blob: d75bbe2ade2925510f6eec6220932c4354907d49 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sc.hxx"
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/taskpanelist.hxx>
#include "olinewin.hxx"
#include "olinetab.hxx"
#include "document.hxx"
#include "dbfunc.hxx"
#include "sc.hrc"
// ============================================================================
const long SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE = 12;
const long SC_OL_POSOFFSET = 2;
const size_t SC_OL_NOLEVEL = static_cast< size_t >( -1 );
const size_t SC_OL_HEADERENTRY = static_cast< size_t >( -1 );
const sal_uInt16 SC_OL_IMAGE_PLUS = 9;
const sal_uInt16 SC_OL_IMAGE_MINUS = SC_OL_IMAGE_PLUS + 1;
// ============================================================================
ScOutlineWindow::ScOutlineWindow( Window* pParent, ScOutlineMode eMode, ScViewData* pViewData, ScSplitPos eWhich ) :
Window( pParent ),
mrViewData( *pViewData ),
meWhich( eWhich ),
mbHoriz( eMode == SC_OUTLINE_HOR ),
mbMirrorEntries( false ), // updated in SetHeaderSize
mbMirrorLevels( false ), // updated in SetHeaderSize
mpSymbols( NULL ),
maLineColor( COL_BLACK ),
mnHeaderSize( 0 ),
mnHeaderPos( 0 ),
mnMainFirstPos( 0 ),
mnMainLastPos( 0 ),
mbMTActive( false ),
mbMTPressed( false ),
mnFocusLevel( 0 ),
mnFocusEntry( SC_OL_HEADERENTRY ),
mbDontDrawFocus( false )
EnableRTL( sal_False ); // mirroring is done manually
SetHeaderSize( 0 );
// insert the window into task pane list for "F6 cycling"
if( SystemWindow* pSysWin = GetSystemWindow() )
if( TaskPaneList* pTaskPaneList = pSysWin->GetTaskPaneList() )
pTaskPaneList->AddWindow( this );
// remove the window from task pane list
if( SystemWindow* pSysWin = GetSystemWindow() )
if( TaskPaneList* pTaskPaneList = pSysWin->GetTaskPaneList() )
pTaskPaneList->RemoveWindow( this );
void ScOutlineWindow::SetHeaderSize( long nNewSize )
sal_Bool bLayoutRTL = GetDoc().IsLayoutRTL( GetTab() );
mbMirrorEntries = bLayoutRTL && mbHoriz;
mbMirrorLevels = bLayoutRTL && !mbHoriz;
bool bNew = (nNewSize != mnHeaderSize);
mnHeaderSize = nNewSize;
mnHeaderPos = mbMirrorEntries ? (GetOutputSizeEntry() - mnHeaderSize) : 0;
mnMainFirstPos = mbMirrorEntries ? 0 : mnHeaderSize;
mnMainLastPos = GetOutputSizeEntry() - (mbMirrorEntries ? mnHeaderSize : 0) - 1;
if ( bNew )
long ScOutlineWindow::GetDepthSize() const
long nSize = GetLevelCount() * SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE;
if ( nSize > 0 )
nSize += 2 * SC_OL_POSOFFSET + 1;
return nSize;
void ScOutlineWindow::ScrollPixel( long nDiff )
mbDontDrawFocus = true;
long nStart = mnMainFirstPos;
long nEnd = mnMainLastPos;
long nInvStart, nInvEnd;
if (nDiff < 0)
nStart -= nDiff;
nInvStart = nEnd + nDiff;
nInvEnd = nEnd;
nEnd -= nDiff;
nInvStart = nStart;
nInvEnd = nStart + nDiff;
ScrollRel( nDiff, nStart, nEnd );
Invalidate( GetRectangle( 0, nInvStart, GetOutputSizeLevel() - 1, nInvEnd ) );
// if focus becomes invisible, move it to next visible button
ImplMoveFocusToVisible( nDiff < 0 );
mbDontDrawFocus = false;
void ScOutlineWindow::ScrollRel( long nEntryDiff, long nEntryStart, long nEntryEnd )
Rectangle aRect( GetRectangle( 0, nEntryStart, GetOutputSizeLevel() - 1, nEntryEnd ) );
if ( mbHoriz )
Scroll( nEntryDiff, 0, aRect );
Scroll( 0, nEntryDiff, aRect );
// internal -------------------------------------------------------------------
void ScOutlineWindow::InitSettings()
const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
SetBackground( rStyleSettings.GetFaceColor() );
maLineColor = rStyleSettings.GetButtonTextColor();
mpSymbols = ScGlobal::GetOutlineSymbols( rStyleSettings.GetHighContrastMode() );
const ScOutlineArray* ScOutlineWindow::GetOutlineArray() const
const ScOutlineTable* pTable = GetDoc().GetOutlineTable( GetTab() );
if ( !pTable ) return NULL;
return mbHoriz ? pTable->GetColArray() : pTable->GetRowArray();
const ScOutlineEntry* ScOutlineWindow::GetOutlineEntry( size_t nLevel, size_t nEntry ) const
const ScOutlineArray* pArray = GetOutlineArray();
return pArray ? pArray->GetEntry( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nLevel), sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nEntry) ) : NULL;
bool ScOutlineWindow::IsHidden( SCCOLROW nColRowIndex ) const
return mbHoriz ?
GetDoc().ColHidden(static_cast<SCCOL>(nColRowIndex), GetTab()) :
GetDoc().RowHidden(static_cast<SCROW>(nColRowIndex), GetTab());
bool ScOutlineWindow::IsFiltered( SCCOLROW nColRowIndex ) const
// columns cannot be filtered
return !mbHoriz && GetDoc().RowFiltered( static_cast<SCROW>(nColRowIndex), GetTab() );
bool ScOutlineWindow::IsFirstVisible( SCCOLROW nColRowIndex ) const
bool bAllHidden = true;
for ( SCCOLROW nPos = 0; (nPos < nColRowIndex) && bAllHidden; ++nPos )
bAllHidden = IsHidden( nPos );
return bAllHidden;
void ScOutlineWindow::GetVisibleRange( SCCOLROW& rnColRowStart, SCCOLROW& rnColRowEnd ) const
if ( mbHoriz )
rnColRowStart = mrViewData.GetPosX( WhichH( meWhich ) );
rnColRowEnd = rnColRowStart + mrViewData.VisibleCellsX( WhichH( meWhich ) );
rnColRowStart = mrViewData.GetPosY( WhichV( meWhich ) );
rnColRowEnd = rnColRowStart + mrViewData.VisibleCellsY( WhichV( meWhich ) );
// include collapsed columns/rows in front of visible range
while ( (rnColRowStart > 0) && IsHidden( rnColRowStart - 1 ) )
Point ScOutlineWindow::GetPoint( long nLevelPos, long nEntryPos ) const
return mbHoriz ? Point( nEntryPos, nLevelPos ) : Point( nLevelPos, nEntryPos );
Rectangle ScOutlineWindow::GetRectangle(
long nLevelStart, long nEntryStart, long nLevelEnd, long nEntryEnd ) const
return Rectangle( GetPoint( nLevelStart, nEntryStart ), GetPoint( nLevelEnd, nEntryEnd ) );
long ScOutlineWindow::GetOutputSizeLevel() const
Size aSize( GetOutputSizePixel() );
return mbHoriz ? aSize.Height() : aSize.Width();
long ScOutlineWindow::GetOutputSizeEntry() const
Size aSize( GetOutputSizePixel() );
return mbHoriz ? aSize.Width() : aSize.Height();
size_t ScOutlineWindow::GetLevelCount() const
const ScOutlineArray* pArray = GetOutlineArray();
size_t nLevelCount = pArray ? pArray->GetDepth() : 0;
return nLevelCount ? (nLevelCount + 1) : 0;
long ScOutlineWindow::GetLevelPos( size_t nLevel ) const
// #i51970# must always return the *left* edge of the area used by a level
long nPos = static_cast< long >( SC_OL_POSOFFSET + nLevel * SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE );
return mbMirrorLevels ? (GetOutputSizeLevel() - nPos - SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE) : nPos;
size_t ScOutlineWindow::GetLevelFromPos( long nLevelPos ) const
if( mbMirrorLevels ) nLevelPos = GetOutputSizeLevel() - nLevelPos - 1;
long nStart = SC_OL_POSOFFSET;
if ( nLevelPos < nStart ) return SC_OL_NOLEVEL;
size_t nLevel = static_cast< size_t >( (nLevelPos - nStart) / SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE );
return (nLevel < GetLevelCount()) ? nLevel : SC_OL_NOLEVEL;
long ScOutlineWindow::GetColRowPos( SCCOLROW nColRowIndex ) const
long nDocPos = mbHoriz ?
mrViewData.GetScrPos( static_cast<SCCOL>(nColRowIndex), 0, meWhich, sal_True ).X() :
mrViewData.GetScrPos( 0, static_cast<SCROW>(nColRowIndex), meWhich, sal_True ).Y();
return mnMainFirstPos + nDocPos;
long ScOutlineWindow::GetHeaderEntryPos() const
return mnHeaderPos + (mnHeaderSize - SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE) / 2;
bool ScOutlineWindow::GetEntryPos(
size_t nLevel, size_t nEntry,
long& rnStartPos, long& rnEndPos, long& rnImagePos ) const
const ScOutlineEntry* pEntry = GetOutlineEntry( nLevel, nEntry );
if ( !pEntry || !pEntry->IsVisible() )
return false;
SCCOLROW nStart = pEntry->GetStart();
SCCOLROW nEnd = pEntry->GetEnd();
long nEntriesSign = mbMirrorEntries ? -1 : 1;
// --- common calculation ---
rnStartPos = GetColRowPos( nStart );
rnEndPos = GetColRowPos( nEnd + 1 );
bool bHidden = IsHidden( nStart );
rnImagePos = bHidden ?
(rnStartPos - ( SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE / 2 ) * nEntriesSign) :
rnStartPos + nEntriesSign;
long nCenter = (rnStartPos + rnEndPos - SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE * nEntriesSign +
( mbMirrorEntries ? 1 : 0 )) / 2L;
rnImagePos = mbMirrorEntries ? Max( rnImagePos, nCenter ) : Min( rnImagePos, nCenter );
// --- refinements ---
// do not cut leftmost/topmost image
if ( bHidden && IsFirstVisible( nStart ) )
rnImagePos = rnStartPos;
// do not cover previous collapsed image
if ( !bHidden && nEntry )
const ScOutlineEntry* pPrevEntry = GetOutlineEntry( nLevel, nEntry - 1 );
SCCOLROW nPrevEnd = pPrevEntry->GetEnd();
if ( (nPrevEnd + 1 == nStart) && IsHidden( nPrevEnd ) )
if ( IsFirstVisible( pPrevEntry->GetStart() ) )
rnStartPos += SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE * nEntriesSign;
rnStartPos += ( SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE / 2 ) * nEntriesSign;
rnImagePos = rnStartPos;
// restrict rnStartPos...rnEndPos to valid area
rnStartPos = std::max( rnStartPos, mnMainFirstPos );
rnEndPos = std::max( rnEndPos, mnMainFirstPos );
if ( mbMirrorEntries )
rnImagePos -= SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE - 1; // start pos aligns with right edge of bitmap
// --- all rows filtered? ---
bool bVisible = true;
if ( !mbHoriz )
bVisible = false;
for ( SCCOLROW nRow = nStart; (nRow <= nEnd) && !bVisible; ++nRow )
bVisible = !IsFiltered( nRow );
return bVisible;
bool ScOutlineWindow::GetImagePos( size_t nLevel, size_t nEntry, Point& rPos ) const
bool bRet = nLevel < GetLevelCount();
if ( bRet )
long nLevelPos = GetLevelPos( nLevel );
if ( nEntry == SC_OL_HEADERENTRY )
rPos = GetPoint( nLevelPos, GetHeaderEntryPos() );
long nStartPos, nEndPos, nImagePos;
bRet = GetEntryPos( nLevel, nEntry, nStartPos, nEndPos, nImagePos );
rPos = GetPoint( nLevelPos, nImagePos );
return bRet;
bool ScOutlineWindow::IsButtonVisible( size_t nLevel, size_t nEntry ) const
bool bRet = false;
if ( nEntry == SC_OL_HEADERENTRY )
bRet = (mnHeaderSize > 0) && (nLevel < GetLevelCount());
const ScOutlineEntry* pEntry = GetOutlineEntry( nLevel, nEntry );
if ( pEntry && pEntry->IsVisible() )
SCCOLROW nStart, nEnd;
GetVisibleRange( nStart, nEnd );
bRet = (nStart <= pEntry->GetStart()) && (pEntry->GetStart() <= nEnd);
return bRet;
bool ScOutlineWindow::ItemHit( const Point& rPos, size_t& rnLevel, size_t& rnEntry, bool& rbButton ) const
const ScOutlineArray* pArray = GetOutlineArray();
if ( !pArray ) return false;
SCCOLROW nStartIndex, nEndIndex;
GetVisibleRange( nStartIndex, nEndIndex );
size_t nLevel = GetLevelFromPos( mbHoriz ? rPos.Y() : rPos.X() );
if ( nLevel == SC_OL_NOLEVEL )
return false;
// long nLevelPos = GetLevelPos( nLevel );
long nEntryMousePos = mbHoriz ? rPos.X() : rPos.Y();
// --- level buttons ---
if ( mnHeaderSize > 0 )
long nImagePos = GetHeaderEntryPos();
if ( (nImagePos <= nEntryMousePos) && (nEntryMousePos < nImagePos + SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE) )
rnLevel = nLevel;
rbButton = true;
return true;
// --- expand/collapse buttons and expanded lines ---
// search outline entries backwards
size_t nEntry = pArray->GetCount( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nLevel) );
while ( nEntry )
const ScOutlineEntry* pEntry = pArray->GetEntry( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nLevel),
sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nEntry) );
SCCOLROW nStart = pEntry->GetStart();
SCCOLROW nEnd = pEntry->GetEnd();
if ( (nEnd >= nStartIndex) && (nStart <= nEndIndex) )
long nStartPos, nEndPos, nImagePos;
if ( GetEntryPos( nLevel, nEntry, nStartPos, nEndPos, nImagePos ) )
rnLevel = nLevel;
rnEntry = nEntry;
// button?
if ( (nStart >= nStartIndex) && (nImagePos <= nEntryMousePos) && (nEntryMousePos < nImagePos + SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE) )
rbButton = true;
return true;
// line?
if ( mbMirrorEntries )
::std::swap( nStartPos, nEndPos ); // in RTL mode, nStartPos is the larger value
if ( (nStartPos <= nEntryMousePos) && (nEntryMousePos <= nEndPos) )
rbButton = false;
return true;
return false;
bool ScOutlineWindow::ButtonHit( const Point& rPos, size_t& rnLevel, size_t& rnEntry ) const
bool bButton;
bool bRet = ItemHit( rPos, rnLevel, rnEntry, bButton );
return bRet && bButton;
bool ScOutlineWindow::LineHit( const Point& rPos, size_t& rnLevel, size_t& rnEntry ) const
bool bButton;
bool bRet = ItemHit( rPos, rnLevel, rnEntry, bButton );
return bRet && !bButton;
void ScOutlineWindow::DoFunction( size_t nLevel, size_t nEntry ) const
ScDBFunc& rFunc = *mrViewData.GetView();
if ( nEntry == SC_OL_HEADERENTRY )
rFunc.SelectLevel( mbHoriz, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nLevel) );
const ScOutlineEntry* pEntry = GetOutlineEntry( nLevel, nEntry );
if ( pEntry )
if ( pEntry->IsHidden() )
rFunc.ShowOutline( mbHoriz, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nLevel), sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nEntry) );
rFunc.HideOutline( mbHoriz, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nLevel), sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nEntry) );
void ScOutlineWindow::DoExpand( size_t nLevel, size_t nEntry ) const
const ScOutlineEntry* pEntry = GetOutlineEntry( nLevel, nEntry );
if ( pEntry && pEntry->IsHidden() )
DoFunction( nLevel, nEntry );
void ScOutlineWindow::DoCollapse( size_t nLevel, size_t nEntry ) const
const ScOutlineEntry* pEntry = GetOutlineEntry( nLevel, nEntry );
if ( pEntry && !pEntry->IsHidden() )
DoFunction( nLevel, nEntry );
void ScOutlineWindow::Resize()
SetHeaderSize( mnHeaderSize ); // recalculates header/group positions
if ( !IsFocusButtonVisible() )
ShowFocus(); // calculates valid position
void ScOutlineWindow::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt )
if ( (rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) &&
(rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) )
Window::DataChanged( rDCEvt );
// drawing --------------------------------------------------------------------
void ScOutlineWindow::SetEntryAreaClipRegion()
SetClipRegion( Rectangle(
GetPoint( 0, mnMainFirstPos ),
GetPoint( GetOutputSizeLevel() - 1, mnMainLastPos ) ) );
void ScOutlineWindow::DrawLineRel(
long nLevelStart, long nEntryStart, long nLevelEnd, long nEntryEnd )
DrawLine( GetPoint( nLevelStart, nEntryStart ), GetPoint( nLevelEnd, nEntryEnd ) );
void ScOutlineWindow::DrawRectRel(
long nLevelStart, long nEntryStart, long nLevelEnd, long nEntryEnd )
DrawRect( GetRectangle( nLevelStart, nEntryStart, nLevelEnd, nEntryEnd ) );
void ScOutlineWindow::DrawImageRel( long nLevelPos, long nEntryPos, sal_uInt16 nId )
DBG_ASSERT( mpSymbols, "ScOutlineWindow::DrawImageRel - no images" );
const Image& rImage = mpSymbols->GetImage( nId );
SetFillColor( GetBackground().GetColor() );
Point aPos( GetPoint( nLevelPos, nEntryPos ) );
DrawRect( Rectangle( aPos, rImage.GetSizePixel() ) );
DrawImage( aPos, rImage );
void ScOutlineWindow::DrawBorderRel( size_t nLevel, size_t nEntry, bool bPressed )
Point aPos;
if ( GetImagePos( nLevel, nEntry, aPos ) )
DBG_ASSERT( mpSymbols, "ScOutlineWindow::DrawBorderRel - no images" );
bool bClip = (nEntry != SC_OL_HEADERENTRY);
if ( bClip )
DrawImage( aPos, mpSymbols->GetImage( nId ) );
if ( bClip )
mbMTPressed = bPressed;
void ScOutlineWindow::ShowFocus()
if ( HasFocus() )
// first move to a visible position
ImplMoveFocusToVisible( true );
if ( IsFocusButtonVisible() )
Point aPos;
if ( GetImagePos( mnFocusLevel, mnFocusEntry, aPos ) )
aPos += Point( 1, 1 );
maFocusRect = Rectangle( aPos, Size( SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE - 2, SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE - 2 ) );
bool bClip = (mnFocusEntry != SC_OL_HEADERENTRY);
if ( bClip )
InvertTracking( maFocusRect, SHOWTRACK_SMALL | SHOWTRACK_WINDOW );
if ( bClip )
void ScOutlineWindow::HideFocus()
if ( !maFocusRect.IsEmpty() )
bool bClip = (mnFocusEntry != SC_OL_HEADERENTRY);
if ( bClip )
InvertTracking( maFocusRect, SHOWTRACK_SMALL | SHOWTRACK_WINDOW );
if ( bClip )
void ScOutlineWindow::Paint( const Rectangle& /* rRect */ )
long nEntriesSign = mbMirrorEntries ? -1 : 1;
long nLevelsSign = mbMirrorLevels ? -1 : 1;
Size aSize = GetOutputSizePixel();
long nLevelEnd = (mbHoriz ? aSize.Height() : aSize.Width()) - 1;
long nEntryEnd = (mbHoriz ? aSize.Width() : aSize.Height()) - 1;
SetLineColor( maLineColor );
long nBorderPos = mbMirrorLevels ? 0 : nLevelEnd;
DrawLineRel( nBorderPos, 0, nBorderPos, nEntryEnd );
const ScOutlineArray* pArray = GetOutlineArray();
if ( !pArray ) return;
size_t nLevelCount = GetLevelCount();
// --- draw header images ---
if ( mnHeaderSize > 0 )
long nEntryPos = GetHeaderEntryPos();
for ( size_t nLevel = 0; nLevel < nLevelCount; ++nLevel )
DrawImageRel( GetLevelPos( nLevel ), nEntryPos, static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( nLevel + 1 ) );
SetLineColor( maLineColor );
long nLinePos = mnHeaderPos + (mbMirrorEntries ? 0 : (mnHeaderSize - 1));
DrawLineRel( 0, nLinePos, nLevelEnd, nLinePos );
// --- draw lines & collapse/expand images ---
SCCOLROW nStartIndex, nEndIndex;
GetVisibleRange( nStartIndex, nEndIndex );
for ( size_t nLevel = 0; nLevel + 1 < nLevelCount; ++nLevel )
long nLevelPos = GetLevelPos( nLevel );
long nEntryPos1 = 0, nEntryPos2 = 0, nImagePos = 0;
size_t nEntryCount = pArray->GetCount( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nLevel) );
size_t nEntry;
// first draw all lines in the current level
SetFillColor( maLineColor );
for ( nEntry = 0; nEntry < nEntryCount; ++nEntry )
const ScOutlineEntry* pEntry = pArray->GetEntry( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nLevel),
sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nEntry) );
SCCOLROW nStart = pEntry->GetStart();
SCCOLROW nEnd = pEntry->GetEnd();
// visible range?
bool bDraw = (nEnd >= nStartIndex) && (nStart <= nEndIndex);
// find output coordinates
if ( bDraw )
bDraw = GetEntryPos( nLevel, nEntry, nEntryPos1, nEntryPos2, nImagePos );
// draw, if not collapsed
if ( bDraw && !pEntry->IsHidden() )
if ( nStart >= nStartIndex )
nEntryPos1 += nEntriesSign;
nEntryPos2 -= 2 * nEntriesSign;
long nLinePos = nLevelPos;
if ( mbMirrorLevels )
nLinePos += SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE - 1; // align with right edge of bitmap
DrawRectRel( nLinePos, nEntryPos1, nLinePos + nLevelsSign, nEntryPos2 );
if ( nEnd <= nEndIndex )
DrawRectRel( nLinePos, nEntryPos2 - nEntriesSign,
nLinePos + ( SC_OL_BITMAPSIZE / 3 ) * nLevelsSign, nEntryPos2 );
// draw all images in the level from last to first
nEntry = nEntryCount;
while ( nEntry )
const ScOutlineEntry* pEntry = pArray->GetEntry( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nLevel),
sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nEntry) );
SCCOLROW nStart = pEntry->GetStart();
// SCCOLROW nEnd = pEntry->GetEnd();
// visible range?
bool bDraw = (nStartIndex <= nStart) && (nStart <= nEndIndex + 1);
// find output coordinates
if ( bDraw )
bDraw = GetEntryPos( nLevel, nEntry, nEntryPos1, nEntryPos2, nImagePos );
// draw, if not hidden by higher levels
if ( bDraw )
sal_uInt16 nImageId = pEntry->IsHidden() ? SC_OL_IMAGE_PLUS : SC_OL_IMAGE_MINUS;
DrawImageRel( nLevelPos, nImagePos, nImageId );
if ( !mbDontDrawFocus )
// focus ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Increments or decrements a value and wraps at the specified limits.
@return true = value wrapped. */
bool lcl_RotateValue( size_t& rnValue, size_t nMin, size_t nMax, bool bForward )
DBG_ASSERT( nMin <= nMax, "lcl_RotateValue - invalid range" );
DBG_ASSERT( nMax < static_cast< size_t >( -1 ), "lcl_RotateValue - range overflow" );
bool bWrap = false;
if ( bForward )
if ( rnValue < nMax )
rnValue = nMin;
bWrap = true;
if ( rnValue > nMin )
rnValue = nMax;
bWrap = true;
return bWrap;
bool ScOutlineWindow::IsFocusButtonVisible() const
return IsButtonVisible( mnFocusLevel, mnFocusEntry );
bool ScOutlineWindow::ImplMoveFocusByEntry( bool bForward, bool bFindVisible )
const ScOutlineArray* pArray = GetOutlineArray();
if ( !pArray )
return false;
bool bWrapped = false;
size_t nEntryCount = pArray->GetCount( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(mnFocusLevel) );
// #i29530# entry count may be decreased after changing active sheet
if( mnFocusEntry >= nEntryCount )
size_t nOldEntry = mnFocusEntry;
if ( mnFocusEntry == SC_OL_HEADERENTRY )
// move from header to first or last entry
if ( nEntryCount > 0 )
mnFocusEntry = bForward ? 0 : (nEntryCount - 1);
/* wrapped, if forward from right header to first entry,
or if backward from left header to last entry */
// Header and entries are now always in consistent order,
// so there's no need to check for mirroring here.
if ( !nEntryCount || !bForward )
bWrapped = true;
else if ( lcl_RotateValue( mnFocusEntry, 0, nEntryCount - 1, bForward ) )
// lcl_RotateValue returns true -> wrapped the entry range -> move to header
/* wrapped, if forward from last entry to left header,
or if backward from first entry to right header */
if ( bForward )
bWrapped = true;
while ( bFindVisible && !IsFocusButtonVisible() && (nOldEntry != mnFocusEntry) );
return bWrapped;
bool ScOutlineWindow::ImplMoveFocusByLevel( bool bForward )
const ScOutlineArray* pArray = GetOutlineArray();
if ( !pArray )
return false;
bool bWrapped = false;
size_t nLevelCount = GetLevelCount();
if ( mnFocusEntry == SC_OL_HEADERENTRY )
if ( nLevelCount > 0 )
bWrapped = lcl_RotateValue( mnFocusLevel, 0, nLevelCount - 1, bForward );
const ScOutlineEntry* pEntry = pArray->GetEntry( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(mnFocusLevel),
sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(mnFocusEntry) );
if ( pEntry )
SCCOLROW nStart = pEntry->GetStart();
SCCOLROW nEnd = pEntry->GetEnd();
size_t nNewLevel = mnFocusLevel;
size_t nNewEntry = 0;
bool bFound = false;
if ( bForward && (mnFocusLevel + 2 < nLevelCount) )
// next level -> find first child entry
nNewLevel = mnFocusLevel + 1;
// TODO - change ScOutlineArray interface to size_t usage
sal_uInt16 nTmpEntry = 0;
bFound = pArray->GetEntryIndexInRange( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nNewLevel), nStart, nEnd, nTmpEntry );
nNewEntry = nTmpEntry;
else if ( !bForward && (mnFocusLevel > 0) )
// previous level -> find parent entry
nNewLevel = mnFocusLevel - 1;
// TODO - change ScOutlineArray interface to size_t usage
sal_uInt16 nTmpEntry = 0;
bFound = pArray->GetEntryIndex( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nNewLevel), nStart, nTmpEntry );
nNewEntry = nTmpEntry;
if ( bFound && IsButtonVisible( nNewLevel, nNewEntry ) )
mnFocusLevel = nNewLevel;
mnFocusEntry = nNewEntry;
return bWrapped;
bool ScOutlineWindow::ImplMoveFocusByTabOrder( bool bForward, bool bFindVisible )
bool bRet = false;
size_t nOldLevel = mnFocusLevel;
size_t nOldEntry = mnFocusEntry;
/* one level up, if backward from left header,
or one level down, if forward from right header */
if ( (!bForward) && (mnFocusEntry == SC_OL_HEADERENTRY) )
bRet |= ImplMoveFocusByLevel( bForward );
// move to next/previous entry
bool bWrapInLevel = ImplMoveFocusByEntry( bForward, false );
bRet |= bWrapInLevel;
/* one level up, if wrapped backward to right header,
or one level down, if wrapped forward to right header */
if ( bForward && bWrapInLevel )
bRet |= ImplMoveFocusByLevel( bForward );
while ( bFindVisible && !IsFocusButtonVisible() && ((nOldLevel != mnFocusLevel) || (nOldEntry != mnFocusEntry)) );
return bRet;
void ScOutlineWindow::ImplMoveFocusToVisible( bool bForward )
// first try to find an entry in the same level
if ( !IsFocusButtonVisible() )
ImplMoveFocusByEntry( bForward, true );
// then try to find any other entry
if ( !IsFocusButtonVisible() )
ImplMoveFocusByTabOrder( bForward, true );
void ScOutlineWindow::MoveFocusByEntry( bool bForward )
ImplMoveFocusByEntry( bForward, true );
void ScOutlineWindow::MoveFocusByLevel( bool bForward )
ImplMoveFocusByLevel( bForward );
void ScOutlineWindow::MoveFocusByTabOrder( bool bForward )
ImplMoveFocusByTabOrder( bForward, true );
void ScOutlineWindow::GetFocus()
void ScOutlineWindow::LoseFocus()
// mouse ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void ScOutlineWindow::StartMouseTracking( size_t nLevel, size_t nEntry )
mbMTActive = true;
mnMTLevel = nLevel;
mnMTEntry = nEntry;
DrawBorderRel( nLevel, nEntry, true );
void ScOutlineWindow::EndMouseTracking()
if ( mbMTPressed )
DrawBorderRel( mnMTLevel, mnMTEntry, false );
mbMTActive = false;
void ScOutlineWindow::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
if ( IsMouseTracking() )
size_t nLevel, nEntry;
bool bHit = false;
if ( ButtonHit( rMEvt.GetPosPixel(), nLevel, nEntry ) )
bHit = (nLevel == mnMTLevel) && (nEntry == mnMTEntry);
if ( bHit != mbMTPressed )
DrawBorderRel( mnMTLevel, mnMTEntry, bHit );
void ScOutlineWindow::MouseButtonUp( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
if ( IsMouseTracking() )
size_t nLevel, nEntry;
if ( ButtonHit( rMEvt.GetPosPixel(), nLevel, nEntry ) )
if ( (nLevel == mnMTLevel) && (nEntry == mnMTEntry) )
DoFunction( nLevel, nEntry );
void ScOutlineWindow::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt )
size_t nLevel, nEntry;
bool bHit = ButtonHit( rMEvt.GetPosPixel(), nLevel, nEntry );
if ( bHit )
StartMouseTracking( nLevel, nEntry );
else if ( rMEvt.GetClicks() == 2 )
bHit = LineHit( rMEvt.GetPosPixel(), nLevel, nEntry );
if ( bHit )
DoFunction( nLevel, nEntry );
// if an item has been hit and window is focused, move focus to this item
if ( bHit && HasFocus() )
mnFocusLevel = nLevel;
mnFocusEntry = nEntry;
// keyboard -------------------------------------------------------------------
void ScOutlineWindow::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt )
const KeyCode& rKCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode();
bool bNoMod = !rKCode.GetModifier();
bool bShift = (rKCode.GetModifier() == KEY_SHIFT);
bool bCtrl = (rKCode.GetModifier() == KEY_MOD1);
sal_uInt16 nCode = rKCode.GetCode();
bool bUpDownKey = (nCode == KEY_UP) || (nCode == KEY_DOWN);
bool bLeftRightKey = (nCode == KEY_LEFT) || (nCode == KEY_RIGHT);
// TAB key
if ( (nCode == KEY_TAB) && (bNoMod || bShift) )
// move forward without SHIFT key
MoveFocusByTabOrder( bNoMod ); // TAB uses logical order, regardless of mirroring
else if ( bNoMod && (bUpDownKey || bLeftRightKey) )
bool bForward = (nCode == KEY_DOWN) || (nCode == KEY_RIGHT);
if ( mbHoriz == bLeftRightKey )
// move inside level with LEFT/RIGHT in horizontal and with UP/DOWN in vertical
MoveFocusByEntry( bForward != mbMirrorEntries );
// move to next/prev level with LEFT/RIGHT in vertical and with UP/DOWN in horizontal
MoveFocusByLevel( bForward != mbMirrorLevels );
// CTRL + number
else if ( bCtrl && (nCode >= KEY_1) && (nCode <= KEY_9) )
size_t nLevel = static_cast< size_t >( nCode - KEY_1 );
if ( nLevel < GetLevelCount() )
DoFunction( nLevel, SC_OL_HEADERENTRY );
// other key codes
else switch ( rKCode.GetFullCode() )
case KEY_ADD: DoExpand( mnFocusLevel, mnFocusEntry ); break;
case KEY_SUBTRACT: DoCollapse( mnFocusLevel, mnFocusEntry ); break;
case KEY_RETURN: DoFunction( mnFocusLevel, mnFocusEntry ); break;
default: Window::KeyInput( rKEvt );
// ============================================================================