_True;
nPosX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
if ( nMaxX * nLayoutSign >= nMinX * nLayoutSign &&
nMaxY >= nMinY )
pDev->SetLineColor( rColor );
if (bTop && bBottom && bLeft && bRight)
pDev->DrawRect( Rectangle( nMinX, nMinY, nMaxX, nMaxY ) );
if (bTop)
pDev->DrawLine( Point( nMinX,nMinY ), Point( nMaxX,nMinY ) );
if (bBottom)
pDev->DrawLine( Point( nMinX,nMaxY ), Point( nMaxX,nMaxY ) );
if (bLeft)
pDev->DrawLine( Point( nMinX,nMinY ), Point( nMinX,nMaxY ) );
if (bRight)
pDev->DrawLine( Point( nMaxX,nMinY ), Point( nMaxX,nMaxY ) );
if ( bHandle && bRight && bBottom )
pDev->SetFillColor( rColor );
pDev->DrawRect( Rectangle( nMaxX-3*nLayoutSign, nMaxY-3, nMaxX+nLayoutSign, nMaxY+1 ) );
void ScOutputData::DrawOneChange( SCCOL nRefStartX, SCROW nRefStartY,
const Color& rColor, sal_uInt16 nType )
PutInOrder( nRefStartX, nRefEndX );
PutInOrder( nRefStartY, nRefEndY );
if ( nRefStartX == nRefEndX && nRefStartY == nRefEndY )
pDoc->ExtendMerge( nRefStartX, nRefStartY, nRefEndX, nRefEndY, nTab );
if ( nRefStartX <= nVisX2 + 1 && nRefEndX >= nVisX1 &&
nRefStartY <= nVisY2 + 1 && nRefEndY >= nVisY1 ) // +1 because it touches next cells left/top
long nMinX = nScrX;
long nMinY = nScrY;
long nMaxX = nScrX+nScrW-1;
long nMaxY = nScrY+nScrH-1;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
long nTemp = nMinX;
nMinX = nMaxX;
nMaxX = nTemp;
long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
sal_Bool bTop = sal_False;
sal_Bool bBottom = sal_False;
sal_Bool bLeft = sal_False;
sal_Bool bRight = sal_False;
long nPosY = nScrY;
sal_Bool bNoStartY = ( nY1 < nRefStartY );
sal_Bool bNoEndY = sal_False;
for (SCSIZE nArrY=1; nArrY<nArrCount; nArrY++) // loop to end for bNoEndY check
SCROW nY = pRowInfo[nArrY].nRowNo;
if ( nY==nRefStartY || (nY>nRefStartY && bNoStartY) )
nMinY = nPosY - 1;
bTop = sal_True;
if ( nY==nRefEndY )
nMaxY = nPosY + pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight - 1;
bBottom = sal_True;
if ( nY>nRefEndY && bNoEndY )
nMaxY = nPosY - 1;
bBottom = sal_True;
bNoStartY = ( nY < nRefStartY );
bNoEndY = ( nY < nRefEndY );
nPosY += pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight;
long nPosX = nScrX;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
nPosX += nMirrorW - 1; // always in pixels
for (SCCOL nX=nX1; nX<=nX2+1; nX++)
if ( nX==nRefStartX )
nMinX = nPosX - nLayoutSign;
bLeft = sal_True;
if ( nX==nRefEndX )
nMaxX = nPosX + ( pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth - 1 ) * nLayoutSign;
bRight = sal_True;
nPosX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
if ( nMaxX * nLayoutSign >= nMinX * nLayoutSign &&
nMaxY >= nMinY )
if ( nType == SC_CAT_DELETE_ROWS )
bLeft = bRight = bBottom = sal_False; //! dicke Linie ???
else if ( nType == SC_CAT_DELETE_COLS )
bTop = bBottom = bRight = sal_False; //! dicke Linie ???
pDev->SetLineColor( rColor );
if (bTop && bBottom && bLeft && bRight)
pDev->DrawRect( Rectangle( nMinX, nMinY, nMaxX, nMaxY ) );
if (bTop)
pDev->DrawLine( Point( nMinX,nMinY ), Point( nMaxX,nMinY ) );
if ( nType == SC_CAT_DELETE_ROWS )
pDev->DrawLine( Point( nMinX,nMinY+1 ), Point( nMaxX,nMinY+1 ) );
if (bBottom)
pDev->DrawLine( Point( nMinX,nMaxY ), Point( nMaxX,nMaxY ) );
if (bLeft)
pDev->DrawLine( Point( nMinX,nMinY ), Point( nMinX,nMaxY ) );
if ( nType == SC_CAT_DELETE_COLS )
pDev->DrawLine( Point( nMinX+nLayoutSign,nMinY ), Point( nMinX+nLayoutSign,nMaxY ) );
if (bRight)
pDev->DrawLine( Point( nMaxX,nMinY ), Point( nMaxX,nMaxY ) );
if ( bLeft && bTop )
pDev->SetFillColor( rColor );
pDev->DrawRect( Rectangle( nMinX+nLayoutSign, nMinY+1, nMinX+3*nLayoutSign, nMinY+3 ) );
void ScOutputData::DrawChangeTrack()
ScChangeTrack* pTrack = pDoc->GetChangeTrack();
ScChangeViewSettings* pSettings = pDoc->GetChangeViewSettings();
if ( !pTrack || !pTrack->GetFirst() || !pSettings || !pSettings->ShowChanges() )
return; // nix da oder abgeschaltet
ScActionColorChanger aColorChanger(*pTrack);
// Clipping passiert von aussen
//! ohne Clipping, nur betroffene Zeilen painten ??!??!?
SCCOL nEndX = nX2;
SCROW nEndY = nY2;
if ( nEndX < MAXCOL ) ++nEndX; // auch noch von der naechsten Zelle, weil die Markierung
if ( nEndY < MAXROW ) ++nEndY; // in die jeweils vorhergehende Zelle hineinragt
ScRange aViewRange( nX1, nY1, nTab, nEndX, nEndY, nTab );
const ScChangeAction* pAction = pTrack->GetFirst();
while (pAction)
ScChangeActionType eActionType;
if ( pAction->IsVisible() )
eActionType = pAction->GetType();
const ScBigRange& rBig = pAction->GetBigRange();
if ( rBig.aStart.Tab() == nTab )
ScRange aRange = rBig.MakeRange();
if ( eActionType == SC_CAT_DELETE_ROWS )
aRange.aEnd.SetRow( aRange.aStart.Row() );
else if ( eActionType == SC_CAT_DELETE_COLS )
aRange.aEnd.SetCol( aRange.aStart.Col() );
if ( aRange.Intersects( aViewRange ) &&
ScViewUtil::IsActionShown( *pAction, *pSettings, *pDoc ) )
aColorChanger.Update( *pAction );
Color aColor( aColorChanger.GetColor() );
DrawOneChange( aRange.aStart.Col(), aRange.aStart.Row(),
aRange.aEnd.Col(), aRange.aEnd.Row(), aColor, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(eActionType) );
if ( eActionType == SC_CAT_MOVE &&
((const ScChangeActionMove*)pAction)->
GetFromRange().aStart.Tab() == nTab )
ScRange aRange = ((const ScChangeActionMove*)pAction)->
if ( aRange.Intersects( aViewRange ) &&
ScViewUtil::IsActionShown( *pAction, *pSettings, *pDoc ) )
aColorChanger.Update( *pAction );
Color aColor( aColorChanger.GetColor() );
DrawOneChange( aRange.aStart.Col(), aRange.aStart.Row(),
aRange.aEnd.Col(), aRange.aEnd.Row(), aColor, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(eActionType) );
pAction = pAction->GetNext();
void ScOutputData::DrawNoteMarks()
sal_Bool bFirst = sal_True;
long nInitPosX = nScrX;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
nInitPosX += nMirrorW - 1; // always in pixels
long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
long nPosY = nScrY;
for (SCSIZE nArrY=1; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)
RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
if ( pThisRowInfo->bChanged )
long nPosX = nInitPosX;
for (SCCOL nX=nX1; nX<=nX2; nX++)
CellInfo* pInfo = &pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1];
ScBaseCell* pCell = pInfo->pCell;
sal_Bool bIsMerged = sal_False;
if ( nX==nX1 && pInfo->bHOverlapped && !pInfo->bVOverlapped )
// find start of merged cell
bIsMerged = sal_True;
SCROW nY = pRowInfo[nArrY].nRowNo;
SCCOL nMergeX = nX;
SCROW nMergeY = nY;
pDoc->ExtendOverlapped( nMergeX, nMergeY, nX, nY, nTab );
pCell = pDoc->GetCell( ScAddress(nMergeX,nMergeY,nTab) );
// use origin's pCell for NotePtr test below
if ( pCell && pCell->HasNote() && ( bIsMerged ||
( !pInfo->bHOverlapped && !pInfo->bVOverlapped ) ) )
if (bFirst)
const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
if ( bUseStyleColor && rStyleSettings.GetHighContrastMode() )
pDev->SetFillColor( SC_MOD()->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue(svtools::FONTCOLOR).nColor );
bFirst = sal_False;
long nMarkX = nPosX + ( pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth - 4 ) * nLayoutSign;
if ( bIsMerged || pInfo->bMerged )
// if merged, add widths of all cells
SCCOL nNextX = nX + 1;
while ( nNextX <= nX2 + 1 && pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nNextX+1].bHOverlapped )
nMarkX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nNextX+1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
if ( bLayoutRTL ? ( nMarkX >= 0 ) : ( nMarkX < nScrX+nScrW ) )
pDev->DrawRect( Rectangle( nMarkX,nPosY,nMarkX+2*nLayoutSign,nPosY+2 ) );
nPosX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
nPosY += pThisRowInfo->nHeight;
void ScOutputData::AddPDFNotes()
vcl::PDFExtOutDevData* pPDFData = PTR_CAST( vcl::PDFExtOutDevData, pDev->GetExtOutDevData() );
if ( !pPDFData || !pPDFData->GetIsExportNotes() )
long nInitPosX = nScrX;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
Size aOnePixel = pDev->PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
long nOneX = aOnePixel.Width();
nInitPosX += nMirrorW - nOneX;
long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
long nPosY = nScrY;
for (SCSIZE nArrY=1; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)
RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
if ( pThisRowInfo->bChanged )
long nPosX = nInitPosX;
for (SCCOL nX=nX1; nX<=nX2; nX++)
CellInfo* pInfo = &pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1];
ScBaseCell* pCell = pInfo->pCell;
sal_Bool bIsMerged = sal_False;
SCROW nY = pRowInfo[nArrY].nRowNo;
SCCOL nMergeX = nX;
SCROW nMergeY = nY;
if ( nX==nX1 && pInfo->bHOverlapped && !pInfo->bVOverlapped )
// find start of merged cell
bIsMerged = sal_True;
pDoc->ExtendOverlapped( nMergeX, nMergeY, nX, nY, nTab );
pCell = pDoc->GetCell( ScAddress(nMergeX,nMergeY,nTab) );
// use origin's pCell for NotePtr test below
if ( pCell && pCell->HasNote() && ( bIsMerged ||
( !pInfo->bHOverlapped && !pInfo->bVOverlapped ) ) )
long nNoteWidth = (long)( SC_CLIPMARK_SIZE * nPPTX );
long nNoteHeight = (long)( SC_CLIPMARK_SIZE * nPPTY );
long nMarkX = nPosX + ( pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth - nNoteWidth ) * nLayoutSign;
if ( bIsMerged || pInfo->bMerged )
// if merged, add widths of all cells
SCCOL nNextX = nX + 1;
while ( nNextX <= nX2 + 1 && pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nNextX+1].bHOverlapped )
nMarkX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nNextX+1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
if ( bLayoutRTL ? ( nMarkX >= 0 ) : ( nMarkX < nScrX+nScrW ) )
Rectangle aNoteRect( nMarkX, nPosY, nMarkX+nNoteWidth*nLayoutSign, nPosY+nNoteHeight );
const ScPostIt* pNote = pCell->GetNote();
// Note title is the cell address (as on printed note pages)
String aTitle;
ScAddress aAddress( nMergeX, nMergeY, nTab );
aAddress.Format( aTitle, SCA_VALID, pDoc, pDoc->GetAddressConvention() );
// Content has to be a simple string without line breaks
String aContent = pNote->GetText();
xub_StrLen nPos;
while ( (nPos=aContent.Search('\n')) != STRING_NOTFOUND )
aContent.SetChar( nPos, ' ' );
vcl::PDFNote aNote;
aNote.Title = aTitle;
aNote.Contents = aContent;
pPDFData->CreateNote( aNoteRect, aNote );
nPosX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
nPosY += pThisRowInfo->nHeight;
void ScOutputData::DrawClipMarks()
if (!bAnyClipped)
Color aArrowFillCol( COL_LIGHTRED );
sal_uLong nOldDrawMode = pDev->GetDrawMode();
const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
if ( bUseStyleColor && rStyleSettings.GetHighContrastMode() )
// use DrawMode to change the arrow's outline color
pDev->SetDrawMode( nOldDrawMode | DRAWMODE_SETTINGSLINE );
// use text color also for the fill color
aArrowFillCol.SetColor( SC_MOD()->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue(svtools::FONTCOLOR).nColor );
long nInitPosX = nScrX;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
nInitPosX += nMirrorW - 1; // always in pixels
long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
Rectangle aCellRect;
long nPosY = nScrY;
for (SCSIZE nArrY=1; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)
RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
if ( pThisRowInfo->bChanged )
SCROW nY = pThisRowInfo->nRowNo;
long nPosX = nInitPosX;
for (SCCOL nX=nX1; nX<=nX2; nX++)
CellInfo* pInfo = &pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1];
if (pInfo->nClipMark)
if (pInfo->bHOverlapped || pInfo->bVOverlapped)
// merge origin may be outside of visible area - use document functions
SCCOL nOverX = nX;
SCROW nOverY = nY;
long nStartPosX = nPosX;
long nStartPosY = nPosY;
while ( nOverX > 0 && ( ((const ScMergeFlagAttr*)pDoc->GetAttr(
nOverX, nOverY, nTab, ATTR_MERGE_FLAG ))->GetValue() & SC_MF_HOR ) )
nStartPosX -= nLayoutSign * (long) ( pDoc->GetColWidth(nOverX,nTab) * nPPTX );
while ( nOverY > 0 && ( ((const ScMergeFlagAttr*)pDoc->GetAttr(
nOverX, nOverY, nTab, ATTR_MERGE_FLAG ))->GetValue() & SC_MF_VER ) )
nStartPosY -= nLayoutSign * (long) ( pDoc->GetRowHeight(nOverY,nTab) * nPPTY );
long nOutWidth = (long) ( pDoc->GetColWidth(nOverX,nTab) * nPPTX );
long nOutHeight = (long) ( pDoc->GetRowHeight(nOverY,nTab) * nPPTY );
const ScMergeAttr* pMerge = (const ScMergeAttr*)
pDoc->GetAttr( nOverX, nOverY, nTab, ATTR_MERGE );
SCCOL nCountX = pMerge->GetColMerge();
for (SCCOL i=1; i<nCountX; i++)
nOutWidth += (long) ( pDoc->GetColWidth(nOverX+i,nTab) * nPPTX );
SCROW nCountY = pMerge->GetRowMerge();
nOutHeight += (long) pDoc->GetScaledRowHeight( nOverY+1, nOverY+nCountY-1, nTab, nPPTY);
if ( bLayoutRTL )
nStartPosX -= nOutWidth - 1;
aCellRect = Rectangle( Point( nStartPosX, nStartPosY ), Size( nOutWidth, nOutHeight ) );
long nOutWidth = pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth;
long nOutHeight = pThisRowInfo->nHeight;
if ( pInfo->bMerged && pInfo->pPatternAttr )
SCCOL nOverX = nX;
SCROW nOverY = nY;
const ScMergeAttr* pMerge =
SCCOL nCountX = pMerge->GetColMerge();
for (SCCOL i=1; i<nCountX; i++)
nOutWidth += (long) ( pDoc->GetColWidth(nOverX+i,nTab) * nPPTX );
SCROW nCountY = pMerge->GetRowMerge();
nOutHeight += (long) pDoc->GetScaledRowHeight( nOverY+1, nOverY+nCountY-1, nTab, nPPTY);
long nStartPosX = nPosX;
if ( bLayoutRTL )
nStartPosX -= nOutWidth - 1;
// #i80447# create aCellRect from two points in case nOutWidth is 0
aCellRect = Rectangle( Point( nStartPosX, nPosY ),
Point( nStartPosX+nOutWidth-1, nPosY+nOutHeight-1 ) );
aCellRect.Bottom() -= 1; // don't paint over the cell grid
if ( bLayoutRTL )
aCellRect.Left() += 1;
aCellRect.Right() -= 1;
long nMarkPixel = (long)( SC_CLIPMARK_SIZE * nPPTX );
Size aMarkSize( nMarkPixel, (nMarkPixel-1)*2 );
if ( pInfo->nClipMark & ( bLayoutRTL ? SC_CLIPMARK_RIGHT : SC_CLIPMARK_LEFT ) )
// visually left
Rectangle aMarkRect = aCellRect;
aMarkRect.Right() = aCellRect.Left()+nMarkPixel-1;
#if 0
//! Test
pDev->SetLineColor(); pDev->SetFillColor(COL_YELLOW);
//! Test
SvxFont::DrawArrow( *pDev, aMarkRect, aMarkSize, aArrowFillCol, sal_True );
if ( pInfo->nClipMark & ( bLayoutRTL ? SC_CLIPMARK_LEFT : SC_CLIPMARK_RIGHT ) )
// visually right
Rectangle aMarkRect = aCellRect;
aMarkRect.Left() = aCellRect.Right()-nMarkPixel+1;
#if 0
//! Test
pDev->SetLineColor(); pDev->SetFillColor(COL_LIGHTGREEN);
//! Test
SvxFont::DrawArrow( *pDev, aMarkRect, aMarkSize, aArrowFillCol, sal_False );
nPosX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
nPosY += pThisRowInfo->nHeight;