blob: 2440f737019370cedea26524862acd3657f204ed [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "vbasheetobject.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/awt/TextAlign.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexContainer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XControlShape.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/ScriptEventDescriptor.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/XEventAttacherManager.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/style/VerticalAlignment.hpp>
#include <ooo/vba/excel/Constants.hpp>
#include <ooo/vba/excel/XlOrientation.hpp>
#include <ooo/vba/excel/XlPlacement.hpp>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <filter/msfilter/msvbahelper.hxx>
#include <oox/helper/helper.hxx>
#include <svx/unoshape.hxx>
#include "vbafont.hxx"
#include "drwlayer.hxx"
using ::rtl::OUString;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::ooo::vba;
// ============================================================================
const uno::Reference< XHelperInterface >& rxParent,
const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& rxContext,
const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >& rxPropSet,
const ScVbaPalette& rPalette,
const uno::Any& rStart,
const uno::Any& rLength ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) :
ScVbaButtonCharacters_BASE( rxParent, rxContext ),
maPalette( rPalette ),
mxPropSet( rxPropSet, uno::UNO_SET_THROW )
// extract optional start parameter (missing or invalid -> from beginning)
if( !(rStart >>= mnStart) || (mnStart < 1) )
mnStart = 1;
--mnStart; // VBA is 1-based, rtl string is 0-based
// extract optional length parameter (missing or invalid -> to end)
if( !(rLength >>= mnLength) || (mnLength < 1) )
mnLength = SAL_MAX_INT32;
// XCharacters attributes
OUString SAL_CALL ScVbaButtonCharacters::getCaption() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
// ignore invalid mnStart and/or mnLength members
OUString aString = getFullString();
sal_Int32 nStart = ::std::min( mnStart, aString.getLength() );
sal_Int32 nLength = ::std::min( mnLength, aString.getLength() - nStart );
return aString.copy( nStart, nLength );
void SAL_CALL ScVbaButtonCharacters::setCaption( const OUString& rCaption ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
/* Replace the covered text with the passed text, ignore invalid mnStart
and/or mnLength members. This operation does not affect the mnLength
parameter. If the inserted text is longer than mnLength, the additional
characters are not covered by this object. If the inserted text is
shorter than mnLength, other uncovered characters from the original
string will be covered now, thus may be changed with subsequent
operations. */
OUString aString = getFullString();
sal_Int32 nStart = ::std::min( mnStart, aString.getLength() );
sal_Int32 nLength = ::std::min( mnLength, aString.getLength() - nStart );
setFullString( aString.replaceAt( nStart, nLength, rCaption ) );
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScVbaButtonCharacters::getCount() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
// always return the total length of the caption
return getFullString().getLength();
OUString SAL_CALL ScVbaButtonCharacters::getText() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
// Text attribute same as Caption attribute?
return getCaption();
void SAL_CALL ScVbaButtonCharacters::setText( const OUString& rText ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
// Text attribute same as Caption attribute?
setCaption( rText );
uno::Reference< excel::XFont > SAL_CALL ScVbaButtonCharacters::getFont() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
return new ScVbaFont( this, mxContext, maPalette, mxPropSet, 0, true );
void SAL_CALL ScVbaButtonCharacters::setFont( const uno::Reference< excel::XFont >& /*rxFont*/ ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
// XCharacters methods
void SAL_CALL ScVbaButtonCharacters::Insert( const OUString& rString ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
/* The Insert() operation is in fact "replace covered characters", at
least for buttons... It seems there is no easy way to really insert a
substring. This operation does not affect the mnLength parameter. */
setCaption( rString );
void SAL_CALL ScVbaButtonCharacters::Delete() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
/* The Delete() operation is nothing else than "replace with empty string".
This does not affect the mnLength parameter, multiple calls of Delete()
will remove characters as long as there are some more covered by this
object. */
setCaption( OUString() );
// XHelperInterface
VBAHELPER_IMPL_XHELPERINTERFACE( ScVbaButtonCharacters, "ooo.vba.excel.Characters" )
// private
OUString ScVbaButtonCharacters::getFullString() const throw (uno::RuntimeException)
return mxPropSet->getPropertyValue( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Label" ) ).get< OUString >();
void ScVbaButtonCharacters::setFullString( const OUString& rString ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
mxPropSet->setPropertyValue( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Label" ), uno::Any( rString ) );
// ============================================================================
const uno::Reference< XHelperInterface >& rxParent,
const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& rxContext,
const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& rxModel,
const uno::Reference< drawing::XShape >& rxShape ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) :
ScVbaSheetObject_BASE( rxParent, rxContext ),
maPalette( rxModel ),
mxModel( rxModel, uno::UNO_SET_THROW ),
mxShape( rxShape, uno::UNO_SET_THROW ),
mxShapeProps( rxShape, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW )
// XSheetObject attributes
double SAL_CALL ScVbaSheetObjectBase::getLeft() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
return HmmToPoints( mxShape->getPosition().X );
void SAL_CALL ScVbaSheetObjectBase::setLeft( double fLeft ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
if( fLeft < 0.0 )
throw uno::RuntimeException();
mxShape->setPosition( awt::Point( PointsToHmm( fLeft ), mxShape->getPosition().Y ) );
double SAL_CALL ScVbaSheetObjectBase::getTop() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
return HmmToPoints( mxShape->getPosition().Y );
void SAL_CALL ScVbaSheetObjectBase::setTop( double fTop ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
if( fTop < 0.0 )
throw uno::RuntimeException();
mxShape->setPosition( awt::Point( mxShape->getPosition().X, PointsToHmm( fTop ) ) );
double SAL_CALL ScVbaSheetObjectBase::getWidth() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
return HmmToPoints( mxShape->getSize().Width );
void SAL_CALL ScVbaSheetObjectBase::setWidth( double fWidth ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
if( fWidth <= 0.0 )
throw uno::RuntimeException();
mxShape->setSize( awt::Size( PointsToHmm( fWidth ), mxShape->getSize().Height ) );
double SAL_CALL ScVbaSheetObjectBase::getHeight() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
return HmmToPoints( mxShape->getSize().Height );
void SAL_CALL ScVbaSheetObjectBase::setHeight( double fHeight ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
if( fHeight <= 0.0 )
throw uno::RuntimeException();
mxShape->setSize( awt::Size( mxShape->getSize().Width, PointsToHmm( fHeight ) ) );
OUString SAL_CALL ScVbaSheetObjectBase::getName() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
return mxShapeProps->getPropertyValue( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Name" ) ).get< OUString >();
void SAL_CALL ScVbaSheetObjectBase::setName( const OUString& rName ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
mxShapeProps->setPropertyValue( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Name" ), uno::Any( rName ) );
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScVbaSheetObjectBase::getPlacement() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
sal_Int32 nRet = excel::XlPlacement::xlMoveAndSize;
SvxShape* pShape = SvxShape::getImplementation( mxShape );
SdrObject* pObj = pShape->GetSdrObject();
if (pObj)
ScAnchorType eType = ScDrawLayer::GetAnchor(pObj);
if (eType == SCA_PAGE)
nRet = excel::XlPlacement::xlFreeFloating;
return nRet;
void SAL_CALL ScVbaSheetObjectBase::setPlacement( sal_Int32 nPlacement ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
SvxShape* pShape = SvxShape::getImplementation( mxShape );
SdrObject* pObj = pShape->GetSdrObject();
if (pObj)
ScAnchorType eType = SCA_CELL;
if ( nPlacement == excel::XlPlacement::xlFreeFloating )
eType = SCA_PAGE;
// xlMove is not supported, treated as SCA_CELL (xlMoveAndSize)
ScDrawLayer::SetAnchor(pObj, eType);
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScVbaSheetObjectBase::getPrintObject() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
// not supported
return sal_True;
void SAL_CALL ScVbaSheetObjectBase::setPrintObject( sal_Bool /*bPrintObject*/ ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
// not supported
// private
void ScVbaSheetObjectBase::setDefaultProperties( sal_Int32 nIndex ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
OUString aName = ::rtl::OUStringBuffer( implGetBaseName() ).append( sal_Unicode( ' ' ) ).append( nIndex + 1 ).makeStringAndClear();
setName( aName );
void ScVbaSheetObjectBase::implSetDefaultProperties() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
// ============================================================================
const uno::Reference< XHelperInterface >& rxParent,
const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& rxContext,
const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& rxModel,
const uno::Reference< container::XIndexContainer >& rxFormIC,
const uno::Reference< drawing::XControlShape >& rxControlShape,
ListenerType eListenerType ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) :
ScVbaControlObject_BASE( rxParent, rxContext, rxModel, uno::Reference< drawing::XShape >( rxControlShape, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ) ),
mxFormIC( rxFormIC, uno::UNO_SET_THROW ),
mxControlProps( rxControlShape->getControl(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW )
// set listener and event name to be used for OnAction attribute
switch( eListenerType )
maListenerType = CREATE_OUSTRING( "XActionListener" );
maEventMethod = CREATE_OUSTRING( "actionPerformed" );
maListenerType = CREATE_OUSTRING( "XMouseListener" );
maEventMethod = CREATE_OUSTRING( "mouseReleased" );
maListenerType = CREATE_OUSTRING( "XTextListener" );
maEventMethod = CREATE_OUSTRING( "textChanged" );
maListenerType = CREATE_OUSTRING( "XAdjustmentListener" );
maEventMethod = CREATE_OUSTRING( "adjustmentValueChanged" );
maListenerType = CREATE_OUSTRING( "XChangeListener" );
maEventMethod = CREATE_OUSTRING( "changed" );
// no default, to let the compiler complain about missing case
// XSheetObject attributes
OUString SAL_CALL ScVbaControlObjectBase::getName() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
return mxControlProps->getPropertyValue( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Name" ) ).get< OUString >();
void SAL_CALL ScVbaControlObjectBase::setName( const OUString& rName ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
mxControlProps->setPropertyValue( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Name" ), uno::Any( rName ) );
OUString SAL_CALL ScVbaControlObjectBase::getOnAction() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
uno::Reference< script::XEventAttacherManager > xEventMgr( mxFormIC, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
sal_Int32 nIndex = getModelIndexInForm();
uno::Sequence< script::ScriptEventDescriptor > aEvents = xEventMgr->getScriptEvents( nIndex );
if( aEvents.hasElements() )
const script::ScriptEventDescriptor* pEvent = aEvents.getConstArray();
const script::ScriptEventDescriptor* pEventEnd = pEvent + aEvents.getLength();
const OUString aScriptType = CREATE_OUSTRING( "Script" );
for( ; pEvent < pEventEnd; ++pEvent )
if( (pEvent->ListenerType == maListenerType) && (pEvent->EventMethod == maEventMethod) && (pEvent->ScriptType == aScriptType) )
return extractMacroName( pEvent->ScriptCode );
return OUString();
void SAL_CALL ScVbaControlObjectBase::setOnAction( const OUString& rMacroName ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
uno::Reference< script::XEventAttacherManager > xEventMgr( mxFormIC, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
sal_Int32 nIndex = getModelIndexInForm();
// first, remove a registered event (try/catch just in case implementation throws)
try { xEventMgr->revokeScriptEvent( nIndex, maListenerType, maEventMethod, OUString() ); } catch( uno::Exception& ) {}
// if a macro name has been passed, try to attach it to the event
if( rMacroName.getLength() > 0 )
MacroResolvedInfo aResolvedMacro = resolveVBAMacro( getSfxObjShell( mxModel ), rMacroName );
if( !aResolvedMacro.mbFound )
throw uno::RuntimeException();
script::ScriptEventDescriptor aDescriptor;
aDescriptor.ListenerType = maListenerType;
aDescriptor.EventMethod = maEventMethod;
aDescriptor.ScriptType = CREATE_OUSTRING( "Script" );
aDescriptor.ScriptCode = makeMacroURL( aResolvedMacro.msResolvedMacro );
xEventMgr->registerScriptEvent( nIndex, aDescriptor );
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScVbaControlObjectBase::getPrintObject() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
return mxControlProps->getPropertyValue( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Printable" ) ).get< sal_Bool >();
void SAL_CALL ScVbaControlObjectBase::setPrintObject( sal_Bool bPrintObject ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
mxControlProps->setPropertyValue( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Printable" ), uno::Any( bPrintObject ) );
// XControlObject attributes
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScVbaControlObjectBase::getAutoSize() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
// not supported
return sal_False;
void SAL_CALL ScVbaControlObjectBase::setAutoSize( sal_Bool /*bAutoSize*/ ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
// not supported
// private
sal_Int32 ScVbaControlObjectBase::getModelIndexInForm() const throw (uno::RuntimeException)
for( sal_Int32 nIndex = 0, nCount = mxFormIC->getCount(); nIndex < nCount; ++nIndex )
uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProps( mxFormIC->getByIndex( nIndex ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
if( mxControlProps.get() == xProps.get() )
return nIndex;
throw uno::RuntimeException();
// ============================================================================
const uno::Reference< XHelperInterface >& rxParent,
const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& rxContext,
const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& rxModel,
const uno::Reference< container::XIndexContainer >& rxFormIC,
const uno::Reference< drawing::XControlShape >& rxControlShape ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) :
ScVbaButton_BASE( rxParent, rxContext, rxModel, rxFormIC, rxControlShape, LISTENER_ACTION )
// XButton attributes
OUString SAL_CALL ScVbaButton::getCaption() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
return mxControlProps->getPropertyValue( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Label" ) ).get< OUString >();
void SAL_CALL ScVbaButton::setCaption( const OUString& rCaption ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
mxControlProps->setPropertyValue( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Label" ), uno::Any( rCaption ) );
uno::Reference< excel::XFont > SAL_CALL ScVbaButton::getFont() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
return new ScVbaFont( this, mxContext, maPalette, mxControlProps, 0, true );
void SAL_CALL ScVbaButton::setFont( const uno::Reference< excel::XFont >& /*rxFont*/ ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScVbaButton::getHorizontalAlignment() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
switch( mxControlProps->getPropertyValue( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Align" ) ).get< sal_Int16 >() )
case awt::TextAlign::LEFT: return excel::Constants::xlLeft;
case awt::TextAlign::RIGHT: return excel::Constants::xlRight;
case awt::TextAlign::CENTER: return excel::Constants::xlCenter;
return excel::Constants::xlCenter;
void SAL_CALL ScVbaButton::setHorizontalAlignment( sal_Int32 nAlign ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
sal_Int32 nAwtAlign = awt::TextAlign::CENTER;
switch( nAlign )
case excel::Constants::xlLeft: nAwtAlign = awt::TextAlign::LEFT; break;
case excel::Constants::xlRight: nAwtAlign = awt::TextAlign::RIGHT; break;
case excel::Constants::xlCenter: nAwtAlign = awt::TextAlign::CENTER; break;
// form controls expect short value
mxControlProps->setPropertyValue( CREATE_OUSTRING( "Align" ), uno::Any( static_cast< sal_Int16 >( nAwtAlign ) ) );
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScVbaButton::getVerticalAlignment() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
switch( mxControlProps->getPropertyValue( CREATE_OUSTRING( "VerticalAlign" ) ).get< style::VerticalAlignment >() )
case style::VerticalAlignment_TOP: return excel::Constants::xlTop;
case style::VerticalAlignment_BOTTOM: return excel::Constants::xlBottom;
case style::VerticalAlignment_MIDDLE: return excel::Constants::xlCenter;
return excel::Constants::xlCenter;
void SAL_CALL ScVbaButton::setVerticalAlignment( sal_Int32 nAlign ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
style::VerticalAlignment eAwtAlign = style::VerticalAlignment_MIDDLE;
switch( nAlign )
case excel::Constants::xlTop: eAwtAlign = style::VerticalAlignment_TOP; break;
case excel::Constants::xlBottom: eAwtAlign = style::VerticalAlignment_BOTTOM; break;
case excel::Constants::xlCenter: eAwtAlign = style::VerticalAlignment_MIDDLE; break;
mxControlProps->setPropertyValue( CREATE_OUSTRING( "VerticalAlign" ), uno::Any( eAwtAlign ) );
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScVbaButton::getOrientation() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
// not supported
return excel::XlOrientation::xlHorizontal;
void SAL_CALL ScVbaButton::setOrientation( sal_Int32 /*nOrientation*/ ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
// not supported
// XButton methods
uno::Reference< excel::XCharacters > SAL_CALL ScVbaButton::Characters( const uno::Any& rStart, const uno::Any& rLength ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
return new ScVbaButtonCharacters( this, mxContext, mxControlProps, maPalette, rStart, rLength );
// XHelperInterface
VBAHELPER_IMPL_XHELPERINTERFACE( ScVbaButton, "ooo.vba.excel.Button" )
// private
OUString ScVbaButton::implGetBaseName() const
return CREATE_OUSTRING( "Button" );
void ScVbaButton::implSetDefaultProperties() throw (uno::RuntimeException)
setCaption( getName() );
// ============================================================================