blob: 5e3df5decb867afaceefae844bf6bccc34804584 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sc.hxx"
// INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
#include <com/sun/star/embed/XEmbeddedObject.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/embed/NoVisualAreaSizeException.hpp>
#include <toolkit/helper/vclunohelper.hxx>
#include <sfx2/objsh.hxx>
#include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
#include <sot/sotref.hxx>
#include <svx/svditer.hxx>
#include <svx/svdobj.hxx>
#include <svx/svdmodel.hxx>
#include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
#include <svx/svdoole2.hxx>
#include <svx/svdview.hxx>
#include <svx/svdograf.hxx>
#include <svtools/embedhlp.hxx>
#include "client.hxx"
#include "tabvwsh.hxx"
#include "docsh.hxx"
using namespace com::sun::star;
ScClient::ScClient( ScTabViewShell* pViewShell, Window* pDraw, SdrModel* pSdrModel, SdrOle2Obj* pObj ) :
SfxInPlaceClient( pViewShell, pDraw, pObj->GetAspect() ),
pModel( pSdrModel ),
pGrafEdit( 0 )
SetObject( pObj->GetObjRef() );
__EXPORT ScClient::~ScClient()
SdrOle2Obj* ScClient::GetDrawObj()
uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject > xObj = GetObject();
SdrOle2Obj* pOle2Obj = NULL;
String aName = GetViewShell()->GetObjectShell()->GetEmbeddedObjectContainer().GetEmbeddedObjectName( xObj );
sal_uInt16 nPages = pModel->GetPageCount();
for (sal_uInt16 nPNr=0; nPNr<nPages && !pOle2Obj; nPNr++)
SdrPage* pPage = pModel->GetPage(nPNr);
SdrObjListIter aIter( *pPage, IM_DEEPNOGROUPS );
SdrObject* pObject = aIter.Next();
while (pObject && !pOle2Obj)
if ( pObject->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_OLE2 )
// name from InfoObject is PersistName
if ( ((SdrOle2Obj*)pObject)->GetPersistName() == aName )
pOle2Obj = (SdrOle2Obj*)pObject;
pObject = aIter.Next();
return pOle2Obj;
void __EXPORT ScClient::RequestNewObjectArea( Rectangle& aLogicRect )
SfxViewShell* pSfxViewSh = GetViewShell();
ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = PTR_CAST( ScTabViewShell, pSfxViewSh );
if (!pViewSh)
DBG_ERROR("Wrong ViewShell");
Rectangle aOldRect = GetObjArea();
SdrOle2Obj* pDrawObj = GetDrawObj();
if ( pDrawObj )
if ( pDrawObj->IsResizeProtect() )
aLogicRect.SetSize( aOldRect.GetSize() );
if ( pDrawObj->IsMoveProtect() )
aLogicRect.SetPos( aOldRect.TopLeft() );
sal_uInt16 nTab = pViewSh->GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
SdrPage* pPage = pModel->GetPage(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(static_cast<sal_Int16>(nTab)));
if ( pPage && aLogicRect != aOldRect )
Point aPos;
Size aSize = pPage->GetSize();
if ( aSize.Width() < 0 )
aPos.X() = aSize.Width() + 1; // negative
aSize.Width() = -aSize.Width(); // positive
Rectangle aPageRect( aPos, aSize );
if (aLogicRect.Right() > aPageRect.Right())
long nDiff = aLogicRect.Right() - aPageRect.Right();
aLogicRect.Left() -= nDiff;
aLogicRect.Right() -= nDiff;
if (aLogicRect.Bottom() > aPageRect.Bottom())
long nDiff = aLogicRect.Bottom() - aPageRect.Bottom();
aLogicRect.Top() -= nDiff;
aLogicRect.Bottom() -= nDiff;
if (aLogicRect.Left() < aPageRect.Left())
long nDiff = aLogicRect.Left() - aPageRect.Left();
aLogicRect.Right() -= nDiff;
aLogicRect.Left() -= nDiff;
if (aLogicRect.Top() < aPageRect.Top())
long nDiff = aLogicRect.Top() - aPageRect.Top();
aLogicRect.Bottom() -= nDiff;
aLogicRect.Top() -= nDiff;
void __EXPORT ScClient::ObjectAreaChanged()
SfxViewShell* pSfxViewSh = GetViewShell();
ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = PTR_CAST( ScTabViewShell, pSfxViewSh );
if (!pViewSh)
DBG_ERROR("Wrong ViewShell");
// Position und Groesse ins Dokument uebernehmen
SdrOle2Obj* pDrawObj = GetDrawObj();
if (pDrawObj)
Rectangle aNewRectangle(GetScaledObjArea());
// #i118524# if sheared/rotated, center to non-rotated LogicRect
if(pDrawObj->GetGeoStat().nDrehWink || pDrawObj->GetGeoStat().nShearWink)
pDrawObj->SetLogicRect( aNewRectangle );
const Rectangle& rBoundRect = pDrawObj->GetCurrentBoundRect();
const Point aDelta(aNewRectangle.Center() - rBoundRect.Center());
aNewRectangle.Move(aDelta.X(), aDelta.Y());
pDrawObj->SetLogicRect( aNewRectangle );
// set document modified (SdrModel::SetChanged is not used)
// TODO/LATER: is there a reason that this code is not executed in Draw?
// SfxViewShell* pSfxViewSh = GetViewShell();
// ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = PTR_CAST( ScTabViewShell, pSfxViewSh );
if (pViewSh)
if (pDrawObj)
pViewSh->ScrollToObject( pDrawObj );
void __EXPORT ScClient::ViewChanged()
if ( GetAspect() == embed::Aspects::MSOLE_ICON )
// the iconified object seems not to need such a scaling handling
// since the replacement image and the size a completely controlled by the container
// TODO/LATER: when the icon exchange is implemented the scaling handling might be required again here
uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject > xObj = GetObject();
// TODO/LEAN: working with Visual Area can switch object to running state
awt::Size aSz;
try {
aSz = xObj->getVisualAreaSize( GetAspect() );
} catch ( embed::NoVisualAreaSizeException& )
DBG_ERROR("The visual area size must be available!\n");
MapUnit aMapUnit = VCLUnoHelper::UnoEmbed2VCLMapUnit( xObj->getMapUnit( GetAspect() ) );
Size aVisSize = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( Size( aSz.Width, aSz.Height ), aMapUnit, MAP_100TH_MM );
// Groesse ins Dokument uebernehmen
SdrOle2Obj* pDrawObj = GetDrawObj();
if (pDrawObj)
Rectangle aLogicRect = pDrawObj->GetLogicRect();
Fraction aFractX = GetScaleWidth();
Fraction aFractY = GetScaleHeight();
aFractX *= aVisSize.Width();
aFractY *= aVisSize.Height();
aVisSize = Size( (long) aFractX, (long) aFractY ); // skaliert fuer Draw-Model
// pClientData->SetObjArea vor pDrawObj->SetLogicRect, damit keine
// falschen Skalierungen ausgerechnet werden:
//Rectangle aObjArea = aLogicRect;
//aObjArea.SetSize( aVisSize ); // Dokument-Groesse vom Server
//SetObjArea( aObjArea );
SfxViewShell* pSfxViewSh = GetViewShell();
ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = PTR_CAST( ScTabViewShell, pSfxViewSh );
if ( pViewSh )
Window* pWin = pViewSh->GetActiveWin();
if ( pWin->LogicToPixel( aVisSize ) != pWin->LogicToPixel( aLogicRect.GetSize() ) )
aLogicRect.SetSize( aVisSize );
pDrawObj->SetLogicRect( aLogicRect );
// set document modified (SdrModel::SetChanged is not used)
void __EXPORT ScClient::MakeVisible()
SdrOle2Obj* pDrawObj = GetDrawObj();
if (pDrawObj)
SfxViewShell* pSfxViewSh = GetViewShell();
ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = PTR_CAST( ScTabViewShell, pSfxViewSh );
if (pViewSh)
pViewSh->ScrollToObject( pDrawObj );