blob: fe65c0b1558216ef75189ced78de47825b60db85 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sc.hxx"
#include "scitems.hxx"
#include <svx/algitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/boxitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/brshitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/cntritem.hxx>
#include <editeng/colritem.hxx>
#include <editeng/crsditem.hxx>
#include <editeng/fontitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/postitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/shdditem.hxx>
#include <editeng/udlnitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/wghtitem.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
#include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include "sc.hrc"
#include "scmod.hxx"
#include "attrib.hxx"
#include "zforauto.hxx"
#include "scitems.hxx"
#include "global.hxx"
#include "globstr.hrc"
#include "autoform.hxx"
//CHINA001 #include "strindlg.hxx"
#include "miscdlgs.hrc"
#include "autofmt.hxx"
#include "scresid.hxx"
#include "document.hxx"
#include "docsh.hxx"
#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
#define FRAME_OFFSET 4
//CHINA001 //========================================================================
//CHINA001 // AutoFormat-Dialog:
//CHINA001 ScAutoFormatDlg::ScAutoFormatDlg( Window* pParent,
//CHINA001 ScAutoFormat* pAutoFormat,
//CHINA001 const ScAutoFormatData* pSelFormatData,
//CHINA001 ScDocument* pDoc ) :
//CHINA001 ModalDialog ( pParent, ScResId( RID_SCDLG_AUTOFORMAT ) ),
//CHINA001 //
//CHINA001 aLbFormat ( this, ScResId( LB_FORMAT ) ),
//CHINA001 aFlFormat ( this, ScResId( FL_FORMAT ) ),
//CHINA001 pWndPreview ( new ScAutoFmtPreview( this, ScResId( WND_PREVIEW ), pDoc ) ),
//CHINA001 aBtnNumFormat ( this, ScResId( BTN_NUMFORMAT ) ),
//CHINA001 aBtnBorder ( this, ScResId( BTN_BORDER ) ),
//CHINA001 aBtnFont ( this, ScResId( BTN_FONT ) ),
//CHINA001 aBtnPattern ( this, ScResId( BTN_PATTERN ) ),
//CHINA001 aBtnAlignment ( this, ScResId( BTN_ALIGNMENT ) ),
//CHINA001 aBtnAdjust ( this, ScResId( BTN_ADJUST ) ),
//CHINA001 aFlFormatting ( this, ScResId( FL_FORMATTING ) ),
//CHINA001 aBtnOk ( this, ScResId( BTN_OK ) ),
//CHINA001 aBtnCancel ( this, ScResId( BTN_CANCEL ) ),
//CHINA001 aBtnHelp ( this, ScResId( BTN_HELP ) ),
//CHINA001 aBtnAdd ( this, ScResId( BTN_ADD ) ),
//CHINA001 aBtnRemove ( this, ScResId( BTN_REMOVE ) ),
//CHINA001 aBtnMore ( this, ScResId( BTN_MORE ) ),
//CHINA001 aBtnRename ( this, ScResId( BTN_RENAME ) ),
//CHINA001 aStrTitle ( ScResId( STR_ADD_TITLE ) ),
//CHINA001 aStrLabel ( ScResId( STR_ADD_LABEL ) ),
//CHINA001 aStrRename ( ScResId( STR_RENAME_TITLE ) ),
//CHINA001 aStrClose ( ScResId( STR_BTN_CLOSE ) ),
//CHINA001 aStrDelTitle ( ScResId( STR_DEL_TITLE ) ),
//CHINA001 aStrDelMsg ( ScResId( STR_DEL_MSG ) ) ,
//CHINA001 //
//CHINA001 nIndex ( 0 ),
//CHINA001 bFmtInserted ( sal_False ),
//CHINA001 bCoreDataChanged( sal_False ),
//CHINA001 pFormat ( pAutoFormat ),
//CHINA001 pSelFmtData ( pSelFormatData )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 Init();
//CHINA001 pWndPreview->NotifyChange( (*pFormat)[0] );
//CHINA001 FreeResource();
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
//CHINA001 ScAutoFormatDlg::~ScAutoFormatDlg()
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 delete pWndPreview;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
//CHINA001 void ScAutoFormatDlg::Init()
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 sal_uInt16 nCount;
//CHINA001 String aEntry;
//CHINA001 aLbFormat .SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, ScAutoFormatDlg, SelFmtHdl ) );
//CHINA001 aBtnNumFormat.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, ScAutoFormatDlg, CheckHdl ) );
//CHINA001 aBtnBorder .SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, ScAutoFormatDlg, CheckHdl ) );
//CHINA001 aBtnFont .SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, ScAutoFormatDlg, CheckHdl ) );
//CHINA001 aBtnPattern .SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, ScAutoFormatDlg, CheckHdl ) );
//CHINA001 aBtnAlignment.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, ScAutoFormatDlg, CheckHdl ) );
//CHINA001 aBtnAdjust .SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, ScAutoFormatDlg, CheckHdl ) );
//CHINA001 aBtnAdd .SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, ScAutoFormatDlg, AddHdl ) );
//CHINA001 aBtnRemove .SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, ScAutoFormatDlg, RemoveHdl ) );
//CHINA001 aBtnOk .SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, ScAutoFormatDlg, CloseHdl ) );
//CHINA001 aBtnCancel .SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, ScAutoFormatDlg, CloseHdl ) );
//CHINA001 aBtnRename .SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, ScAutoFormatDlg, RenameHdl ) );
//CHINA001 aLbFormat .SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK( this, ScAutoFormatDlg, DblClkHdl ) );
//CHINA001 aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aBtnRename );
//CHINA001 aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aBtnNumFormat );
//CHINA001 aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aBtnBorder );
//CHINA001 aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aBtnFont );
//CHINA001 aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aBtnPattern );
//CHINA001 aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aBtnAlignment );
//CHINA001 aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aBtnAdjust );
//CHINA001 aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aFlFormatting );
//CHINA001 nCount = pFormat->GetCount();
//CHINA001 for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 ((*pFormat)[i])->GetName( aEntry );
//CHINA001 aLbFormat.InsertEntry( aEntry );
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 if ( nCount == 1 )
//CHINA001 aBtnRemove.Disable();
//CHINA001 aLbFormat.SelectEntryPos( 0 );
//CHINA001 aBtnRename.Disable();
//CHINA001 aBtnRemove.Disable();
//CHINA001 nIndex = 0;
//CHINA001 UpdateChecks();
//CHINA001 if ( !pSelFmtData )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 aBtnAdd.Disable();
//CHINA001 aBtnRemove.Disable();
//CHINA001 bFmtInserted = sal_True;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
//CHINA001 void ScAutoFormatDlg::UpdateChecks()
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 ScAutoFormatData* pData = (*pFormat)[nIndex];
//CHINA001 aBtnNumFormat.Check( pData->GetIncludeValueFormat() );
//CHINA001 aBtnBorder .Check( pData->GetIncludeFrame() );
//CHINA001 aBtnFont .Check( pData->GetIncludeFont() );
//CHINA001 aBtnPattern .Check( pData->GetIncludeBackground() );
//CHINA001 aBtnAlignment.Check( pData->GetIncludeJustify() );
//CHINA001 aBtnAdjust .Check( pData->GetIncludeWidthHeight() );
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
//CHINA001 // Handler:
//CHINA001 //---------
//CHINA001 IMPL_LINK( ScAutoFormatDlg, CloseHdl, PushButton *, pBtn )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 if ( pBtn == &aBtnOk || pBtn == &aBtnCancel )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 if ( bCoreDataChanged )
//CHINA001 ScGlobal::GetAutoFormat()->Save();
//CHINA001 EndDialog( (pBtn == &aBtnOk) ? RET_OK : RET_CANCEL );
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 return 0;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
//CHINA001 IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( ScAutoFormatDlg, DblClkHdl, void *, EMPTYARG )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 if ( bCoreDataChanged )
//CHINA001 ScGlobal::GetAutoFormat()->Save();
//CHINA001 EndDialog( RET_OK );
//CHINA001 return 0;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( ScAutoFormatDlg, DblClkHdl, void *, EMPTYARG )
//CHINA001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
//CHINA001 IMPL_LINK( ScAutoFormatDlg, CheckHdl, Button *, pBtn )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 ScAutoFormatData* pData = (*pFormat)[nIndex];
//CHINA001 sal_Bool bCheck = ((CheckBox*)pBtn)->IsChecked();
//CHINA001 if ( pBtn == &aBtnNumFormat )
//CHINA001 pData->SetIncludeValueFormat( bCheck );
//CHINA001 else if ( pBtn == &aBtnBorder )
//CHINA001 pData->SetIncludeFrame( bCheck );
//CHINA001 else if ( pBtn == &aBtnFont )
//CHINA001 pData->SetIncludeFont( bCheck );
//CHINA001 else if ( pBtn == &aBtnPattern )
//CHINA001 pData->SetIncludeBackground( bCheck );
//CHINA001 else if ( pBtn == &aBtnAlignment )
//CHINA001 pData->SetIncludeJustify( bCheck );
//CHINA001 else if ( pBtn == &aBtnAdjust )
//CHINA001 pData->SetIncludeWidthHeight( bCheck );
//CHINA001 if ( !bCoreDataChanged )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 aBtnCancel.SetText( aStrClose );
//CHINA001 bCoreDataChanged = sal_True;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 pWndPreview->NotifyChange( pData );
//CHINA001 return 0;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
//CHINA001 IMPL_LINK( ScAutoFormatDlg, AddHdl, void *, EMPTYARG )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 if ( !bFmtInserted && pSelFmtData )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 String aStrStandard( ScResId(STR_STANDARD) );
//CHINA001 String aFormatName;
//CHINA001 ScStringInputDlg* pDlg;
//CHINA001 sal_Bool bOk = sal_False;
//CHINA001 while ( !bOk )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 pDlg = new ScStringInputDlg( this,
//CHINA001 aStrTitle,
//CHINA001 aStrLabel,
//CHINA001 aFormatName,
//CHINA001 if ( pDlg->Execute() == RET_OK )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 pDlg->GetInputString( aFormatName );
//CHINA001 if ( (aFormatName.Len() > 0) && (aFormatName != aStrStandard) )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 ScAutoFormatData* pNewData
//CHINA001 = new ScAutoFormatData( *pSelFmtData );
//CHINA001 pNewData->SetName( aFormatName );
//CHINA001 bFmtInserted = pFormat->Insert( pNewData );
//CHINA001 if ( bFmtInserted )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 sal_uInt16 nAt = pFormat->IndexOf( pNewData );
//CHINA001 aLbFormat.InsertEntry( aFormatName, nAt );
//CHINA001 aLbFormat.SelectEntry( aFormatName );
//CHINA001 aBtnAdd.Disable();
//CHINA001 if ( !bCoreDataChanged )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 aBtnCancel.SetText( aStrClose );
//CHINA001 bCoreDataChanged = sal_True;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 SelFmtHdl( 0 );
//CHINA001 bOk = sal_True;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 else
//CHINA001 delete pNewData;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 if ( !bFmtInserted )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 sal_uInt16 nRet = ErrorBox( this,
//CHINA001 ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_INVALID_AFNAME)
//CHINA001 ).Execute();
//CHINA001 bOk = ( nRet == RET_CANCEL );
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 else
//CHINA001 bOk = sal_True;
//CHINA001 delete pDlg;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 return 0;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
//CHINA001 IMPL_LINK( ScAutoFormatDlg, RemoveHdl, void *, EMPTYARG )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 if ( (nIndex > 0) && (aLbFormat.GetEntryCount() > 0) )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 String aMsg( aStrDelMsg.GetToken( 0, '#' ) );
//CHINA001 aMsg += aLbFormat.GetSelectEntry();
//CHINA001 aMsg += aStrDelMsg.GetToken( 1, '#' );
//CHINA001 if ( RET_YES ==
//CHINA001 QueryBox( this, WinBits( WB_YES_NO | WB_DEF_YES ), aMsg ).Execute() )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 aLbFormat.RemoveEntry( nIndex );
//CHINA001 aLbFormat.SelectEntryPos( nIndex-1 );
//CHINA001 if ( nIndex-1 == 0 )
//CHINA001 aBtnRemove.Disable();
//CHINA001 if ( !bCoreDataChanged )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 aBtnCancel.SetText( aStrClose );
//CHINA001 bCoreDataChanged = sal_True;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 pFormat->AtFree( nIndex ); // in der Core loeschen
//CHINA001 nIndex--;
//CHINA001 SelFmtHdl( 0 );
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 SelFmtHdl( 0 );
//CHINA001 return 0;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 IMPL_LINK( ScAutoFormatDlg, RenameHdl, void *, pBtn)
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 sal_Bool bOk = sal_False;
//CHINA001 while( !bOk )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 String aFormatName=aLbFormat.GetSelectEntry();
//CHINA001 String aEntry;
//CHINA001 ScStringInputDlg* pDlg = new ScStringInputDlg( this,
//CHINA001 aStrRename,
//CHINA001 aStrLabel,
//CHINA001 aFormatName,
//CHINA001 if( pDlg->Execute() == RET_OK )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 sal_Bool bFmtRenamed = sal_False;
//CHINA001 pDlg->GetInputString( aFormatName );
//CHINA001 sal_uInt16 n;
//CHINA001 if ( aFormatName.Len() > 0 )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 for( n = 0; n < pFormat->GetCount(); ++n )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 (*pFormat)[n]->GetName(aEntry);
//CHINA001 if ( aEntry== aFormatName)
//CHINA001 break;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 if( n >= pFormat->GetCount() )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 // Format mit dem Namen noch nicht vorhanden, also
//CHINA001 // umbenennen
//CHINA001 aLbFormat.RemoveEntry(nIndex );
//CHINA001 ScAutoFormatData* p=(*pFormat)[ nIndex ];
//CHINA001 ScAutoFormatData* pNewData
//CHINA001 = new ScAutoFormatData(*p);
//CHINA001 pFormat->AtFree( nIndex );
//CHINA001 pNewData->SetName( aFormatName );
//CHINA001 pFormat->Insert( pNewData);
//CHINA001 sal_uInt16 nCount = pFormat->GetCount();
//CHINA001 aLbFormat.SetUpdateMode(sal_False);
//CHINA001 aLbFormat.Clear();
//CHINA001 for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 ((*pFormat)[i])->GetName( aEntry );
//CHINA001 aLbFormat.InsertEntry( aEntry );
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 aLbFormat.SetUpdateMode( sal_True);
//CHINA001 aLbFormat.SelectEntry( aFormatName);
//CHINA001 if ( !bCoreDataChanged )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 aBtnCancel.SetText( aStrClose );
//CHINA001 bCoreDataChanged = sal_True;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 SelFmtHdl( 0 );
//CHINA001 bOk = sal_True;
//CHINA001 bFmtRenamed = sal_True;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 if( !bFmtRenamed )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 bOk = RET_CANCEL == ErrorBox( this,
//CHINA001 ScGlobal::GetRscString(STR_INVALID_AFNAME)
//CHINA001 ).Execute();
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 else
//CHINA001 bOk = sal_True;
//CHINA001 delete pDlg;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 return 0;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
//CHINA001 IMPL_LINK( ScAutoFormatDlg, SelFmtHdl, void *, EMPTYARG )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 nIndex = aLbFormat.GetSelectEntryPos();
//CHINA001 UpdateChecks();
//CHINA001 if ( nIndex == 0 )
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 aBtnRename.Disable();
//CHINA001 aBtnRemove.Disable();
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 else
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 aBtnRename.Enable();
//CHINA001 aBtnRemove.Enable();
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 pWndPreview->NotifyChange( (*pFormat)[nIndex] );
//CHINA001 return 0;
//CHINA001 }
//CHINA001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
//CHINA001 String ScAutoFormatDlg::GetCurrFormatName()
//CHINA001 {
//CHINA001 String aResult;
//CHINA001 ((*pFormat)[nIndex])->GetName( aResult );
//CHINA001 return aResult;
//CHINA001 }
// ScAutoFmtPreview
ScAutoFmtPreview::ScAutoFmtPreview( Window* pParent, const ResId& rRes, ScDocument* pDoc ) :
Window ( pParent, rRes ),
pCurData ( NULL ),
aVD ( *this ),
aScriptedText ( aVD ),
xBreakIter ( pDoc->GetBreakIterator() ),
bFitWidth ( sal_False ),
mbRTL ( false ),
aPrvSize ( GetSizePixel().Width() - 6, GetSizePixel().Height() - 30 ),
mnLabelColWidth ( (aPrvSize.Width() - 4) / 4 - 12 ),
mnDataColWidth1 ( (aPrvSize.Width() - 4 - 2 * mnLabelColWidth) / 3 ),
mnDataColWidth2 ( (aPrvSize.Width() - 4 - 2 * mnLabelColWidth) / 4 ),
mnRowHeight ( (aPrvSize.Height() - 4) / 5 ),
aStrJan ( ScResId( STR_JAN ) ),
aStrFeb ( ScResId( STR_FEB ) ),
aStrMar ( ScResId( STR_MAR ) ),
aStrNorth ( ScResId( STR_NORTH ) ),
aStrMid ( ScResId( STR_MID ) ),
aStrSouth ( ScResId( STR_SOUTH ) ),
aStrSum ( ScResId( STR_SUM ) ),
pNumFmt ( new SvNumberFormatter( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(), ScGlobal::eLnge ) )
delete pNumFmt;
void lcl_SetFontProperties(
Font& rFont,
const SvxFontItem& rFontItem,
const SvxWeightItem& rWeightItem,
const SvxPostureItem& rPostureItem )
rFont.SetFamily ( rFontItem.GetFamily() );
rFont.SetName ( rFontItem.GetFamilyName() );
rFont.SetStyleName ( rFontItem.GetStyleName() );
rFont.SetCharSet ( rFontItem.GetCharSet() );
rFont.SetPitch ( rFontItem.GetPitch() );
rFont.SetWeight ( (FontWeight)rWeightItem.GetValue() );
rFont.SetItalic ( (FontItalic)rPostureItem.GetValue() );
void ScAutoFmtPreview::MakeFonts( sal_uInt16 nIndex, Font& rFont, Font& rCJKFont, Font& rCTLFont )
if ( pCurData )
rFont = rCJKFont = rCTLFont = GetFont();
Size aFontSize( rFont.GetSize().Width(), 10 );
const SvxFontItem* pFontItem = (const SvxFontItem*) pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_FONT );
const SvxWeightItem* pWeightItem = (const SvxWeightItem*) pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT );
const SvxPostureItem* pPostureItem = (const SvxPostureItem*) pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_FONT_POSTURE );
const SvxFontItem* pCJKFontItem = (const SvxFontItem*) pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_CJK_FONT );
const SvxWeightItem* pCJKWeightItem = (const SvxWeightItem*) pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_CJK_FONT_WEIGHT );
const SvxPostureItem* pCJKPostureItem = (const SvxPostureItem*) pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_CJK_FONT_POSTURE );
const SvxFontItem* pCTLFontItem = (const SvxFontItem*) pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_CTL_FONT );
const SvxWeightItem* pCTLWeightItem = (const SvxWeightItem*) pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_CTL_FONT_WEIGHT );
const SvxPostureItem* pCTLPostureItem = (const SvxPostureItem*) pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_CTL_FONT_POSTURE );
const SvxUnderlineItem* pUnderlineItem = (const SvxUnderlineItem*) pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE );
const SvxOverlineItem* pOverlineItem = (const SvxOverlineItem*) pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE );
const SvxCrossedOutItem* pCrossedOutItem = (const SvxCrossedOutItem*)pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT );
const SvxContourItem* pContourItem = (const SvxContourItem*) pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_FONT_CONTOUR );
const SvxShadowedItem* pShadowedItem = (const SvxShadowedItem*) pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_FONT_SHADOWED );
const SvxColorItem* pColorItem = (const SvxColorItem*) pCurData->GetItem( nIndex, ATTR_FONT_COLOR );
lcl_SetFontProperties( rFont, *pFontItem, *pWeightItem, *pPostureItem );
lcl_SetFontProperties( rCJKFont, *pCJKFontItem, *pCJKWeightItem, *pCJKPostureItem );
lcl_SetFontProperties( rCTLFont, *pCTLFontItem, *pCTLWeightItem, *pCTLPostureItem );
Color aColor( pColorItem->GetValue() );
if( aColor.GetColor() == COL_TRANSPARENT )
aColor = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowTextColor();
#define SETONALLFONTS( MethodName, Value ) \
rFont.MethodName( Value ); rCJKFont.MethodName( Value ); rCTLFont.MethodName( Value );
SETONALLFONTS( SetUnderline, (FontUnderline)pUnderlineItem->GetValue() )
SETONALLFONTS( SetOverline, (FontUnderline)pOverlineItem->GetValue() )
SETONALLFONTS( SetStrikeout, (FontStrikeout)pCrossedOutItem->GetValue() )
SETONALLFONTS( SetOutline, pContourItem->GetValue() )
SETONALLFONTS( SetShadow, pShadowedItem->GetValue() )
SETONALLFONTS( SetColor, aColor )
SETONALLFONTS( SetSize, aFontSize )
SETONALLFONTS( SetTransparent, sal_True )
sal_uInt16 ScAutoFmtPreview::GetFormatIndex( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
static const sal_uInt16 pnFmtMap[] =
0, 1, 2, 1, 3,
4, 5, 6, 5, 7,
8, 9, 10, 9, 11,
4, 5, 6, 5, 7,
12, 13, 14, 13, 15
return pnFmtMap[ maArray.GetCellIndex( nCol, nRow, mbRTL ) ];
const SvxBoxItem& ScAutoFmtPreview::GetBoxItem( size_t nCol, size_t nRow ) const
DBG_ASSERT( pCurData, "ScAutoFmtPreview::GetBoxItem - no format data found" );
return *static_cast< const SvxBoxItem* >( pCurData->GetItem( GetFormatIndex( nCol, nRow ), ATTR_BORDER ) );
const SvxLineItem& ScAutoFmtPreview::GetDiagItem( size_t nCol, size_t nRow, bool bTLBR ) const
DBG_ASSERT( pCurData, "ScAutoFmtPreview::GetDiagItem - no format data found" );
return *static_cast< const SvxLineItem* >( pCurData->GetItem( GetFormatIndex( nCol, nRow ), bTLBR ? ATTR_BORDER_TLBR : ATTR_BORDER_BLTR ) );
void ScAutoFmtPreview::DrawString( size_t nCol, size_t nRow )
if ( pCurData )
// Ausgabe des Zelltextes:
String cellString;
sal_Bool bNumFormat = pCurData->GetIncludeValueFormat();
sal_uLong nNum;
double nVal;
Color* pDummy = NULL;
sal_uInt16 nIndex = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( maArray.GetCellIndex( nCol, nRow, mbRTL ) );
switch( nIndex )
case 1: cellString = aStrJan; break;
case 2: cellString = aStrFeb; break;
case 3: cellString = aStrMar; break;
case 5: cellString = aStrNorth; break;
case 10: cellString = aStrMid; break;
case 15: cellString = aStrSouth; break;
case 4:
case 20: cellString = aStrSum; break;
case 6:
case 8:
case 16:
case 18: nVal = nIndex;
nNum = 5;
goto mknum;
case 17:
case 7: nVal = nIndex;
nNum = 6;
goto mknum;
case 11:
case 12:
case 13: nVal = nIndex;
nNum = 12 == nIndex ? 10 : 9;
goto mknum;
case 9: nVal = 21; nNum = 7; goto mknum;
case 14: nVal = 36; nNum = 11; goto mknum;
case 19: nVal = 51; nNum = 7; goto mknum;
case 21: nVal = 33; nNum = 13; goto mknum;
case 22: nVal = 36; nNum = 14; goto mknum;
case 23: nVal = 39; nNum = 13; goto mknum;
case 24: nVal = 108; nNum = 15;
if( bNumFormat )
ScNumFormatAbbrev& rNumFormat = (ScNumFormatAbbrev&)pCurData->GetNumFormat( (sal_uInt16) nNum );
nNum = rNumFormat.GetFormatIndex( *pNumFmt );
nNum = 0;
pNumFmt->GetOutputString( nVal, nNum, cellString, &pDummy );
if ( cellString.Len() > 0 )
Size aStrSize;
sal_uInt16 nFmtIndex = GetFormatIndex( nCol, nRow );
Rectangle cellRect = maArray.GetCellRect( nCol, nRow );
Point aPos = cellRect.TopLeft();
sal_uInt16 nRightX = 0;
sal_Bool bJustify = pCurData->GetIncludeJustify();
SvxCellHorJustify eJustification;
// Ausrichtung:
eJustification = mbRTL ? SVX_HOR_JUSTIFY_RIGHT : bJustify ?
(SvxCellHorJustify)(((const SvxHorJustifyItem*)pCurData->GetItem( nFmtIndex, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY ))->GetValue()) :
if ( pCurData->GetIncludeFont() )
Font aFont, aCJKFont, aCTLFont;
Size theMaxStrSize;
MakeFonts( nFmtIndex, aFont, aCJKFont, aCTLFont );
theMaxStrSize = cellRect.GetSize();
theMaxStrSize.Width() -= FRAME_OFFSET;
theMaxStrSize.Height() -= FRAME_OFFSET;
aScriptedText.SetFonts( &aFont, &aCJKFont, &aCTLFont );
aScriptedText.SetText( cellString, xBreakIter );
aStrSize = aScriptedText.GetTextSize();
if ( theMaxStrSize.Height() < aStrSize.Height() )
// wenn der String in diesem Font nicht
// in die Zelle passt, wird wieder der
// Standard-Font genommen:
aStrSize = aScriptedText.GetTextSize();
while ( ( theMaxStrSize.Width() <= aStrSize.Width() )
&& ( cellString.Len() > 1 ) )
if( eJustification == SVX_HOR_JUSTIFY_RIGHT )
cellString.Erase( 0, 1 );
cellString.Erase( cellString.Len() - 1 );
aScriptedText.SetText( cellString, xBreakIter );
aStrSize = aScriptedText.GetTextSize();
aScriptedText.SetText( cellString, xBreakIter );
aStrSize = aScriptedText.GetTextSize();
nRightX = (sal_uInt16)( cellRect.GetWidth()
- aStrSize.Width()
// vertikal (immer zentrieren):
aPos.Y() += (mnRowHeight - (sal_uInt16)aStrSize.Height()) / 2;
// horizontal
if ( eJustification != SVX_HOR_JUSTIFY_STANDARD )
sal_uInt16 nHorPos = (sal_uInt16)
switch ( eJustification )
aPos.X() += nRightX;
aPos.X() += nHorPos;
// Standard wird hier nicht behandelt
// Standardausrichtung:
if ( (nCol == 0) || (nRow == 0) )
// Text-Label links oder Summe linksbuendig
// Zahlen/Datum rechtsbuendig
aPos.X() += nRightX;
aScriptedText.DrawText( aPos );
void ScAutoFmtPreview::DrawStrings()
for( size_t nRow = 0; nRow < 5; ++nRow )
for( size_t nCol = 0; nCol < 5; ++nCol )
DrawString( nCol, nRow );
void ScAutoFmtPreview::DrawBackground()
if( pCurData )
for( size_t nRow = 0; nRow < 5; ++nRow )
for( size_t nCol = 0; nCol < 5; ++nCol )
const SvxBrushItem* pItem = static_cast< const SvxBrushItem* >(
pCurData->GetItem( GetFormatIndex( nCol, nRow ), ATTR_BACKGROUND ) );
aVD.SetFillColor( pItem->GetColor() );
aVD.DrawRect( maArray.GetCellRect( nCol, nRow ) );
void ScAutoFmtPreview::PaintCells()
if ( pCurData )
// 1) background
if ( pCurData->GetIncludeBackground() )
// 2) values
// 3) border
if ( pCurData->GetIncludeFrame() )
maArray.DrawArray( aVD );
void ScAutoFmtPreview::Init()
maArray.Initialize( 5, 5 );
maArray.SetUseDiagDoubleClipping( false );
CalcCellArray( sal_False );
TypeId aType(TYPE(ScDocShell));
ScDocShell* pDocShell = (ScDocShell*)SfxObjectShell::GetFirst(&aType);
SfxViewFrame* pFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst( pDocShell );
SfxViewShell* p = pFrame->GetViewShell();
ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = dynamic_cast< ScTabViewShell* >( p );
ScViewData* pViewData = pViewSh->GetViewData();
SCTAB nCurrentTab = pViewData->GetTabNo();
ScDocument* pDoc = pViewData->GetDocument();
mbRTL = pDoc->IsLayoutRTL( nCurrentTab );
void ScAutoFmtPreview::CalcCellArray( sal_Bool bFitWidthP )
maArray.SetXOffset( 2 );
maArray.SetAllColWidths( bFitWidthP ? mnDataColWidth2 : mnDataColWidth1 );
maArray.SetColWidth( 0, mnLabelColWidth );
maArray.SetColWidth( 4, mnLabelColWidth );
maArray.SetYOffset( 2 );
maArray.SetAllRowHeights( mnRowHeight );
aPrvSize.Width() = maArray.GetWidth() + 4;
aPrvSize.Height() = maArray.GetHeight() + 4;
inline void lclSetStyleFromBorder( svx::frame::Style& rStyle, const SvxBorderLine* pBorder )
rStyle.Set( pBorder, 1.0 / TWIPS_PER_POINT, 5 );
void ScAutoFmtPreview::CalcLineMap()
if ( pCurData )
for( size_t nRow = 0; nRow < 5; ++nRow )
for( size_t nCol = 0; nCol < 5; ++nCol )
svx::frame::Style aStyle;
const SvxBoxItem& rItem = GetBoxItem( nCol, nRow );
lclSetStyleFromBorder( aStyle, rItem.GetLeft() );
maArray.SetCellStyleLeft( nCol, nRow, aStyle );
lclSetStyleFromBorder( aStyle, rItem.GetRight() );
maArray.SetCellStyleRight( nCol, nRow, aStyle );
lclSetStyleFromBorder( aStyle, rItem.GetTop() );
maArray.SetCellStyleTop( nCol, nRow, aStyle );
lclSetStyleFromBorder( aStyle, rItem.GetBottom() );
maArray.SetCellStyleBottom( nCol, nRow, aStyle );
lclSetStyleFromBorder( aStyle, GetDiagItem( nCol, nRow, true ).GetLine() );
maArray.SetCellStyleTLBR( nCol, nRow, aStyle );
lclSetStyleFromBorder( aStyle, GetDiagItem( nCol, nRow, false ).GetLine() );
maArray.SetCellStyleBLTR( nCol, nRow, aStyle );
void ScAutoFmtPreview::NotifyChange( ScAutoFormatData* pNewData )
if ( pNewData != pCurData )
pCurData = pNewData;
bFitWidth = pNewData->GetIncludeWidthHeight();
CalcCellArray( bFitWidth );
else if ( bFitWidth != pNewData->GetIncludeWidthHeight() )
bFitWidth = !bFitWidth;
CalcCellArray( bFitWidth );
DoPaint( Rectangle( Point(0,0), GetSizePixel() ) );
void ScAutoFmtPreview::DoPaint( const Rectangle& /* rRect */ )
sal_uInt32 nOldDrawMode = aVD.GetDrawMode();
// #105733# SvtAccessibilityOptions::GetIsForBorders is no longer used (always assumed sal_True)
if( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode() )
Size aWndSize( GetSizePixel() );
Font aFont( aVD.GetFont() );
Color aBackCol( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowColor() );
Point aTmpPoint;
Rectangle aRect( aTmpPoint, aWndSize );
aFont.SetTransparent( sal_True );
aVD.SetFont( aFont );
aVD.SetFillColor( aBackCol );
aVD.SetOutputSize( aWndSize );
aVD.DrawRect( aRect );
SetFillColor( aBackCol );
DrawRect( aRect );
Point aPos( (aWndSize.Width() - aPrvSize.Width()) / 2, (aWndSize.Height() - aPrvSize.Height()) / 2 );
if (Application::GetSettings().GetLayoutRTL())
aPos.X() = -aPos.X();
DrawOutDev( aPos, aWndSize, Point(), aWndSize, aVD );
aVD.SetDrawMode( nOldDrawMode );
void ScAutoFmtPreview::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect )
DoPaint( rRect );